Enforcer (Cascadia Wolves) (10 page)

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Authors: Lauren Dane

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Enforcer (Cascadia Wolves)
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He smiled proudly. “Thanks. The marinade is something I’ve developed over the last ten years. I’m going to sell it to some of the smaller gourmet food shops in Seattle and Bellevue later this year.”

She finished the delicious steak and veggies and limited herself to one glass of wine. Lex cleared the plates and refused to let her help so she sat with Cade in the large living room and looked out the wall of windows toward the city.

“Wow, you can see Bellevue and Seattle too.”

“Welcome to our family, Nina. Truly,” Cade said as he took her hand and sat next to her on the couch. “Lex deserves someone like you. You’re strong, you’ll stand up to him and anchor him too.”

She smiled at him and squeezed his hand. “Thank you, Cade. I don’t quite know what to say other than that. I don’t even know what to think about all of this.”

He laughed. “Yeah, I can imagine it’s a bit overwhelming just now. And there’s some more stuff that we need to talk about…”

“Not now, Cade,” Lex said shortly as he came into the room and sat down on Nina’s other side.

Cade sighed and got up to look out the windows. “It’s too late anyway. Their cars are coming up the road.”

“Too late for what?”

“We’ll talk about it all later,” Lex said, cutting off any further discussion.

“Cars? Plural? How many of them are there?” Nina’s heart began to pound.

Lex put an arm around her shoulder. “My parents, my grandmother, two of my sisters, one brother-in-law and their two children. Megan and Tegan are here already, they’re in Cade’s guard.”

“What? Jeez, that’s a baseball team! And Megan and Tegan?”

“They’re twins. They’ll come up when everyone else does. You’ll like them.”

“Wow, your mom is a fertile Myrtle!” Nina placed her palms flat over her stomach, almost protectively.

Cade and Lex laughed and she went to the windows and watched three cars pull into the large drive and park. The cars spit out ten people, all beautiful or handsome and very well dressed. The children looked to be about seven and nine and they waved toward the windows and headed into the large yard while the adults headed inside.

A tall, lithe, silver-haired woman walked in first, followed by a burly man with dark brown hair and big green eyes, and at his side a petite redhead. Another couple followed and then two younger women who appeared to be around Nina’s age.

“Grandmother,” Cade said with a grin. He embraced the silver-haired woman and turned toward Nina and Lex. “This is Nina Reyes.”

The woman narrowed her eyes and looked Nina up and down to the point that she wanted to run, but instead she squared her shoulders and stood tall. She had nothing to be ashamed of.

The woman saw it and a smile broke out over her face. “Fortune has blessed you, Alexander my boy.” She walked to Nina and took her hands. “Welcome to the Pack, Nina. Welcome to our family, I’m pleased to meet you.”

Relief rushed through Nina and she smiled back. “Thank you, I’m pleased to meet you as well.”

Lex turned her to face his parents. Cade motioned to her and spoke to his mother and father. “This is Nina, as you can scent, he’s formed the bond and claimed her. Do you accept her into the Pack?”

The man stood forward and cocked his head. “Lex, you smell content.”

Lex nodded. “I am.”

The woman moved beside him. “She’s strong? Can she be the mate to the Enforcer of this Pack?”

Cade spoke this time instead of Lex and Nina was beginning to get exasperated, feeling like they’d start looking at her teeth any minute. “I watched her deliver a roundhouse kick to a full-grown werewolf two nights ago. Surrounded, facing the death of her brother, she continued to fight, never showing any sign of giving up. She stood up to Lex as he kept her under surveillance for weeks. She even managed to elude him while he was tailing her.”

The man raised an eyebrow at that and Lex made a growling sound but didn’t contradict the story.

“Will she accept her wolf?” Lex’s mother asked Lex.

“She and I will discuss that later. Right now there are bigger issues,” Lex said solemnly. He could feel Nina beginning to get impatient with everyone talking around her.

“And she knows and accepts all aspects of our culture, then? The tri-bond included?” His father asked.

“We were just about to discuss that when you pulled up,” Lex said this quickly and Nina turned and narrowed an eye at him.

His father sighed. “Lex…”

“I said we’ll talk about it later.” Lex’s tone brooked no further discussion. “She is my mate, you can clearly see that. She’s beautiful and intelligent and strong. She’s mine and that’s all there is to it.”

His mother smiled at that. “Nina, I’m Beth Warden, this is my husband Henri. Welcome to our family. The next weeks will be very confusing as you become immersed in our world. Please don’t hesitate to come to me or to my mother or your sisters-in-law for help. You’re one of ours now.” She kissed Nina’s cheeks and stood back.

His father stood forward and kissed her forehead. “Welcome to Cascadia Pack. You are one of our own now, Daughter.” He turned to Lex and pulled him into an embrace. “You’ve been blessed, Lex. She’s going to be good for you.”

There was a general lessening of tension then and Nina was presented to Lex and Cade’s sisters and brother-in-law, who all seemed quite happy to meet her and eager to welcome her into the Pack.

While Cade was telling his father about the situation with the laptop and their tentative plans to draw out the killer, Nina leaned over and hissed into Lex’s ear, “Don’t think I’ve forgotten that you aren’t telling me the whole story.”

He winced and then kissed her temple. “I’d never dream of it.”

The family stayed until well after midnight, talking and laughing. Lex refused any talk of how to go about catching the killer, admonishing them all over Nina’s wellbeing. Instead they spoke about Pack business.

Henri had been Pack Alpha and before him it was his father. He’d stepped down ten years before, and handed the reins to Cade.

Lex had been in the Army and served as Ranger for eight years after that, which had trained him even further. He’d gotten his training as an architect while in the Army. He returned to Cascadia when he felt truly ready to take his place as Enforcer, when he was twenty-eight. The same year Cade became Alpha.

She wanted to hear more about his reputation as the “Big Bad” but Lex got embarrassed and made them stop so Nina whispered to his sisters that she’d talk to them at a later time about it.

Chapter Four


After everyone had been seen out, Lex turned to Nina. “Why don’t you go and get ready for bed. Relax a little, read one of those books in that stack you bought today. Now that everyone is gone, I can finally move your things into our room.”

She smiled. “Twist my arm.”

As she got to the top of the stairs she looked back down at the two brothers. “Don’t think I don’t know you two are going to talk about whatever the hell you’ve been shushing everyone up about all night, Lex.”

Cade chuckled and Lex rolled his eyes.

After she’d gone into their room and the water turned on as she brushed her teeth, Lex motioned with his head and Cade followed into the guestroom, where they began to gather up her meager belongings and moved them quickly into their suite.

She was still splashing around in the bathroom when Lex sat down in the living room. He looked over at Cade with a sigh.

“You have to tell her, Lex. Explain it.”

“She’s human. I’m concerned about how she’ll take it.”

“Yeah, and you don’t want to share her.” Cade’s perceptive eyes studied his brother.

“I’m not sharing her! It’s one time and only because it’s necessary. Don’t get any ideas, Cade.” Lex pushed off the couch and began to pace.

Cade stayed seated. “Do you think I’d try to take your mate from you, Lex? Do you think so little of me after all?”

Lex shoved a hand through his hair. “No. But she’s gorgeous. Perfect. How could you not want more?”

“Lex, she’s yours. That right there is enough for me. But the tri-bond must happen. You know it and I know it. And it has to happen soon, as the bond forms. She won’t be able to handle it all if we don’t do it.” Cade wanted Nina, she was attractive and strong, but she belonged to Lex and that was that.

“Not tonight. It’s late and she’s tired and she’s had a big day. Let me have her to myself for just a bit longer.” Lex leaned his forehead against the window.

“Tomorrow morning, then. You know it has to happen. Now go to her. Call me when you’re ready in the morning.”

Lex nodded shortly and went upstairs after her.

He let himself into the bedroom and stood for a moment, breathing in the smells that she brought with her. Her scent was married with his. Her clothes hung in their large closet. Her presence was there, part of his. He smiled as he saw her propped up in their bed, reading a book.

“Hi there,” she said with an almost shy smile.

“Hi yourself, beautiful.” He walked to her, put the book aside and pulled the clip from her hair. It tumbled about her shoulders in a sweet smelling rush. Taking a curl between thumb and forefinger, he rubbed it, delighting in how soft it was.

Her big brown eyes looked up into his and he pulled the covers back and smiled at the sight of her naked body.

“You’re so damned beautiful. You know that?” he murmured and kissed her shoulder.

“Mmm. Thank you.” Coming up to her knees, she reached out to pull off his shirt and yank the button of his jeans open. He moved her hands out of the way and did the rest himself, taking everything off as he stalked back toward the bed.

She fell onto her back on the mattress with a laugh and he followed her down.

He went in to kiss her and she rolled him over so that she was on top.

“That’ll do nicely. Slide on up here and let me taste you.” She blushed hot and he looked at her carefully. “You taste good, Nina. Heavenly.”

“It’s not that, although, thanks. I’ve never done it that way,” she admitted quietly.

“You’ve never sat on a man’s face?”

“Eeeek! And you say I have a bad mouth?”

“What? There’s nothing dirty about you sitting on my face. Although you won’t actually sit, more like kneel and I’ll do the rest.” He laughed and then he rolled back over with her on the bottom again. “If you feel uncomfortable we can try it another way.”

“Why don’t you let me taste you?” She hadn’t done that very often but she liked it and it was something she wanted to do to him.

“We can do both. Turn around.”

She must have looked confused because it dawned on him suddenly.

“Come here.” He grabbed her and rolled again, his back on the bed. He turned her body so that she was astride him, her pussy just above his face. He could smell how turned on she was, how ready.

Before he could say anything, she took the initiative and pulled him into her mouth. He groaned at the pleasure of it. The heat, the wetness, the slick, sinuous slide of her tongue over his cock pulled him into a web of sensation the likes of which he’d never felt before.

She did not hesitate, instead sucked and licked him with gusto. He allowed himself a few moments to enjoy it before he opened up his eyes and held her open with his thumbs.

There she was, glistening and cocoa pink, swollen with her desire for him. Her clit was there, peeping out of its hood and he slid the tip of his tongue over it. She jumped in surprise and then moaned and rolled her hips back when he did it again.

Her ass was perfect. Round and fleshy but tight, he could tell she walked a lot. He wanted to bite into it and he would at another time. The pretty pucker of her rear passage was there and he couldn’t resist a swipe with the flat of his tongue. She gave a surprised gasp and tried to move forward but he held her there, strong hands at her thighs.

“I want all of you, Nina. Every last inch of your body,” he growled possessively. She mewled in pleasure when he followed that statement up by pressing his thumb into her pussy and swirling his tongue over her little hole again, then nibbling on her perineum and around his thumb, tasting her honey.

She tilted her hips, giving him better access to her pussy as she continued her erotic assault on his cock. He then ate at her, laving and licking, nibbling and sucking until she was trembling and her rhythm on his cock was off. Her body was slowly moving back and forth on him as she sucked his cock and before long she was grinding her pussy flesh into his face without hesitation.

She was moaning low around his cock, the vibrations traveling up the shaft and through his balls, up his spine. He didn’t want to come in her mouth, he wanted to be inside of her again and so he knew he had to push her into orgasm first.

Fingers digging into the flesh of her ass and thighs, he quickened his pace, fucking into her with his thumb. He latched onto her clit and sucked slowly in and out over and over until her head shot back with a gasp and she cried out his name as her orgasm, quicksilver, rushed through her body.

Nina was still surfing the relentless waves of her climax when she felt Lex move out from under her. He murmured for her to stay there on her hands and knees and another intense orgasm pushed through her cells as he nudged his cock into her cunt.

“Oh god, that’s so good,” he gritted out as the walls of her pussy rippled around him in climax. She was creamy and soft and it felt so damned good to be buried inside of her that way he was sure he never wanted to leave.

Her honey coated his cock and he watched himself pull out and then press back into her. In this position, his wolf was very close to the surface. Strands of her hair lay across her back in big fat spiral curls. It partially obscured her face but he could see that she’d caught her bottom lip in her teeth.

“I’ve wanted this since that first night, when you pointed that damned shotgun at me. When you looked like some spinster. When I smelled your room I was a goner,” he whispered.

She thrust back at him. “You looked at me for half a second and decided I wasn’t fuckworthy, don’t lie,” she gasped and then moaned.

“You grew on me. But honestly, I began to fall in love with you when you flipped me off,” he said with a laugh and she laughed too.

Had he ever laughed in bed with a woman before? Had he watched his cock disappear, gripped by the lips of her pussy? He couldn’t remember, and there’d been a lot of women before her. It was as if her presence in his life, in his bed, had erased all other women from his head.

He slid his palms up the curve of her waist and leaned forward, cupping her luscious breasts, the nipples stabbing at him. “You’re everything, Nina. Everyfuckingthing to me.”

He saw her lips curve in a smile and she made a contented squeal as she slid back and met his thrust. Over and over, the wet sounds of their union echoed through the room and the scent of their sex hung in the air. It wove a sensual spell through his senses, the bond deepening with each plunge his cock took into her.

He felt his orgasm begin to tingle, arc up his spine, skitter over his scalp. His fingers tightened and she grunted a bit, not in pain. It shot out of the head of his cock in wave after wave and he let a growl go and pulled her closer and bit down on her neck, holding her in place while he fucked into her with feral intensity. His wolf roared close, he could feel it just beneath his skin, and when she met that feral intensity with a growl of her own he let go of her neck, reared back and gave a triumphant howl.

They both collapsed to the mattress, and he felt her slip consciousness and fall into sleep, his cock still pulsing inside of her.

* * * * *


Nina awoke to the sounds of murmured conversation. She turned over and saw the place where Lex had been sleeping. She rolled over and soaked in his warmth, his scent. The man was a heater. She’d woken up cold and had just snuggled in close, his arms had come around her and his heat had blanketed her immediately.

She smiled. She shouldn’t be feeling this way, but she did, and for once in her life she was just going to go with it. What she had with Lex Warden was amazing and deep and the best thing she’d ever felt.

Lex came back into the room and she gave him a lazy smile. He was wearing low-slung pajama bottoms and she watched the ripple of his muscles as he came to her. Her smile faltered when she got to his face. He looked tense, worried.

She sat up. “What?”

He heaved a sigh. “You remember last night you said you wanted to hear the whole story?”

She nodded.

“Can Cade come in? He and I both need to explain it all.”

She leaned over and grabbed his T-shirt from the night before and pulled it on, keeping her naked butt under the covers. “Okay,” she said warily.

Lex moved to her and kissed her forehead and lips. “It’s okay. This won’t change anything between us. Believe that.”

“You’re scaring me, Lex.”

“I’m sorry, beautiful. I don’t mean to. I love you.”

“Just get him in here and let’s get this over with.”

He nodded and moved to the door. Cade came in and sat at the foot of the bed. “Morning, Nina.”

“Morning, Cade. Now, tell me what’s going on. I’m sure my imagination is only making it worse than it really is.”

Cade laughed but it was strained.

“The bond between mates is really strong. Wolves, in their natural state, mate for life. Did you know that?”

“I think I read something about that a few years ago.”

“Well, with werewolves it’s the same. We mate for life. The claiming and the establishment of bonds between mates is at the cellular level. And the higher status a wolf has in a Pack, the stronger the bond is.”

Nina nodded, not seeing where the hell this was going.

“So you know that Lex is Second in this Pack, right below me?”

Nina raised her eyebrows, showing impatience. “Yes. Where is this going?”

“Okay so the deal is that when werewolves mate, they have something called the tri-bond. It’s to establish an anchoring bond for two really important reasons. First, so that the female won’t lose herself in the emotional and hormonal surge of the claiming, and also to keep her alive should something happen to her mate.”


“Well, you bonded with Lex. Now you need to bond with another wolf. That bond will stabilize your connection to him, keep you safe.”

She pulled the sheet up higher. “Bond? Like how?”

“Like you bonded with him.”

Narrowing her eyes, she jumped out of bed and began to pace, forgetting that her butt was naked beneath the T-shirt she was wearing. “Like I bonded with him? You mean fucked? I’m supposed to fuck some other wolf to
myself? Oh and does he get to fuck someone else to save him?”

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