Read Eternal Samurai Online

Authors: B. D. Heywood

Eternal Samurai (48 page)

BOOK: Eternal Samurai
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That first press of Arisada’s lips under his sole sent Tatsu’s arching off the bed. The eternity-taking oral worship of his body became an exquisite torture. No pain, just the gentle touches of Arisada’s unbelievably talented tongue.

Arisada started on the other leg.

Tatsu wanted this exquisite torment to last forever, but he hadn’t ridden around this damn island in the rain just for foreplay, as fucking wonderful as it was. He craved one thing—the vampire’s cock buried in his chute.

He pulled Arisada’s face away from his groin. “You have waited eight fucking centuries for me. You going to wait another eight?”

For a single heartbeat, Arisada’s golden eyes flared brilliant with happiness before washing dark. “It is too soon. You are not fully healed.”

“Bullshit, my ass is fine.” He was answered with the chill of breath blowing over his scrotum. The gesture made his dick jump, hardening until it felt like it was gong to burst. “Oh sweet fuck.”

Tatsu’s whimper scorched along every nerve in Arisada’s body. He moaned at the sight of the boy’s pebbled sac, nuzzled in and pressed his lips against the chamois-soft skin stretched over the two hard nuts. Rolled his tongue over each globe, taking in the salty moisture. He sucked in one perfect orb, then the other, rolling them against his ridged palete. Pulled off with a slight pop to glance up at the beautiful rose-flushed shaft filling most of his view. Arisada fought his temptation to suck that cock down, bring Tatsu to a howling climax with just his mouth.

, oh hell. Fuck me—
” Tatsu’s sex-filled demand filled the room.

“Patience, my
, patience.” He continued to explore, caressing the sensitive perineum, circling Tatsu’s rim, with his forefinger. Felt the muscle twitch the relax beneath his gentle touch. With a quiver, Tatsu’s ring softened. Arisada eased past the first ring into the musky wetness of Tatsu’s core. Felt the resisting clench of wet walls. He pushed deeper, curled his knuckle against the pulsing heat of Tatsu’s walls.

Another finger scissored in, coaxing that tight muscle to melt and accept. Tatsu’s hips, grinding against his hand, sent waves of delight up the vampire’s spine. He worked in his third finger, curled it against the soft, pulse of Tatsu’s walls. And found that spongy bundle of delicate nerves. Vibrated against it.

A screaming want tore through Tatsu when that finger entered him. Then two more, an invading wedge digging deeper into his center. So full! He fought his body’s instinct to reject the fullness. Instead, ground against those fingers that kept driving in, rolling and curling against his walls.

“Don’t. Fucking. Stop.” Sensations like pure electricity danced between his cock and his hole. A finger stroked, once, twice, over his throbbing gland, building pleasure that rocketed through him from his well-sucked toes to his gasping-for-air lips. Then the indescribable wet heat of Arisada’s mouth engulfed his cock. That mouth plunged him into the abyss. That throat, gulping down his cum in deep, greedy swallows, held him there.

Tatsu collapsed, muscles limp and trembling. Except his dick. Drenched in his cum and Arisada’s spit, it remained hard, throbbing with need.

Arisada reared over his beloved and gazed at that face flushed and wild with primal need. Felt the unsated body quake with aftershocks beneath him. He kissed Tatsu with cum-slicked lips, giving the boy a taste of himself.

“Did I satisfy you, my bishou? Are we done?”

“Oh yes. Maybe. Fuck no!”

“Then turn over.”

With an eager “
hai, hai
” Tatsu managed to roll onto his belly. He drew his shaking knees under him and lifted his ass.

The uninhibited presentation of that pert rump with its thin dusting of dark hair around the wet opening sent heat pulsing into the vampire’s already rock-hard cock.

“Oh, Su-kun. You’ve got the most adorable backside I’ve ever seen.” He slipped a pillow under Tatsu’s narrow hips. That delectable butt rounded even more.

“So fuck it.” A hitch followed Tatsu’s lust-ladened command. “Lube?”

“No need, precious boy.” Arisada him tremble. He delivered a tender, reassuring kiss on Tatsu’s nape followed by slow, maddening tastes over each knob of the spine. Languorous tastes of honey-kissed skin, sweat-damp creases and folds.

Tatsu felt those elegant fingers pull his asscheeks apart. A hot, insistent tongue nuzzled deep into his crack, sending scalding “oh fuck yeah” messages over his skin.

Heat from Tatsu’s blush warmed Arisada’s lips. His tongue burrowed into the musky crack between those taut mounds. Before he could stop, he bit one creamy cheek. Tatsu’s whimper shot straight into Arisada’s already pounding cock.

Wicked shivers skidded over Tatsu’s skin. The feel of those fangs tips awakened something in him. He felt it at the very depths of his sex. He craved Arisada’s bite. Knew he always had.

“You call that a bite?”

Arisada’s fangs broke the flesh, sucked up the crimson drops. His bloodlust broke free. Seconds fled by as the vampire hovered on the razor-sharp edge of his savagery. With unbelievable strength, he crushed his need. But he could not resist one more claiming nip into Tatsu’s other cheek.

The pain from Arisada’s teeth rolled right into the pleasure coming from the vampire’s mouth against the sensitive skin behind his balls. Hot breath now against his hole, a wet teasing around his rim. The hard press of the jade over the quivering muscle of his rim wrung deep moans from him Then a wicked, tongue-swirling, mouth-sucking action.

His body clenched, fists tearing into the sheets. He ground his hungry pucker against the vampire’s face. Incoherent, pleas that all added up to “more” and “deeper” spilled in harsh moans from his pleasure-torn throat.

Lightning began to flash from Tatsu’s hole straight up his spine and into his brain.
there could be no more stretch in the skin of his cock, yet his prick swelled further into an aching gotta-come-now need.

Arisada pressed his face deep into Tatsu’s crack. He licked around that opening. Beneath his vibrating lips and the rolling of the stud, Tatsu’s hole yielded. Arisada drove in deep. He savored that first bittersweet tang of the most intimate part of the boy he loved.

, my precious
. The mantra pounded though Arisada’s mind, echoing the thundering of his heart. He devoured Tatsu’s ass—tasting, sucking, darting inside, rolling the stud against that soft wall. Every dip drew needy little whimpers from Tatsu. Arisada wanted to make his own needy little whimpers but his breath was trapped somewhere in his chest.

Tatsu’s begging cock leaked, so hot and hard, so freaking ready to blast its load.
, one more stroke of that tongue and he’d explode—again. But he wanted to come from Arisada’s beautiful, long cock buried inside him.

Fuck me.

Surprised, Arisada pulled back. “

Tatsu whined at the sudden cool air as those lips left his dripping ass. He lifted his butt higher, presented his slippery rim to the vampire. “Can’t wait. Need you in me.”

Arisada smoothed over the scalding skin of Tatsu’s rump. “Not like this. I want to see you.” He had to look into his beloved’s face. See the pain, the pleasure—the purity of that moment—when his cock filled him.

Never mind it was going to hurt like a bitch. Didn’t care. Needed to feel Arisada drive inside—deep, deep inside. Wanted the stretch, the too-fullness, the burn that rolled right up into the sweetest pleasure a man could ever feel.

He flipped onto his back, hooked his legs over the vampire’s shoulders, and dragged him closer. This was how he wanted it, looking into those golden eyes, seeing his lover’s expression as his ass took in Arisada’s prick for the first time.

The vampire tangled his hands in Tatsu’s hair, leaned down until their breath mingled. Gently, he kissed over each eyelid, brushed the tip of his tongue along the thick lashes curling against those desire-dusted cheeks, caressed that bow-shaped mouth with the pads his thumbs.

Catlike, Tatsu licked both thumbs His eyes widened at the bitter taste of his own juices. “Tasty.” He ground his hardness against Arisada’s belly.

The mound of Tatsu’s scrotum—a chamois-soft pocket around rock-hard balls—crowded against Arisada’s groin. He angled his prick down to the sweat-and-spit slicked entrance. Pressed his aching cockhead over that opening and froze. What happened next would change them forever.

Tatsu saw the frisson of fear in those golden eyes and knew the cause. He gripped Arisada’s cock, felt its heat through their fingers. “I will never betray you,” he whispered and impaled himself, filling his ass with Arisada’s cock A second buck of his hips, hard and high, engulfed the vampire’s rod clear to the root.

Pain, intense and high, lanced through Tatsu’s belly. Oh hell, it hurt, a stretching burn deep into his guts. But his heart soared.

, Arisada. Make it messy, make me hurt.” His fingers dug into Arisada’s hips. “Fuck me like you mean it”

And Arisada fucked him, ploughing into a core that pulsed wet and tight, driving sheet lightening through his prick, into his balls, his ass, his mind. Digging his prick in deep and hard in a raw meeting of flesh within flesh. “Oh, Su-kun. So tight, so hot,” Arisada gasped.

Tatsu felt every ridge, every contour, every steel inch of that beautiful vampire cock. He rocked against Arisada’s hips. No pain now, just a climbing pleasure that rose sweet and wild up his spine.

Not enough. No, not enough. Arisada needed his lover to consume him. Still buried in Tatsu’s ass, he pushed the youth’s knees up to his shoulders, changing the angle, giving him more access to Tatsu’s anus. Felt every ridge, every crevasse, every wrinkle of Tatsu’s scalding walls. Moans slipped from him at the feel of his cock enveloped by such pulsing heat.

Arisada moved with increasing fury until he was pistoning into that scalding core. Tatsu fucked back. His tight muscled center took everything the vampire gave.

Tatsu rocked his hips against that lean, straining body. The muscle of his rim gripped Arisada like a steel vice, determined to suck in every inch of that hard, driving length. He needed to be closer. Needed the vampire so deep, he’d feel him hit his heart.

Sweet begging moans spilled from Arisada’s
. Moans that hiked up decibel by decibel. When Arisada’s cockhead found Tatsu’s gland, the cries from Tatsu’s pretty mouth became one long “oh fuck. Pure, cock-driven pleasure, hot and sweet and wild, filled Tatsu’s belly, his cock, his balls. With the force of a tsunami, his orgasm roared over him. He clawed for its cresting energy.

“Look at me, Su-kun.” The vampire commanded. Tatsu’s eyes, almost hidden beneath those sooty lashes, flew open. The pupils were blown wide, leaving only thin emerald rims burning with a hungry fever.

As if for the first time, Tatsu looked at Arisada the vampire. The blood-filled eyes, the mouth distorted by those extended fangs. A face both vicious and beautiful. That cruel beauty drove like a sword straight into Tatsu’s sex. His body convulsed, driven by a climax such as he’d never know before. His spunk jetted in hot, glistening ribbons between them. As he screamed his release, he offered his throat, utterly submissive. Utterly wanting.

The vampire heard the acceptance in that cry. He slammed his cock one last time into the milking depths of Tatsu’s center. That sweet, almost-pain, blasted up from Arisada’s balls, out his prick. Unable to stop, Arisada struck, his fangs claiming his lover in the most intimate, most deadly of ways.

Ecstasy unlike anything ever experienced exploded through Tatsu. The exquisite pain from those lips sucking his blood sent Tatsu into a second, incredible orgasm. And he embraced the vampire, body and soul. Such a union was unbelievable yet Tatsu could not deny its truth. His heart knew it. His soul accepted it. He had given Arisada everything.

At the richness of that thick, coppery fluid flooding into his mouth, Arisada lost control. He wanted to drink it all, absorbing the life, feasting on this boy forever. Take everything Tatsu offered—his body, his life, his

Then Tatsu’s spirit possessed him. The vampire tore his mouth away with fear. He stared into the eyes of his beloved. Only love radiated from their sea-green depths. His terror at nearly killing his beloved turned to pure wonderment.

“My soulmate.” Absolute acceptance in Tatsu’s voice. His words drained the bloodlust from the vampire. Those deadly fangs retracted but slowly as if their owner was emerging from a dream.

“Nunmei no hito
. But how?” Disbelief in Arisada’s voice.

“After eight-hundred years of suffering, the Buddha has granted you compassion. Made us soulmates,
unmei no hito.”
Tatsu assured his conviction by kissing the vampire’s bloody mouth.

nearly wept at that simple gesture. Never had he loved the boy more than in that moment.

Arisada. I love you” Tatsu pulled his
down against his chest. Gods, he loved the weight of that wiry body pressing against him, the warmth of bare skin—Arisada’s bare skin—against him. His ass burned but not enough that the silky leak of spunk failed to send a delicious stirring all the way through him.

Lulled by the measured beat of his lover’s heart, Tatsu drifted. A face—the harsh planes softened by a love never expressed in the real world—drifted into Tatsu’s mind. Sage!

“You have found him, the one your soul belongs to.” The Navajo smiled then faded.

, I have found my
” Tatsu’s murmur ruffled a scarlet strand of hair under his vampire lover’s ear. Yet a flicker of sadness touched Tatsu’s contentment.

“What troubles you, Su-kun?” A soft kiss brushed Tatsu’s hair.

“Sage. I hope he is happy wherever he is. He showed me
to love. But it is you who showed me
to love.”

“You called me

Tatsu tightened his arm around Arisada’s chest. “
, it feels good coming off my tongue.”

BOOK: Eternal Samurai
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