Enchanted by Your Kisses (28 page)

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Authors: Pamela Britton

Tags: #Regency, #General, #Romance, #Fiction, #Historical, #England

BOOK: Enchanted by Your Kisses
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He paused in his pacing, arms crossed. "It's a ridiculous idea."

"No, it is not. All we need do is send him a note."

"A note? Asking what? For him to come rescue you?"

She got up from the trunk, placing her hands on her hips. "No. Explaining the situation."

He stared at her unblinkingly.

She turned away, feeling much better once she took her eyes off him. He didn't seem so. . .disturbing.

"Where are you going?"

"I am going below stairs to alert the staff, then send Reggie the note. We do not have time to argue."

"Since when did you and I become a ‘we'?" she heard him mumble.

That, Ariel admitted, was a very good question.

John must have spread word of her sudden appearance, for the rest of the staff did not bat an eyelash when she appeared. Oh, perhaps they wiggled one or two. After all, she was a single female cavorting about the countryside with a man she was not married to. But they were well trained. And while Ariel was sure they clucked about it behind her back, they would never show their disapproval to her face, especially since she let drop the hint that she and Nathan had been trying to elope. No doubt they hoped this fiancé actually married her.

So now they stood in her favorite sitting room, Nathan by the fire, one arm resting upon the mantel in a typical male pose. They must teach them that at their clubs, Ariel thought.
How to Look Studious and Masculine While in the Presence of Female Company.
And he did look masculine, she admitted. He'd cleaned up after they'd shared an evening meal. So had Ariel, her full wardrobe still in the family quarters. She'd changed into a light green dress, but whereas she knew her hair looked to be in total disarray—after all, it always looked in total disarray—Mr.
hair was newly slicked back into its queue. His coat looked cleaner than before, though still a bit worn. She admired the way it hung across his shoulders.

Gracious, but his kiss had disturbed her, though she was hard pressed to understand why. Certainly he'd kissed her before, but never with such complete and utter. . .what?

Kindness, she realized. He'd kissed her with kindness and genuine desire.

Heaven help her.

He began pacing again. "Will you stop that?" she asked. "You are making me nervous." Actually it brought attention to his masculine physique, something she didn't need to be reminded of right now.

"He should have been here by now."

"I know."

"No doubt he's been delayed fetching the magistrate," he offered, stroking his chin.

She shook her head. "No. He will not bring the magistrate."

"I wish I had your confidence."

"Nor will he bring a pistol to shoot you with."

"That remains to be seen."

Yes, it did, Ariel admitted, not sure if her reminder of a promised favor would sway Reggie into doing as she asked. Worse, with each passing moment, she grew more and more nervous. Gracious, what if Reggie really did arm himself? What if right at this moment a group of men bent on taking Nathan captive headed toward the estate?

Almost as if her mind conjured the sound to go along with the mental images, Ariel heard
on the drive.

She stiffened.

So did Nathan.

They nearly collided as they headed toward the window and peered out at a moon-soaked drive. A lone horseman rode hell-for-leather toward them, the white flecks of foam on the horse's chest visible against its black coat.


"How do you know?"

"The horse. ‘
his gelding." She turned toward the door.

"Where are you going?"

"Why, to greet him."

A hand on her arm stopped her, although his touch was truly gentle for the first time. "Stay," he ordered.

She swung toward him. "Why, I—oh," she gasped, the pistol in his hand catching the glow of the fire. "Where did you get that?"

"From a servant," he answered.

"What are you doing with it?"

"While I seem to be temporarily cursed with trusting you, my lady, I have no such affection for your cousin by marriage. He might have a similar pistol or a group of armed men waiting down the drive to take me hostage."

"So you propose to hold me hostage whilst you wait to find out? That will go over well with him."

"I am not a fool, my lady. I will not jeopardize my freedom or risk your being taken away from me."

Oddly enough, the words made her feel needed. His eyes did, too. She warmed up in the oddest way, but then all thoughts vanished as the door suddenly burst open.

Reggie's small form stood in the doorway, his body illuminated by candlelight, brown hair swept to one side. His traveling cape swirled around him like waves around a pier. His familiar brown eyes instantly spied her from behind his small spectacles.

"Ariel," he said. "Thank God you are well."

She had just enough time to shoot Nathan a see-I-told-you-so look, noting the pistol was now hidden, before rushing into his arms.

"Reggie. Thank you for coming."

He pulled back. "What have you gotten yourself into?" he asked, shaking her shoulders. "First Phoebe tells me you're engaged to this man, and then she tells me she fears he's kidnapped you, for you didn't return home last eve."

She glanced at Nathan. Reggie followed her gaze. She felt him stiffen, saw his face tense.

She pulled out of his arms, turning toward Nathan. "Reggie, this is Mr. Nathan
, lately of the American colonies."

Neither man moved. Ariel clasped one of Reggie's hands and pulled him toward Nathan, who, thankfully, had hidden his pistol. She halted a few feet away.

, this is my cousin by marriage, Reggie
, Lord

Nathan bowed. Reggie tensed. He drew back his fist and punched Nathan square on the jaw.

"Oh, my goodness!" she cried.

"That," Reggie pronounced, "is for scaring my wife, a woman I happen to love rather fiercely."

Nathan never moved an inch, even though she could plainly see where Reggie's fist had connected with his jaw. A livid red mark marred his skin. The sight intrigued her, for by all accounts, Nathan should be on the floor.

Instead he said, "I see manners haven't improved for British noblemen."

"Manners, you bloody bastard," Reggie gritted out, shaking his fist again. "You kidnapped my wife's cousin. I should take a pistol to you, except Ariel asked me not to."

"Enough," Ariel interjected, stepping between the two. "This is ridiculous. Reggie, you are here to help us, not incite a duel. Nathan, Reggie is quite within his rights to be angry, if you will but take a moment to admit it."

Both men admitted nothing, each glowering at the other. Truly, she was rather fond of Reggie and growing fonder by the moment. To think he loved Phoebe so much he would punch a man in the face for her. She almost sighed. Oh, to find a man like that!

"That is better," Ariel said, when she realized the two of them would end up staring at each other all night if she didn't say something. "Reggie, thank you for coming."

Reggie pulled his gaze away to look at her. "You're welcome, though I should take a birch to your backside, too, for what you put Phoebe through last eve. She was afraid to call the magistrate, afraid because she thought you might have actually run off and married the man."

Ariel bit her lip, trying not to wince at the expression on Reggie's face. She'd seen that look before, when she'd complied with Phoebe's wishes and accompanied her back to
. Reggie had known she would not be accepted back. Reggie had been right.

Silence filled the room. Ariel wondered who would say something next.

It was Reggie. "Ariel, I would like to speak to you in private."

She shot Nathan a glance before saying, "Whatever you have to say you may say in front of Mr.

"Actually I would be happy to leave you alone."

Ariel turned toward him again. "You would?"

He nodded. "Were I Reggie, I would want to speak to you privately, too."

But she didn't want to be alone with him. She shot Nathan a look that told him so, a look that the wretch ignored, for he gave them a bit of a bow, then turned and left. "'Twill serve you right if he does abscond with me," she called out.

Nathan paused at the door, lifted a brow, then turned away. Cad.

"That was easier than I thought. Come. I've men waiting outside."

Ariel started, turning back to Reggie, who had a sudden look of urgency on his face. "You do?"

"Aye. Now, we must hurry, for they've orders to storm the house if they do not hear from me soon."

"Oh, Reggie, you haven't!"

"Of course I have. You didn't think I'd believe that nonsense about wanting to help him."

"But I
want to help him."


She shook her head. "I do, Reggie. What is more, I will not move an inch until you agree to help him, too."

An unblinking stare was his response. "You're mad."

"Indeed I am."

"But you can't help him."

"Why not?"

"Because the man has kidnapped you, Ariel. Or did that escape your notice?"

"No, Reggie. It did not. Now, tell your men to go away, for I shan't move an inch." She took a step toward the door.

Reggie spun her around to face him, his expression livid. "Ariel, I do believe I could throttle you."

She lifted her chin, deciding to brazen it out. "You will do no such thing, Reggie, for I know you love me too much to harm a hair on my head. '
why you will help Nathan and me."

"I will agree to nothing."

"You will, just as soon as you tell your men to leave."

He didn't move.

Reggie." She crossed her arms.

She thought he might do the same, instead he spun on his heel, stomped toward the window, then opened it up. He let loose with a whistle. A few moments later, she heard a man's voice say, "You all right, sir?"

"I am well. It appears my cousin was embarking upon an elopement."

Silence, then the voice said. "Well, then, glad she's all

By now Ariel had moved behind Reggie, blanching at the sight of three men, all of whom held pistols.

"Gracious, you were serious."

Reggie leaned back, closed the window and turned to face her. His glare made all moisture instantly evaporate from Ariel's mouth.

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