Read Embracing the Spirits: True Stories of My Encounters With the Other Side Online
Authors: Barbara Parks
Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #on vacation, #personal journey of gradually accepting and embracing the clairvoyant gifts that allow her to see spirits. She shares dramatic and heartwarming stories of interacting with spirits who turn up everywhere: at home, #Traumatized by vicious poltergeist attacks that lasted five years, #she receives a miraculous visit from him. This joyous experience marks her first step toward healing—and opening up to spirit world.In the Presence of Spirits chronicles Barbara’s uplifting, #Barbara Parks never imagined that her deep-rooted fear of ghosts would disappear. A momentous turning point occurs when, #still mourning the sudden death of a beloved friend, #these amazing true tales are convincing reminders that our loved ones are never far away., #and accompanying her patients. From the departed uncle that protects Barbara’s young children from grave injury to the child spirits who bring comfort to their parents, #Supernatural
136 Deb
Deb’s spirits were keen to let her know that they were there.
“That’d be Dad,” smiled Deb. And indeed, in the count-
less photos we took that morning, the two main orbs beside
Deb continually showed themselves. They shone consistently
either side of their daughter, irrespective of where we positioned ourselves in the house.
It seems that since Deb’s father, Ray passed away more
than forty years ago, his presence wasn’t quite as insistent as that of her mother. Doris’s relatively recent passing gave her a stronger connection to the earth plane. I suspect her presence was also more powerful as a result of her trying to comfort
and support her still-grieving daughter.
By the time I left Deb’s an hour or so later, we were both
buzzing with happiness at having connected with her parents.
At that point we didn’t realise we had also been hanging out
with Deb’s Uncle Tom.
Deb 137
It was later that afternoon that Deb emailed me, want-
ing to ask my opinion on one of the photographs we took. In
addition to the obvious orbs, there was something even more
striking about one of the photos. It was something that we
had both initially missed.
“Tell me if I’m reading into this, but is that a face in the red cushion?”
I quickly opened up the attachment and was incredu-
lous that I hadn’t noticed it before. A three dimensional face seemed to have manifested within the fabric of the cushion.
A man’s face seems to be looking directly at Deb as she plays
with her dog Daisy.
I emailed Deb back within seconds.
“Deb!” I wrote. “Does this gent resemble your uncle?”
Deb had told me that her Uncle Tom had passed away from
emphysema several months earlier. I had a strong feeling that
old Tom was seizing the opportunity to let his family know
that he was OK.
“He does!” she wrote back. She joked that she recognised
big schnauzer of a nose
and that it could very well be her Uncle Tom.
We decided then and there that we needed to give Deb’s
spirit family a better opportunity to come through. It was time to arrange a family séance.
There were to be five of us in attendance; Deb and myself,
in addition to Tom’s wife Bett and his daughters, Jill and Sue. As was the case when I first met Deb, I felt an instant connection to her Auntie and her cousins. We embraced at the front door as if we were old friends.
138 Deb
The face in the red cushion looks very much like Deb’s Uncle Tom.
After explaining what we would be doing that evening, we
sat at the table and invited the spirits to join us. We had no doubt that they would be happy to interact, and indeed Tom
had been building up to his big performance all day.
Jill told us that for several hours in the lead up to the
séance, Tom had been announcing his presence with a strong
whiff of tobacco smoke!
Tom, Doris and Deb’s father, Ray took turns at impressing
us with their ability to move the table. Each had their own distinctive style, which made it easy to distinguish who was com-
municating with us at any given time. Whilst the men moved
the table quite forcefully, Doris’s interactions with the table somehow seemed more delicate. Her table tipping efforts
were almost graceful, moving the table so rhythmically that
her musical bent easily shone through. She would rotate the
table in one direction, then lift it onto one leg. Then in one Deb 139
fluid motion, it would spin in reverse and tip itself onto the opposite leg. The table appeared to be performing an elegant
Doris maintained the rhythmic movement of the table for
several minutes, after which Ray and Tom decided to join her
for the grand finale. The three spirits pooled their energies
towards what would be a extraordinary display.
“Are you ready guys?” I asked. “Go on then, impress us!”
The movement began with little more than a subtle vibra-
tion, after which the round table began to spin. In order to
keep our fingertips in contact with the tabletop, the five of us pushed our chairs back and stood up. This was obviously the
cue to rev things up a little, as the table built up momentum as it spun around with increasing speed.
We couldn’t stop laughing as we shuffled around the table,
knowing full well that our spirit friends were having a chuckle at our expense. We knew how ridiculously foolish we must’ve
By the time we closed down the table and called it a night,
we were all feeling energised and at peace. We were convinced
that we’d just spent the evening with three beautiful spirits, and we knew that they had relished the experience as much as we
A month or so later, Deb messaged me with some exciting
follow-up. It seemed that Tom was still partaking in the occa-
sional family visit, and had been a particularly frequent visitor to his daughter, Jill’s house.
Jill had long been smelling Tom’s signature scent of
tobacco smoke, but now he had taken to announcing himself
all the more. His physical manifestations had escalated to a
level that was difficult to comprehend.
140 Deb
Jill determined that the smoke seemed to be emanating
from the downstairs toilet, the perfect place to indulge in a for-bidden cigarette. Despite his emphysema, Tom used to sneak
an occasional clandestine ciggie; and it seemed he was con-
tinuing to do so after his death. Most astounding of all was the fact that in addition to the tobacco smell, small mounds of cigarette ash had begun manifesting on the toilet floor.
Each time Jill swept the ash away, it would reappear within
hours. In the end, Jill decided not to bother sweeping it up
at all, as Tom was sure to replace it with a fresh pile anyway!
Struggling to comprehend such a physical manifestation of a
spirit presence, Jill took a photograph of the ash. What better way to validate the presence of her recently departed father?
And if the phenomenon ceased, Jill would always have a
reminder of the lengths her dad went to in order to assure her that his spirit lived on. Tom wanted his family to know that he was still very much a part of their lives.
In addition to the mysteriously appearing piles of ash, Jill
noticed another unusual manifestation. She reports that from
time to time one of the nearby terracotta floor tiles gets inexplicably hot, despite those surrounding it remaining cool. Deb keeps me up to date with Tom’s reasonably frequent exploits,
messaging me whenever some new and exciting manifestation
comes through.
“So we have
Pillow Tom
Toilet Tom
Tile Tom!”
she joked.
His impressive array of physical manifestations made me won-
der what party trick Tom would come up with next. I was con-
vinced that whatever it was, I’d be impressed.
Post-death visitations such as Tom’s demonstrate the lim-
itless possibilities of the spirit world. Manipulating the physical realm is hard for our mortal minds to process. But as Tom
Deb 141
seemed to effortlessly prove, it is not only possible, but seemingly effortless under the right set of circumstances. The
energy required for a spirit to affect the physical world can be gleaned from a variety of sources; whether they be electrical, psychic or emotional. Believing that these events can and do
happen, provides additional psychic fuel to allow spirit pres-
ences to come through.
Strong manifestations such as these also serve to remind
us that there is no barrier to love; least of all death. And sometimes, if we’re lucky, spirits like Tom will do whatever it takes to prove it.
S é a n c e a t
t h e C l i n i c
The relentless flashing lights at my podiatry clinic seemed to intensify over time; so much so that not a day went by that I
didn’t see them. The spirit presences became increasingly pal-
pable; occasionally showing themselves as fleeting filmy fig-
ures or by clattering the instruments which lay beside me in
their kidney dish. In these instances my patients were quick
to joke that my clinic was haunted; little realising how much
truth lay in their off-the-cuff remarks!
My reception staff reported feeling uneasy when left alone
at the clinic at the end of the day. On one occasion my office manager, Sonia was convinced that one of the podiatrists was
still busily working away in their consulting room, such was
the noise filtering down the corridor. When she ventured into
the treatment room to investigate, she was stunned to find it
was empty.
144 Seance at the Clinic
I began to realise that as well as the spirits who came in
accompanying my patients, there were those who appeared to
be permanent fixtures. One little soul doggedly stood beside
my treatment trolley; repeatedly flashing an intense blue light at me from the centre of her chest. At first I thought the figure was that of a small boy, but I was to later discover my persistent friend was a little girl who had taken a shine to me. Rare was the day that she didn’t make her presence known.
The spirit activity escalated to the point that I knew it
would be remiss of me not to investigate matters further. So
with this thought in mind, I decided to hold an on-site séance.
In addition to dowsing with the pendulum and my now stan-
dard technique of table-tipping, I arranged for a lady named to Karen to record the evening’s proceedings on infrared camera.
I had met Karen a few months earlier, when we both
attended an investigation at the haunted Carinup Tavern. The
tavern’s resident poltergeist had provided a spectacular display; banging on walls and pelting us with stones. His tirade was
recorded by both television and infrared cameras; the latter providing further evidence of the poltergeist’s presence.
Despite the ghost’s obvious antagonism towards us, he was
surprisingly compliant when asked to show himself. He repeat-
edly acquiesced to our requests to appear before us, although I suspect that his motivation was to intimidate rather than coop-erate. Regardless, his appearance on infrared proved to me that it was possible to physically record spirit energy, thereby validat-ing what I was seeing with my clairvoyant vision.
Of course the infrared image was very different to what I was
seeing clairvoyantly, since it was capturing the ghost’s energy imprint and converting it to an electronic signal. The poltergeist appeared on camera as a radiant, darting orb; as opposed to the Seance at the Clinic 145
filmy, grey figure I saw before me. The location of the orb did however correspond to where I was seeing the figure, so as such I considered it to be a useful investigative tool.
I arranged to conduct the séance on a Friday evening,
a couple of hours after the last patient had left. Along with Karen, I invited three fans from my Facebook page; ladies who
had expressed a desire to gain firsthand experience of the paranormal. I also invited one of my patients; a company director
named Andrew. Andrew had asked to be included in my next
investigation and I was happy for him to make up our group
of six.
It was decided that at any given time there would be one
person filming proceedings digitally, whilst Karen took charge of the infrared. The remaining four would be the sitters as we tried to establish spirit contact.
It was gratifying to see orbs on both infrared and digital
cameras, exactly where the spirits presented themselves in my
day-to-day work life. They congregated behind my treatment
chair, occasionally darting across the room in an energetic display of barely-contained excitement.
One dashed underneath the table, as if in preparation
for the tipping which was about to take place. There was no
doubt we had an eventful evening in store; the spirits seemed
as excited as we were!
I began with the usual protective rituals, after which the
omnipresent little spirit girl was quick to step in. My sitters were amused to notice that when the spirit energy starting
coming through, my hair began to stand on end. It looked as
though I was surrounded by a halo of wispy flyaways; a look
so ridiculous that the seriousness of proceedings was momen-
tarily forgotten!
146 Seance at the Clinic
The little girl confirmed that she is with me every day