Eve Vaughn (8 page)

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Authors: The Zoo

Tags: #Erotica, #Sci Fi

BOOK: Eve Vaughn
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She raised a brow. “What do you mean? Of course they would. It would show up on their radar, wouldn’t it?”

“I’m not sure. Maybe they would be able to detect a craft if it were near one of the major cities, but what if it was on the outskirts, where the renegades lived?” Bella frowned. “They’ve introduced so much technology to our people, why wouldn’t they have a satellite strong enough to detect a ship entering their atmosphere at any distance?”

“I thought the same thing myself, but what makes you think the outlanders wouldn’t have developed something to block those signals? There has to be some way they’re staying alive and since they’ve been banished from society they would have had to find a way to survive and develop technology of their own.”

“Yes, but would it be as sophisticated as the Cyrellians?”

“Why wouldn’t it be? The renegades aren’t a bunch of ignorant savages who know nothing about what’s going on. I think it’s just the opposite actually. Perhaps they know too much.”

Bella narrowed her eyes. “How do you know so much?”

“Why do you think I’m here, Bella? I not only asked questions, but well… I was talking to one of them.”

“How? They’re not allowed in the cities. The police squadrons have seen to that.”

“One of the leaders found a way into the city, and last I heard, they were planning something big, a takeover.”

“But --” Her words were cut off when David stiffened. Something caught his eyes, and he didn’t look happy about it.




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The sun was setting and most of the visitors would have left by now. She didn’t know why, but a sense of impending doom crept through her body. Slowly she turned to see someone opening their cage.

It was the short stubby man who David called Zavian, the one Dar had identified as the head zookeeper, and in his hand was the taser weapon that had been used on her before. Something wasn’t right.

Where was Dar?


Chapter Nine

Dar tried to break from the tight grip he was in, but his captors held on to him.

! You’re not going to get away with this,” he yelled at Zavian who wore a smug expression on his face.

All had been going according to plan. His ship was waiting to take him, Bella, and David to Tabehr, and he had ready funds, but the minute he’d stepped foot on the zoo’s property, Iosis had rushed to him saying Zavian wanted to see him about something.

Dar should have known right then and there something was the matter. After all, Zavian was usually gone long before the night shift started. He should have followed his instincts and stayed his course of setting the captives free, but he’d no sooner thought it when he realized that if he didn’t see what the head zookeeper wanted, they would probably send someone after him, making his plans for escape near impossible.

He should have known, he silently scolded himself, because the minute he stepped into the office, there were two large security guards waiting for him. They grabbed him, one of them had even slammed his fist into Dar’s midsection.

Zavian had lapped it up, enjoying it when both guards then threw Dar to the ground and kicked and beat him. He attempted to fight back, and even got in a few punches of his own, but he couldn’t take on the two of them.

Beaten, but not broken, they then lifted him up, one of them grabbing his hair and holding his head to meet Zavian’s icy stare.

The tubby man laughed with obvious glee. “Did you think I wouldn’t find out what’s going on between you and the
? Your sick perversions? What do you think will happen when people find out what you’ve been up to, Dar? Consorting with the animals. You’ll be the most hated man on the planet. People’s stomachs will turn

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when they learn of what you did.” Zavian picked up a remote control and tapped one of the buttons, and a screen came down from the ceiling.

Zavian pressed another button, and the screen turned on. The image was of him and Bella in bed, she was on top of him, his cocks buried deep in her pussy and ass.

There had been cameras planted in the bedroom!

“There’s no point in denying it, Dar. As you can see, I have enough proof to have you locked away for a very long time. Not only that, but I will finally have my revenge.

I want you to know, this is personal.”

“I have nothing to be ashamed of. Bella is not an animal. She’s just as intelligent as you and I, probably more so than you hope to be,” Dar spat.

“She certainly knows how to fuck if nothing else. If I were so inclined to take part of your sick fantasies, she might be worth a time in bed.” This time, no force would be able to hold him back before he wrapped his hands around the man’s throat. He tore out of the grips of the security guards, his anger guiding him. Rushing forward he grabbed Zavian and started to shake him.

“Unhand me if you know what’s good for you or your… playmate.” Dar fell back, and again was recaptured by the guards. “What have you done to Bella?”

Zavian smoothed his clothes back into place with a laugh before hitting the intercom button on his desk. “Yeahen, bring the creature in.” Dar’s heart dropped. “You had better not have harmed her. She’s innocent. If you must punish anyone, punish me!” he yelled in desperation.

When Yeahen ushered Bella in, she looked frightened but basically unharmed.

“Dar,” she cried out.

“It’s all right, Bella,” he assured her even though he wasn’t sure if that was true or not.

Zavian chuckled seeming amused at the display. “How sweet, man and his pet. I should be touched by your display. You see, I’m not such a bad guy, Dar, I’m even letting you see your lover before we have you sent away.”


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“You had better not harm her, or I swear to you, I’ll find a way to make you pay!”

“Tough words… for a pervert.” Zavian laughed grabbing Bella by the hair and holding her in front of him. “You have no right to make demands. If anything, you should be asking me what you can do to save your little pet.” Dar gasped in disbelief. He should have known Zavian was up to something.

“What do you want from me?”

“I need you to turn over those files you’ve collected on me.” He paused to take in Dar’s stunned reaction. “Oh, you didn’t think I knew what you were up to? You see, I would rather that file not get out. If you don’t want this creature to come to harm, I suggest you tell me where to find it. Oh, I’ll still have you thrown into jail, but at least you can be assured this little thing will be safe from harm, and who knows, by the time you get out maybe she and Quark will have some babies of their own and she will have forgotten all about you.”

Dar saw red, wanting to rip Zavian limb from limb, but the man did have the upper hand. There was nothing he could do about it. He’d have to turn the file over.

After all, if doing so would ensure Bella’s safety then it was something he’d have to do.

He, of course, didn’t trust the head zookeeper to keep his word, but what choice did he have? Though the situation looked dire, Dar couldn’t give in to the desolation spiraling within him.

He’d stay strong for Bella.

“I never thought I’d witness your downfall, but I’m glad to see it. You think you’re so much better than the rest of us, but your sick perversions got the better of you,” Iosis taunted.

“Who’s the sick one? You’re the one who tried to rape her,” Dar shot back, fully aware of what the other man had tried to do.

“Liar!” Yeahen yelled.




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“Enough!” Zavian barked before turning to Dar. “You will tell me where you’ve put those files.” He twisted Bella’s arm behind her back and she cried out in obvious pain.

Dar dropped his head in defeat, but something caught his eye. Hanging at Iosis’s waist was a behavior neutralizer. He knew once he set it off, the sound would be so piercing it would immobilize everyone in the room, leaving them paralyzed… except for Bella. If he could find a way to turn the device on maybe Bella would realize what was going on and get them out of this mess.

Formulating his plan, Dar nodded in Zavian’s direction. “I will take you to them, but tell your men to let me go. I can walk there on my own volition. It’s not like I’ll be able to get very far once you release that cartridge of Bella and me. I’ll be a fugitive.” Zavian shrugged. “This is true, but why should I give in to your request when I have the upper hand?”

“Because there’s a key in my boot I need to get out that opens the box where I have your files. If you would only let me get it out, I’ll hand it over.” Zavian paused to consider this and finally nodded. “If you try anything, the consequences will be dire.”

Dar nodded realizing he only had one chance to pull this off. Thankfully Iosis was close enough to reach. Dar silently prayed it would work. He bent over, pretended to lose his balance and fell forward, yanking the behavior neutralizer from Iosis’ waist.

With a flick of his thumb, he clicked the device on. The shrill sound seemed as if it were scrambling his brains, he couldn’t move. The pain in his head was too great for him to do anything other than wait to see what would happen next.

Bella watched in stunned amazement at what had just happened. At first Dar looked as if he were going to fall, and then he grabbed that cylindrical stick she recognized from her first day here. It must have been the sound device because now each one of the men in the room was grasping their ears in obvious pain, Dar included.

He’d done this so she could take action. Bella looked around the room in desperation


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trying to find some heavy object, and happened upon a large metal ball that looked like some kind of fancy paperweight. Grabbing the thing, she moved to the short stubby man first, and with all her might brought it down on his head.

He keeled over into an unconscious heap. At first she thought she’d killed him, but the slow rise and fall of his chest told her otherwise.

Then she slammed the ball onto the head of the tall skinny one, the man who’d assaulted her. This time she did it with more force, not caring if she killed him or not.

Then she immobilized the next two men.

She wasn’t sure how the stick thing worked, but didn’t want to risk turning it off.

They had to get out of here. She grabbed Dar’s hand, and dragged him toward the door although he didn’t seem as if he’d budge. It was only when she tugged him out the door and was several yards away from the building that he began to gain full mobility.

He placed his hands over his head as though shaking the effects of what happened away. It was obvious to her he was still in some pain, but it didn’t seem to stop him. Dar pulled her along until they made it to the cage holding David.

Her cellmate came to the bars. “Bella! I thought I’d never see you again!” he exclaimed. He seemed so relieved to see her, and she was just as happy to see him.

When Zavian had come for her, she’d been so frightened, instinctively knowing somehow they’d found out Dar’s plans for them. The evil little man had kept her in a cold dark room. The worst part was not knowing what was to become of Dar because she knew something was going to happen to him.

How long that stick thingy would keep going, she had no idea, but Bella figured they had to act quickly before it wore off.

“We’re going to get out of here. I think Dar has everything ready,” she said to David.

“What happened to you?” David asked.

“I’ll explain once we get out of here,” she said, looking over her shoulder to see if anyone was following them. She wouldn’t feel safe until they were off this planet.




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Dar punched in a security code at the side of the cage making the door open. He gestured for David to step out. Dar didn’t have to motion twice.

Bella looked to her lover for direction. Before she could say another word, he tugged her into his arms and gave her a swift hard hug, and then kissed her on the top of the head. She knew if the circumstances were different, there would be more time to display his affection for her, but time was of the essence.

“Come,” Dar’s lips formed.

Bella was quite pleased with herself for picking up so much of their language. It seemed that David knew quite a bit of it himself and often translated things for her.

Taking her hand in his, Dar led Bella through the maze-like zoo, past the cages, with David following them closely behind.

When the two men halted, she wondered what was wrong. “What’s happening?” she asked aloud.

“They’ve sounded the alarms.”

Dar literally swept Bella off her feet and took off running as if she weighed no more than a sack of feathers. He didn’t stop until they reached a small space craft.

Frantically he pressed buttons on the panel until a large door opened and then took her on board. The ship was small, but it was comfortable enough for the three of them to travel. Dar placed her in a seat and fastened her in.

Finally they would be off this planet, and good riddance.


Chapter Ten

Bella didn’t think they’d make it to Tabehr. They’d experienced quite a bit of turbulence on their way there, not to mention the scare of taking off as shots had hit their tiny craft. Dar explained to her that when a behavior neutralizer was in activation for more than a few minutes, someone would come to assist. Whoever had aided Zavian was probably far away enough to pop in their ear plugs, enabling them to turn off the device when they reached him.

She must not have hit everyone in that room as hard as she thought she had. It didn’t matter now. They were safely on neutral territory. The embassy representatives had given her and Dar a room to stay in for the night and the following morning they could sort out their paperwork.

David was given his own room and said he’d meet up with them in the morning.

The only thing that would complete her happiness was if she could see her friends again. She knew if there was some way they could get back home and warn the people what the Cyrellians were up to, there would be a long battle ahead of them.

Freshly showered, Bella stood in front of the window, staring at a full red moon, wrapped in one of the silk-like robes their hosts had provided for her. She was so used to going without clothing, she almost felt overdressed.

She sighed when she thought about home. Soon, she’d find her way back to Earth, but she wouldn’t be alone.

Bella could feel Dar’s warmth as he walked behind her, molding his taut frame against her body. He nuzzled her neck and gave her a kiss on her jaw line. Turning her around to face him, he smiled, and then uttered the words, “I love you.” That she did understand.

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If someone would have told her getting her hearing restored would no longer be a priority to her months ago, she would have laughed. Would she like it back? Yes, but if she never did get it again, that would be okay too. She had learned in the past several weeks that life was far too precious to dwell on the things you couldn’t change, and maybe this was one of those things.

Anyway, she’d found something far more precious.


With Dar by her side, she knew anything was possible. She loved this man all the more for what he’d done, sacrificing all he knew and loved to set her free, and to be with her. If she tried, Bella didn’t think she could ever love another man more. Sure, he had gold skin, markings on the side of his face, and two dicks, but she must have looked pretty funny to him when he first saw her.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a long, lingering kiss, smiling in his face. “I love you too, Dar.”

His smile said it all and she couldn’t be happier.

Dar bent over and lifted her into his big, strong arms and then carried her over to the bed. He laid her down in the center with a gentleness that brought tears to her eyes.

Slowly he shrugged out of his robe, revealing his tight body. The statue of David had nothing on this guy.

He was the very meaning of the word perfection and he belonged to her alone.

Dar looked at her with such a loving look in his eyes; she couldn’t hold back the shiver.

Her heart was so full of love for him, she couldn’t contain herself.

Bella held her arms out for him, beckoning him to join her. Without hesitation, he joined her on the bed, and slid on top of her, nudging her thighs apart with his knee.

He pressed fevered kisses against her neck, sending her senses reeling. Though she couldn’t make out what he was saying, the vibration of his muttered words against her skin was stimulating.




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Never had her body, mind, and heart been so in tune with another being. She loved this man from the very depths of her soul. Bella loved the feel of his rippling muscles beneath her fingertips and she ran her hands along his back.

He lifted his head to stare into her face, the look of naked, unashamed hunger glistening in the depths of his intense blue eyes. She moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue anticipating his lips on hers.

With a sigh, Dar lowered his head and claimed her mouth in a kiss that took her breath away.

Her tongue thrust forward to meet his, twirling and dancing in a passionate dance of lust and love. The masculine, unique taste of him titillated her taste buds, heightening the sensations coursing through her body. Her pussy and ass throbbed with the need to be deliciously filled with his cocks. She lifted her hips to receive him, but Dar seemed to have other plans.

He broke off the kiss before making a wet trail with his tongue from the juncture where her neck met her shoulder to one puckered nipple. His warm breath against the taut peak had Bella writhing beneath him. She couldn’t keep still to save her life. This was torture pure and simple, and what was worse, she had a feeling Dar knew it.

Dar circled the eager tip lovingly with his tongue.

Bella buried her hands in his thick mane of dark hair as she held his head against her breast, reveling in the feel of his questing mouth against her flesh.

His teeth nipped the tightened buds, sending electric currents along her nerve endings. Dar lifted his head to give her other breast the same attention, sucking, licking and laving it. His hands roamed the contours of her body, leaving no parts untouched.

By the time Dar positioned his face between her thighs, Bella was dripping with cream, so ready to be invaded by his tongue and fingers. He raised his head just enough to meet her eyes. A lopsided grin curved his sensual lips as if he was telling her this was only the beginning.

A quiver raced through her body, making her shake. “I want you, Dar,” she groaned, never more turned on in her life.




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Again he gave her that wicked smile of his, filling her heart with longing and love.

Dar kissed the insides of her thighs with butterfly caresses before he gently parted her labia and slipped two fingers into her moist pussy.

Bella lifted her hips against the delectable invasion, groaning as he finger-fucked her. He worked her body into a frenzy until Bella didn’t think she could take any more.

She screamed when he captured her clit between his lips, sucking on it like a starving man. She mashed her pussy against his face, demanded all he had to give.

Dar worked her with his fingers and mouth until she exploded, her body shuddering out of control. Slowly removing his fingers, he lapped at her juices with broad deliberate strokes of his tongue.

It was wonderful, but she needed more.

His cocks.

Finally, Dar moved to his knees and grasped his members. His chest heaved, as if he couldn’t wait to get inside of her, before positioning them against her channel and anus. Then he thrust forward.

Bella sighed with carnal gratification. This was what she needed to replace the unpleasantness of trying to escape his home planet, and the fear she’d experienced at the thought of something happening to him.

None of that mattered now. They were together, and nothing felt more right.

Dar rocked his hips against her, pushing his cocks deeper into her, filling her with a burning heat. Bella’s fingers slid along his spine, loving the way his skin felt beneath her fingertips. The alluring scent of their sex filled the air, and a scorching trail of passion burned along her nerve endings.

As he moved inside of her, he placed feather-light kisses along her neck and face, stroking her head, and making her feel loved. The tenderness of the moment was enough to make her cry.




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With each stroke of his cocks, she got closer to heaven. Bella held him tight to her, never wanting this magical feeling to end. Her love for him only heightened the pleasure rippling through her core.

She pushed her pelvis forward, meeting him thrust for thrust giving him as good as she got until an explosion of fireworks burst within her, sending her to a raging orgasm.

Dar held her tight as she shuddered, and not long after he shot his seed deep within her. He still continued to move in and out of her for several minutes before going still.

Bella grabbed the sides of his face, and kissed him on the lips. She loved this man with all her heart, and knew she was well and truly captured, and as long as that prison was his arms, it wasn’t such a bad thing.



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