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Authors: Sara Hess

Evan's Addiction (53 page)

BOOK: Evan's Addiction
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     Keeping my head down I blinked rapidly and mumbled. “You know I
don’t care what people think about me; why would you think I cared what she
thought about you?”

     “You care; you only like to pretend you don’t.” He set my feet
back down on the pavement. 

     I couldn’t believe I’d just gone all psycho-female on him;
particularly after he had put his future at risk by getting in a fight with
Ford for me. I was such an utter mess, and this just solidified why I would be
a complete failure in a relationship. It was a good thing for him that this
wasn’t long-term.  

     Chest constricting, I wiped at my leaking eyes. “You should go
back in and take her up on her offer. She’s probably a lot more fun than me.” I
was joking, but damn, that was hard to get out.

     Evan’s hands massaged my back. “No one is more fun than you, and I
don’t want anyone else but you, Red.” 

     “Yeah, I’m sure this was way fun.” I inhaled a shaky breath.

     “You know I like to be kept on my toes, and you never fail at
that.” He declared.

     Yeah, I think a steady diet of my irrational moods would wear on
him rather quickly.      










































     “Come on, let me take you home.” I hurried Shaw along with me
giving Nic, Carrie, and David a brief wave letting them know I had everything
under control.

     Right now Shaw appeared to be in a somewhat open frame of mind and
I wanted it to stay that way. If she knew the others had witnessed her tears
she might retreat emotionally.

     Shaw didn’t say anything as I guided her over to my car and helped
her in the passenger seat. Jogging around I slid behind the wheel. Resting my
hand on her leg I let the silence continue on the drive to her apartment,
letting her get herself back together, knowing she needed that time. I didn’t
know what had happened back there, why she’d gotten so upset, but some way I
was going to get her to tell me.

     After parking, I nestled her snuggly to my side as we walked
together up to her apartment. Once inside she dropped her bag on the table and
I stepped up flush against her back.

     “Why don’t you go do what girls do in the bathroom before bed; I
forgot something in my car.” I murmured in her ear.

     She rested back against me for a moment and I soaked in her
softness and heat, but then she strode away, again without saying anything. I
waited until she disappeared into the bathroom and closed the door before
heading back down to my car to grab the overnight bag I’d packed just for this
occasion. I hadn’t forgotten it, but I hadn’t wanted Shaw raising protests at
the sight of it.   

     Shaw might not be speaking but I could feel the multitude of emotions
inundating her. While I disliked that she was in a despondent state this was a
perfect opportunity to dig into her psyche. That might sound clinical but Shaw
kept a lot of herself bottled up and hidden, and I’d been waiting a long time
for just this opening.

     I took my time retrieving my bag and by the time I returned to the
apartment Shaw was out of the bathroom. Stepping in with my bag I closed the
door. After taking a piss I pulled out my toothbrush and cleaned my teeth,
washed my face, and used my electric shaver to smooth out my jaw. I didn’t want
to irritate Shaw’s skin tonight. Picking up my bag I carried it down the short
hallway to Shaw’s room. 

     Stepping in her bedroom I found Shaw sitting on her bed
cross-legged wearing a long t-shirt that reached her upper thighs with the cat
curled in her lap…and ahhh, her long, curly hair was loose and wild around her

     Stroking the cat almost absently she watched me intently as I set
my bag near her closet and began disrobing. Again, a heavy silence hung in the air.
Her grave green eyes swirled with hunger, her breathing became erratic, and her
skin flushed as my clothing fell away. My plan had been to talk with her
before, but I didn’t think either of us was going to be able to focus on a
conversation right now.

     My cock was hard as fucking steel and had been aching for relief
for hours. As I dragged my boxers down Shaw’s intent gaze locked on my heavy,
protruding erection.

     Walking to the end of the bed I grunted. “Take that shirt off.”

     With a dazed blink, and only slight hesitation, she shifted to her
knees. Setting the cat on the floor she drew the shirt up and off. I inhaled in
awe as her body was bared to me; creamy, smooth skin, mouthwatering, rose-tipped
breasts, taut stomach, black panties, and firm thighs.

     Shit, she was stunning.

     Climbing on the bed I mimicked her kneeling position, and clasping
her face between my hands I captured her mouth. Sliding one hand to the back of
her head, tangling my fingers in her beautiful hair, I sent the other one down
to her ass and squeezed the firm flesh before jerking her into me. Like always,
overwhelming lust and hunger engulfed me, and all I wanted to do was eat her

     “Evan.” Shaw whimpered into my mouth.

     Her hands burrowed into my hair, pulling me deeper into the kiss;
biting, tugging, and sucking on my lips and tongue. That just spiked my already
unrestrained desire.

     Taking her to her back on the mattress I covered her body,
pressing myself into her, and groaned at the incredible feel of her. “Fuck, it
feels like forever instead of only two days since I was last in you.” I felt
fucking starved for her.

     Trailing my mouth down her jaw, neck, and chest, I latched onto
her sweet nipple, and suckled at it fervently while at the same time molding
the opposite breast. Gasping, Shaw dug her nails into my scalp, arching up into
me. In the next second her legs wrapped around my waist and her heels pressed
into my ass.  

     “I need you, Evan. I need you now.” Shaw panted, grinding into me.

     I grunted as her wet, cloth-covered mound rubbed against my dick.
Moving my hand down under her panties I cupped her sodden pussy. Thrusting a
finger inside her I worked her clit with the heel of my hand.

     “Yesss….yessss.” Shaw moaned, riding my hand, and then
astoundingly she exploded. “Auuuhhhhhh.” She cried.

    Lifting my head I stared at her in amazement. I’d never had a girl
reach an orgasm so quickly; never had a woman respond so naturally and readily
to my touch. Her muscles contracted hard and rhythmically around my finger until
eventually easing into minute flutters. My gaze stayed on her as the tension
eased from her features, and shuddery breaths puffed from her parted lips. 

     I could have stared at her indefinitely but my cock was screaming
for relief. Lifting myself off her I hauled off her panties with shaky
hands...and wasn’t that a shot to the chest. No female had ever made me this frantic
to be inside her. Shaw’s eyes squinted open to stare at me satedly, but I could
see eagerness for the next stage.

     Positioning myself between her open thighs I slid my erection
through her copious wetness, barely holding myself back from driving into her
like a jackhammer. “You ready for me?” I asked hoarsely, stroking her cheek

     Her hands came back up to my shoulders to pull me closer, and she
raised her knees. “Yes…now.” She ordered huskily.

     My skin was so tight it was hard to grin when I heard the command
in her tone. As I glided through her cream one more time I had a brief thought
of donning a condom to double protect Shaw, but the incredible sensation of her
on my bare cock blasted it from my head. Hunching over her I slid inside her
slowly and my eyes rolled back at the mind-blowing feeling.

     She gave a long whimper while I let out a deep groan. “Daaamn,
nothing has ever felt this amazing.” Missionary had always seemed boring to me
until Shaw. Bottoming out I settled myself on top of her, skin to skin,
reveling in the feel of her, inside and out. But the inside of her felt too
good, so tight and hot, that I couldn’t keep still for long.

     Rising up to my elbows and tangling my hands in her hair I pulled
out and rocked back into her, and again my eyes rolled at the sensation.

     “So good.” I grunted and rocked. Leaning down I ate at her lips,
staring into her dazed eyes. “Your pussy is like fucking cocaine.” I groaned
and rocked harder causing her breasts to jiggle. “Beautiful.” I muttered out
loud, driving harder.   

     My balls were drawing up faster than I wanted but I couldn’t stop
it unless I stopped, and that wasn’t happening. I thrust into her harder,
deeper, while at the same time trying to breathe and plunder everything my
mouth could reach; her mouth, jaw, throat, her swaying breasts and pebbled
nipples. I was greedy for everything, wanting to consume all of her.

     Searing, electric currents were beginning to shoot down my spine
and I knew it wouldn’t be long. After each of my thrusts I added a swivel and
grind. This had Shaw’s cunt rippling with each stroke to her clit. Her knees
rose higher, her hands reached for my ass, and she went wild under me,
grappling at my back as she slammed her hips into every one of my thrusts.

     “Oh shit, Red…you’re so…fucking…incredible.” I growled as the
tension coiled, and twisted, and tightened to an unbearable degree…until it
finally snapped.

     Just as I swelled in imminent detonation, Shaw’s inner muscles
clamped down on me as she reached her orgasm, and this compression on my impending
explosion had me nearly crying in ecstasy. She was like a drenched, tight vice
squeezing everything out of me.

     “Holy...Red!” I bellowed into her neck. Digging my toes into the
mattress I tried to get every last centimeter of my dick inside her as I filled
her with what felt like a pint of cum.

     Shaw was quaking and keening under me, clutching me to her urgently
as we crashed into pleasure together. When the last of the intense pulses
diminished I collapsed on top of her, but my hips continued to undulate slowly.
My breath sawed in and out of my lungs, and a thin coat of sweat dotted my

     Torpidly, I wondered again what it was about this woman. I’d never
experienced pleasure or satiation this intensely before. It had disconcerted me
last time, and while I was once more confounded by it, I wasn’t going to let it
disconnect me from the moment like it did previously.

     Not wanting to disengage just yet, but knowing I was too heavy to
remain on top, I rolled us so that Shaw was sprawled over me. I caressed my
hands up and down her smooth, damp back and played with her hair as we caught
our breath. Shaw’s head rested on my right pectoral, her breath tickling my
skin, as her fingers traced my tattoo on the left, leaving trails of heat
everywhere she touched.

     It wasn’t going to take me long to be ready for a second round.

     “Can you tell me why you got so upset over me and Heaven talking?
I would have thought with the way I was all over you tonight you would know I
couldn’t even see another girl.”

     I hadn’t missed that Shaw had been aggravated when several females
had recognized Nic and I and had stopped at our table to boldly chat about
lacrosse a few times. I’d heard her quip to Carrie at one point that it was
hard to breath with all the hussy floating around. Everyone at the table,
except the two ‘
at the time, had gotten a kick out of that.
Another time she’d made a comment about specifically passing on the sides of
desperation with her meal. Those two girls had given her a hard glare as they’d
walked away. Shaw had only blinked at them guilelessly. She had no problem
calling people out on their audacity…something I loved…and those girls had been
boldly rude.  

     What neither Carrie nor Shaw noticed was that several guys at the
bar had been eyeing them with just as much interest as the girls had us, but
they had known better to come anywhere near our table with one hard glower from
Nic and I.

     Shaw blew a warm breath out over my chest. “I’m sorry about that…back
there.” Her hand splayed over my tattoo. “I’m used to guys always looking for
something better. I’ve actually been on dates, or what I thought were dates
back then, where guys have ditched me for someone else more attractive and not
dirt-ass poor. That girl tonight was certainly prettier, and her clothes looked
way nicer than my baggy sweatshirt.”

     Stupid ass males. How could anyone with a brain think there was
something better than Shaw? “Red, you are so much more stunning than Heaven
will ever be, no matter the clothes.”

     She shook her head faintly like she didn’t believe me. “That was
why I did things with them. I thought it would keep them interested longer…but
it was never enough.”

     An uncontainable flash of fury hit me at what she felt she had to
do with other guys, but her somber, reflective tone focused me, because she was
speaking about more than the guys she dated. It also reminded me of her earlier
comment on ‘temporary posts’. Shaw’s life had been a series of temporaries,
rejections, and abandonment; it was why she was so closed-off and skittish.

     “None of them were worthy of your efforts. True friendships and
affection shouldn’t require you to chip off pieces of yourself.” I murmured
into her hair.

     “Yeah, that was one lesson I had to learn twice.” She sighed.

BOOK: Evan's Addiction
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