Enough (27 page)

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Authors: Jade Chandler

BOOK: Enough
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Chapter Thirty-Three: Dare

My pulse jumped inside me. I feared this was it. Red had suffered so much, and I couldn’t give her what she needed to feel safe.

“Wait.” She squeezed my hands.

I froze and waited for her to pass judgment on me.

“I don’t need the club’s secrets, or any secrets you aren’t willing to share.” She frowned and spoke fast. “Say you got shit bothering you, and it’s eating you. Tell me how you feel, and if you can or want to, what bothers you. I’m a good listener.”

I could do that. Relief eased the vise that squeezed my chest.

“But I can’t ever feel the way I did these past few months. It’s more than I can risk, worrying when you’ll push me away for my own good or whatever crazy reason you come up with.” She kissed my cheek, hesitant.

“That I can do. I’ve spent years hiding shit, but I never want to hurt you again.”

“I forgive you.” Her words were music to my black soul. “And it means you have nothing to make up, you understand.”

I shook my head because I had so much to make up for.

“Believe it. I love you, and nothing will ever change my love.” She kissed me. “You deserve love.”

I moved away unable to believe what she’d said. I was the last bastard who deserved love. I was mean, ruthless and ashamed—no one deserved love less than me, but she still loved me, which made no sense to me.

“I guess I’ll have to spend my life showing you.” She toyed with my hair.

I kissed her, trying to tell her with my actions what I had no idea how to say, would never be able to say. She tasted like sunshine and sweetness and a brand-new beginning.

“Let’s get home. I’m past due for some make-up sex.” She grinned at me.

“Hell yeah.” I smacked her ass as we hurried to her SUV.

At her place, she tugged me into the bedroom, nearly climbing me before I was undressed. “So beautiful. You’re the most beautiful woman in the world.”

I put my mouth to work showing her how beautiful I thought she was. It would be hours before I let her out of bed. I had a lot of thoughts about her body.

She inhaled when she saw my chest—the reaper I’d had Jericho ink around my heart. During the time I’d been away, I’d convinced myself I was worthless when it came to Red—the death of our relationship was a real thing for me.

On her heart, a wilted flower dripped blood down her front. “Oh, Red, I’m so damn sorry.” I gently kissed the flower.

She traced my reaper. “I wasn’t the only one feeling pain.”

I worked down her body until my mouth found her folds. I worshipped her clit, even as she begged for release. In minutes she gave me her first release. She flew apart without a thought of what she showed me in that most honest moment.

After sliding protection on, I entered her with a slow stroke, in and out, keeping all our parts touching, tempo steady. She wrapped her hands tight around me caressing my backside, but I kept the pace the same, needing her to feel cherished because she was the most special woman in the world. With deliberate, intense thrusts, I pushed her into another climax, and she squeezed me so tight I had to use every ounce of my control not to fall over with her.

“Red.” The words wouldn’t stay inside. “I love you.”

She squeezed me tight with her walls and I couldn’t hold back.

“I love you, Dare.”

Her words sent pleasure shooting through me as I came inside her.

Red was mine.

We lay together, cuddling and playing all evening until we drifted off together wound up tight.

* * *

Red insisted she go with me to see Jericho, but I tried to tell her no, not that it did a bit of good. When I was done with the asshole today, he’d need a hospital. Red thought this was her fight, but she was wrong.

I left our bedroom, heading for a pop while I waited for Red to finish putting on her war paint. All the boxes stacked everywhere in the apartment bugged me, she could flee at any second. “You need to unpack, Red.”

She opened the bathroom door, worrying her lip with her teeth.

I growled, and she laughed.

“I thought you’d want to live together.” She spoke so fast her words ran together. “But if not—”

I kissed her just to shut her up. Her soft lips opened and I claimed her mouth and made sure she understood she was mine. “I do. Can’t we live here?”

“Yes!” She jumped up, grabbing my neck, and I had to catch her.

“You don’t have to go.” It was not the first time I’d said it. “Let me beat him some more, so he understands your position.”

“I do. We need to
it out, so it’s behind us.” She wouldn’t budge. “You and Jericho have made peace?”

“With my fists.” After she’d told me how she thought we’d been in it together, controlling her, manipulating her, I’d been ready to punch him again.

“He’s your best friend, you’ve cleared the air and now I need to clear the air.” She ran her hand down my biceps.

“I’m coming with you.” It wasn’t optional.

“Will you let me handle it? Just watch, and let us hash it out?”

“Best I can do is to say I’ll try.”

She kissed me, which I liked. “Thank you.” She spoke into my lips before peppering my cheek with kisses. Unable to keep her home, we both headed out the door.

We strapped on helmets and I checked hers before getting on the bike. When her hands tightened on me, it felt right. She belonged in my bed and on the back of my bike—where she was now. As we drove to the club, I tried to calm my fury, wanting to let Red do this her way. I parked the bike and we went through the front door.

We’d crossed halfway across the room before Jericho stood and strode toward us. “Man, I knew you belonged together.” He clapped me on the back and looked to my woman. “Mama, I never meant things to go to hell like they did.”

I growled. “Fucker.” I plowed my fist into his stomach. The bastard never did anything he didn’t intend. Jericho was the most calculating bastard I’d ever known.

He stumbled back and I hit him again. In three strikes Jericho lay sprawled across the floor. Satisfaction settled in me.

“This is me handling it?” She arched an eyebrow at me.

I huffed out a breath. “He’s listening now.” I strode past the groaning ass on the floor to get something to drink at the bar.

Jericho pushed himself up to sitting. “You broke a rib, I think.”

“Lucky that’s all,” I called over my shoulder. “Listen close to Red.”

“Those your licks?” Jericho asked Red.

She held out a hand and helped heave him up from the floor. “Not my idea.”

Jericho limped to the table and eased himself down.

“You will never fucking use me again.” She pointed to him.


“No bullshit,” I called from the bar.

Jericho studied me.

“You wanted me to stay close to the club, with or without Dare. You planned for me to take over for MJ once you finish your coup.” She spoke in an even voice.

How the hell had she figured that out? I needed to remember she was scary smart.

Jericho glanced between us. “That’s true.”

“I can get behind that, but what you did after was one thousand kinds of wrong.”

Jericho opened his mouth.

“Fucking playing me against the bikers, against you and even Dare—pure poison.”

“No, I looked out—”

“For you.” She snarled and just stood there waiting for him to deny it. “A few simple words—
Lila’s off-limits
—no biker would’ve crossed you.”

This is what I refused to forgive. He’d chosen the path that hurt her most, controlled her most.

“But you played games that devastated my world. For what?” She threw her hands in the air, hurt so strong in those words.

I lost it, unable to hold back seeing her pain so open on her face. “Motherfucker,” I roared, smacking into Jericho, and we tumbled to the floor. I held onto Jericho’s T-shirt, punching him over and over.

“Stop it,” she yelled. “I can’t talk to the dead.”

I froze and winced, wondering if I’d gone too far, so I dropped Jericho with a thud.

“Son of a bitch,” Jericho mumbled.

I glanced down to see blood streaming from his nose.

“Go get him something to stop the blood,” she barked at me.

I moved down the hall, but stayed close enough to hear every word.

“You underestimated me and tortured me to advance your games. But I’m here to stay, and you will not do this to me again.” Her tone was vicious and harder than I’d ever heard her use.

“A good show.” Jericho sneered the words even as he wheezed from my blows. “You planning to take him away from me or have him kill me?”

“I’m not acting. I don’t do manipulation, but I’m beyond familiar with it.” She sighed, sounding like a frustrated schoolteacher. “We both love him, and I’d never want him to lose either of us.”

My God, had she just said that to Jericho? Bikers didn’t talk emotions, and it was all kinds of fucked up to hear her say it about me.

“Yeah, I’m out of line.” Jericho grunted. “I’m not used to people calling me on shit, only maneuvering against me.”

“Not my style, or Dare’s. I love him, so I’ll accept you. But don’t mistake it for trust or friendship. One day you’ll earn my friendship again, but now it’s beyond gone. We need to be clear.”

I couldn’t believe she went there because even for me that was a shit-ton too honest.

“What? Why tell me?”

“I don’t pretend. With me, people always know where they stand. Dare’s that way too. He doesn’t have to know more than you have my support and my forgiveness for whatever it’s worth.”

“But not your friendship.” Jericho’s words were stark.

She walked away from him, and I heard her coming in my direction. No reason to ruin her illusion that she’d protected me, so I backed up a bit and we met in the hall.

“I’ll be in our room.” She caressed my chin. “He might need a hospital.”

I shrugged. “I beat him, so I don’t fix him.”

Despite my words, I spent time stopping the flow of blood and making sure he’d live until Zero arrived.

“She’s damn tough, no one calls me out as the bastard I am.” Jericho coughed and spit up some blood.

“I do.” I helped Jericho to a chair. “You get why no one liked you messing with her.”

“Brother, totally understand. I deserve every one of these punches. I got caught up in my head games, and you were too fucked up to see it. A good reminder why you’re my conscience.”

“My fists do tend to give good advice.”

Jericho laughed and winced. “Motherfucker, you should go a little easier on me.”

Zero walked in and stared from me to Jericho. “Why do I miss all the fun? Come on, I’ll take your sorry ass to the ER.”

Jericho limped out the door without any help. A brother had his pride after all.

I opened the door to the room we always used. “Zero is on his way to take the stubborn ass to the doctor.”

Lying down next to her on top of the covers, I smiled. “This room holds great memories.”

“Most definitely. You made me scream here.”

“I make you scream everywhere,” I reminded her. “You good with him now?”

“Yeah.” She propped herself up on my chest. “Thanks for letting me handle it.” She rolled her eyes and laughed.

“You got more than I wanted to give. But you handed him his ass—impressive.” I smirked. “You know me, Jericho, Bear and Thorn, we’re the hard cases most of the other bikers fear.”

“And?” She arched an eyebrow.

“You’ve stood toe to toe with all of us.” I swiped her nose. She was badass in a Red kind of way, so sweet right up until she laid you out cold.

“You all should fear me,” she teased. “I’m a badass biker babe.”

She was all smiles, but her words were true. It gave me a new idea.

“We love and fear you in equal measures.” No humor tinged my voice. “You get your own status without me.”

“I’m nothing without you. ’Cause you own my heart.” She kissed me. “I love you.”

“You’re the world, Red. You fit me, belong here.” I was going for it because I needed her now, all tied up and sworn to me. “Probably crazy, should wait, but I want you with me, part of my family here. Will you be my old lady?”

Chapter Thirty-Four: Lila

My world slid sideways. His old lady? Emotion churned in me, all competing to burst free first. I rolled on top of him. “Hell yeah, I’ll be your old lady.”

His blue eyes widened in disbelief then he whooped. “Fuck yeah. You said yes.”

“Of course, I love you.”

He rolled me over until he pinned me under him. “Undress.”

“Can’t with you lying on me.” I pushed against his chest and laughed.

He kneeled and tugged me up beside him. In seconds we were undressed facing each other.

“Gotta ride you.” I leaned forward and bit his bottom lip.

His soft smile turned wicked as he lay back on the bed. “Feeling lazy today.”

I stroked his stiff cock before I rolled on the condom. Then I faced him and sunk down until I rested on his lap. I moved fast, needing him in a different way. He tugged my nipples as I bounced on top of him, racing toward my own orgasm.

“Can’t wait. Come with me.” I gasped, pushing down harder.

“Baby, I’m there.”

We came together.

Breathing hard, he kissed me and smiled. “I love you. You’ll make the best old lady ever.”

* * *

The sun shone bright today—the first day of May—and the first day of my new life. Before the sun set, I’d be Dare’s old lady.

Glory turned my wavy curls into ringlets. “It’s a gross name, and I hate the idea of a person being property.”

“I think it’s romantic—a happy ending.” Avery fluffed the short black lace skirt I’d picked to wear today. “She even swears a vow.”

“To the club.” Glory’s flat tone made her opinion clear. She gave my curls a pat before she held up a mirror for me.

I admired her skill with the curling iron because my hair never behaved for me.

“But if you’re happy, then so am I.” She kissed my cheek.

Avery jumped up and down in front of me. “My turn! You have to open my surprise.”

Laughing, I took the present she held out for me.

I ripped off the bright pink paper and opened the box. A red strapless top lay on top of black tissue paper. In a bold gothic print the words
Dare’s Property
covered most of the front.

I snorted a laugh. “Subtle, I love it.”

“A couple of the ladies at the club told me lots of the women get a special shirt made for the day.” Avery pursed her lips. “Do you really like it? You don’t have to wear it.”

“I love it, really. I’m a badass biker chick now. Besides it’ll look amazing with the property cut and my skirt.” I kissed her cheek and hugged her to me.

“If you want to go all covert, there’s a tear-away tank top under the tissue paper. Or you can wear it for Dare another day.” Avery tilted her head with a sly look. “A private striptease.”

“So why wear the tank?” I hadn’t followed her explanation.

“You keep the Dare’s property hidden until the oath is done, and then you rip off the tank and, voila, you reveal the sexy red number.” Avery giggled.

“Hmm, I’ll think about it.” I frowned, wondering how the tear-away tank worked.

The front door opened, signaling Dare’s return. He’d gone out to grab us lunch.

Both my friends left after promising to see me at the club later. Dare sauntered into the bedroom with a to-go bag. “You’re hot, Red. I—”

“No. We’re not messing up my curls with any sweaty sex stuff, no matter how great it feels.” I smirked at him. “You’ll have to wait.”

He moved closer, one slow step at a time, almost like he stalked me. “I have something for you.”

“I bet you do.” I laughed, so happy to be with him.

“You’ll have to wait for my dick.” He kissed me. “I want you to wear these.” He pulled a black box with red ribbons from behind him.

I loved presents. I untied the ribbon and opened the box. Cushioned on red silk were two of my favorite toys—a sleek silver set of Ben-Wa balls and matching anal plug.

“I’m not wearing those on your bike.” My god, I’d never make it there.

“Oh, yes, you are.” His sexy purr excited me. “If I can’t get you drunk on booze, then I’ll intoxicate you with these.”

“I won’t make it,” I whined at him. “Last time, I was insatiable, with only the one.”

“You trust me?”

“Always.” I sighed the word, knowing I’d lost this debate. As if I’d ever had a chance.

“If I scream you scream.” I cupped his hard cock through his jeans.

A low chuckle was his only answer.

“Come see my other present.” I motioned him over to the bed. “I’m officially your property.”

He lit up, seeing the skimpy red top with his name on it. “Dammit, Red, I want you now, with only the top on.”

“Gotta wait, baby.” I held up the tank. “Avery says this tears away with Velcro fasteners. You could rip off my shirt when you put on my new cut.”

With a sharp inhale, he closed his eyes. “Woman. You make me insane.”

“Back at ya. So should I wear them?” But I already knew his answer.

“Oh yeah.” His lips touched mine with a gentle caress that deepened to a scorching kiss.

“I might need help getting dressed, you the man for the job?” I gave him my best sexy pout.

I let my robe drop to the floor, and underneath I wore only my birthday suit.

Dare groaned. “Lie back, Red.”

As I sprawled on the bed, his fingers stroked my flesh and I gasped when he inserted the balls. His eyes dilated as his finger trailed through my juices. Next he added lube to the plug and slowly pushed it into me. My hips rocked, trying to find a way to relieve the pressure of being filled.

“I’m not going to make it out of this room,” I panted.

“You better take care of that.” He had opened his own fly and stroked his cock.

“You sure you don’t want to handle this?” I massaged my tits and rocked my hips, enjoying the way my body responded.

He shook his head and stepped back until he sat in the chair I’d sat in while Glory curled my hair. I fondled my sex. Our gazes locked together while we each stroked ourselves. My free hand plucked my nipples. Heat built inside me, and I burned to let it out. My head was heavy but I didn’t lie back, I’d break our connection.

He gripped himself tight and moved faster in his own race for release. I bounced my hips into my hand, crushing my clit into it. The balls jostled from my movements and the sensations bordered on torture. And then it was too much and the orgasm ripped through me, sending bolts of intense pleasure through my core. I shivered as waves rebounded through me.

Devouring me with his gaze, he jacked his hips with a gasp, then come spurted from the tip of his dick. His head fell back. I sat up, then squirmed as everything shifted inside me sending another wave of tremors through me. I closed the distance to him and kissed him with hungry need, biting his lower lip before assaulting his mouth with my tongue. My hands raked through his hair. His hands clasped my ass and hauled me to him. Finally, my body relaxed and our kiss ended.

“I’ll never make it to the club on your bike. I’ll lose it.”

“You’ll do fine. And I’ll make sure to take care of you.” His soft words warmed me.

After we cleaned up and I dressed, it was time to go. We roared out of town toward the club. In minutes my body burned from the symphony of sensations the bike created. The balls vibrated inside me, pushing me toward climax, and the plug stimulated my backside. I scooted into Dare, my hips pushing into his back, but it wasn’t enough. I held on with one hand and pressed the other between us to rock into it. In seconds I mindlessly moved, needing to satisfy the growing ache. No matter how I moved, what I reached for eluded me.

Then the bike slowed and stopped but I kept moving. It consumed me. He turned to me, pushed his hand under my skirt and with a few forceful flicks, I screamed my release. He continued the assault while holding me tight. I quaked in his arms until finally the sensations eased. He kissed me gently on the lips.

“Love you, Red.” He growled the words.

“I love you, Dare.” I whispered the words into his back. I glanced up and saw we were about to the clubhouse. Finally, we parked. He helped me off the bike and held me close. My legs were weak and I stumbled, but he caught me.

“I got you,” he murmured.

“Stay close, I’m so far gone,” I whispered. “I can’t think.”

He squeezed me tight to him. The club was packed and people mingled everywhere. Dare led us through the crowd. We stopped and he tugged me into his lap. He pushed into my ass. My hips rocked, enjoying the feeling of his cock under me. People stopped and talked to me, but I could barely focus on the words. Suspended in this sea of sensation, I ached to rub my clit.

A hand squeezed my arm hard and I surfaced from the fog. Bear’s face was in front of me.

“You high, Mama?” His dark gaze flicked to Dare. “You okay?”

I shook my head. “No. I’m not okay. Or high.” I sighed. “Dare has me fucked up. Balls in my pussy and plug in my ass. I need to fuck him.”

Bear barked a laugh. “Brother, you are devious.” He gave Dare a high five and walked off.

I leaned back to stare up at him. Dare stared at me with satisfaction tattooed onto his face.

“Get this going or take me to bed.” I tried to glare at him, but he smiled wider.

In minutes I stood by Dare, his arm supporting me. I repeated the Jericho Brotherhood Oath, promising loyalty, courage and cunning.

Dare’s mouth scorched mine with his kiss. “Step back, Red.”

I stumbled back two steps, but he held my tank, and it ripped off. I stepped back and hands steadied me. I glanced over to a smiling Bear. I grinned at him and moved to my guy. He flipped me around, showing the club my shirt as he slipped the cut on me.

Shouts and whistles filled the room. Jericho gave us both a big hug. “You got anything to say, Mama?”

“Yeah, Dare needs to fuck me, now.”

Hoots and shouts echoed behind us as Dare carried me to his room. In seconds I was naked. Dare started to push me onto the bed.

“No, your turn.” I had a goal. Before I came again, Dare would scream with his own release.

“Red, after—”


He snarled.

He peeled off his jeans and I pushed him to the bed, falling to my knees. I brought his cock to my mouth and sucked him deep. I worked him up until he pushed into me with forceful drives.

“Here I come.” He panted the words.

My finger pushed his pucker and he moaned. I slid my finger inside him. With my first touch to that special gland, Dare’s hot fluids spurted in my mouth.

He bellowed his own pleasure from the top of his lungs, lunging into me with jerky movements.

“Woman, you drive me crazy.” He pulled me up until I lay across his chest. “I’m so lucky.” He kissed me. “I love you.”

* * * * *

Don’t miss Rock and Avery’s romance
coming from Jade Chandler and Carina Press Fall 2016.

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