Ever After (36 page)

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Authors: Heather McBride

BOOK: Ever After
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It was all a set up, he started to kiss me, and the next thing I knew I was in pain, my hand tied and in a dark room alone. I don’t know how long it went on, but finally the pain stopped, but I didn’t feel like myself. Kyle and some of the other Dark coven members came in and told me I was now one of them, a vampire. I was in shock. I never even thought they were real. I cried for days.” She stopped short suddenly, as a thought that obviously terrified her came across her mind.


“What is it Sayann, what happened next?”


“The coven’s chief elder and his side kick came into see me. Leo and Vincent, I was terrified of them, their eyes were so cold, like they were pure evil. They told me I would stop behaving as a human, with all the crying. I was to learn their rules and live as they did, or they would kill me. I apparently was Kyle’s chosen bonding partner, or mate they said. Kyle had chosen me and I would be with him
as a vampire.”


“I’m so sorry, that’s awful for him to do that to you.” I reached out my hand to her, she took it, we had an understanding now. I didn’t want to be here, and neither did she.


“I’m dealing, it’s hard, but you can’t escape the Dark coven. I have talked to others here, mainly the few women of the coven. Most have been made members against their will, like me. Not one has ever escaped and lived to tell about it. They tell me after awhile you just get use to it and you start to forget your human life, and all the things you loved.”


“That’s so tragic. I don’t see how you forget, and we all know vampires have insanely good memories!” I squeezed her hand gently.


I could feel how much cooler her skin was compared to mine. That made me sad, because I was now slowly dying again, a human death. If I didn’t get that serum soon all the progress I made would be gone, and I would be gone.


“Did you really want to be a vampire, or… I mean do you. I heard the story of you and William from the other coven women; they think your William is the greatest thing since sliced bread!” She smiled.


“Yes, did they tell you how sick I was, or am really… I guess?” I rested my head on my knees feeling very tired suddenly.


“Yes, and I am so sorry. Your story though, how devoted to each other you and William are, it gives me hope. I think about getting away from here and finding someone to love, and love me back. I just don’t know though. I’m a stinking vampire. I wish I was a half blood as you and William are!”


“I’m neither really Sayann, not yet and maybe not ever. I don’t know what they told you, but it’s bad, really bad for me right now. A friend of Doc’s, Dr. Pratt discovered a serum that has been saving my life to this point. It’s making me stronger so I can finish changing into a half blood. I will die without it.


My human illness will take over my body and kill me in a matter of days. This kidnapping deal is going to be the death of me; they won’t have
for long, as Todd put it!” I looked away, as tears escaped my eyes. I didn’t bother to wipe them away.


“Oh… Corrine. I didn’t know that! What can I do? Is there anything I can give you to keep you strong until your coven comes for you?” I looked back at her, tears streaming from my eyes, I smile.


“I wish there was, but the only thing that can save me is to get back to Doc and Pratt and get more of the serum, nothing else will help me. I can feel myself getting weaker just as we sit here. It’s so strange really, to feel yourself dying. It’s like a thief robbing me of all the life I have left in me, but I can’t see him.”


“God I hate this coven, they are insane, why they want to fight the Followers I can never understand, and to take it out on you and William. It makes me sick, it really does! I have heard nothing else since I have been in this coven, but how disgraceful the Followers are, just because they choose not to hunt and kill humans.” She shook her head in degust


“If it’s not to personal Sayann, what do you um… eat then?” I grimaced a bit, but it was a logical question to ask. She looked nervously around the room, and then at the door.


“Please do not tell anyone this or I will be killed.” She looked into my red watery eyes to confirm my promise of silence.


“I would never tell anyone anything, I promise you!” I sniffed as my nose was running.


“I sneak out at night and eat rabbits and things like that. I love animals, so it makes me sad to do it, but I can’t kill humans. I will not ever do it again. They made me hunt with them, in the early days of my vampire life. I only killed twice and have never forgiven myself for it to this day! It is all I can do to hide the fact I do not kill humans as they all do. The punishment it they should find out about this, would be death, they would burn me alive.”


“Oh Sayann, you have to leave here. You could go to Doc and the Followers, many of them are reformed hunters. William himself as you know was of the Dark coven once, until he ran away. Doc would welcome you, he accepts all vampires who have a high regard for human life, and want to live without harming innocent humans.” I felt dizzy, as I lay down slowly. Sayann, with her heightened vampire senses knew before I did that I was about to pass out.


“Lay back… that’s it Corrine. You have to rest now, we’ve talked to long I’m sorry I have worn you out.” She frowned as she tucked another blanket around my shivering body.


“No, I’m glad we talked. I feel better knowing you’re on my side. If I could help you get away from the dark ones I would, I swear it.” My teeth chattered, my stupid body was shaking so bad.


“I have to do something; I have to think of away to get you back to Doc and your coven, somehow.” She shook her head, thinking.


Sayann put a heating pad under my feet, and took my temperature, she never told me what it was, but her face told me it was not good. I nearly choked as she made me drink some hot tea. I knew she was trying to raise my body temperature, but it was hard to drink. I had no energy to do anything.


She gave me some sleeping pills, and I was able to sleep finally. She told me she was going to do some research on failed changes if she could, without any of the elders noticing her. I mean while, curled into a ball under the mountain of blankets she had brought in and slept. I could hear the ice mixed with rain outside my window, pelting the old lead glass. It was an ice storm, it was going to make it harder for William and Doc to get to me, and time was not on my side to say the least.


I slept for hours, the dreams I had were of William, and our time together. I awoke missing him so bad I could hardly stand it. I knew he would be going crazy, worrying about me, wondering where I was and if I was still alive. I turned over slowly, and my breath caught, as Todd sat in a chair not far from my bed staring at me. I was so glad I was buried in all these blankets, not that they would protect me but at least Todd couldn’t see all of me very well.


“You are amusing to watch sleep.” He took a deep breath and crossed his arms.” I have been sitting here for hours; whatever Sayann gave you was very potent.”


“What do you want?” I whispered my throat felt so dry it hurt to speak. I tried to swallow but it burned.


“Oh… nothing really, just keeping an eye on you. I can’t have you trying to escape on me or anything. Although I think that’s highly unlikely isn’t it Corrine. You are dying, oh… but you knew that already, but the thing is I get to watch you suffer this time.


I have wanted to watch you die for over a year now. I know all about your cancer, you’re new best friend, Sayann told us all about your need for the amazing doctor Pratt and his serum. It took some persuasion to get her to talk, but she is young and weak, and we can make her tell us what’s in her mind. Don’t worry, she did not want to, she hates us, and we all know it.


Sayanns only use full purpose I suppose is first off , that’s she is Kyle’s mate, and that her medical training will keep you alive… we hope until your Followers get here and try to save you. You do look rather weak. I really do not think I need to babysit you like this, you can’t even walk now can you?” He laughed; it sent a cold chill down my already freezing spine.


“You are an ass!” I snapped in my horse barely audible voice.


“Now..now that’s my Corrine. You are still full of fire, despite your appointment with dear old death!”


He winked at me smiling, his eyes seemed black. I knew they were really green at least in his human life they were. I said nothing more as my stomach felt tight and it hurt to breathe again. I was desperately trying to hide it from Todd that I was hurting, he would enjoy that fact too much. He got up and walked over to the window.


I could see him physically stiffen up in the shoulders as a man’s voice boomed out in the hallway just outside my door. I wondered first off who that was, and why Todd seemed about to jump out of his skin, at the sound of his voice. I knew Leo was sure to show up here at any time, and they all seemed scared of him.


































“Your visitor is here.” He said in a mechanical voice, as he stiffly turned around and looked at me. “One word of advice to you, get smart with him and you won’t be alive to tell about it.” He walked to the door and slowly opened it.


“Todd, good to see you doing as told, how is our little house guest this evening?” I watched a tall and of course as all male vamps were attractive man walk in the room. He had the same wavy brown hair with blond highlights that Doc had. He looked like a slightly younger version of Doc; he had very similar facial features and eyes that were a very pale blue almost translucent looking.


I thought briefly about it, and then remembered just who this was. This was the brother Doc had disowned, the one who killed his beloved young wife and made him a vampire, this was Leo. I now under stood why Todd had such a reaction at hearing Leo’s voice, from all I had heard, he was a tyrant, an evil being who thrived on destruction and power. I tried to be still, and quit shaking from my chills. I watched him speak to Todd.


He was motionless as he was listening; two other vamps were behind Leo. One looked like he was a guard or something. The other was Kyle, Sian’s disgusting partner or mate as they were called. Kyle was much shorter than Todd was and physically inferior to him. He had beady eyes, and a long narrow face. He watched me, watching Leo and Todd, he made me uneasy. I could see why Sayann hated him; he gave of creep vibes big time. I looked down, I knew when Leo was done talking to Todd he would focus on me no doubt.


“Corrine, first let me say we are so happy to have you here.” He walked over to the side of my bed, and looked at me.


I was frozen in fear, his eyes were much like Vincent’s had been that night he almost killed William and me, they were solid black. I knew all vampires eye color changed with emotion and they got a darker shade of their original color when very upset, but Will had told me to be aware of vamps whose eyes were always black, without a hint of color. These were the most dangerous vampires in their world. They were pure evil. They had retained not one shred of their humanity, or morals from their past human lives.


“You are comfortable I trust?” I knew I had to answer; I was so not pissing off this guy.


“Uh… yes, I am fine thank you.” I looked down at my hands, afraid to look him in the eye. He might put me in a trance or something.


“Very good, so you are the one Doc’s favorite grandson adores and loves. I have heard much about you and William’s relationship. It is unfortunate for you, that we oppose any and all forms of relationships with our prey. My Vincent paid the highest price trying to get his son,
to come back here and remember who he truly was.” He sighed.


“That price as you know was his life; Doc crossed the line doing so. Vincent was like a son to me, and I am still annoyed Doc killed him.” I had no idea what to say to that, so I looked down trying to avoid his creepy eyes.


“You need not fear my stare. I have no intentions of putting you in to a trance and drinking your blood just yet. You will know and be fully aware if I do decide to end your life.”


He moved closer and I felt his cool fingertip under my chin, pull my face up to look at him.


“You are indeed a lovely creature. I can see why our William is so taken with you, but…” He smiled at me shaking his head. “You and William cannot be, he is part of this coven, and will return to us or face his own death. I have allowed him to reside with Doc and his sickening band of Followers for much too long.


I indulged Vincent, when he swore to me William would return on his own, but as we all know now, he has no intentions of such a thing. Vincent was so attached to him that he gave him more freedom than any fledgling vampire should be allowed to have.”


I could feel my chest tighten. I closed my eyes. It was getting to hard to hide the pain from all of these people now, and it was getting worse. I knew Leo of all the vampires here, probably enjoyed human suffering the most. Watching me suffer was his top choice for entertainment.

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