Eternal Hearts (Incurable Hearts 2) (5 page)

BOOK: Eternal Hearts (Incurable Hearts 2)
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“I’m sorry, I hate seeing you like this and with this girl turning up your going back to square one,” he said.

“How do you know that? I have had a shock tonight, that’s all. Did you think maybe I might want this, I could have Jas back?” I shouted trying to get my point across.

“She isn’t Jas!” he shouted back.

His words knocked me over.

“I know but she is part of Jas and a part of me. We have shared something all these years, she isn’t around now but I can get to know Ava, I can get to know my daughter”

He backed away slowly and sat on the chair, after a minute I joined him and started again.

“From the start I knew she would be in my life forever, when she died she was always with me. No matter how many smiles you saw or each time you heard me laugh, without her it has never meant anything. I have a chance to be happy again”

I was took back to my letter from Jas, it kept me awake for months after her death
, wondering how she knew I would be happy again, she was adamant I would be and now after all this time, I figured it out. She knew Ava would come looking for me and I would find out the truth. This was her way of being with me for my forever.

“I’m always here for you brother, always” he said relenting.

I took the beer he held out to me and took a deep swig.

“Here’s to the next Jenson-Collins adventure” I toasted.

“Never a dull moment with Jas” he muttered.






“Is she okay?” Henry asked when I joined him in the living room.

Ava was tired when we got back, she asked if she could go straight to bed, I think she had been through enough tonight and wanted to be alone. I settled her into one of the spare bedrooms and left her in peace although I wanted to ask so many questions but I refrained. God knows how?

“She seems fine. How about you? You have had quite a shock tonight” I said sitting on the sofa. Finally taking the weight of tonight’s revelations off my feet.

“I’m fine, she just took me by surprise. I wasn’t expecting her to look so much like Jasmine,” he said sitting beside me. The way he said it triggered my suspicions.

“Hang on, did you know about Ava before tonight?”

“Not exactly. After Jasmine’s death when Rose and I were going
through her things, we came across a photograph of her holding a baby in a pink blanket on a hospital bed…she looked around sixteen or seventeen years old” he admitted.

“Why didn’t you say something?”

I felt angry but I had no right to be angry with Henry, how could he have known?

“What would I have said? We didn’t know for sure she was Jasmine’s, let alone Chris’s, we could only assume what happened. You know how Jasmine was, she wasn’t one for telling her secrets even to those she loved,” he said.

“I suppose” I said dejectedly, “How can this be happening? Chris is only now getting himself back on some sort of level he can live day to day, what happens if she isn’t his daughter, actually what happens when it is confirmed she is his daughter?” I asked, hoping Henry had the answers.

“I don’t know darling, we were there for each other then and we will be now. We will get through this together,” he said
, putting his arms around me.

I love him so much. All the years I thought I was happy because I had a man in my life, I didn’t realise how different it was to actually have a man by my side, I know Henry loves me as much as I love him. When he proposed it took me less than a nanosecond to say yes.

All the heartbreak and grief we all have endured after Jasmine’s death, I understood Chris’s need to be a part of her life regardless of the pain he knew he was going to face, for me, meeting Jas and welcoming her into our family bought me Henry. It’s true, we all helped each other through the grief and whatever we face now regarding Ava, we will be there for one another again.

“Of course we will, it’s strange though, all that time
she was with us and she never said anything, not even on her death bed”

“Don’t, whatever Jasmine should have said or done can never be fixed, so let’s get on with it”

Three years on and he still couldn’t speak freely about Jasmine, he was like a father to her and he grieved for her as he was.

It’s what linked him and Chris now, they both understand each other because the focus woman in their life was her, but obviously in different ways. I have never known before for someone to be so alive three years after their death.

“Why don’t we get some sleep, be ready for the next few days?” I suggested.

“You go on up, and
I’ll join you in a few moments” he said, making his way to the drinks cabinet.

I knew this was his ritual whenever Jasmine was bought up, he needed to gather his thoughts by himself. I didn’t like seeing him hurt like this, knowing I can’t do anything to make him feel better, but I gave him the time and privacy he needed.

It wasn’t long before he joined me and wrapped his arms around me.  

“I miss her,” he whispered.

“I know, we all do”


Neither of us were ones to sleep late into the morning. For a brief amount of time I forgot what happened last night and that maybe I have a granddaughter sleeping in the next bedroom. Nothing my boys have done over the years has ever made me feel like I don’t want the day to begin. I believed Jasmine when she told Ava Chris is her father but with bombshells Jas drops, destruction normally follows. Destruction everyone but Jas has to deal with. I worry now for Chris, he has no clue as to how to be a father, especially to a sixteen-year-old girl. I understand his anticipation and fears of spending time with her before the results come back, however, now I have to look out for her without getting too attached myself. I would never forgive myself if she is confirmed to be my granddaughter and I made her feel unwelcome in the beginning so I will brave it out.

I didn’t have any concrete plans today so I could spend it getting to know Ava whilst trying not to get too emotionally involved.

Henry was preparing breakfast when I eventually made my way downstairs.

“Has Ava been down yet?” I asked
, noticing she wasn’t around.

“Yes. She is upstairs getting dressed. I offered for her to stay here, if she turns out not to be Chris’s daughter she still is Jasmine
’s, so I’ll help her and keep her safe”

He wasn’t asking my permission, he was telling me. I didn’t argue because I agreed but
then again I worried Chris would become attached regardless of the results just because she is Jasmine’s daughter.

I heard her before I saw her.

“Good morning” she said shyly from the doorway.

“Good morning, how are you this morning?” I asked
, turning around to see her.

I’m fine, I was wondering if you could take me back to the hotel so I can pick my things up?”

“Of course, after breakfast
I’ll drive you myself” Henry offered, placing our breakfast plates in front of us.

“Thank you”

“So, Ava, who do you have back in London?” I asked.

“My aunt and my two cousins”

“Won’t she be worried about you being away from home?” 

The thought of her staying at the hotel last night on her own
, at her age was daunting enough after meeting her for a couple of hours, let alone raising her all those years.

“She knows I can look after myself, she trusts
I’ll be responsible. She did ask that if everything went well and I stayed, she would like one of you to call her yourself”

“I would be happy to. Am I to tell her you are staying
then?” I asked to make sure we were both clear on her intentions.

“Yes, she just wants to make sure
I’m safe” she smiled.

Her voice was soft and timid, mak
ing her come across fragile, but I could tell she had the same fire and strength in her as Jasmine. She was definitely brave enough to turn up to a house full of people she didn’t know and shock us all into silence.


After breakfast, Henry and Ava left for the hotel. She had left me her aunt’s contact number. All of a sudden my stomach tightened, I was nervous. None of us knew if her aunt had agreed with her finding her biological family or if she hoped Ava failed and returned back to the family who raised and loved her.

Before I lost my nerve, I dialled her number. The sound of the ringing tone had never sounded so loud, I was about to end the call when a woman answered.


“Hello, can I speak to Grace Teller please?” I asked.


“Oh, my name is Fiona Robinson. Ava has asked me to call you,” I told her.

“Yes, thank you, is she okay?”

“She is fine, she has decided to stay with us for a while. I called to assure you she is safe and well”

“Thank you, I take it you are Christopher’s mother?”


“How did it go? How did Christopher take it? Did he believe Ava?” she asked all at once.

“I’m not going to lie, he is in shock. He believes Jasmine wouldn’t lie in her letter but
he has asked to do a DNA test to be sure, for both his and Ava’s peace of mind,” I said.

“That is the sensible thing to do. I hope for Ava’s sake e
verything works out,”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“I don’t know how much Ava has told you, she has been looking forward to this day for a long time. She wants nothing more than for her biological family to accept her, I worry how she will cope if she isn’t”

“I have worries of my own, it is one of those situations we are just going to have to flow with I’m afraid”

“I know, please look after her, she is a strong girl but she is seeking the family she has always wanted, I fear it is her weakness”

Her description of Ava reminded me of Jas, how could they be so alike without knowing one another?

“I can assure you if it turns out my son isn’t her father, she will still be looked after just because of who her mother is, there is no doubt in my mind” I assured her.

“Thank you Fiona, can I speak with Ava please?”

“She isn’t here at the moment, I can get her to call you when she gets back” I offered.

“Yes please. If I can warn you, Ava has had many questions about the reasons for her adoption. As for her biological mother not being able to answer them and her father having no knowledge of her existence, it concerns me Jasmine’s letter won’t be enough for her, that she may never find peace”

My opinion is that Jasmine never found peace, she found happiness with Chris but she could never be at peace, the thought repulsed me that Ava could end up living the same life as Jasmine. I was determined not to let that happen.

“Like I said, we will all help her, whatever the outcome is” I repeated.

“Once again, thank you. If you need to, you can reach me on this number anytime”

“It was nice talking with you,
I’ll get Ava to call you when she is back”

“You too, goodbye”


I couldn’t end the call quick enough, Grace sounded like a nice w
oman but the jealousy I now feel hearing her concern for her niece when all along Ava could have been a part of our lives was torture.






It took three days for the test to be done and for the results to come through. It was no surprise Henry knew someone who could fast track our request. With each day that passed I was more eager to learn if I am her father, sitting in my office at the site I held onto the printed out email saying I was the biological father to Ava Collins-Reed. Jasmine hadn’t been lying, well she had lied to me but not to Ava.

I’m not sure how long I
sat there, this was ridiculous, I am a father. I never thought that would be possible after Jas died.

I grabbed my key cars and made my way across the building site to my car, Ava
was still staying at my mums so she would be there now.

I told her once we knew for sure she was my daughter we could talk, and now is that time, I won’t go back on my word.

The drive to my mum’s house was agonising, I was unbelievably nervous to see her again. It was mental, I have a sixteen-year-old daughter and I know nothing about her. The other thing that worried me was just because it has been confirmed I am her father, will she still want to know me? Of course she will, she came to find me in the first place.

I suppose it is t
ime to find out, I walked through the door and found them all in my mum’s kitchen. Ava was holding the same print out as I had, I don’t think she knew if to smile or cry when she saw me, and I didn’t know whether to stay away from her or hug her.

Her hands were shaking,
I was instantly reminded of Jasmine, I had to tell myself it wasn’t the same thing and it was refreshing to know I wasn’t lying to myself this time around.

I slowly placed my hand on hers and she finally smiled at me. I looked at her, really looked. She was beautiful, she was all Jasmine but she had my blue eyes.

“We will give you some space,” Henry said, pushing my mother out of the room. I nodded my thanks and was trying really hard to think of something sensible to say, well until she started to laugh.

“What’s so funny?” I asked.

“Nothing, I just don’t know what to say. This feels weird,” she admitted. 

“I know how you feel,” I said
, relaxing knowing she was feeling the same.

“Where do we go from here?”

“Anywhere, we have sixteen years to make up for” I pointed out.

“I would like that” she smiled.

It must have been killing my mum not knowing what was going on because she made some lame excuse to get back into the kitchen.

“Shall we go and get something to eat?” I asked
, wanting to get away from prying ears.

“Sure” she agreed, “Will it be okay if I carry on staying here with you and Henry?” she said
, turning to face my mum.

“Of course,
you’re more than welcome” she replied, struggling to retain the huge grin across her face.

“She won’t be late, come on, I know a place we can go to.”

























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