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Authors: B. D. Heywood

Eternal Samurai (41 page)

BOOK: Eternal Samurai
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“It was so vivid, so real, not disjointed the way most dreams are. I know how it feels to be fucked by you. I felt every sensation. The touch of our fingers, our lips, how the tendons of my thighs stretched around your hips, my knees on the rock floor of the bath. And … and… when I thrust down on top of you, your cock utterly filled me. It hurt at first. But then every thrust became nothing but pure pleasure. We climaxed at the same time.”

The tips of Tatsu’s ears warmed. No way would he tell Arisada about how he woke up from the dream covered with cum and still hard. Or how many times he jerked off since then.

“You had a past-life memory. Tatsu-kun. Those events happened exactly as you described. How we made love in the bath, how possessively Nowaki rode my cock. I should have been more aware. When I returned from Nara, there was a change in Nowaki. But I was a love-blind fool. There were many instances when I felt a distance between us even while we coupled. I ignored it. It was inconceivable Nowaki would betray me. I believed he was my
unmei no hito

“Your soulmate,” Tatsu whispered. He fetched the sketchpad from the bedroom closet and held it before Arisada. “Is this him?”

The vampire’s expression changed from surprise to sorrow. “Oh, Nowaki-kun.” The name slipped out with an incredible yearning. When he looked up from the drawing, tears filmed his eyes. “This is an exact likeness of him.”

Tatsu reached for Arisada, intending only a gesture of comfort. Instead, he found himself cupping the vampire face and claiming his startled mouth in a deep, possessive kiss. The tip of Tatsu’s tongue dug between Arisada’s lips and lapped against his teeth, glided over the ridged channels housing their deadly weapons. He swept over the ball of the piercing, liking its smooth perfect roundness against the underside of his tongue.

The sketchpad fell unheeded to the floor. The vampire’s gasp dropped into a deep, husky moan. Tatsu released his kiss, stepped back and stared into the golden eyes for a second. Then, in a single fluid move, he dropped to his knees, unzipped Arisada’s pants, and dug out that fat cock. His mouth was around that slick crown in the next breath, and he sucked in his first blissful, oh-so-yearned-for taste of Arisada’s prick.

“No. You must not do this.” Arisada pushed Tatsu away, his cock jutting slick and wet between them. feet. The vampire fumbled to tuck himself away and pull up his zipper.

“Don’t do what? Suck your cock the way you did mine? Kiss you like you did me? What the fuck, Arisada? You started this.” Tatsu climbed to his feet, the sting of Arisada’s rejection clear in the glare from his eyes. He was angry, sure, but his mouth watered from the taste of that fine cock.

Abruptly, Arisada’s stance softened, tenderness suffusing his face. “That night in the Garden was a terrible mistake. It must not happen again. I will not be able to stop myself from feeding from you.

“That’s bullshit. A vampire’s bite is not always fatal.”

“Mine is. The virus in my blood is mutated, lethal to any human. You
die. Do you understand?” Arisada’s voice turned brittle at the doubt in Tatsu’s eyes. “I came here tonight to give you the Ikkansai and tell you after we stop Sadomori, I am leaving the city. We will never see each other again.”

! You say you searched for me for centuries, even say you love me. Hell, you swallowed my cum. Now you’re bailing on me, leaving town? What am I, just something for you to play with? Fuck the silly boy who wanted to kill me?” Tatsu’s lips twisted with hurt and confusion.

“You know better. My feelings for you are at the core of my soul.”

“How dare you talk about feelings? You know only hate and death. You know nothing of love.” Deep shame filled Tatsu. He was being cruel, knew his words were untrue.

“You accuse me of knowing nothing of love? I would have walked into the sun centuries ago if it were not for one thing—the hope that someday I would find Nowaki. True, my motive was
. But the moment I saw you in that dojo, all that vanished, obliterated by love.”

“And after all that time, you are going to throw it away?
. Don’t you get it?
!” There was nothing tender in Tatsu’s confession just a terrible realization.

Before the vampire had time to think, Tatsu grabbed Arisada’s shoulders, hooked his foot around the back of the
’s knees and swept him flat onto the bed. Tatsu dropped onto the stunned vampire, straddling his waist and locking his knees against Arisada’s ribs. He pressed his forearm across Arisada’s throat cutting off the air. Raw fury glittered from Tatsu’s sea-dark eyes.

The boy’s inhuman speed and strength stunned Arisada. His fingers clawed at Tatsu’s forearm, fighting for breath. Then in a wash of acceptance, Arisada ceased all struggle. So be it, let the boy kill him. It would solve everything.

Suddenly, shamefaced, Tatsu released his chokehold and sat back—right on the hard bulge at Arisada groin. Even as they glared at each other, the press of his ass against Arisada’s cock ignited every part of Tatsu’s body.

“Please, let me have this,” Tatsu begged, looking into those golden eyes.

Arisada ached for this boy, ached so much his will dissolved to nothing. Even if he lived for another eight centuries, he would never be strong enough to deny this one moment.

, Su-kun. Take what you want.” In wonder, the vampire reached up, cupped Tatsu’s face and pulled him down, fusing their lips together in a deep, claiming kiss.

A deep primal sound rumbled in his throat as Tatsu’s tongue swept in, plundered Arisada’s mouth, brushing over the wet inner cheeks, running over the channels that housed the deadly teeth. This was heat and bliss and sweetness. Still, he craved more. Hungry for the vampire’s dick, Tatsu slithered back onto Arisada’s thighs, dragged down his zipper and brought out his turgid prick.

“God, your cock is beautiful.” That turgid member—the color of cream tea, the silky dome, already wet with precum, pushing out from the foreskin. Tatsu rolled his thumb over that perfect head, coaxing forth another slick flood. He tightened his fist and claimed Arisada’s cock in a long, slow stroke.

But that hand was not enough for Arisada. “
Dozo, koibito, dozo. Chinko o shaburu
!” he pleaded. “Suck my cock!” His words spilled from his mouth. His fanged mouth.

Tatsu’s “Oh yes,” blew out a on a long breath. Then his mouth engulfed that satiny head, savored its smooth texture, for only a moment before taking Arisada’s prick in so fast it slammed against the back of his throat. He choked, pulled back, keeping his lips stretched tight and possessive around the crown. His tongue swept the weeping crown, drew forth another gush of leaking juice. And a long, harsh moan from Arisada.

Tatsu gulped, stretched his lips and opened his throat wider. Sucked every iron-hard inch down until his nose was buried in its nest of soft curls. His cheeks sunk inward as he drew back, rolling his tongue over the tender skin, lapping at the throbbing blue vein underneath. God, he loved it—the feel of satin sliding over pulsing hardness, the sea-salt brine of Arisada’s sweat, the musk of his readiness.

Arisada’s gasped in wonder at the sight of Tatsu fucking him with his lips. That hot mouth taking him so deep. The gulp when his cockhead hit the back of the boy’s throat. The hard scrape of teeth, the roll of that tongue. And then that deep suction back, the slight smacking of Tatsu’s lips, a cold brush of air before the wet heat swallowed him again.

Fire raced through Arisada’s body, destroying his doubt in a conflagration of in exquisite sensations. His hands curled into Tatsu’s hair, gripped hard and pulled Tatsu face to his groin. Urged the youth with a deep, pleading groans and grinding hips. Fought his need to fuck that demanding mouth, the denial adding fuel to his pleasure.

Tatsu clawed aside the obstructive folds of cloth to cup the heavy warmth of Arisada’s sac. He fingered the fine brush of hair on the silky skin as he rolled each orb, teasing at first then pulling harder in rhythm. He popped off Arisada’s cock, dove in to tongue the scrotum, sucked in one ball. Moaned at how it filled him. A tugging a wet demand that sent fire racing into his belly.

A tentative caress along Arisada’s perineum, A finger circled his pucker, teasing the tight muscle open. That finger entered, followed by a second, digging deeper. Electricity danced over the vampire’s flesh. Pleasure rocketed straight up his spine, spun out of every limb when Tatsu’s knuckles curled against his walls.

Arisada bucked his ass, rocking between that hot, talented mouth and those driving fingers. He reached for his orgasm, climbing toward its crescendo, so close it maddened him.

But Tatsu was not finished playing. This may be his only time to show Arisada his love. He pulled his fingers from the vampire’s hole with a wet pop. Sucked greedily on them, a teasing grin on his face, as he challenged the vampire with his eyes. Then he drove the wedge of his hand deep into Arisada’s chute.

Arisada mewled with the rocketing pain and pleasure of it. He arched his back, clenching his ass muscle around that sweet invasion. Rode the wild sweep of sensation that flowed from his core along to every nerve ending in his body.

Then Tatsu sucked the vampire’s cock again into the greedy depths of his throat. His fingers curled against the pulsing walls of the vampire’s core and grazed over Arisada’s prostate. He vibrated against the spongy sensitive gland.

Sweet agony engulfed Arisada. His nerves, inflamed by pure orgasmic sensation, fired and fired again as his cum blasted from him. “
Koibito, Iku, iku
!” he howled.

But fear rode with his ecstasy. The feeding lust possessed him. Uncontrolled, his fangs emerged, full and gleaming, from their channels. In desperation, he threw his arm against his gasping mouth. As he pumped his cum down that eager gulping throat, he sank his fangs into his own forearm, ripping through muscle and tendons. Gouts of hot blood splashed over his face. The pain lashed his orgasm even higher, spurting great creamy jets into his lover’s mouth.

Tatsu pulled off Arisada’s still-pulsing cock. Cum spilled from his mouth, leaving a shiny trail down his chin. Even before he swallowed, his lips began lapping up the sweat slicking the vampire’s groin. Unable to resist, Tatsu nipped. “See, I can bite back,” he murmured against the wet pubic curls.

With a satisfied groan, he nibbled up the valley of Arisada’s belly, over the arch of still-heaving ribs to that panting mouth. Tatsu slid his slicked tongue inside. And reared back at the coppery taste.

“Holy shit, what the hell did you do?” He stared at the blood flowing from Arisada’s arm.

“I nearly lost control. My body was the better choice. But, please, let me up.”

Tatsu scrambled off Arisada, ripped off a corner of the sheet and wrapped around the vampire’s lacerated arm. He babbled a string of

Arisada leaned back against the headboard. “That’s the sixth
you’ve said. It is not necessary, I will be fine.” He removed the makeshift dressing. The bleeding had already stopped, the wound knitting closed. One-handed, he zipped his pants. “And for the record, you have the most talented mouth I have ever experienced.”

Flustered, Tatsu climbed off the bed, walked over to the dresser, and stared for a long moment at the Ikkansai. When he looked at Arisada, his eyes had turned sea-green cold. “I want your word, your oath, that you will not leave the city. Give us a chance.”

“My oath? I cannot do that. And there can be no

“Yes, you can. That filthy
kono yarou
Sadomori tore an oath of fidelity from you. But I am asking you to give it to me freely. If you love me, swear you won’t leave. In turn, I promise never to touch you again. Just as long as I can be by your side, it will be enough.” Tatsu had not realized until the words left his mouth that he would accept any terms to be with Arisada.

“To my shame, I have been unable to stay away from you. Today, I could have killed you. I cannot do that again. Because I do love you, I must leave.”

Tatsu opened his mouth to protest. Only a croak emerged.

Arisada raised one elegant hand, placed it for a moment against Tatsu’s lips. “Do not ask me to stay.
. Please give me this.”

“You gave your allegiance to a monster like Ukita Sadomori yet deny our love?”

I am afraid it must be so.”

For a single, horrible moment, Tatsu wanted to run the Ikkansai through the vampire. Instead, he turned his back. “Then there is nothing between us. Get the fuck out. The next time I see you, I will
you.” The threat burst from his lips and shattered like a mirror under the impact of a bullet. The shards of each word burst into the air, reflecting the lie a thousand times, multiplying it, raining back onto him, shredding his soul.

“Arisada. Y
, forgive me. I did not mean it.” He spun around, outstretched hand reaching for Arisada., “Y
,” he cried again. It was too late. The vampire was gone.

,” he whispered to the empty room.

Wearing only a towel around his waist, Tatsu stumbled into his bedroom from his shower. His mind drifted through an alien country filled with dark, formless grief. Years of training, of denying all emotion, of embracing only on the art of the sword, the honor of a samurai, crumpled before the reality of his loss.

How in hell did things get so fucked up, so fast? From wrapping his lips around Arisada’s gorgeous cock, fingering his ass, tasting the sweetness of his spunk to driving him away with the threat of death.
he had to find the vampire, take back those destructive words. Even if it was the last time he spoke with Arisada, he had to obtain his forgiveness.

Cold air blasted from the open balcony door. His heart leaped with joy. “Arisada,
, I am so—“.

An unknown form detached itself from the dark recess of the far corner. In a blur of motion, Tatsu snatched up the Ikkansai just as Fornax moved further into the bedroom. His rain-wet hair was plastered to his shoulders. His hands hidden in the pockets of his raincoat.

BOOK: Eternal Samurai
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