Enthrall Him (Enthrall Sessions Book 3) (41 page)

BOOK: Enthrall Him (Enthrall Sessions Book 3)
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“Do you have an appointment?”

“I’m a good friend of Richard’s,” she said. “May I come in?”

With a press of a button, I buzzed open the front door of Enthrall.

And finished the rest of my cookie.

The elevator carried her up and I rose to greet her. The doors opened and she stepped out—

My heart wedged in my throat. She looked terrifyingly familiar. An impossible vision of Richard’s ex-fiancé. The stunning woman who he’d lived with in New York. The girlfriend who he’d tried to save after she’d cut her wrists in that bathtub.

And killed herself.






I FOUND MY voice again. “Please, wait here.”

Hope gave a nod she would.

With no memory of making my way down the hallway, I merely found myself standing in front of Richard’s desk. The only explanation was the one I desperately needed to hear. Any other conclusion would render me useless for the rest of my life.

“Does…” I said, nervously.

“Yes, Mia?” said Richard.

“Did Emily have a twin? Your ex?”

Richard rose to his feet. “Please don’t refer to Emily as my ex.”

“Can you answer the question, please.”

He frowned. “Yes, Em had a twin. Why?”

Thank fuck for all the angels.

My hands loosened their grip on my shirt, where I’d balled the material in a daze of confusion.

“Mia?” he snapped.

“She’s in the foyer.”

“Hope’s here?” He nudged past me and ran out.

When I rejoined them in the foyer, they were hugging. Her head rested on his shoulder, and his arms were wrapped around her and were squeezing her into him.

They eventually broke away. Hope was blushing.

“This is Mia,” said Richard. “My secretary.”

That lump in my throat was back.

“Mia, this is Emily’s sister.” He took her hands. “I haven’t seen you since the funeral. What are doing here? How did you find me?”

She looked around her. “Your mom had this down as your work address. This is a broker’s office? The décor’s very chic.”

Richard’s expression changed and he looked self-conscious.

Hope shook her head, as though remembering why she was here. “Wells Worldwide is having a charity dinner in Em’s memory. It’s being held at Shutters in—”

“Santa Monica,” he said. “I know it. We love that charity. Our office here holds a fund raising event each year for Emily’s favorite charity.”

I placed my fists on my hips. Yes, I knew Wells Worldwide, having been auctioned off to Lance Merrill in the organization’s name. I had, by way of Lance, donated a million dollars to the organization.

I too donated big, only the Mia way.

“Usually it’s in New York,” she continued. “But we’ve managed to get Andrea Buckingham to sponsor us.”

“The actress?”

“She’s bringing in millions for us,” she said cheerfully. “Andrea’s been a real boon.”

“Good job, Hope. She’s A-list. How did you wrangle that?”

‘Friends of friends. You know how it goes.”

“What brings you here?”

“I was wondering if you’d like to accompany me to the event tomorrow night? I know it’s short notice.”

“Your family won’t mind?” he said.

“Of course not. Actually, it’s for selfish reasons. My therapist thinks spending some time with you and hearing about Em’s last few days will bring some closure.”

My heart ached for her and my jealousy faded with the realization she’d lost her twin. Her other half. That pain etched on her face was agonizing to witness.

They were hugging again and he was whispering words of comfort, sharing how much he still missed Emily too and not a day went by that he didn’t think of her.

“Can I get you some water?” I offered.

“Hope, come take a seat in my office,” said Richard, breaking away. “Come sit down.”

In a flurry of activity, Hope was escorted into Richard’s office and now sat beside him on his leather couch. She sipped on the glass of mineral water I’d brought her.  

From the way Richard stared at her, he too was caught up in memories of Emily--that tilt of his head, that expression of grief he wore when he talked about finding his girlfriend dead.

“Will you go with me?” said Hope. “I know Em would want you to be there.”

“Of course,” he said, smiling at me. “Mia can join us?”

Confusion marred her face. “I’m afraid I only have one spare ticket. I can try to get another… if you like?”

I waved it off. “It’s fine. You should go. It will be good for you.” Though realizing how that sounded, I quickly added, “Sir, you have nothing else on your schedule. You’re free. I mean you’re wide open. Good to go.”

I think I’d butchered that one nicely enough. I threw in a pleasant smile for good measure.

Richard pulled out his phone. “Leo’s here, Mia.”

“I’m sorry?” I said.

“Bel Air. Your appointment.” He arched a brow, hinting he didn’t want to spell it out.

“Now?” I whispered.

His annoyance forced me out the door.

The chilled morning air hit me, but it was nothing like England. That place had been Antarctic cold. Or was it just the fact I was leaving my boyfriend and the spitting image of his ex-girlfriend to snuggle on that big leather couch in the privacy of his office.

Oh grow up
, I chastised myself.

Boyfriends are allowed girlfriends, even the ones that looked exactly like the love of their lives…

Fuckety, fuck, fuck…things really could get worse.

Leo greeted me warmly and wanted to know all about London. With him in the front seat and me in the back of the town car, I tried to sound upbeat as I relayed everything I’d seen and the places I’d visited, missing out all the lewd details he’d no doubt not want to know about. Like that brilliant adventure atop the London Eye with Cameron. That even now made my toes curl.

I tried to concentrate on our conversation, but having seen Richard and Hope together was like a nightmarish blast from the past turning up. Even though I’d never met Emily, I’d seen their photos, and never had a couple looked so perfect together, what with Richard’s high-bred class and her sophistication captured in every picture. Their love for one another was obvious, from the way they were always joined at the hip.

It was impossible not to fear Richard seeing his old flame reflected in her sister, and did Hope feel an overwhelming attraction to Richard? After all, she was a twin and didn’t twins like the same things?

Leo was talking about his time in London. Something about his sister having a house in the west end, something about his love of fish and chips, and something about the beer not being cold enough.

My thoughts chanted this visit back to Chrysalis was going to go just fine, and chances were I’d not bump into Cameron. Yet my heart countered with this need to see him. A yearning to fall into his arms and feign that our friendly hug didn’t morph into the ‘please never let me go ever again,’ kind.

“We’re here,” said Leo.

This French styled château seemed different now. Having lived on the inside for two weeks, I knew the view from its high arched windows. During that time, I’d stolen moments to peer out at the view, knowing my life would never be the same.

“Is Doctor Cole still at work?” I asked.

“He is, yes.”

“Are you picking him up?” I said, trying to guess when he’d be back.

“No,” said Leo. “Dr. Cole’s driving himself today.”

After thanking him for bringing me in, I threw a wave goodbye and entered the great house.

Within minutes I’d settled in the library, and after the pleasantries and vague explanations of why my lessons had been suspended, I’d resumed studying math with Mr. Willington. A youngish and very direct tutor who had an endearing lisp.

Two things I’d not counted on: the first, me remembering anything from my last lesson, and, second, a math exam.

“But I have to get back to work,” I said.

Mr. Welling looked amused. “Dr. Cole told me you’d try and wriggle out of it.”

“How long will it take?”

There was a knock at the door.

I sprang to my feet when Pilar came in carrying a tray with two cups of tea. I almost knocked it out of her hands when I tried to hug her.

She didn’t seem to mind.

As Chrysalis’s housekeeper, she’d been hired because of her laid back nature and ability to turn a blind eye. Having worked here for years, this fifty something Latino had seen it all.

Pilar beamed at me. “We miss you, Ms. Lauren.”

“I miss you too, Pilar.”

She ran her hand over my forehead. “You not sick?”

“No,” I said. “It’s called math.”

Mr. Wellington shook his head. “She has an exam.”

Pilar stared down at it. “I’m glad you’re not sick like Dr. Cole.”

“What’s wrong with him?” I asked.

“Can’t get him to eat.”

“I didn’t know. Is he okay?”

“A little better.” She twisted her mouth. “Math?” She shivered, turned on her heel, and headed out.

Despite my mind drifting to Cameron being sick, I was able to pass the test. I was starting to associate that library with suffering and breathed a sigh of relief when I was out of there.

My feet paused outside Cameron’s office. My hand raised to knock.

Leo was waiting and I really should leave now, but I couldn’t go without checking on Cameron. I had to know he was better and that whatever he had wasn’t serious.

With no answer, I headed on in.

My eyes settled on that large mahogany desk in the center, moved to his vast collection of books shelved on every wall, and shifted quickly to that corner chain where he’d secured me. Over there we’d had the most mind blowing sex I’d ever had; the upside down kind.

These thoughts carried me back to when we’d whiled the hours away in here, sometimes talking, him bringing down a book to show me, or letting me find my own one to read.

I remembered that time I’d served as his secretary and answered his emails while wearing a bejeweled butt plug. On this very desk, he’d taken me from behind on numerous occasions. That beautifully carved desk that symbolized us.

Remembering the drawer he’d gone to when he found that small string of beads, I quickly found them, picked them up, and stared at them fondly in my palm. A souvenir of those times.


I hid them behind my back.

Cameron looked beautiful, tall, and perfect in the doorway. My heart flittered as though this was the first time I ever saw him.

“I didn’t expect you’d still be here,” he said, as he closed the door and strolled towards me. “What do you have there?”

“Nothing.” Sounded reasonable.

“Show me.”

“Pilar told me you’ve not been well. I wanted to check on you.”

“I’m fine.” He held out his hand. “What are you stealing?”

Head bowed low, I held out my hand and opened my palm to show him. Cameron’s eyelids fluttered and his head tilted in a question. He held out his hand for them.

I placed the beads in his palm and blushed wildly.

“How are you?” he asked.   

“Oh fine. Did you know Emily had a twin?”

“Yes, Hope. You didn’t?”

“Not until today when she showed up and scared the crap out of me. I nearly peed myself.”  

He looked amused, but it quickly faded. “Turned up?”

“She came to Enthrall. She thinks Richard is still a stockbroker. Hope wants to take him to some charity event tomorrow night.”

“I see.”

She wants to jump his bones
, but I didn’t say it.

Using all my strength, I held back on giving Cameron a hug.  

“Hello,” I said again.


Silence wedged itself between us.

Those beads were clutched in his hand and his knuckles were white with tension.

“Sorry.” I pointed to them.

He shook his head, as though coming out of a trance.

“I shouldn’t have taken them.”

“I’ll throw them away.”

“Don’t.” I blushed again. “I mean, okay.”

Whatever you think is best, as long as you’re not going to use them on somebody else.

“You’re not, are you?” I muttered.

“Not what?”

I swallowed hard. “Not sick?”

“No, Mia, I’m fine. Just busy. The usual. Nothing new.”

“Are you happy?”

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