Enthrall Him (Enthrall Sessions Book 3) (44 page)

BOOK: Enthrall Him (Enthrall Sessions Book 3)
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Chaos ensued, with Winston barking and me scrambling to get out of the pool and dripping water everywhere. Jasmine scanned the garden, as though paranoid we were being filmed, and I prayed my tits weren’t destined for the British tabloids too.

I grabbed my towel hanging off a lounger and we headed on in, making our way to the office.

“I’ll call Richard,” I said. “He’ll know what to do.”

My call went straight to voicemail. My mind leaned toward what Hope and him were up to, and I feared they’d book themselves a room. I could always phone the reception at Shutters. Though if Richard found out, he’d be furious.

These thoughts hurt like hell and I needed to get my mind off them. Richard had always needed me to trust him and this situation gave me the chance to shine and play the good girlfriend. And from the way Jasmine was shaking, she really needed me right now.

She strolled around to the other side of Richard’s desk and gave the mouse a shake to awaken the screen. Within a few seconds, she’d Googled her lover and we were both staring at front page news of Willem’s fraught expression caught on camera, another of Jasmine posing naked. More disturbing still was the one of Willem’s wife looking harassed, and I felt sorry for the woman who’d apparently been destined to live at number 10 Downing Street, the home of the British prime minster, having had that aspiration snatched from her debutante hands.

During my trip to London, Cameron had filled me in a little on the differences between the conservative and liberals, though I’d never suspected the information would come in handy so soon. Or that Willem, whose political theories Cameron admired and mentioned in passing, was the same man fucking Jasmine.

“Please don’t mind me asking this,” I said. “But what are you expecting Richard to do exactly?”

“It’s the protocol,” she said. “You don’t know that?”


“Yes, when anything like this happens, we contact the assistant director and he does his thing. You know, sets Shay into action. Try Cameron.”  

His phone went to voicemail, so I tried Shay. With no reply from either of them, I texted Arianna.

Mia: “Hi Arianna. I’m looking for Cameron. Can you ask Shay if he knows where he is?”

Arianna: “Hey girl. Shay’s over at Master Cole’s. Cameron wanted to blow off some steam apparently. They were going to fence.”

Just the thought of it made my toes curl. That, along with having an excuse to see Cameron again.

Mia: “How was your birthday?”

Arianna: “Shay took me on a surprise cruise. LOL. Luckily the tequila had worn off by then.”

Mia: “Glad you had fun. See you soon.”

Arianna: “You too, baby girl.”

Staring at my phone, I marveled at the transformation in our relationship.

“What did she say?” asked Jasmine.  

“Shay’s at Cameron’s. He lives in Beverly Hills.”

“Can we go?”

“Yes, I’m sure they’ll understand.”

She narrowed her gaze. “You have a real crush on that guy, don’t you?”

I tried to look nonchalant and probably failed.  “I’ll leave a note for Richard.”

This visit would also give me the chance to drive that BMW Cameron had bought me for Christmas, and drop it off at his place. I knew Richard would welcome that decision and I hoped it would earn me some points.

After tucking Winston into bed and topping up his water bowl, Jasmine and I set out for the Pacific Coast highway.

I decided not to tell her the car we were driving in had been gifted by Cameron. Instead I chose to talk about other stuff, like how she came to be living in California, and how she’d met Willem.

Jasmine shared how she’d come to the States to get into acting. Having modeled for a few years, she wanted to try something different. A few auditions later and she’d started to get call backs.

“You don’t want to act?” she asked.

“No.” I glanced her way. “My step mom’s an actress, but we don’t really speak any more.”


“Long story.”

She gestured to the road that we still had a ways to go.

“My dad pretended he’d been killed in a motorbike accident,” I said. “And disappeared off the face of the earth. She knew he was alive. Didn’t tell me.”

“Fucking hell.”

“Don’t like to talk about it to be honest,” I said. “Cameron’s helping me work through a lot of crap.”

“When you flew up to my house that time, I could see the chemistry between you both.”

“Well, he was my master then,” I said. “Which explains it.”

“He had this kind of extra sparkle,” she said wistfully. “Usually Cole’s just this stern guy strolling around Chrysalis with everyone bowing down to him and the subs tripping over themselves to get trained by him.” She shook her head. “You must be pretty special.”

“Why do you say that?”

“You’re allowed to visit his house.”

“Well this is an emergency.”

“Mia, he’s Cameron Cole.”

I threw her a glance, trying to understand her meaning.

“He’s the ultimate prize, mate. Everyone’s dream guy.”

“He’s a little scary,” I said. “I know that.”

“So sad it didn’t work out between you.”

“Well, I’m Richard’s. And I’m very happy about that.”

“Where is he?”

“Out with a friend at a charity event.”

“Which one?”

“Wells in Africa. There’s a red carpet event at Shutters on the Beach and celebs are going to be supporting it.”

“Why aren’t you going?”

“It’s his ex’s favorite charity.” I swallowed hard. “His fiancé died.”

“Poor bastard.”

“He’s taking his ex’s sister to the event,” I said. “Thinks it might be good for them both.”

“You don’t mind?”

“I think it will be good for them both too.”


“How do you mean?”

“You don’t sound too sure.”

“Hope’s her twin.”

“Well, fuck me.”

“It’s a little worrying.”

She turned in her seat. “Why didn’t you go?”

“They didn’t have another ticket.”

“Sounds like that girl’s after your man.”

“Please, don’t make it any harder.”

“Let’s go get us some Cole and Gardner action,” she said. “That would be one hell of a way to get revenge.”

“There’s nothing to get revenge for,” I said. “Richard’s not done anything wrong.”

“Not yet.”

She might as well have punched my stomach.  

With me trying to pretend there wasn’t a rock lodged in my throat, we drove the rest of the way talking about other stuff, like how pretty the palm trees were and how big and impressive the houses looked.

Cameron’s was no exception.

Just like me when I’d first visited here, Jasmine looked around Cameron’s foyer in awe.

She smirked when she saw the chandelier. “That kind of looks like a…”

“Yes,” I said. “It does, doesn’t it.” Admiring the crystal droplets shaped elegantly in a V, I guided her on. “I think they’ll be in the gym.”

I led her down a long hallway and her eyes popped as she took in the paintings hanging on either side.

“Do you think these are originals?” she said.  

“They are.”  

“His security better improve,” she said. “We walked right in here.”

“He has cameras.”  

“Still, I could grab this one here and bolt out the door with it.”

“Yeah, I’d like to see you try it. Cameron has Shay in charge of his security. Your ass would probably be tasered.”

“I once had my clit tasered.”

“You’re joking?”

No, she wasn’t.

Jasmine was one fucked up girl, but I liked her. Her sassy Irish mischief was a welcome change from all this testosterone fueled dominance.  

Metal striking metal could only mean one thing, and my heart skipped a beat at the thought of seeing Cameron dressed in that white fencing suit.

A clash of swords, shoes skidding and squeaking along a hardwood floor, this vibration beneath my feet from their thundering attack.

They fought like enemies.

Florescent lighting shone down on two men engaged in a fierce contest, their faces concealed behind meshed masks, their body’s clad in an all white protective layering, and the only way to distinguish the difference between them were those few inches of height Cameron had on Shay.

They looked super sexy lunging, leaping backwards and forwards. Their
swiftness was startling, along with that fast slide of their feet.
Swords sliced through the air before they struck their opponent’s weapon.

Cameron avoided the saber coming for him.

His masked face turned towards us and he flinched backwards.

Shay pulled off his mask and glared at us. “Jasmine?” he said, perspiration dripping off his forehead.

She stepped forwards. “I’m here because—”

“You don’t just turn up uninvited,” snapped Shay, as he strolled over to us. He pointed at me. “That goes for you too.”

“It’s an emergency,” I said, feeling a little wounded. “There’s this big scandal that’s broken in London. We need your help.”

“We’re on it,” said Cameron, his mask now off, his black locks sticking up, sweat spotting his brow. He removed his gloves and smoothed his hair down.

This was the hardest thing of all. Seeing him act nonchalant around me, as though those final days of training hadn’t ended here in his house with us making love in every room and every conceivable position. At the end of each night, we’d curled up in each other’s arms and slept soundly.

He’d let his guard down then, but from the way he glared at me it made me doubt my memories.

“Willem’s in trouble,” I said.

“Mia, this is not your concern,” said Shay. “We’re handling it.”

Jasmine balled her hands into fists. “How? How are you handling it? It’s all over the news. The cat’s out the bag.”

“Cat’s back in the bag,” said Shay, strolling over to the wall.

He picked up two bottles of water and handed one to Cameron. They screwed off the tops and both took a sip. From the way Shay chugged his down, fencing was thirsty work.

“We have an inside man at the newspaper,” said Cameron. “He’s following our usual protocol. This will be over tomorrow.”

“It’s front page news,” I said.

Cameron stormed towards me and grabbed my arm. He led me out of the gym.

A few feet down the hallway, he let go.

“Never speak of this issue again,” he said. “Understand?”


“It’s being dealt with. We have the funds to make it go away. That’s all you need to know.”

“Why are you being like this with me?”

“Like what?”


“Mia, I’ve just spent the last hour dodging Shay’s saber. I’m not angry with you.”

“You’re a little shouty.”

He rolled his eyes. “You should have called.”

“I did. You didn’t pick up.”

“Don’t tend to take calls while a blade is being shoved at me. Call me old fashioned.”

“I’ve brought your car back.”

He looked exasperated. “Then how are you getting home?”

Oh, hadn’t thought of that.

“Jasmine came to the house to talk with Richard,” I explained. “Only he’s out with Hope at that charity event.”

He gave a nod he knew about it.

Cameron looked so beautiful standing there in his white fencing suit, perspiration dripping off his brow, proving they’d been going hard at it.

Not so unlike the going hard at it Cameron and I had done in-between these two paintings he was having me stand between. A rush of blood preceded a wave of lightheadedness.

My back hit the wall as he moved in and closed the gap between us. His hand reached out and pressed on my chest to pin me there, his head dipping low, his mouth nearing my lips.

I couldn’t refuse his kiss. Cameron’s hold on me remained too fierce. An ironclad grip on my heart.

He shook his head, as though rising from a trance. “Willem’s issue is being resolved.” He moved back sharply.

“So it’s going to be okay?” My gaze drifted to his lips. “Jasmine will be fine?”

“Yes.” He turned away from me. “Now get the fuck out of my house.”

He walked back into the gym.






LEANING AGAINST the wall I, sucked in steadying breaths.

The painting before me mirrored this moment. I shared the same expression as the terrified angel being chased by a winged devil.

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