Eve Vaughn (3 page)

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Authors: The Zoo

Tags: #Erotica, #Sci Fi

BOOK: Eve Vaughn
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“When they’re frightened maybe. She was obviously terrified, as are many animals are when they’re brought into a strange new environment,” Dar countered.

“What… what do you plan to do with her? You can’t put her in the holding unit with Quark. She’d probably dismember him,” Iosis protested.




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Dar’s lips tightened. As much as he hated to agree with him, Iosis was right.

Shara would have to be isolated until they knew for sure there’d be no more such incidents.

With a sigh, he nodded. “You three clean up, and I’ll take her to one of the isolation cells.” Without waiting for anyone else to speak, Dar strode out of the infirmary with the limp female over his shoulder. His strides faltered when he heard the sounds of weak sniffles.

No. Surely he was imagining this. Was she actually crying?

He quickened his steps, not stopping until he reached the isolation unit. Placing his palm on the DNA identifier, he waited the few seconds it took to verify his clearance before the door opened.

Dar carried her to a cell at the end of the unit. He had to punch in a security code on the panel in order for the laser shield to disappear temporarily.

Her body trembled against his as the sniffles grew louder. He could tell she was fighting back the sobs, but losing the battle. As he carried her to the far corner and placed Shara down on the pile of straw, his heart went out to her. She curled up in a ball, her eyes teary and bewildered. Full, pink lips quivered as if she would burst into full-fledged tears at any moment.

Incapable of feelings, emotions and pain? Seeing her like this, he knew that wasn’t true. Was it possible these
weren’t lower beasts at all, but another intelligent life form? How could something so Flamrylian-like not be sentient?

And what of his reaction to her? With so many life forms on other planets, it wasn’t against the law to intermarry other sentient beings, but by his people’s standards, she was an animal -- a bottom feeder. What he’d felt during that brief moment in the infirmary would generate disgust within his people. He’d have to force this irrational feeling away, and treat her as he would any of the other creatures in his care.

Still, when a single tear slipped from her eye, Dar couldn’t help but be moved.

Unsure if she’d attack him, he risked kneeling next to her and touching her cheek.

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Shara flinched, and then turned her head away. Dar pulled his hand from her as if he’d been burned. Shara’s skin was so soft, much softer than any other female he’d touched before.

What was the matter with him? This wasn’t right. Still, he couldn’t walk away just yet. “I mean you no harm.” He knew she wouldn’t understand a word he’d said, but somehow he felt the words were needed. “I won’t hurt you,” he repeated.

She lay there unresponsive, staring at his mouth as if she were trying to decipher what he was saying. Were it not for the flash of confusion crossing her face, he’d think she actually understood him, but why was she focusing so intently on his lips?

Then suddenly it came to him.

No wonder Shara hadn’t been affected by the behavior neutralizer; she couldn’t hear. Technology for several types of hearing loss had long since been developed on Flamryl. Was the place she hailed from so primitive that they had no such enhancements?

Then he remembered, she wasn’t a spectator at the zoo, but the attraction. This operation wouldn’t be done on an animal. If Zavian found out Shara was deaf he’d deem her defective and send her off to the “farm” where animals were sent for slaughter.

Dar shouldn’t have cared, but he did. He’d have to find a way to communicate with her, at least make her understand this was now her home and she’d have to conform to the rules or else it could mean trouble for her.

He stood to his full height and paced the short length of the room. When he began working at the zoo several years ago as a fresh-faced lad, Dar had developed an affinity for the creatures he tended to. But never had he felt such a deep connection for one of them in so short a time, and not in this way.



Chapter Three

Bella didn’t know how long she’d been in this godforsaken place, naked and cold. Was it minutes, hours, or days? She’d lost track of time after the slender gold man with the black eyes used some kind of stun gun on her. It had stung like a son of a bitch, rendering her immobile for a long time, giving her the shakes when she’d finally come out of her paralysis.

Why would they hold her like this? What had she done to warrant such treatment, stripped and not giving the common dignities any person had a right to? She was losing hope of escape. This place seemed to have more security than any place she’d ever seen. She felt like crying, screaming and raging, but what good would that do?

The strange aliens all treated her like some bug under a microscope. She’d tried to read their lips but it was unlike any words she’d ever seen. Bella didn’t know why she was being held or what she’d done, but there was one thing she was certain of -- the Cyrellians were behind this. But who were those golden people, and who was

She’d only seen him a few times, and each time he’d entered her prison, he’d attempted to communicate with her. The last couple instances, he’d even looked like he tried to sign. But that would mean he realized her disability. She should hate him for what he’d done, tossing her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and then spanking her in front of those jerks who were probing her like some experiment.

Bella, however, found herself looking forward to his visits, well not eagerly, but at least he was better than the others. The fat one threw a dish full of blue paste at her, looking as if he wanted to be miles away. The minute he placed the slop down, he hightailed it out of her cell, as if being chased. She figured he was scared of her. The blue stuff turned out to be food, and it was disgusting, not fit for a pig.

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Then there was the female, tall and slender with long red hair and strange tattoos on the side of her face. She wasn’t so bad, but she was so impersonal it made Bella feel lower than low.

And lastly there was the smaller thin one, bald with squinty brown eyes. He wore a perpetual sneer on his face. He’d been the one who tasered her, seeming to take a gleeful pleasure in torturing her. He poked her with a stick and when he kicked her, she fought back. Like the first time Bella had seen him, he’d pulled out some long metallic, tubular object connected to his belt and pointed it in her direction. She couldn’t figure out why he kept holding it her way, but something seemed to displease him because he’d frowned.

He’d hit the thing as if it were broken. That’s when Bella determined it had something to do with sound. He quickly punched in the buttons and ran out the door.

The lasers reappeared before she could escape. The next time he’d appeared he tried to grab her and she’d bit him. From the way his lips moved she knew he’d let out a scream, then anger flashed in his eyes, before he’d produced a small rectangular box and pushed it against her chest sending convulsions of shock through her entire body.

It was only when
showed up that Bella got excited. He was tall with long black hair that fell to the middle of his back. The uniform he wore didn’t disguise his broad muscular frame. His features were lean and rugged and those eyes: a deep blue and so… dreamy.

Despite his coloring and the dark tattoo on the side of his face, he was easily one of the most handsome men she’d ever seen. Of course she hadn’t appreciated his manhandling her in the beginning, but he’d shown gentleness toward her the others hadn’t. Not only that, but each time he drew near, her body would tingle, and her pussy would clench.

It had been a long time since she’d taken a lover. There was no way she could be attracted to one of her captors. It was simply one of those things. Besides, maybe if she figured out a way to make him understand, she could guess what was going on and why she was being held against her will.

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Bella crossed her arms across her chest still not used to the nudity they’d subjected her to. If there was nothing else she wanted, it was some clothes, and maybe something decent to eat. Out of desperation, she’d even tried the crap they called food.

Why wouldn’t they allow her clothing when they were all dressed?

She was never more aware of her nakedness than when tall, gold, and hunky walked into the cell. When would he return though? Bella happened to glance toward the glowing laser bars just in time to see them disappear. The thin one entered holding a bowl of that disgusting paste and a taser in the other hand.

Her heart fell. She hoped he wasn’t planning on doing anything with it. Bella scooted into the corner, covering her body as best as she could. If she remained still and didn’t try anything, maybe he wouldn’t bother her. Something was different about him.

There was a knowing smirk on his face as he approached her. He let the dish fall at her feet and she huddled as far into the corner as she could go. Skinny, as she’d dubbed him, came closer. What was he doing? She didn’t like that look in his eyes. He reached out and patted her hair.

Bella jerked her head away not wanting his touch. Skinny grabbed her hair and pulled her closer, and to her horror he grasped her breast giving it a hard squeeze. An evil grin spread his lips.

She would be completely clueless to not figure out what he wanted from her.

Curling her hand into a fist, she slammed it into his face. The man grabbed his nose, giving her enough time to scramble away. The laser bars were gone if only she could make it out. Bella had just made it to the door when Skinny grabbed her ankle making her fall flat on her face.

She couldn’t let him win, that wasn’t an option. He dragged her further into the room and flipped her over. She kicked him in the midsection, but not before he pressed the taser into her leg.

The voltage must not have been as high as the last time, because it only sent a mild shock into her, not enough for immobilization or for her to give up. She screamed


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and then dealt him another kick, this time in the groin. Skinny let go of her ankle and Bella wasted no time. She dashed out the door, not looking back.

Tears streamed down her face. She raced the length of the corridor, reaching a large metal door. Grabbing for the handle, she gave it a desperate yank. Bella had to get out of here before Skinny caught up to her. She kept pulling even though she realized the futility of her actions.

Glancing over her shoulder she saw Skinny approaching fast. She pounded on the door, knowing it would do no good, but frustration wouldn’t allow her to stop.

Divine intervention stepped in when the door opened, and standing in front of her was
. Without another thought, she flung herself into his arms, and clung to him, refusing to let go. Unable to hold them back any longer, she burst into tears.

Dar had come as soon as he heard the distress signal that automatically went off when someone tried to get out of the security door without using the DNA tracker.

Seeing it had come from the isolation chamber, he instinctively thought of Shara. He hadn’t expected to come upon her in hysterics. Dar held her closer, slipping his arm beneath her legs and lifting her into his arms.

Her shoulders shuddered with her sobs. Shara was obviously distressed and it made him wonder what had set her off this time.

Out of vengeance, Zavian had him running errands normally relegated to one of the newer zookeepers, which meant his co-workers were put in charge of Shara temporarily.

The few days he’d gone to her, Dar felt she was beginning to trust him. Now she was a hysteric mess and it angered him. Iosis approached looking fluster and… guilty?


“What happened?” Dar demanded.

“She’s unruly. I simply put her food in front of her and she attacked me. I’m going to recommend to Zavian that she be sent to the farm. I wouldn’t put her in with

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Quark. She just might dismember him. Shara could probably take on a
beast and win.” Iosis’s words were rushed and uneasy.

Dar narrowed his eyes. “Are you sure that’s all?” Iosis gasped, and then incredulity crossed his face. “Isn’t my word good enough for you? She’s an unstable creature. You’ve already seen it firsthand. She’s been in isolation for over a week, and at the rate she’s going she’ll never leave. The behavior neutralizer doesn’t work on her. I personally think she’s stupid.” Dar would have wrung his scrawny little neck, but Share’s distress could no longer be ignored. “Then it’s a good thing for you I’m the one who’ll be dealing with her from now on. I have sole responsibility for her.” Zavian though he was punishing Dar by putting him in charge of her, but it’s exactly what he wanted.

Iosis frowned. “Why did he choose you? I could have handled her.” Dar lifted a brow. “And you were doing such a great job just now,” he said, doing nothing to hide the sarcasm from his voice.

Iosis stammered, “A-and I suppose you could do a better job?”

beast could do a better job.” The smaller man’s nostrils flared before he stormed off, the door slamming behind him with a loud thud.

Dar carried Shara back to her cell and immediately the foul smell hit him. The pen hadn’t been cleaned for days. What were the others thinking to leave the place in this condition? They didn’t treat the other animals this way, and Shara certainly didn’t deserve this. He made a mental note to have this particular cell cleaned from top to bottom, but in the meantime, he’d put her some place else.

He took her to the next stall, punched the code on the panel and took her inside.

When he would have placed her down on the hay, she refused to let him go and made whimpering sounds. Gently he disentangled himself from her tight grip. It flattered him that at least she trusted him enough to know he wouldn’t hurt her as he was sure Iosis had tried to do.

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Something told him she wasn’t one to attack without reason. Dar wished he knew what was going on. Why was Iosis so eager to watch her even though it was clear Shara didn’t like him?

The musty scent she currently emitted told him not only did the others not clean her stall, they hadn’t given her the benefit of a wash down. He moved to the control panel and turned on the shower that came down into the center of the room. The side of the wall opened up revealing trays of soaps the zookeepers used on the animals, but Dar knew Shara could wash herself.

Once that was prepared for her, he knelt down beside her again and pointed to the shower. He knew she would probably want her privacy so he left the cell, not bothering to turn the lasers back on. He would be standing outside the door so she wouldn’t get far if she tried to escape.

Dar waited outside out the cell for several minutes, giving her the time she needed to wash, if she was utilizing it at all. He peeked inside to check up on her and saw her sitting beneath the water, her knees pulled tightly against her chest while she rocked herself. Shara appeared to be in an almost catatonic state. Because the water splashed over her face, he couldn’t tell whether she was crying or not.

One thing he did know, he had to go to her. He wished Iosis was here so he could pummel the
. Dar hit the buttons turning off the water and turned on the hot air blower. She was dry within minutes. Then he went to her and lifted her into his arms.

She sagged weakly against his chest, her cheeks wet with fresh tears. Dar took her back to the corner and sat down with Shara in his lap before rocking her back and forth until her cries became short sniffs. He stroked her hair, whispering words to soothe. Even though she couldn’t hear, it just felt right.

He cupped her chin, lifting her head to meet his gaze. Shara trembled in his arms, a look of uncertainty entering her eyes. Pointing to himself he said his name.

“Dar.” He’d determined from the way she stared at his lips earlier that it was how she would figure out what people were saying. He hoped she’d understand he was trying

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to tell her his name. After repeating the gesture a few more times, he gave up in the face of her wide-eyed wonder.

Frustration beat within his chest. Dar had been so sure she was intelligent. Then to his surprise, Shara opened her mouth. “Daahhrr.” She pronounced his name slowly.

It sounded guttural and husky, imperfect, yet he’d never heard a more beautiful sound.

A smile tugged the corners of his lips. He nodded vigorously. Then she pointed to herself. “Bella.” Her name was Bella. He like it much better than the one Zavian had assigned to her. It was more musical somehow.

“Belhella?” he repeated as best as he could

She took his hand and placed two of his fingers over her lips. “Bella,” she repeated.

Dar was sorry when she removed his fingers from her soft lips. He wondered how they’d feel underneath his own. “Bella,” he whispered.

She gave him a smile, transforming her face. Bella was already pretty, but her smile made her gorgeous. She wiggled on his lap, probably to get comfortable, but it awakened his cocks with a vengeance.

This was absolute madness. He had no right feeling this way.

Bella must have felt his erection because she stiffened.

Dar groaned, wishing he was anywhere but here. Her large green eyes widened, and a soft gasp left her lips. Just one taste and he could stop these carnal thoughts.

Unable to suppress the driving need within, he captured those very same lips he’d spent the past several days fantasizing about.

In that moment, she wasn’t an animal in the zoo and he her keeper, but she a woman and he a man. Her mouth trembled beneath his. At first the kiss was one of gentle exploration, but his need grew. Dar wanted more, so much more.

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