Eternal Hearts (Incurable Hearts 2) (9 page)

BOOK: Eternal Hearts (Incurable Hearts 2)
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“Just like her mother then,” he stated.

“Yeah” I agreed, “Is Anna joining us?”

“No, she is at her sisters, I’ll pick her and Sophia up on the way home”


I sat watching everyone while we ate take-out. Ava was fitting into our, her family nicely. She was still teasing Jase about his dance moves, he was giving as good as he got. Alex, who was now warming to Ava, helped her and gave her extra ammunition to wind Jase up.

“Let’s settle this then” Jase said pushing his chair back from the table. He walked around and bowed the same as he did with Jas and offered Ava his hand.

You’re crazy, I don’t want you treading all over my feet,” she laughed.

“One way or another, you will dance,” he warned.

After she managed to stop laughing she accepted his offer and stood.

”You be careful with my grand-daughter Jase,” my mother warned playfully.

He whisked her around the kitchen, twirling and dipping her until she couldn’t breathe through the giggles. It warmed me to see her so happy, genuinely smiling because she was having fun where she belonged.

My mother wasn’t going to let Ava have all the fun, she soon took over and ended up taking the lead with Jase herself.

Ava joined us at the table again, she was out of breath, I noticed her hands were shaking. The crashing pain resurfaced, the last time I saw hands shake like that was with her mother.

“Are you okay?” I asked
, trying to hide the frantic need for her to be fine out of my voice.

“Yes, it’s weird becaus
e I feel kind of nervous but I’m having such a good time” she smiled, “Are you okay?” she asked beginning to frown.

“I am now”

I was, I was so used to Jas’s hands shaking for a deathly reason, I forgot hands shake through nerves too.

“I’m taking the children
swimming tomorrow Ava, would you like to come?” Nat asked.

Ava looked to me, once again asking my permission. I nodded encouraging her to go.

“I would love to”

Nat smiled, she was truly a blessing to my brother. She was an angel to Jas and now she was doing everything she could to make Ava feel welcome and part of the family.

“It’s getting late and looks like everyone has plans tomorrow, we should head back” Henry said from the other end of the table. Everyone began clearing the table while Ava remained in her seat.

“Are you ready Ava?” mum asked.

“Actually, I would like to stay here, if that is okay?” she asked looking at me.

“Sure, there is plenty of room”

“Shall I pick you up from here tomorrow?” Nat asked.

“Yes” she smiled.

After everyone left, I asked her if she wanted to finish watching the DVD, she said she was tired. I showed her to one of the spare rooms, well it was her room now. An awkward atmosphere had developed since everyone left, I wasn’t sure what to say to her, thankfully she mumbled something about being tired so I left her to change for bed and made my way back downstairs.

I poured a whiskey and began clearing the albums away. As I put the last one in the box I decided to get them all out again. I wouldn’t close them away like a bad reminder. I cleared the ornaments off the shelf on the bookcase in the far corner of the living room and placed each album in their place.

Ava wasn’t in the room but knowing she was safe under my roof, I could relax. I downed the rest of my drink and headed for bed, for once excited about waking the next day.


I slept the whole night through, I didn’t even wake up when the alarm went off at seven am. I haven’t slept like that for years. I was showered and dressed prepared for the day ahead. I thought Ava would still be asleep when I walked into the kitchen, until she jumped back from the cupboards looking guilty.

“I was just trying to find some cereal” she stuttered.

“You don’t have to look so guilty” I laughed, “This can be your home, you can look in any cupboard you want”

With my reassurance she relaxed and she smiled.

“But I do know we don’t have any cereal, I don’t think we have any food in actually”

“Oh, that’s okay,
I’ll grab something at the pool later”

If she was going to be staying here, I would have to change that. I would have to start doing the shopping. I inwardly laughed, I always teased Jas for not knowing how to depend on
herself for such mundane tasks and here I am, cringing because I don’t know what the hell to buy, food wise for my daughter and in fact, myself. It has been a long time since I ate normally at home without Rose or my mother dropping off meals.

“What time is Nat picking you up?”

“Not for another couple of hours”

“Come on, we will go shopping. You can help me fill the fridge and cupboards up” I smiled
, grabbing my car keys.


Shopping was definitely a new experience with Ava. She was like no female I have come across before. She loved all the foods I thought she wouldn’t like and hated the foods I thought she would. Once we got passed the shyness of her not wanting to get too much, it turned out to be fun and ended up with two trolleys full of food. We must have covered everything, she also disappeared to the book section and returned with three new books.

When we arrived back at the house, Alex and Nat pulled up behind us, which was good as I could do with the extra help taking the
shopping bags in.

“How much shopping do you need?” Alex joked
, looking into the boot and the back seat of the car.

“Ava was hungry and I didn’t have anything in so we went shopping,” I said
, with a touch of proud ness.

w much do you eat?” he laughed, asking Ava.

“I said it was too much but he wouldn’t listen,” she said.

“Here, grab some bags will you, I’ll be here all day otherwise”

Once all the shopping was in the kitchen, the girls took over and began filling the cupboards.

“Have fun today, and watch out for Jack, he likes to bomb into the water” I told Ava, giving her a heads up.

“Oh and I wonder who taught him that?” Nat mocked.

“You aren’t going to splash me are you Jack?” Ava asked him sweetly.

Both Jack and Jasmine-Lily were taken with their new cousin and she was really good with them.

“Yeah I am,” he laughed before running away.

“Chris, before you go, I wanted to talk to you about Megan” Nat said blocking the back door so I couldn’t escape.

“What about her?” I feigned interest.

“You got on pretty well with her at the party, she enjoyed herself too, she was disappointed when you disappeared.

“Come on Nat, get to the point,” I said
, hurrying the conversation along.

“You should go for a drink with her. I can arrange it for you, I know she would like to see you again”

I groaned at my sister-in-law. I know she means well but god knows, I have enough on my plate right now without adding another female to it.

“I don’t know” I frowned.

“You should go” Ava said, joining the conversation.

I looked at her, she was being genuine.

“It would be good for you, it is only a drink” she finished.

Even though it felt like I had her blessing, I still wasn’t sure. Sure, I got on well with her and she was easy to talk to but I didn’t want her gaining any extra ideas if I agreed.

Looking at Nat and Ava, I was getting the impression I was going on this date whether I wanted to or not.

“Fine, but only for a drink, no meals or anything like that and in the future
I’ll pick my own dates,” I warned.

“You will never go on any though” Nat frowned.

“With a bit of luck” I muttered quietly, “Right, I’m leaving before I have to agree to anything else. Have a good day and I’ll see you later” I said, before making a very quick exit.

It was only ten
am and I had already been shopping and agreed to a date. I wasn’t eager for the latter but I wasn’t angry about it either. I was heading in a good direction and I was happy.

“Fatherhood suits you” Alex said when I walked into the make shift office, “I take it she is staying for the foreseeable?”

“I hope so, I can’t imagine her not being around now,” I said truthfully.

“She will have to go back to London eventually, they may not be her real family but she still has family there”

“Don’t ruin my day, be happy because I’m happy” I said not fazed by his concern for once.

I’ll show you what we got done yesterday”

As we rounded the corner the first thing we saw Ava talking to Jack. I did not like the way he was looking at her, I remember giving that look to many girls back in the day. The look screamed ‘
I’ll treat you like a princess until I get what I want’. Alex saw it too and looked at me, silently asking me how we were going to handle this.

“Wait a minute”

“This is the part I’m not looking forward to with Jasmine-Lily”

I was confused by his words.

“Boys” he clarified.

As Jack edged closer to Ava, I couldn’t wait any longer.

I dragged Alex with me, hoping we would be more intimidating as a unit and cleared my throat. Jack took a large step back.

“My brother doesn’t pay you to flirt with his daughter” Alex said sternly
, causing Ava to blush.

“Um, yeah sorry boss. I’ll see you later Ava”

The lad had guts, still intending to see her later while we were still standing here.

“You didn’t have to do that, you know,” she said. She wasn’t angry but she wasn’t happy either,

“He was very nice, he offered to show me around the city” she added.

“We saw, we used to be nice like that too” I replied dryly.

“Anyway, I just came to let you know that we are going shopping after swimming so I won’t be back till late this afternoon”

She walked away before either of us could comment.

“Good luck with that brother” Alex said, laughing before walking away from me too.

Our growing relationship was going to hit trouble, I could see it happening now, I didn’t have a clue what to do with a teenage girl who was talking like that with boys, let alone my teenage daughter.
All I know is I don’t like it one bit.

With Ava away for the rest of the day I set my mind and wondered what Jas would have done but then I scrapped that idea, she would have probably helped Ava pick out something to wear, she may have been hard but she
did have a romantic streak running through her. I shouldn’t get involved, nor stop anything from happening, however, in this case I would make an exception. I told myself our lives needed to settle down before she started thinking about boys.

“Jack!” I yelled
, getting his attention on the other side of the garden.

He jogged over looking like he was expecting what I was going to say.

“Ava told me you offered to show her around Cambridge”

“I was being genuine boss,” he urged.

“I’m sure you were, the thing is, I don’t want you too”

It should have felt wrong warning him away, but it didn’t.

“I do like her”

That was a lie, he didn’t know her to like her, he liked the way she looked.

“I’m sure you do, and I can see why. She is a beautiful girl and very wealthy and you are young. I can also see you will do anything to get what you want, I know how it goes but I am telling you, it is not happening with my daughter”

You’re taking it to the extreme boss, I was only offering to show her around,”

“I’m stopping it before it gets to the extreme, if Ava wants to be shown around one of us will do it” I clocked Alex walking by, “Isn’t that right bro, who would I prefer to take Ava around our fine city?”

“Definitely not him” he clarified sticking around.

“I get it. No trying to date the
boss’s daughter”

“Don’t speak to her, don’t even look at her” I warned and dismissed him.

He quickly left and got on with his work.

“That was a bit full on mate,” Jase said coming up behind us.

“I don’t want him near her” I stated as if it wasn’t obvious.

“Yeah, I think he understood, and everyone else here” he laughed.

“Good, keep an eye on him, if he steps out of line, get rid of him”

The rest day was uneventful, Jack kept himself busy, he was a good worker and he was learning fast. He will be a good employee to keep on. I should have been easier on him, I kept repeating to myself it was best for everyone.

The guys were leaving for the day, I left them to finish up and after I was showered, I was in the kitchen deciding what to cook for dinner when Ava came in and dumped her bags on the side.  

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