Eternal (20 page)

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Authors: Pati Nagle

Tags: #magic, #ælven, #vampire, #Immortal, #fantasy, #New Mexico, #Twilight, #elves, #southwest

BOOK: Eternal
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The female tried to break away but he had her around the waist. Her struggles threw them off balance and they crashed into some of the patio furniture, making a racket. That ought to bring the others.

There was a bright flash of light, then a thump. I looked up.

The guy was on the ground. The female bent her knees and did a superman jump right out of the courtyard. I heard her land on the roof and run a few steps, then silence. She must have jumped down outside.

I ran to the nearest glass door and fumbled with the latch. Heard another door opening, voices. Didn't care. I got the latch open and went out.

The guy on the ground was struggling to get up. I hurried over to him, which was stupid if it was someone else, but I thought—hoped—

He looked up at me. I let out a gasp and dropped down beside him.


I put my arms around him. He struggled against me, still trying to get up. I got it; I let go and he managed to stand, but when he tried to put his weight on both feet he cried out and started to fall. I caught him and helped him to a chair.

She's gone,” I said.

Caeran came running up to us. Savhoran still had his eyes squeezed shut and both hands wrapped around his shin. I looked up at Caeran, and he nodded.

I'll get Madóran.”

He spun and dashed back to the
I dragged another chair over, sat in it, put my arm around Savhoran's shoulders and laid my head against his back.

I'm glad you're here. I was starting to wonder.”

He didn't say anything. That was all right. I was just happy to be near him, relieved he was alive.

Gradually his breathing slowed. Len came out and put her hands over his, doing the healing thing I guess. Madóran must have taught her. I ignored a twinge of jealousy.

After a couple of minutes, Caeran came back with Madóran. I glanced up and saw Nathrin and Mirali on the
, going back to their room.

Len stood up and Madóran took her place. He gently pulled Savhoran's hands away from his leg and put his own there. Savhoran leaned back and sighed. I felt a tingle in the air, and saw a faint glow around Madóran's hands.

It is badly bruised, but not broken,” he said. “Caeran, please get Savhoran a glass of water.”

Caeran took off for the kitchen. Len pulled up another chair.

What happened?” she asked.

I glanced at Savhoran, but his eyes were still closed.

It was the alben, the female,” I said. “She jumped into the
from the roof and Savhoran came after her.”

Len glanced at Savhoran. “How did they get here?”

She followed Caeran and the others from the house in Albuquerque,” Savhoran said, his voice tight. He was still frowning in pain, but he had opened his eyes. “She was tracking them, and I in turn
tracked her.”

“Why didn't you take your phone?” I asked.

“I could not go back for it. I would have lost her.”

I smoothed his hair back from his face. He looked like hell, exhausted and in pain.

Caeran came with the water and Savhoran chugged it. Without a word, Caeran took the glass and went for more.

Savhoran took a couple of deep breaths. “I have failed. I am sorry.”

I took his hand and he squeezed mine so hard I had to bite my lip to keep from complaining. It was good, though. It meant he wanted me to stay.

“It is not a failure,”
said. “Now we are aware of her presence.”

“I had hoped to rid you of her presence.”

“In time.”
held a hand over Savhoran's head. “How long is it since you last fed?”

Savhoran stared at the ground. My heart sank.

“Caeran and the guys left Albuquerque Friday night,” Len said.

I nodded, remembering. The other alben—Pirian—had shown up that night and set everything off. It occurred to me that Savhoran didn't know about Pirian, but now was not the time to tell him.

Caeran came back, bringing the full glass and a pitcher of water. Savhoran drank two more glasses without stopping, then leaned back again and closed his eyes. He still gripped my hand.

“You cannot hunt in Guadalupita,” said
ran gently

“I have no intention of
hunting here,” Savhoran answered.

Where, then?”

I do not know. Let me rest.”

ran's brow creased with concern. He stood and summoned Caeran with a nod, and they both went into the
. Len watched them go, frowning.

Did you come all the way on foot?” I asked.

Savhoran nodded. I looked at his boots, which were just leather, like moccasins. I wondered if the soles were worn through.

I'd better let Lomen know what's going on,” Len said, getting up. She walked away and pulled her cell from her pocket.

Savhoran raised his head and looked at me. “Lomen is not here?”

They decided to go back to Albuquerque to hunt the alben,” I told him. “They must have passed you on the way.”

When did they leave?”

Saturday. They took the bus from Las Vegas. They've been in Albuquerque a couple of days.”

He frowned, and I wondered if he knew what a bus was. I felt sorry for him, having to deal with our world on top of being sick and having to hide the fact that he wasn't human.

He closed his eyes again. I put my hand on his forehead and was shocked at how cold it was. His hand was cold too; I just hadn't noticed. It scared me.

I am all right.

I caught my breath at the contact. He was definitely in pain, not only from the bruise but just a general ache and weariness, and hunger.
hunger. I understood the agony it caused him, physical and emotional. He must have been too tired to hide it from me.

I kissed his cheek and he let out a small sigh. He still gripped my hand; I put my other hand over his, trying to warm it.

I heard footsteps and looked up, expecting Len, but it was Mad
and Caeran.
carefully carried a wooden cup in his hand. He walked right up and stood in front of Savhoran, and Caeran stopped beside him.

I knew, because we were still in contact, that Savhoran smelled the blood. His hunger flared, becoming unbearable. At the same time despair sank his heart. I felt tears running down my face.

He swallowed, eyes clenched shut, and whispered, “No.”

“This is a gift,”
said. “It is from both of us.”

Savhoran shook his head. “If I do this, I will truly be a monster.”

“No,” Madóran said. “You harm no one in accepting this.”

“We cannot take it back,” added

Savhoran didn't answer. I felt his turmoil. I wanted to help but there was nothing I could do—it was his decision.

“You can still hunt th
e alben,”
said, “but only if you are strong.”

Savhoran took a couple of breaths, then looked at me. His eyes sought my approval, my forgiveness.

I want you to live
, I told him.
But I'll respect your choice.

He gazed at me, still troubled but not as agitated.
You would not be disgusted with me?

Of course not.

He lowered his gaze.
Others would.

Well, that's their problem.

He closed his eyes and I felt a flicker of amusement. I squeezed his hand, then let go. He took a deep breath and accepted the cup from

I was so tied into him that
wanted that cup of blood. I felt his need for it, felt the physical urgency that drove him to compromise his ideals. He had no good choices.

He hesitated, then brought the cup to his lips. Instinct took over and he gulped greedily until he'd drained it, then gasped for breath.

The change was immediate. I felt it and was stunned by the difference that small amount of blood made. He was still hungry, but not unbearably so. The pain vanished, and strength flowed through him. His face took on color, as much as I could see in the light from the

Savhoran held the cup out to
and bowed his head. “I thank you.”

Keep the
cup. It, too, is a gift. Such cups were used by Ebonwatch in their day.”

Savhoran looked at the cup, tipped it up to catch the last drop it held, then cradled it in his lap. He sat thinking for a minute, and I realized I didn't know what about. Our contact had faded, or his renewed strength made it easier for him to shield his thoughts.

He looked up sharply. “I can still catch her.”

He stood, but his injured leg buckled. I grabbed his arm to keep him from falling.

“I think a night and day of rest would be better for you,”
ran said
. “Come. Your room is available.”

We walked to his room, Savhoran leaning on me with his arm around my shoulders and the cup clutched in his free hand. He couldn't put much weight on the bad leg.
had him sit on his bed and gave him another shot of healing, then went away, leaving the door open.

I'd been standing out of the way, watching. Now I sat next to Savhoran. I wanted to tell him I was proud of him, but I wasn't sure he'd like hearing that. He was staring at the cup, frowning.

Are you angry?” I asked.

Only with myself.”

He put the cup on his nightstand. I leaned my head on his shoulder. He was tense; I didn't need telepathy to know that. After a minute he turned and took my face in his hands. He looked like he was about to say something, then with an exasperated little gasp he kissed me.

We'd kissed before, but not like this. He was hungry in a different way, and my body said yes. My thoughts flicked to the condoms I had stashed in my bag.

He drew back. “I should not do this.”

Why not?”

I … have a task to complete.” He slid his hand behind my neck, gazing at me through long lashes. “You are very tempting, but I must focus.”

You're not going anywher
e tonight, right?”

He leaned his forehead against mine. “
was right. I need rest. And you will need to sleep.”

“It's early.”


“OK, but can I just stay with you a while? I missed you. I'll just watch you rest.”

He laughed softly, then gathered me into his arms. “I missed you too.”

I closed my eyes and just concentrated on enjoying him. His arms around me—warm, now, not cold—his smell, the feel of his cheek against mine. We sat like that a long time.

Finally we let go. I looked up at him and saw that while he no longer looked like death warmed over, he did look tired and in need of some grooming. I touched his braid, which had wisps sticking out all along its length.

May I brush it out for you?”

I have no brush.”

I'll use mine. I'll go get it.” I stood up.

Let me come with you. You should not walk outside alone.”

That made me remember the alben. Would she come back tonight? I looked out at the
, peaceful in the starlight.

Savhoran got to his feet and held out his hand. I put mine in it, but he was still limping a little so I pulled his arm around my shoulders again and we walked to my room.

He sat on my bed while I rummaged in my bag for my brush. Found it, sat behind him, and worked on undoing the narrow strip of soft leather that tied his hair. Took me a minute to get the knot undone. I set the leather aside and used my fingers to loosen the braid.

Savhoran's hair was soft and fine. As I worked it loose I saw a shock of white the width of my pinkie, and I gasped.

What is it?”

I separated the white and draped it around in front of his shoulder. He touched it, then sighed.

I hugged his back. “I still love you. I'll always love you.”

Hush. We are not much more than strangers.”

We're a

I pushed his hair aside and kissed the back of his neck. He inhaled sharply. I kept going, savoring the salty, slightly musky taste of his skin. Yes, he could use a bath. I didn't care.

He turned and caught my hands, kissed each one. “Dearest Amanda. Not now.”

I swallowed my disappointment. “OK. I'll just finish your hair.”

I brushed it, gently working out the knots, enjoying its silkiness. The white all but disappeared when braided in with the rest of his hair. I wondered how long it would take the others to notice it.

I tied the braid off with the leather. Savhoran stood, a little unsteadily.

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