Enticement (17 page)

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Authors: Madelynn Ellis

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Enticement
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Chapter Eleven

Evie woke stiff and cold. Ross had thrown a blanket over her on his way out to work, and Mimmy lay curled upon her feet. She scampered upstairs, afraid of facing Kit in the daylight without Ross around, although really she ought to face him and reiterate that what had happened last night wasn’t occurring again, unless Ross specifically said it was okay. Though how exactly they were supposed to broach that topic, she wasn’t entirely sure.

To her surprise, the spare bedroom was empty. Kit, too, had slipped out, leaving her to sleep off the night’s excesses. Having dressed, Evie pottered back downstairs. She tried to eat breakfast, but only managed a spoonful before she pushed it away.

She had to be brave about this. She’d go over to the surgery and see Ross, explain what had happened with Kit and see if they couldn’t make sense of it. It meant risking her relationship, if he didn’t react how Kit anticipated, but if she said nothing, her own guilt would gnaw away at all that was good between them and destroy the relationship anyway.

They had to be able to trust one another.

Evie phoned ahead to Ross’s mobile; unfortunately, his phone had been switched off and the call transferred to voicemail. She hung up and tried the surgery reception desk instead. “He’s done for today,” said Iris. “Came in at seven and left at eleven. Bob’s covering the walk-in clinic.”

They chatted a moment, then Evie hung up and glanced at the clock. Ten past twelve. Even if the traffic was bad or he’d stopped at the shops on the way back he should have been home by now. She tried his mobile again, but it was still switched off.

Evie stared thoughtfully at Mimmy, then grabbed her coat and keys and left the house. She headed across the muddy green and down the lane. Rose Cottage was only couple of minutes walk away, and she needed the fresh air to clear her head. If she couldn’t talk to Ross, then she’d talk to Kit, assuming—and she had a deep suspicion—that she didn’t find her boyfriend over there too.

Sure enough, Ross’s car sat on the drive beside Kit’s.

Evie climbed the step to the front door and knocked, but there was no reply. She tried again, and met with the same response, so she went around the back and tried the kitchen door, which swung open on squeaky hinges.

“Ross…Kit…” Maybe Ross had agreed to help out with some of the work. They’d probably made the arrangement while they were playing video games last night, and he hadn’t exactly had the opportunity to mention it to her.

“Anyone home?”

Strange that he hadn’t come home to get changed first.

The kitchen stood empty, stripped to the stonework of everything save the Belfast sink and the Aga in the hearth, but Ross’s work bag stood by the door to the lounge, and a faint thread of music hung in the crisp spring air. “Ross?” She lifted the latch and let herself in.

Bright daylight streamed through the huge bay window. Dazzled, Evie squinted and took a few baby paces forward as she waited for her eyes to adjust.

Ross stood a little to the right, with his back to her, completely naked. She squawked in shock at seeing the golden light illuminate his skin. Pleasing shadows cast interesting shapes across his bottom and highlighted the breadth of his shoulders. Confused, she took a step towards him, only to realize as her vision cleared, that Kit lay equally naked, stretched sidewards across the wingback chair from Ross’s office, with his legs aloft and his bottom resting upon the chair arm. The old patchwork cushion she’d inherited from her Gran sat supporting his lower back. They were fucking, Ross’s pale glutes tightening and relaxing with each stroke, Kit grunting slightly at the penetration, his palm pressed flat to Ross’s stomach as if to stop him going too deep.

“Fuck!” she said in disbelief. All this time she’d spent fretting over her infidelity and thinking she was being selfish for wanting the threesome he seemed to be constantly offering, and here they were, screwing one another in broad daylight.

“Evie…” Ross paused mid-stroke, his buttocks clenched tight. He turned his head towards her, and his already flushed cheeks blazed a livid scarlet. “Oh, my god!”

“Bugger!” said Kit.

Ross tried to withdraw, but Kit was having none of it. He clung to Ross, clamping his hand over his hip and digging his fingers into the flesh until Ross stopped squirming.

“Shit!” her boyfriend cursed again for good measure. “Just, shit! Get off me, Kit.” Again, he tried to shake Kit’s hold.

“She’s not angry, Ross. She’s intrigued. Aren’t you?” He shot a glance at Evie.

Still gobsmacked, Evie met his rather aggressive gaze, and felt her shock give way to the rising heat in her groin. All this time, Kit had been telling her everything was okay, and that Ross wasn’t going to mind them getting it on, and she’d never suspected them of this. He’d even told her outright that he and Ross got down and dirty together, and she hadn’t believed him.

She thought she knew Ross, and before Kit, before now, he’d never shown any interest in other guys.

“Oh, Eve…I’m sorry.” Ross started mumbling, but she wasn’t really listening. Instead, she continued to stare at them in stupefied silence, while various interconnecting events re-slotted themselves together in her head. Sweat started to bead across Ross’s upper lip at her silence, although she noticed his erection didn’t flag. “I swear I didn’t want you to find out like this. I wanted to tell you, but I didn’t know how you’d take it.”

“How do you think I’m taking it?”

Lordy, she sounded so calm and reasonable. If only she remotely felt it.

Uncertainty swam in the azure glow of Ross’s eyes. “I don’t know, Evie. Just don’t run, okay?” He stretched his arm out towards her.

Run! She had jelly legs, she wasn’t going anywhere, and what would be the point. If she left, surely that was it—relationship over, and that wasn’t what she wanted at all.

No, she wanted to stay here, because—damn, they looked good together. Far too good, in fact. The flames in her innards licked a little higher at the sight of so much lean male muscle spread before her, locked together. She couldn’t stop staring at the point where their bodies joined, and how comfortable Ross seemed wedged between Kit’s spread cheeks.

“She’s not angry. She’s loving this,” remarked Kit. He lifted his hips so Ross slid a little deeper.

Evie shot him a wary glance, only to find Kit’s black eyes ablaze and eager. “I told you, she’s been up for this from the start. Haven’t you, Evie?” He stretched out his hand to her. “Now, come closer where I can reach you.”

She instinctively reached out, but pulled back before they touched. “What are you going to do?”

Kit’s grin stretched from ear to ear. “I thought maybe you could hold my hand while Ross finishes fucking me. Of course, if you’re up for a little more than that…”

“Evie…only if you want to,” Ross rasped. His attention zoomed in on her nipples, which were pushing against the thin wool of her jumper, all peaked up and aroused. “Don’t do anything you’re not comfortable with.”

His concern made her want to laugh. “Do you want me to join in?”

Cheeks still burning red, Ross broke into an awkward smile. “Yeah,” he huffed. “Yeah, I do.”

Evie nervously moistened her lips. Their relationship wouldn’t be the same after this, not after they’d let Kit into their lives so completely. There’d be no pretending he was an ordinary houseguest after this, and no avoiding the potent lure of his sexuality. She wanted to touch him, but she kept her attention firmly focused on Ross. She leaned into him and whispered into his ear. “I want to suck him, are you okay with that?” Her fingers tightened upon his disk-like nipples as she spoke, squeezed a little so they hardened into points. Before he had a chance to answer she slid her tongue deep into his open mouth and kissed him harder than she’d ever done before. There’d never been the same urgency, the same need to prove her love. When she drew back, they were both breathless and her lips tingled from the pressure.

Kit lifted his half-hard cock and began to stroke himself. Evie’s gaze immediately locked onto the motion. Although he lay with his eyes closed and his head tilted back, he was definitely aware of her watching. “Take your jumper off,” he whispered. “And come a little closer.”

For a moment, she ignored the demand, content to stand and watch. Ross had begun to move his hips again, and his cock dipped smoothly in and out of Kit’s body. She’d never expected to find watching her boyfriend fuck another guy to be so thrilling. It was also one of the most incredibly sensual acts she’d ever witnessed, so intensely focused that even though she’d imagined gay sex to be more raw and concerned with swift fulfilment, she still found this softer version overwhelmingly heady.

“Harder.” For several minutes Kit held himself braced, sharing the moment with Ross, whose breathless pace left them both coated with a delicate sheen of sweat. Maybe raw was what they were building too.

“Off!” The phrase was directed at her.

Both sets of male eyes locked onto her as she sent her woolly top sailing across the room. Despite the familiar prickle of embarrassment at being looked at, Evie smoothed her hands over the satin cups of her black and purple bra and found a smidgen of confidence. “Do you want me to take this off too?”

“Come here,” Kit beckoned.

When she got close enough, he stroked a hand over her bottom.

Evie walked her fingers over the smooth plane of his chest, down to his stomach, where her hand replaced his upon his cock.

“Easy now,” he cautioned.

Flashes of silver chased across the inky surface of his eyes. Evie leaned closer and kissed him. She kissed him until his breath came out as sobs, and his hands trembled over her back, eager to unfasten the hooks of her bra. Off it came, the weight of her breasts falling into the warmth of his waiting hands.

“Yeah,” he sighed. Kit lowered her fly and pushed his hand between the V of the open zip. Two long fingers speared through her curls inside her knickers and slid over the wet lips of her cunt. Evie rocked her hips against his rigid fingers, wanting the real thing even as she watched him take his cock in hand again and begin to stroke in earnest.

“Hurry it up,” moaned Ross. “I can't hold out much longer.” His movements were growing more erratic.

“Just come,” said Kit. “The day’s young.”

“Come over him.” Evie’s hand flew up to cover her mouth the moment she’d blurted the words. Ross’s eyes flew open too. He pinpointed her with his gaze.

“Jeez, Evie! Are you serious?” He was riding really close to the edge, his body already trembling with the rising need to come.

“Please.” Why she found the idea of him jerking over Kit so arousing she couldn’t identify. It seemed unimportant in the heat of the moment. All that matter was that she did. She’d barely formed a picture of the fantasy in her head, before Ross had pulled out, and having torn off the condom began furiously masturbating himself.

His hand moved slickly, smoothly up and down, leaving his shaft glistening. His balls swung high beneath. For several seconds all three rhythms of their strange triumvirate matched, Ross and Evie’s hands working over cocks and Kit’s fingers massaging her clit, before Ross outstripped them both, his knees bucked and he came, leaving a streamer of pearlescent come over Kit’s stomach.

Curiously, Kit immediately pushed her away, leaving her dangling by an uncomfortable erotic thread, close enough to want to finish, but not close enough to bring herself with just the squeeze of her thighs.

He tugged a T-shirt out from behind him and wryly mopped his skin, then rolled out of the chair and onto his feet facing her. Evie back stepped uncertainly. His lip curled and his predatory grin made clear his intent. He meant to couple with her, fuck her fully while Ross watched.

“Um, can we talk about this?” She wanted to establish the boundaries of what was fine and what comprised a big no-no with Ross first, ask him what the hell was going on. When the fuck he’d turned gay, but Kit didn’t seem to be in the mood for talk. Not even dirty talk, and Ross was staring at them like he was about to start shouting encouragements rather than objections. Not that he had a right to many objections after what he’d just done.

Kit followed her, until her back hit the wall. Then his fingers found the slick heat of her sex again. “You’re not running away from me, Evie.”

“Ross?” she gasped as Kit rubbed his naked body against her semi-naked one. His erection prodded against the inner seam of her jeans, seeking the heat of her body, and the fizz in her insides cranked up to a full on buzz.

Evie’s nipples further crinkled as they made contact with Kit’s torso. His hand fastened in her hair, pulled a little, forcing her to bend to the side, whereupon, his mouth closed over her pulse point and she felt the nip of his teeth before he began to suck hard. Hard enough to leave a mark. Hard enough that her toes curled inside her shoes, and she felt frozen in position by the intensity of the act. Fiery arrows shot downwards through her chest and seemed to lodge in her womb, so that she bucked against his already coaxing fingers. Her orgasm sparked like flash paper, burned bright and hot. She gasped into Kit’s shoulder still aware of Ross watching them, from where he stood slumped against the chair back.

“That’s better,” said Kit. “You’re more relaxed now. Don’t think about him watching.”

The fact that he’d drawn attention to Ross only made things worse. Guilt and embarrassment coupled with desire as Kit urged her down onto her knees. Still, she shut her eyes and breathed in his heady scent. Considering how his cock butted up against her cheek, it took no instructions to understand his intention. She took the initiative, pushing every last bit of reserve she had to the back of her mind. She’d caught Ross fucking him. There was no reason why she couldn’t do the same. And she wanted Kit. She’d wanted him from the moment she’d seen him spread out for the taking on their guest bed. She stuck out her tongue and tasted him, then let him slide inside.

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