Ex-Terminator Life After Marriage (30 page)

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It’s All in the Family

“What time is it?” Rachel asked Marvin. “They’ve been in there for three hours.”

“They should be about through. They’ll take her down to recovery first.”

“I’m going to see Mona since it will be a while before we get to see Denise,” Claudette said. “You coming, Sylvia?”

“Yeah, I think I will. How about you, Rachel?”

“I’ll stay with Marvin.”

“Baby, you can go with the ladies, if you want. It looks like it might be a few hours.”

“No, I’m going to stay with you, Marvin. I promised you and Denise that I would. I want her to know that I was here when she wakes up.”

“Rachel, Rachel, Rachel. What am I going to do with you?”

“You don’t want me to answer that.”

“Too much information,” Tyrone said. “You and Marvin work that out somewhere else.”

Rachel laughed. She didn’t know Tyrone well, but she could tell that Claudette was the one who’d messed up that marriage. Yes, there are two sides to every story, but it was as plain as looking through a glass window that Claudette was lucky to reclaim her Prince Charming. He was a good man.

The waiting room was small. The chairs were not cushioned to accommodate a long stay, but after five hours, Marvin and Rachel dozed off. Tyrone worked on a crossword puzzle.

Forty-five minutes passed. Marvin sat up and yawned, stretching his arms outward. He got up to stretch his legs when a middle-aged man walked into the room, carrying a baby no more than eight or nine months old. A pretty woman with a slight limp followed him.

The man gave the baby to the woman, and he stepped forward.

“Hey, Marvin. How are things going?”

“We haven’t heard anything yet, but we’re praying for the best. Harold, this is Rachel Washington, my fiancée, and Tyrone Beasley.”

Everybody shook hands, but Rachel looked hard at Marvin who didn’t give her the satisfaction of looking at her. Rachel smiled. In fact, she grinned.

“Harold is my cousin.”

No one said anything.

“Uhh, this is Ms. Re Re Bridges. We’re very good friends, and she’s holding Danica, Denise’s…and my little girl.”

Marvin reached out for the baby. The woman pushed her into Marvin’s arms. Danica looked just like Harold, but pretty, like Denise. Marvin kissed her cheeks and made baby sounds with her. Danica blew bubbles and patted Marvin on the face.

“She’s beautiful,” Marvin said.

“Yes, she’s a handful. I never realized what a responsibility it was having kids. Diapers, milk, daycare.”

“The price we pay for having little ones.” Marvin passed Danica back to the woman.

“So you’re engaged?” Harold asked.

“Yes, Rachel and I will be getting married next year. She’s the love of my life.”

Rachel smiled. In fact, she wanted to run down the hall and scream in delight. She didn’t have a ring, but Marvin was making public announcements about their engagement. Rachel saw that Tyrone looked just as surprised as she was.

They all stood as the doctor made his way into the waiting room.

“Mrs. Thomas did fine. She’s in recovery now, but you may go back and see her for a moment, Mr. Thomas.”

“Thank you, Dr. Sosa.”

“She is very drowsy and probably won’t know you’re in the room. It’ll take some time for the anesthesia to wear off.”

The others sat as Marvin went in to see Denise. Sylvia and Claudette returned just as Dr. Sosa was leaving.

“Who was that hunk, Rachel?” Sylvia asked.

“That’s Dr. Sosa, Denise’s doctor. She’s in recovery now, and Marvin went to check on her. This is Marvin’s cousin, Harold, his friend Re Re and little Danica—Denise’s little girl.”

“Ohh,” Sylvia said, remembering Marvin’s story. “Nice to meet you.”

The room was quiet until Marvin returned an hour later.

“They’ve moved Denise to her room. We can go up to the room now. The doctor advised us not to stay long. It’s been a long day for her. Ready?”


The small party of seven and a half walked like they were going to the guillotine with shackles on their ankles, two by two, shuffling along silently. No one knew what to expect.

They reached Denise’s room and Marvin turned to the group as if he were in charge.

“Rachel and I are going in to see if she’s up to visitors. We’ll be right out.”

Rachel held Marvin’s hand tight as they went into the room. Denise was resting, but her eyes opened just as they walked in. She managed a smile and then looked toward the area where the surgery was performed and tried to lift her hand to point.

“Hey,” Marvin said. “How are you feeling?”

“Like cancer has been lifted from me.” An answer only Denise would come up with.

“Hey, Rachel,” Denise said, looking around the room to see if there were any other visitors. “You said you would be here, and you are. Thank you. It means so much to me. I thought the others were going to be here.”

“Marvin and I just wanted to make sure you were up to having company. The others are outside waiting to come in.”

“Let them come in. I’m ready. I’m going to be honest with you two. I wasn’t sure that I was going to survive this. Reading is powerful but sometimes scary because you come in to so much information. The doctor told me that everything went well, and I should have a full recovery. For that I’m eternally grateful. Marvin, Rachel, thank you. Now let my well-wishers come in.”

Rachel kissed Denise and stroked her arm. “I’m so glad you’re going to be all right.”

Both Marvin and Denise watched Rachel in amazement as she went to let the others in.

“There’s a surprise outside. If it’s too much let me know.”

“What is it, Marvin?”

The door opened and in walked Sylvia, Claudette, Tyrone, Harold, his friend and Danica. Denise locked in on her precious Danica. She reached out her arms.

“Danica, my sweet Danica.”

Harold brought Danica to Denise but sat her on the edge of the bed. Danica drooled on her bib and made cooing sounds.

“She’s teething,” Denise said to Harold not looking in his face.

“Yes, and she’s crawling, too…”

Denise was not able to move her body, but she kept staring at her baby, her precious baby. She took her hand and traced the contours of Danica’s face.

“I love you, Danica. Mommy is going to get well, and she’ll be able to see you take your first steps. You are so pretty.”

Marvin moved away. Denise watched Marvin as she talked baby talk with Danica. How could she have messed up the best thing she ever had? And now it was too late. He loved Rachel, and Rachel loved him. There was no use fighting it. She smiled at Danica and thanked God for this gift.

“Sylvia, Claudette, Tyrone—it’s so good to see you.”

“We said we would be here for you, Denise,” Sylvia said, “and we meant every word.”

“If you want, I’ll be more than happy to do your hair,” Claudette offered.

“Claudette, I would love that. Would you? I feel so special. By the way, what’s going on with Ashley?”

“She has been arraigned for William’s murder,” Claudette said. “You know her father has put together some of the most high-powered lawyers in the country to argue her case. Her family never did like William.”

“I felt so bad for Ashley that night at your house, Sylvia. We were worrying about Mona, and me having my operation, but no one really asked about Ashley.”

“I feel like I let her down,” Sylvia admitted. “She came to the house because she needed a friend, but she found a selfish woman instead because it was all about me and Kenny.”

“That’s that fine brother,” Denise said.

Everyone laughed.

“You can’t feel that way, Sylvia,” Rachel said. “You were in your moment. Kenny had just proposed to you, and you were celebrating love at its finest. Now what do you have to say for Ex-Files? It has brought love as well as drama into all of our lives, and I don’t know what I’d do without my newfound sisters and brothers.”

“I second that,” Denise said. “Although I had an ulterior motive coming to the group, I found some genuine and loving people, and I apologize for the ass I was. I was not in my right mind.”

Rachel looked at Marvin and they laughed together.

“Oh, Mona is doing fine, Denise,” Sylvia said. “She’s on the floor above you. She’ll be in the hospital for another couple of days. She had a few broken bones, and she’s pregnant.”

“Mona, pregnant? This I’ve got to see.”

Harold and his girlfriend had stood in the background, but now took command of the conversation.

“Denise, this is Re Re Bridges.”

“Hi,” Denise said coolly.

“She’s been helping me take care of Danica.”

Denise’s eyes shifted between the two of them. “Don’t get any ideas, Harold. I will be taking Danica back as soon as I get on my feet.”

“Since I haven’t heard from you in awhile, I thought you had given Danica to me,” Harold retorted. “She’s a sweetheart, and I’ve fallen so in love with her.”

“Harold, don’t even go there…don’t even think about getting custody of Danica.”

“You dumped her on my doorstep with six Pampers and two bottles of milk! What kind of mother just drops off their child without another word? Until something happens to them and suddenly they want another chance.”

“Harold,” Marvin stepped in, “this is not the time. Denise has just gotten out of surgery and she needs time to recover.”

“But I want to talk about it,” Denise said. “If he thinks he’s going to take my child away from me, he better get prepared because I’ll declare war on him. He’s giving me back my baby.”

“Danica is my baby also.”

“We’re going outside and give you all some privacy,” Sylvia said.

“No, don’t go,” Denise begged. “I need your support. This can’t be happening to me.” The tears welled up in her eyes.

“Everyone out,” Marvin said. “Denise needs her rest. You can come and see her later.”

“We’ll be in Mona’s room,” Rachel whispered, and left with the others.

“Don’t take my baby, Harold. You’ll be sorry. I may be down now, but I’m on my way back. Don’t mess with me.”

“Calm down, Denise,” Marvin said.

Harold took Danica and left the room.

“Don’t take my baby. Please don’t take my baby from me!” Denise cried.

Before Marvin could leave the room, Dr. Sosa entered.

“What’s wrong, Mrs. Thomas? You seem stressed.”

“They are trying to—”

“Doc,” Marvin began, “we’ve had a small family crisis is all. We’re leaving for now.”

“Marvin, don’t let Harold take Danica from me,” Denise cried.

“I won’t, Denise.”


Marvin looked at Harold holding Danica in his arms. He seemed so natural, like he had done this many times before. The last person Marvin wanted to see was his cousin, but he had to face him, if not for himself but for Denise.

“Man, I know this is not a good time,” Harold began. “I didn’t come here to start no mess. I heard that Denise was having the surgery today, and I wanted her to see her daughter. That’s all.”

“Harold, as much as I don’t like you, I understand your dilemma. I just ask that you not keep Danica away from her mother.”

“Marvin, you don’t know what the last five months have been like for me. I didn’t know anything about caring for a baby.”

“You did everything to get one.”

“I’ve apologized over and over for what went down with me and Denise. It’s over. I’ve learned.”

“Would it have been over…would it have been over if I hadn’t caught you?”

“Eventually. Let’s get back to Danica. I’ve fed, cleaned and clothed this little girl. I’ve watched her grow. She knows that I’m her daddy because she sees me every day when I come home from work. I play with her. I give her baths. Not once since I’ve had her did Denise call to check on her.”

“You knew she would be back for her,” Marvin protested.

Harold laughed bitterly. “Did I? She forced that baby on me, and now I’m glad she did. Danica is my sweetheart. I love her, Marvin. Denise wants a fight? Well, she can just bring it on. What’s going to happen the next time she gets a whim? Who will she drop Danica off with next? There’s a pattern with that woman. You should know.”

“Don’t go there, Harold. I’m just tolerating this conversation. Oh, my sisters tell me that you’ve got your own business in Birmingham, and you’re doing well. Every now and then I wonder where would we have been if you had just kept your pants zipped.”

“Marvin, I made a stupid mistake, for which I’ve apologized over and over. I wanted to do some good by bringing Danica here. I wonder how long it would’ve taken Denise to contact me after everything was all right with her?”

Harold reached in his pocket and took out a card.

“Here’s my business card if you need to reach me. Tell Denise she can call me at any time to discuss Danica’s future. I’m leaving Atlanta and don’t plan to come this way again soon. It was nice seeing you again, cousin. I just hope that one day we can become friends again.”

Marvin watched until Harold, Re Re and Danica were out of sight. Something inside of him hurt so bad. He and Harold were like brothers once. They were so close. No one thought they could ever be separated.

The door to Denise’s room opened, startling him.

“Mrs. Thomas is resting now. It would be best if you all left now,” Dr. Sosa said.

“Thanks, Doc. I’m going to just peek in on her and be on my way. Everyone else has gone up to Mona’s room—she’s another friend of ours that’s in the hospital.”

“Oh,” Dr. Sosa said. “Don’t be long.”

Marvin went to Denise, who was asleep. “I won’t let Harold take Danica away from you. I promise,” he whispered.

Girls’ Conversation

ona, Marvin’s cousin that slept with Denise showed up at the hospital,” Claudette said, wanting to tell the tale before the others got a chance. “Had a little girlfriend with him and guess who else?”

“Tell me,” Mona cried. “I’m stuck in this bed and missing all the action.”

“That ain’t the half,” Rachel threw in.

“Marvin’s cousin brought the little girl he and Denise had together. She’s a doll-baby.”

“Since Claudette is taking so long to tell the story,” Sylvia interjected, “let me finish up. There was a scene. After Harold let Denise see the baby, he told her in a nice way that he was going to get custody of the little girl. It was a pitiful sight—Denise begging for him not to take her baby.”

“It wasn’t that bad,” Rachel said.

“You don’t even like Denise. I can’t believe you’re taking up for her,” Sylvia said.

“Sylvia, please. I agree Denise has issues, but I feel her pain as a mother.”

“But sweetie, she left the baby with Harold and didn’t bother to check on her in all these months.”

“Okay, Sylvia. I’ll give you that, but it was the cancer.”

“I’m with Sylvia, Rachel. Whose side are you on? Denise barely likes you. She likes Marvin better. Remember that? Have you forgotten?”

“Claudette, who are you talking to? You just barely got your own husband back. It wasn’t as if you were the model mother.”

“Okay, I’ve heard enough,” Claudette said, steam coming from her nostrils. “If that’s the way you feel, screw you.”

“I’m sorry, Claudette. Why are we at each other’s throats? We were kicked out of one hospital room. We’ve got to at least stay here until Marvin gets here.”

“You hens are crazy. You should see yourselves—acting just like sisters.” Mona began to laugh and couldn’t stop. “They need to hurry up and release me from this hospital. I don’t want to catch whatever you wenches have.”

Mona, Sylvia, Claudette and Rachel stopped and looked at one another and started laughing. They laughed until Marvin and Tyrone showed up in the room.

“What are you all laughing at?” Marvin asked.

“You don’t want to know,” Mona said. “I will say this: All of you will need a room if you don’t relieve some of the stress you guys have choking you. I don’t need any more.

“Thank you Lord for giving me a chance to see my parents before they left this earth.” And Mona kissed the sky.

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