EMIT (THE EMIT SAGA) (24 page)


Authors: Barbara Cross

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“I see.” James sat down and Daniel handed him the envelope. He took a photo with his cell and handed the envelope back to Daniel. Looking at me reproachfully, he started talking to me like I was an annoying nuisance. “Paige, what Daniel said is true. Only you can take care of this, otherwise the outcome isn’t assured.”

“Assured? You’re not making any sense
,” I shrieked, frustrated beyond belief. I sat down in the armchair across from them.

We are trying to stop something that will happen in the future.”

“The future? Is this some

“That’s all I can say
, but only you can handle this. Please just go about doing what you normally would and we’ll be there if and when you need us. We are entrusting you with this information for the safety and security of the United States.” His cell rang and after hanging up he said, “We need to go. Paige’s parents just entered the building.”

They got up and started to leave. “I’ll call you later.
Please don’t worry. I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise,” Daniel said and handed me the envelope. I don’t know why I took it.  I should’ve flung it out the door behind them, but I was too emotionally drained by that point and just stood there like a zombie.

After turning off the lights
, I locked the door and raced upstairs. I didn’t want my parents to see my red eyes. My cell rang and it was Daniel. I picked up, “Yes. What else do I need to do? Arrest them for you, too?” I asked sarcastically.

Daniel ignored my comment and said, “
I’m sorry that I’ve caused you so many problems. I’m not supposed to get personally involved, but I figured that if I got to know you I could help you figure this out. I’m sorry if you got the wrong impression.”

“What do you mean
wrong impression?” I asked suspiciously.

“I’m sorry Paige
, but I have a girlfriend. I should have told you about Juliet before.”

I almost died.
“Wrong impression? Are you serious? You’ve been eavesdropping on me, so you heard I liked you. Why didn’t you tell me you had a girlfriend when we first met? Then I would’ve known you just wanted to be friends and you still could’ve protected me.”

“I’m sorry.”

I was livid, but I had to keep my voice low. “Does she live in New York?”

“No, she lives
and works in Europe. We have a long distance relationship at the moment.”

“Wait, were you
in Paris and Australia with her? Is that the friend you were talking about?”


“Problem is that you left out the word girl before friend. You know the maturity thing you were talking about, maybe you should look in the mirror. I guess you’ve learned how to lie well for your job, like your age and your girlfriend. Your uncle should be so proud.”

“I’m sorry…”

“I have to go.” I hung up and sobbed in my pillow, so that they couldn’t hear me. If he lied about a girlfriend, he lied about his age because he had to be at least twenty-seven.

I had to get out of New York.
I’d ask my parents in the morning if I could go to London. As long as I stayed with Aunt Lucy, they’d let me. Anything was better than this nightmare.

Juliet? She even had a beautiful name.

Now every time I would think of, read or watch Romeo and Juliet, Daniel and Juliet would come to mind.
Thanks for ruining my favorite play!
I guess Daniel was her Romeo.
That thought made me feel even worse.

Thinking about their long distance relationship inspired m
e to write a mean song. I thought of both Billy and Daniel and put all my anger in the song. After the night I had, the song made me feel better in a strange cathartic way. I named it ‘Long Distance Relationship.’


He says you're the only one. How do you know that's true?

You've only known this guy for a week or two.

There could be tons of other girls lining up at his door

Cuz when it comes to action you know he always wants more.


I know that you cried when you two had to part,

But did it really have the same effect on his heart?

Or were you just another girl like the one's before?


I know you think that you know him well and that he wouldn't lie,

But just sit back and see how things look from my eyes.


You're in a long distance relationship. 

You're blind to what's on the inside.

Only seeing what's on the outside.

When you're in a long distance relationship

You never know what's going on when you're not around. 

You might just have your heart broken down.


You say you've found Mr. Right,

but how come he's always try'na pick a fight

with you and everyone else around him?

Is that really what you're looking for?


Even you have to admit that his comments are perverse

And his sweet talk lines couldn't get much worse. 

He's sick. Not my pick. Why can't you see?

This whole damn thing just disgusts me. 


I know you think that you know him well and that he wouldn't lie,

But just sit back and see how things look from my eyes.


You're in a long distance relationship.

You're blind to what's on the inside.

Only seeing what's on the outside.

When you're in a long distance relationship

You never know what's going on when you're not around. 

You might just have your heart broken down.



“A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be.”


My cell phone woke me and staring at the screen, I saw it was Lily.

Hi. What time is it?” I asked trying to sound awake.

ou’re still sleeping? Get up, it’s almost nine, I’m about to walk into work. How was your date with Billy?”

It was horrible. He attacked me, kissing and groping me. I swear I should’ve had him arrested. He wouldn’t take no for an answer. It was so scary.” I explained how he came upstairs to walk Amber and then assaulted me. When I got to the end, I stopped.

And? How did you get him to leave?” asked Paige.

I couldn’t say Daniel saved me because that would start more questions. “The doorman brought up a package and I made him leave.
Should I tell Eden?”

I have to get in the elevator now. Want to have lunch, so we can talk about it?”

I’m not sure if I can,” I fibbed. “I’ll call you later.” I was too scared to go outside.

Mom was in the kitche
n and asked how the movie was. “It was fine. Mom, can I go to London and stay with Aunt Lucy?”

“What brought this about? When we s
uggested it, you vehemently opposed it.”

just want to go. I’m so bored here. Dad’s office doesn’t really need me.”

“I don’t see why not. When do you want to go?”

“Tomorrow?” I asked and smiled.

“In a rush are you? I
’ll call the airlines and check. You better start packing.”

I jumped up and hugged her. “Thanks Mom.”

I went in the basement and got the luggage out of the storage room. I packed, but it didn’t take that long. With nothing else to do, I read some poetry. I hadn’t read any books lately, which was so unlike me. Daniel and spy garbage was all that I’d been concentrating on.

At the same time, I didn’t want to forget any of
these memories, so I retrieved my journal and filled in the latest details of my Daniel saga.

stared at the two photos of him. Daniel looked exactly the same. But there was an eight-year difference between the photos. How was this possible? I didn’t want to carry his photo around anymore, so I placed all the copied photos and the originals inside the journal and put it in my keepsake box at the bottom of the closet.

I went on Facebook and unfriended Billy. I
also blocked him because I never wanted to see anything pop up about him.

While checking my emails, I read one from Emma, asking when in August I was arriving at Nana’s. She wanted to plan a summer bash and wanted to make sure that I’d be there. I emailed her back and told her my new plan

Staring out the window, I
texted Lily that I’d meet her for lunch. Knowing that the NSA was following me, made me feel better. Besides, I had to get rid of the envelope if I wanted any peace from all this.

I wanted to leave for London without constantly looking over my shoulder for goons. I grabbed a wristlet and slipped
the folded envelope inside. It would be a lot easier to whip the letter out if I was approached. I didn’t want to rummage through my big handbag or walk around with it in my hand. Daniel and James told me to do what I thought was best.

During lunch, I told Lily about my London
plan and she got upset. “Is this because of Daniel or Billy?” she asked.

“I just have to get out of here, Lily.
I think I’m going crazy.” I started getting emotional and blurted out, “I can’t handle that Daniel has a girlfriend.”

“What?” Lily looked dumfounded and I realized that I never told her. I was keeping so much from her, it was hard to keep track. I couldn’t keep this charade up. I wasn’t a liar like Daniel. I hoped that my eavesdroppers didn’t hear my outburst. I didn’t want Daniel to know how much I cared and how much pain I was in.

Staring at me, she said, “You never told me that.”

“I didn’t?” I said playing stupid and regained my composure.
“Well, he does and her name’s Juliet. Isn’t that really nice?”

“Is this why you’ve been so upset?” Lily asked. “When did he tell you this?”

I shrugged my shoulders and shut my eyes. “Does it matter? He has a girlfriend. Bottom line is he’s been leading me on. I don’t want to talk about him anymore. Please,” I begged.

“Okay, I’m sorry.” Lily looked so confused, but I couldn’t tell her the real story. I had to keep her safe. “Daniel and Billy are both losers,” Lily said, trying to make me feel better.

I nodded in agreement. “So what should I do about Billy?”

You have to tell Eden. She’s his sister. Maybe she’ll talk to him.”

What if she gets angry or doesn’t believe me?”

So? What if he rapes someone?”

You’re right. I’ll call her tonight and I’ll leave with a clear conscience.” Suddenly, I had a brainstorm and shrieked, “Why don’t you come with me? My aunt won’t mind. They have plenty of room and we’d have so much fun together.”

I can’t. I made a commitment at my Dad’s office. They would have hired somebody else for the summer.”

After lunch,
I began walking home praying that someone would ask me for the envelope. I was so dumb for not going to the lobby when Daniel told me to. I walked up Sixth Avenue and decided not to go through the park. My last walk there still haunted me, so I walked up Central Park South.

I hoped that I wouldn’t see Daniel. It’d be
easier to forget him. Who was I kidding? Like that was even possible. I’d never forget him. At least, I’d always have my photos and my memories. No one could take that away from me.

As I daydreame
d, I started to cross Central Park West in the middle of the street. To my left, the light was red so I started walking. When I was in the middle of the street, I suddenly saw a dark blue car run the red light. Everything moved in slow motion. The car was speeding and I watched it racing towards me. Oh, my God! The car was about to hit me straight on but suddenly veered and clipped me on my left side. I was struck and went flying in the air. There was a loud crash as my body hit the ground. At first, I felt nothing, but then pain started shooting down my arm and leg and my head was pounding. I think I blacked out because when I opened my eyes, there were people all around me. Scanning the crowd for Daniel, I spotted Pierce trying to get through the people hovering around me. A woman was talking to me but I didn’t know what she was saying. She had a thick Spanish accent. Where was Daniel? Didn’t he tell me that nothing was going to happen to me?

Are you okay?” Pierce asked as he knelt down.

No. My left arm really hurts,” I managed to say. The pain was excruciating.

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