Emma's Deliverance (16 page)

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Authors: Susan Vance

BOOK: Emma's Deliverance
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No, Honey, its Mom. Are you okay?”

I’m okay. I thought it was Jason calling. He’s coming over and I need to talk with him.” She let out a sob. “This is so horrible, Mom, I remember everything. Everything.”

Oh, Emma, I’m so sorry, Sweetheart.”

Don’t feel bad, Mom. Please don’t.” Emma took a deep breath and tried to compose herself. “I want to remember. It’s part of facing what happened that will help me survive the future. Oh God, it was awful. There was so much blood, it was everywhere. I was so frightened that night. I saw them. Both of them.”

I want to come over and be with you until Jason gets there. I’m leaving right now. Jody said to tell you she’s coming with me. Ryan and your dad will stay here with Louie. We will be right there,” she said hanging up the phone.

Mom, no, it’s okay. Don’t come over. I’m fine, really. Jason will be here soon—Mom? Hello?”

Emma dialed her back and Marilyn
answered quickly, “Emma, we’re on our way.”

No, Mom, please, I’m fine. Jason is on his way. I know he is,” she said trying to sound assertive.

You shouldn’t be alone right now. We’ll only stay until Jason gets there,” Marilyn demanded.

I need a few minutes to let this sink in. I need to be alone, just until Jason gets here. I know you would be here in a flash and I love you so much for that. I’m fine, really. I want to take a shower and wait for Jason. I’m going to accept his proposal and this will be a special night. I want a life with him and I don’t care what Dr. Williams says about it. You didn’t call him, did you?” she asked.

No, I didn’t, but Dad talked with the police. They want us at the station to speak with some detectives tomorrow. We’ll pick you up at the shop late morning if that will work for you.”

That’ll be fine,” Emma said not really listening. “Let me go so I can get a shower now.”

Okay, but if I don’t hear from you in a few hours I’m calling you back.”

Emma was just getting out of the shower when the phone rang. She ran to answer it hoping it was Jason.

“Hi, Emma, are you okay? I saw you called. Sorry, I didn’t listen to voice mail yet, but I wanted to call you right back.”

Jason, do you still love me?” she blurted even though she was pretty sure she already knew the answer.

Of course I still love you. You are the love of my life, young lady,” he said sounding confused.

Good. What time are you coming over?”

I can be there in about an hour. Is that okay with you? What’s going on?”

Don’t ask and don’t listen to my message either. Just get over here. I have something to tell you. Can’t you get here sooner?”

If it’s that important I’ll come right over.”

I have a lot to tell you. I love you. I swear, I really love you.”

Emma, what is going on?” he questioned.

Everything’s okay. I have a feeling everything is going to be okay from now on,” Emma said sounding as if she had just won the lottery.


* * *


Emma had just finished with her hair when the phone rang again.

Emma, it’s Marie. I’m sorry to bother you, but I left some tickets for a play Charlie and I were going to tonight at the shop. I think I must have left my keys in the shop and I can’t get in. I hate to ask you, but could you meet me there so I can get the tickets? Again, I’m sorry to bother you, but I don’t know what else to do.”

Emma almost said no. Then she changed her mind.  The store wasn’t very far and it should only take her a few minutes.
“Sure Marie, I’ll meet you there in ten minutes.”

Great, I’ll see you then. Thanks.”

She reached for the phone and called Jason. She explained that she needed to run to the shop and for him to let himself in to her apartment and she would hurry.

Emma arrived at the store first. She opened up and walked to the back room. A few minutes later Marie and her boyfriend appeared at the front door.

Emma? We’re here,” Marie hollered.

Emma had been in the cooler looking for some carnations to take home. She walked out and smiled at Marie then turned her attention to the man she was with. Emma was startled as she stood there staring at him. Marie was grinning from ear to ear.

“Emma, this is Charlie Johnson. Charlie, this is Emma Taylor.”

Nice to meet you, Emma,” Charlie said smiling at her.

Emma couldn’
t breathe. She reached for her throat and suddenly the room began to spin.

Marie saw Emma
’s eyes roll back in their sockets. Emma turned very pale and then without warning she hit the floor, out cold.

Oh my, God,” Marie screamed. She ran to the phone to call 911 and as she was giving them the address Emma started to come to.

Charlie bent down over her.
“Are you okay, Emma? Just stay calm. Marie called an ambulance,” he whispered.

Emma looked at him and screamed,
“Get away from me. Somebody please help me. You killed my mother and my family. You and your sick dad. Get away from me.”

What did you say to her, Charlie? Why is she screaming at you?” Marie asked.

She started to come to and I asked her to remain calm until the paramedics arrived. I think she passed out again though,” he said.

Marie ran to Emma’s
side. “Emma, it’s okay. I called for help. It’s okay.” She looked at Charlie. “I need to call her parents. Keep an eye on her while I do that.”

Sure, Marie, go on and call them. I’ll watch her.”

The paramedics arrived quickly and
started working on Emma at the same time Marie got a hold of Marilyn.

Hi, Marilyn. It’s Marie. I’m sorry to tell you, but Emma has had another episode. We’re at the shop and the paramedics are already here. Maybe you better meet them at the hospital. I’m so sorry this happened.”

We’re on our way, Marie. Tell Emma we will meet her there. What was she doing at the shop,” Marilyn demanded.

She isn’t conscious. She’s moaning, but not making any sense.”

Whatever that means. We’re on our way,” Marilyn stated.

Marie locked up the shop and she and Charlie left together. Marie wanted to go to the hospital, but Charlie told her there would be enough going on with the family and it would be better if they didn


* * *


“Where’s Emma?” Jody cried. “Where is she, Mom?”

She’s still in the emergency room. They gave her a sedative to calm her down. She’s still screaming though. Dr. Williams is on his way, but they won’t let but one person be with her right now. We can go in and see her in a while. Your dad’s with her now.” Marilyn wrung her hands. “Jody, this isn’t good. Emma should never have gone home by herself. She’s at the breaking point. Why did I let her see all those newspaper clippings? Why?”

Mom, we don’t know what happened, right? Let’s just wait until Dr. Williams gets here and see what he says. Did you call Jason?” she asked.

No, Honey, I didn’t have his number with me. Do you have it?”

I have his cell. I’ll call him.” She walked out to the lobby, leaving Marilyn standing alone in the hallway.

Jason was there in ten minutes demanding to see Emma. He wasn
’t taking no for an answer. The family was surprised to see him acting like that. He didn’t apologize, but he did change his tone a little.

What is going on? I just talked to Emma less than an hour ago and I brought over dinner. What happened?” he asked raising his voice again.

He was very upset and rightly so, but the family didn
’t know anything other than what Marie had told them. Finally, Dr. Williams came out to the waiting room and motioned to the family to follow him. Jason went with them. Emma was awake and sitting up in the bed. She looked at her family and then at Jason. She held her hand out to Jason. She looked at Dr. Williams and then back to Marilyn who was crying.

Emma, I am so sorry. I did this to you. Oh, sweetie, I am so sorry. I will never forgive myself,” Marilyn sobbed.

This isn't your fault, Mom. The man from my nightmares is real. He was at the shop tonight with Marie. He’s her new boyfriend. His name is Charlie,” Emma spouted. “He’s real and he’s going to kill me. I need to talk to the police.”

Dr. Williams said walking over to the bed and putting his hand on her arm, “we know you think he’s real, but calling the police won’t help you.” He sounded just a little too patronizing.

stepped up next to the bed, forcing the doctor to step back. “Emma, if you say he was real, then I believe you,” he said taking her hand and smiling at her.

Mom, Dad. I need to speak to Jason right now. Dr. Williams, I need some privacy with my fiancé.”

Jody turned to her parents and reached for their hands.
“Come on you two. Let’s let Emma and Jason have some time together.”

A surprised Jason looked at her. “
Fiancé? Us? We’re engaged?”

Yes, I accept your proposal. I love you and if you’ll still have me, I’m yours,” she said crying and smiling at the same time, her emotions running wild.

As soon as the door closed and they were alone he took her into his arms and held her tight.
“What happened? Why are you here, Honey?”

We need to talk to the police. I’m sure Mom isn’t going to call them. Not now that Dr. Williams has convinced them that I’m seeing things again. He is as real as you and I. Believe me. Take me to the police station. Help me find my clothes. Please, just take me there. Don’t tell them or they will try and stop us. Dr. Williams said I have to stay at the clinic for a few weeks. I can’t do that. He will figure out a way to find me. Please help me,” she pleaded. “Jason, do you still want to marry me?”

Of course I want to marry you. My God, of course I do,” he said looking into her eyes and wiping away her tears.

Jason, do you see me? Do you really see me? Look at me. I’m fine. I saw him and I’m fine. I haven’t lost any ground. Take me out of here right now and after we talk with the police I will marry you tonight. After we are married no one can ever put me away but you. I know you would never do that to me. I trust you, Jason, but please get me out of here. Where are my clothes? Hurry up. We can just slip out of here. Please, Jason? I can’t go back to that clinic. After we go to the police station we can fly to Las Vegas and get married, but let’s get out of here.” She was talking non-stop out of nervousness, but she didn’t care. All she wanted to was to get out of the hospital without any one seeing her leave.

Jason stood up,
went to the closet and got her clothes. Emma was frightened, but she knew Jason was going to protect her no matter what. He handed her a bag of clothes from the closet and helped her get dressed. They walked out of the room and Jody was the first to see them. By the look on her face Emma knew Jody understood what they were doing. Jody tried to shield them from her mother’s vision, but Marilyn saw them anyway.

Emma, where are you going?” Marilyn asked.

We’re going to the police station, then I’m going home to pack a bag. Jason and I are flying to Las Vegas and getting married tonight.”

“Right on,”
Jody said hugging her sister.

What?” Marilyn said almost screaming. “You can’t get married right now. Jason, you’re not taking her anywhere. She needs help. Howard, do something,” she cried.

Calm down,” Howard said as he walked over to Emma and held out his arms. “Call us when you get back. We’ll take care of the shop while you’re gone. Go on now, Sweetheart. Go on.” He turned to his wife and took her hand.

Marilyn was terribly upset.
“Howard, she wants to go see the police. You already talked with them this afternoon. Once they hear what happened they’ll think she’s lost her mind. Howard, please do something. She’s having a breakdown. Maybe I’m having a breakdown. I’m so confused,” Marilyn cried.

Mom, I’m okay,” Emma said putting her arms around Marilyn. “Nobody is having a breakdown. We need to think about Marie. She needs to be protected. Only the police can do that.”


* * *


Jason drove Emma to the police station where they talked to two detectives. It took hours to tell the story. One of the detectives had actually been on the case in the beginning. He was close to retiring and Emma was thankful he was still there. They went over and over the story. There seemed to be a problem with the way Emma was relaying the events. The detectives asked if they could speak with her family.

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