299 Days: The Visitors

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299 Days: The Visitors



Glen Tate


Book Five in the ten book 299 Days series.

Your Survival Library



299 Days: The Visitors



Copyright © 2013 by Glen Tate

All rights reserved.

Printed in the United States of America.

Prepper Press Trade Paperback Edition: March 2013

Prepper Press is a division of Northern House Media, LLC


To Sarah, who helped put these words to print.


From Chapter One to Chapter 299, this ten-book series follows Grant Matson and others as they navigate through a partial collapse of society. Set in Washington State, this series depicts the conflicting worlds of preppers, those who don't understand them, and those who fear and resent them.


The Visitors
, the fifth book in the
299 Days
series, follows Grant Matson, the Team, and other Pierce Point residents as they adjust to a rapidly changing post-Collapse reality. When the Team is summoned to bust a meth lab and protect their neighbors, they find themselves in an intense crime scene that results in the community having to decide innocence, guilt and punishment.

Adjusting to this “new normal” is a challenge to Grant and others as they navigate a world where Pop-Tarts cost $45 a box, neighbors die from easily preventable conditions, and what remains of the former U.S. Government is deliberately choosing who they will and will not help.

As tensions grow in Pierce Point and the Team begins to face organized opposition, they are presented with an incredible opportunity by the arrival of Special Forces Ted and his game-changing proposal. Grant finds himself at a crossroads as he must decide whether he and the Team will formally join the Patriots and train to become guerilla fighters against the growing forces of the Loyalists or standby and watch events unfold. Grant knows one decision could risk his marriage and family, while another would mean letting others decide their fate.


For more about this series, free chapters, and to be notified about future releases, please visit 


Books from the 299 Days series published to date:


Book One –
299 Days: The Preparation

Book Two –
299 Days: The Collapse

Book Three –
299 Days: The Community

Book Four –
299 Days: The Stronghold

Book Five –
299 Days: The Visitors



About the Author:


Glen Tate has a front row seat to the corruption in government and writes the
299 Days
series from his first-hand observations of why a collapse is coming and predictions on how it will unfold. Much like the main character in the series, Grant Matson, the author grew up in a rural and remote part of Washington State. He is now a forty-something resident of Olympia, Washington, and is a very active prepper. “Glen” keeps his real identity a secret so he won’t lose his job because, in his line of work, being a prepper and questioning the motives of the government is not appreciated.


Table of Contents


Chapter 138

Chapter 139

Chapter 140

Chapter 141

Chapter 142

Chapter 143

Chapter 144

Chapter 145

Chapter 146

Chapter 147

Chapter 148

Chapter 149

Chapter 150

Chapter 151

Chapter 152

Chapter 153

Chapter 154

Chapter 155

Chapter 156

Chapter 157

Chapter 158

Chapter 159

Chapter 160

Chapter 161

Chapter 162

Chapter 163

Chapter 164

Chapter 165

Chapter 166

Chapter 167


Chapter 138

Raid on the Tweaker House

(May 14)


They all got in a truck—not Mark’s—driven by someone who knew where they were going. Tim, the EMT, was in the truck, too, with his big first aid kit, which was a good idea. Someone could get hurt; either them or the people in the Richardson house. Or both.

There was a serious mood among the Team. No one said, “This never gets old.” No one was smiling. This was for real.

Grant was in shock. Was this really happening? He had been through a lifetime worth of changes in the past two weeks, but this seemed like the biggest change of all. He was actually riding out to raid a house – without being a cop, or anything. Just a bunch of civilians going out to – what? – “arrest” some people. This was a job for the cops.

Except there are no more cops, Grant told himself. “It’s up to us,” he said softly, too softly, for anyone else to hear. He felt like a crazy man for muttering to himself, so he stopped and tried to get his head in the game.

The other members of the Team were doing the same thing. Each man was thinking about what would happen if he got killed, or if he got maimed. If he chickened out and disgraced himself. If one of their teammates got killed or maimed. What it would be like to have to kill someone.

Most of them thought about God. Grant thought to himself, silently, “Here for a reason.” He knew he was there for a reason, in that place, at that time, with these people, to do a particular thing. But that didn’t make this “normal.” This was weird. Weird as hell. They were going to point guns at people and they had no legal authority to do that, Grant’s lawyer brain was telling him.

Jail, Grant thought to himself. The Team would go to jail if the cops regained control over things and started to prosecute people for raiding homes. All the scenes of the past two weeks raced through Grant’s mind, all the scenes of one police officer trying to control a huge crowd and the abandoned police cars everywhere.

The sirens. Grant remembered the sirens from two weeks ago and how they suddenly stopped a few days later. The rational side of his brain kicked in again: there are no cops, as evidenced by the lack of sirens. His lawyer self was trying to talk sense into his scared self.

The truck was slowing down. They were getting close. Pow said, “Press check, gentlemen.” They checked the chambers of their ARs and pistols to make sure they had a round in. All did. They checked the safeties on their ARs, which were on, for now.

They looked through their optics to make sure their red-dot sights were on, and they were. Each man checked that all his magazines were full. They were, of course. They had this part down. It was the part about rushing into an unknown house with unknown people inside, without any legal authority, that they didn’t have down.

Rich could sense how the Team was feeling. He’d been there before. “You guys will do fine,” he said. That meant a lot to them.

Ryan thought he’d boost the new guys’ confidence and said, “Don’t worry, guys. I’d go into combat with any of you.” Given what Ryan had done in Afghanistan, that was very reassuring. Ryan was fairly sure these “UCG” (untrained civilian goofball) newbies would do OK, but he wasn’t 100% sure. Then again, he had no choice. These were the guys he was going in with. He had to play the hand he was dealt, so he might as well increase their confidence. But, Ryan had to admit, he wished he had Pow’s body armor.

They came up to the crime victims from the Grange who had gone ahead to guide the Team to the correct house. The victims waved down the truck. They were very happy to see the Team and didn’t seem to be worried about the fact that the Team had no legal authority. They had been worried for a long time about the tweakers next door and now something was being done about them. Who were these guys who would just rush into a meth house? They didn’t know why the Team was doing this, but they were glad to have them out there.

“No one has come in or out since we got here about twenty minutes ago,” one of them said. “The house is down the road about a quarter mile,” he said while pointing. “It’s the second house on the left. The first house on the right is mine. My address is 1761. Don’t go in that one. Go to the second house on the left, which is 18 something. The address isn’t on the place since it’s run down to shit. It has cars and shit all over the place. It’s a dark brown house.”

Rich knew the Richardson house well. He’d been there a couple of times when he was back on the force. “Is there any possibility of us going to the wrong house?” Rich asked. He wasn’t actually worried they had the wrong house this time, but he was trained to make extra sure they had the right house. “Is there any other house other than the second one on the left?”

The man shook his head. “You’ll know you’re at the right place because of the dogs.”

Oh great. Grant had a bad feeling about this; a really bad feeling. He felt adrenaline rush through him. The tip of his tongue started getting tingly. He was terrified.

“How many?” Pow asked calmly.

“A couple, at least. I think they’re Rottweilers,” the man said.

Oh crap, Grant thought. He considered “Rottweilers” one of the most terrifying words in the English language.

“There goes the element of surprise,” Ryan said.

“Hey, Scotty you got your ‘hush puppy’?” Bobby asked, referring to Scotty’s Walther P22 pistol with a silencer. The “hush puppy” was for use in situations exactly like this.

Scotty shook his head. “It’s back home. I don’t carry it with me.”

“Shit,” Pow said. “Can you go get it?”

Rich said, “No. We don’t have time. They might have gotten a call from someone at the Grange. We have to do this now. We’ll just have to power through the dogs.”

Rich looked at the weapons each man had. “Anyone got a shotgun?” he asked. They shook their heads. Rich wished that one of them had brought a high capacity shotgun with number 4 buckshot, which would throw out thirty lead pellets with each pull of the trigger. They spread out to about the size of a dinner paper plate at twenty-five yards. A dinner plate of lead to take out a dog. Numerous guys on the Team were realizing that next time they would have a “go kit” ready with the silenced .22 and at least one shotgun. There were probably more things they’d learn today that they needed on these raids, like having along Tim, the EMT.

Grant thought it would be nice to have some of Dan’s dogs to go in and clear out the Rottweilers and chase the bad guys. Grant didn’t want to mention yet another thing they’d do differently next time. There was no need to say that now. He was trying to project confidence, even if he didn’t have any right then.

“No biggie,” Pow said as he held up his AR. “I got your dog catcher right here.” He, too, was making a valiant effort to maintain the guys’ confidence.

“I’ll go lead,” Pow said. “I’ve got the body armor.” He did another press check. He was ready to go; anxious to go. He’d been waiting for this his whole life. Not actually wanting to do it, but being ready to do it. Pow was a softie on the inside. He was a sheepdog, though, and going in and cleaning out thieves was what sheepdogs did. Especially since there weren’t any traditional police available.

When Pow volunteered to be the first one through the door, Rich remembered a saying: When you’re in a gun fight, some guys can’t stop thinking about home. Other guys—the gun fighters—
at home. The fight is where they belong and love to be. Pow was at home right then.

Grant knew that it was time for some motivation for the other guys. He looked at all of them and suddenly had an amazing sense of calm and confidence come over him. “We’re here for a reason, guys,” he said. “You know it’s true. We’re here for a reason. Do you think it’s some giant coincidence that all of us, with all the skills and gear we have, are right here, right now?” His question was met with silence.

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