Enforcer (Cascadia Wolves) (5 page)

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Authors: Lauren Dane

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Enforcer (Cascadia Wolves)
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Lex didn’t say much more as they continued east. He ached to make it better for her, to pull her into the shelter of his body and hold her. But he knew she wasn’t ready for that so he kept her hand in his own and pushed his overwhelming desire for her to the side—for the time being.

* * * * *


Cade pulled into a long drive. Midway a set of large iron gates stood closed. He slid the car to a stop next to a keypad and rolled the window down. He quickly keyed in a code as Nina cast a quick, assessing glance at the setup.

“What do you think?” Lex asked, seeing her curious look. “If you’re a computer expert, I take it you know about security too?”

She leaned over him to get a better look through the window. She gave a low whistle. “State of the art. I could hack it, even remotely, but it would take me a while. While I’m here, remind me to check your security system.”

“I’d appreciate that,” Lex said.

Nodding absently, she only barely held back a gasp when they came around the bend and the house came into view.

Impressive was the first word that came to mind. Fronted entirely by glass, it loomed out of the hillside and undoubtedly had some prime views. It was one of those places that graced the cover of architectural and design magazines. This was no cookie-cutter house—someone with a great mind and a lot of talent had created it. The cleverly landscaped gardens that surrounded it gave a sense of wildness and burst with a riot of color. There were trees everywhere and hanging baskets, containers that were overflowing with flowers and plants, and she could see several water features as well. The house was an oasis.

They pulled into a garage with three other bays. There was a Mercedes and two motorcycles, including the Harley that she’d seen Lex ride on multiple occasions. Lex grabbed her stuff but she kept her kit. He sighed and then shrugged, turning to lead her inside.

When they came into the lower level of the house from the garage she made a low sound of pleased surprise. The view through the big glass walls was of the entire valley below and the forests all around.

A spiral stair led from the lower hallway upward to what looked to be the main living level. Sleek modern furniture decorated a large living room bisected by a gigantic fireplace that created a wall into an entertainment room with state-of-the-art electronics.

They headed up another staircase—this one wider—to the next floor. Lex led her down a long hallway with skylights. She could see the night stars winking above her as they walked. He opened a door almost at the end and waved her inside, dropping her bags as she passed.

He gestured at the room, which was large and airy and had a balcony with French doors that overlooked the gardens at the side of the house. There was a large bed with white wrought ironwork and saffron-and-red-accented linens. “I’m going to put you here in the guestroom. It’s got its own bathroom and fireplace. We have a higher body core temperature and so the house is colder than one where a human would live. It’s a gas fireplace and it heats the room well. Are you hungry?” He snapped his mouth closed as he realized with horror that he was actually babbling. This human woman had reduced him to a blathering mess. He had to fuck her and claim her as soon as possible.

She looked around the room, sighing tiredly. She was barely holding back the tears and desperately needed to be alone before she lost it in front of him. “It’s nearly two, I’m exhausted. I have to call my staff to tell them to open the shop tomorrow. I can’t think about food or that computer right now…” Her sentence trailed off as he held her gaze.

Sneaking a quick look at the bag that held her laptop, he held off pressuring her. Dark circles smudged beneath her eyes, lines of grief etched around her mouth. Unable to stop himself, he reached out, running the pad of his thumb over her bottom lip.

She closed her eyes, allowing him that brief contact. The warmth of his touch slid sinuously through her system and her nipples hardened. Alarmed again at how he affected her, she stepped back, clearing her throat. “Thank you for letting me stay here.”

He let her avoid him. For the moment. “You’re welcome here. You’re
here, I promise you. You know, it occurs to me you haven’t told me your name.”

“I’m Nina, but you must have known that from Gabriel or you wouldn’t have known where I lived.”

He gave a quiet chuckle. “Well yes, but we haven’t been properly introduced. He talked about you all of the time—his big sister who was always helping him. He wanted to prove himself to you.” He stopped speaking, his smile faltered when he watched more grief come into her eyes. “I am sorry for your loss, Nina. Rey loved you.”

At least he didn’t try saying what an important asset Gabriel was to them or any such lie. She nodded. “I really need to sleep,” she said, trying not to plead. She needed some distance from Lex and she needed it before she did or said something stupid like jump on him as she cried,
please take off your pants and give me comfort with your cock

He cleared his throat and she snapped back to reality. “Hang on a sec.” He sprinted down the hall and came back a few moments later.

Handing her a neatly folded stack of clothes he stood back, almost looking shy. “Here. They’re going to be too big but it occurred to me that you may not have any clothes to sleep in. Please, call out if you need me. I’m only two doors down.” He walked to the door and looked back at her one last time before leaving the room quietly.

She had two changes of clothes in the running kit but no night clothes, so she rooted through the clothes he’d brought and found a pajama top that smelled of him. On autopilot, she hugged it to her body as she padded into the bathroom that adjoined the bedroom.

The room was as large as her bedroom at home. A terrible pain sliced through her as she realized that she had no home anymore. Her books, her music, her clothing, it was as gone as Gabriel was. She’d bought her little bungalow two years before. She could have chosen something more expensive, she had some money left over from what she’d spent on the business, but she’d wanted to buy it free and clear without showing up on any radar. So she’d scrimped and saved and made it her own, planting her own garden and decorating it slowly but surely. She still had about three hundred thousand dollars in a Swiss account but she felt guilty about that money and left it there to be used only in an emergency.

She turned on the water and let it go very hot. The room filled with steam as her vision blurred. As she stepped into the glass enclosure the first racking sob tore through her and she stood there, face turned up to the water, letting the tears flow freely.

She felt so alone. She had no one left who was part of her, and that made her feel bereft. Adrift. At the same time, she couldn’t deny the small part of her that felt freer now that she wasn’t responsible for someone else. She wouldn’t be cleaning up after Gabriel anymore. Of course that just made her feel guilty on top of alone and grief-stricken, and the tears came harder.

The water began to cool just as she had nothing left. Like a zombie, she got out and dried off, slipping into the shirt. It felt good against her skin—Lex’s scent wrapped around her, giving her comfort. With a heavy sigh she pulled back the bedding and slid between the sheets. Her last thought was that she’d have to deal with the cops and her house first thing, and then she promptly passed out.

* * * * *


Down the hall, in the office outside of Cade’s bedroom, Lex heard her turn on the shower and then his stomach clenched as he heard her sobs. He stood up and started to leave the room, to go to her and pull her into his arms. Cade put his hand out and barred the door.

“Where are you going?”

“She’s hurting! I’m going to go to her.”

Cade heard the anguish in his brother’s voice and hid a smile. “Why? I thought you weren’t interested in her,” Cade said with mock casualness. “I think she’s pretty exceptional. That roundhouse and the right hook? Wow. Anyway, you think she’s a dried-up spinster, I’ll go in and comfort her.” He moved to leave the room.

Lex’s hand shot out and grabbed his brother’s shirt. “Stay away from her,” he growled.

Cade laughed with delight. “I knew it!”

Lex rolled his eyes at his brother. “She’s mine, Cade. Period.”

Cade kept grinning and slapped Lex’s back. Sobering, he said, “let her grieve, Lex. She’s lost everything. Tomorrow morning is soon enough to pursue her. And she’s going to give you such a hard time about it too. I can’t wait.” He rubbed his hands together in anticipation.

Chapter Two


Carter Peterson paced, scrubbing his hands over his face. Stopping, he spun and glared at man standing before him, growling in frustration. “You didn’t kill her? What the hell is wrong with you? She’s a bloody human for goodness’ sake!”

John Hendrix snorted in disgust. “We would have had her but the Enforcer and Alpha showed up with the guard. We took care of Gabriel Reyes, though. He can’t say a freaking word now. For all we know, he didn’t tell her a thing.” The other werewolves in the room shifted uneasily as they watched the exchange.

Carter narrowed his eyes at the Rogue, lip curled in disgust. The Rogues were almost as bad as the damned humans. Disorganized, lazy. If he didn’t have half a million dollars of debt to the mob hanging over his head, he’d have walked away from these wolves months ago.

“The operative phrase is that
we don’t know!
What if Tommie told Rey and Rey told his sister? Huh? She tells the Wardens and The Enforcer shows up and rips my throat out. You need to figure out what the hell is going on, Hendrix! No more loose ends or this could all go sideways in record time. Kill the human and do it as soon as possible.”

* * * * *


Lex woke up and got dressed. He spoke to his people and looked over their reports. As Enforcer for the Cascadia Clan, it was his job to oversee security. He was Cade’s personal bodyguard, although his brother had a retinue of six guards who were on the property at all times. These guards were, every last one, Wardens. The Alpha of the Cascadia Clan had been a Warden for a hundred and fifty years and his family had held positions in top hierarchy for at least five hundred years. Theirs was an old and noble line.

Lex had been born to be an Enforcer. As second son and largest of all his siblings, he would be second-in-command and had been trained to fulfill that role from a very early age. Cade was the firstborn and as such, groomed to be alpha from birth. He was politically astute and charismatic, leading their Pack suited him. They had sisters as well, two of whom were in the personal guard. Cousins made up the rest of the retinue.

Lex Warden was feared and respected across all Clan territories. He was a badass and he wasn’t afraid to admit it to himself. He not only had the natural abilities to serve as Enforcer, but had also received extensive training when he was an Army Ranger for eight years. It was rare that wolves messed with him and if and when they did, he crushed them without mercy.

He was also an architect and had designed the house that they lived in. While his biology and duty called him to be the Enforcer for the Cascadia Pack, his creativity led him to design. He enjoyed it and hoped to continue to grow his business. He’d done several homes on contract and a building in downtown Bellevue and he loved it. Loved the satisfaction of driving past one of the places that he’d created.

But for now his responsibility was to figure out just what was going on in the Pack and to claim the woman down the hall as his mate. If she were a wolf it would be relatively easy. She’d understand the attraction of their pheromones and would submit. But she was human, and in his experience human women never made anything easy.

He tucked his shirt in as he stalked down the hallway. As he neared her door he heard her muttering and the clacking of her typing. Giving a quick tap on the door, he opened it and froze as he caught sight of her.

Mouth gaping open, he took her in. She was sitting on one of the chairs, the laptop in her lap. Her bottom lip was caught between her teeth as she typed madly. She was also wearing only his pajama top. Impossibly, his cock hardened more until he actually winced in pain. Gone was the uptight matron, and in her place was a goddess.

Chocolate brown curls tumbled about her shoulders and arms, shiny and lustrous. Her eyes were a luminous brown, wide and fringed with thick black lashes. Her legs were long and athletic and the curve of her breasts was visible at the top of the pajama shirt she wore. Her skin was the color of milky coffee and looked silky and soft. He clenched his fists to keep from touching her but his eyes greedily soaked her in.

Hearing his strangled moan, she looked up, startled. Seeing him, she sent him a smile that made his insides warm. “Oh, good morning. I’ve called my staff and also the cops. I used my cell phone, said I was away from home and saw it on the news. I have to go in later today to talk about the fire. I hope to god they don’t think I set my own house on fire. It’s all so suspicious.”

“I was thinking about that last night. We can say you were with me. Here. In my bed. All night.” He had been thinking of it, of good alibis for her. But the bed thing came to him when he saw her sitting there like a luscious dessert.

Her pulse fluttered and she only barely leashed her gasp. “Uh, oh…yeah, er.” Could she be any more incoherent? She took a deep breath. “Okay, yeah, that’s probably a good idea.”

“I’ll come with you when you go. Since I’m your boyfriend and all.” He said it like he was kidding but there was an edge in his voice. He meant to claim her and to do it as soon as possible.

Feeling a desperate need to change the subject, she motioned down to the laptop. “I’ve been working on this for the last few hours. It’s tight programming. Your guy was no slouch. But I’ve gotten in a few layers.”

“He was in the army with me. He did computer stuff. He decided to convert three years ago. He was an asset to the Pack.” And a personal friend. Pushing aside his pain and feelings of failure, he realized she wasn’t wearing her glasses. “Don’t you need your glasses?”

She blushed. “Oh, well. That was a disguise. Or not a disguise really, but a way of keeping from being noticed. I don’t have to wear them, they’re clear lenses.” She pushed her hair back over her shoulder and he struggled to breathe.

Deciding to be nonchalant he moved in, needing to be nearer so he could get her scent. He wanted her to be as insane with longing as he was. “Oh, clever. I like you more this way, though.” He knelt next to the chair and leaned in to see the screen and watched her fingers fly over the keys. “What is it? What have you found so far?”

Oh my god!
He was so damned sexy and he smelled so good. She wanted to lean in and breathe deep of him. Pull his essence into her senses. Ugh! The man drove her insane. With a slightly shaky voice she answered, “It’s encrypted. I’ve broken through three of what I can tell so far are six levels. The code it’s in is pretty complicated, it looks like something I saw once at the Department of Justice. One I get past all of the built-in defenses and the traps, I’ll unlock everything and then I’ll have to see where to go from there.”

He raised an eyebrow. “The Department of Justice? As an employee?”

She gave him a look and went back to the keyboard. “Something like that. Look, I’m not always proud of what I have done. I’m a different person now. I’ve worked really hard to be.”

He snorted. His little human mate was full of surprises. “Are you hungry? Why don’t you come down and grab something to eat?”
Or we can get into bed and I can fuck you boneless
. His eyes devoured every inch of her. His wolf pushed, strained within him to possess her.

“I will in a few minutes. I’d kill for a cup of coffee,” she said, not taking her eyes from the screen. If she looked at him again she’d lose it.

“Okay, I’ll get a pot of coffee on and start breakfast.” He stood, and as he did he leaned in and inhaled her, his eyes sliding partway closed as her essence floated through his system. She turned and their eyes locked, her lips parting in surprise at the connection between them.

With a growl, he took the laptop from her, laying it on the carpet at her feet. He knelt between her thighs—those sweet, soft, bare thighs—and slowly brought his lips to hers. She stiffened for about three seconds and then relaxed into him. Her hands softly rested on his chest, his own hands momentarily still against the flesh of her inner thighs.

His tongue slipped into her mouth and she gave a soft moan, her fingers digging into the muscled skin on his chest. He nipped her bottom lip and she made a soft, startled sound—a mewl—sliding her hands up into his hair as he angled his head to taste her better.

She sucked at his tongue and it was his turn to moan as his cock throbbed in agony. She was warm and soft and perfect—made to be in his arms. Her taste exploded through him, her essence lighting every single nerve in his body on fire for her. And for her alone. He knew that now for an absolute certainty. Knew that she made him feel like no other woman had ever done before and this was just from a kiss. There was an overwhelming feeling of rightness in having her lips beneath his own.

He scented her wetness and slid his hands up her thighs. She parted her legs wider, giving him access to her sex. His thumbs slid over the now-wet panties and she arched into him, one leg rising to curl around his thigh.

Desire roared through Nina as she opened her legs to him. She felt as if she’d die if he stopped touching her. Her nipples were throbbing, pussy wet and hot and clenched, desperate to be filled. His lips tasted so good she felt drunk from them. They were firm and masterful and he knew just what to do. His large hands had slid up her thighs and she mewled in delight, barely stopping herself from moving down to meet them halfway. She’d thought that was good but when he moved his thumbs over her pussy through her panties she thought she’d lose it and come immediately. It had been so long, nearly five years, since she’d been with a man.
man was seriously dangerous to her peace of mind. She felt as if she were outside of her body watching someone else as she rolled her hips and begged for more with her whimpers.

He nibbled down her jaw as one hand came up to unbutton her pajama top, slipping inside to cup her breast. His palm slid over that hard point of sensitive flesh and drew back to pinch a nipple between his thumb and forefinger. He could smell her layered on his scent in the shirt and it drove him crazy. Her head lolled back and she gave a moan of pleasure that shot straight to his groin. His control was hanging by a thread at that moment.

“God, I want to fuck you,” he growled and took a nipple in his mouth at the same time as he slid a finger into her panties and up into the heat of her clutching pussy. He felt the triumph rush through him as she gasped and moaned. Her honey scalded his hand. “Jesus, you’re so tight, so tight and hot.”

Clutching his head to her, her breath caught as he bit down on her nipple. Unable to resist, she moved her hips against his stroking fingers. Wanting more. She clutched his head to her as he gently bit down on her nipple and caused her breath to catch and then moan out loudly, moving her hips against his stroking fingers.

“Lex? You around?” Cade’s bellow from downstairs shocked her back to her senses. Lex’s growl around her nipple stopped her from her attempts to sit back up.

“Lex! You have a call from New York,” Cade yelled out again.

“Go! He’s going to come up here any minute.” She squealed as he pinched her clit between slippery fingers.

“I can’t leave you this way,” he murmured.

“Lex! Damn it, it’s important,” Cade called out again, the frustration clear in his voice. She could hear him coming closer, footsteps getting louder. Feeling panicked, she grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand out of her panties and pushed him back, panting and irritated.

Sighing, he brought his fingers to his lips and licked them, eyes falling shut at the pleasure of her taste. “So sweet. This isn’t over,” he promised and adjusted his ridiculously hard cock in his pants and limped out of the room to deal with his call.

She sat for a few minutes trying to pull herself back together. What on earth was wrong with her? What was he doing to her? When he touched her it was as if everything else seemed to disappear. It was as if he was the only thing that mattered, and that was dangerous. She didn’t have the time or the emotional energy to deal with a relationship right then. Ugh! And a man like Lex Warden wasn’t really relationship material to begin with. She could just fuck him out of her system and then move on, but she had the sinking feeling that sleeping with Lex would not be something easily walked away from. She needed to get laid, plain and simple. She tried to tell herself that it could wait until after she had some distance between herself and Lex, but she knew it was a lie.

* * * * *


She ordered herself to suck it up and got dressed. She pulled on jeans and a T-shirt and made a mental note to stop at the mall and get some new clothes on her way back from the police station. Her hair was a lost cause. She put it into a loose braid that was already coming undone because her ponytail holder had snapped the night before.

Giving herself a stern talking-to, she took a deep breath, and clutching her case and the other laptop, she headed downstairs to the kitchen.

Trying not to show how much she enjoyed seeing Lex there cooking and holding out a mug of steaming coffee to her, she kept her focus on her laptop, setting it on the bar. She put the other case down and made sure the programs were still running before she looked up to him, grabbed the cup gratefully and sat down.

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