Emanare (Destined, #1) (11 page)

Read Emanare (Destined, #1) Online

Authors: Taryn Browning

BOOK: Emanare (Destined, #1)
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A decided silence fell over the suddenly motionless group of eight. “Well—” Sam retorted, hiding her face in the menu as she spoke, “I’m
Vicky and Chase had a good time at dinner. I never said it wasn’t my suggestion, but I didn’t suggest what happened after dinner, either.”

“Uh, I—I don’t really know where this conversation is going, or what the two of you are talking about,” Lauren said, turning to Sam. “I just wanted to know what you did last night.”

“Is there a problem?” Vicky shouted from the far end of the table.

“No, Vicky. I have no problem with you,” Sam answered, lowering the menu and looking disappointedly at Chase.

Chase kicked her again, breaking his not-so-warm-and-fuzzy stare to speak to Vicky. “It’s nothing. Sam’s mad at me. Sam’s with Evrik, but she’s mad at me for some reason.”

Sam kicked him back, shooting daggers into him with her stare.

“You know, I’m sorry for bringing it up. I have my own soap operas to watch, okay?” Lauren said. “Why don’t we figure out what we want to order? I’m so glad I have a fake ID, because I suddenly need a drink.” She raised her hand to signal the waiter.

After several more moments of uncomfortable silence, Chase scribbled something on his napkin and passed it to Sam. Evrik was on the phone with Alea. What, are we in elementary school, Sam thought? He was passing notes while the teacher wasn’t looking? Reluctantly, Sam read it anyway.


We need to talk.

I have nothing to say to you.

Stop being so stubborn.

Bite me.

Real mature. Please?

Fine. Just stop writing on the napkin!!!


Lauren noticed their napkin-passing. “What is wrong with the two of you?” she whispered fiercely to Sam.

“Evrik and I are fine,” Sam said, her arms crossed in front of her chest.

“Not you and Evrik, you and Chase. You’ve been acting weird since Friday night.”

“I’ll talk to you about it later,” Sam whispered back. Evrik ended his phone call.

Lauren took note and nodded in agreement.

After a horribly awkward lunch, Sam decided it was best to get it out of the way and speak with Chase. If she didn’t, the juvenile behavior would just continue.

Evrik pecked her on the forehead and asked her to call him later. Everyone else headed back to the dorms.

Chase and Sam cut through the center of campus, both silent.








Malachi hunched over the kitchen table, thumbing through the
Virtus Liber
. He scanned the pages of the thick, sallow-paged hardback, looking for any information about the
demon’s abilities.

“Any luck?” With her hands on her hips, Alea anxiously drummed her fingers on her pelvic bone, pacing back and forth behind Malachi’s chair.

“Not yet.”

“How could this have happened?” Alea exhaled in frustration. She felt horrible for her dear friend. Evrik was barely holding it together, though he would never show Sam. But Alea could feel it. They all could feel his pain. Even Draylan, who didn’t see the point in caring about a human. When Evrik had first fallen in love with Sam, Draylan had said,
“We have a job to do—protect humans, that’s it.”
  But human or not, Alea knew too well what losing someone felt like. She wouldn’t let it happen to Evrik. And as much as Draylan grumbled about it, neither would he. He loved Sam in his own way—they all did.

Malachi’s finger stopped at a passage in the book. “I think I’ve found something.”

“What is it?” Alea leaned over his shoulder to look.

 “According to this,
demons have used their ability to do more than just seduce demonic women.” Malachi slid the book over to her. “Start here and read.”

demon is a powerful seducer. No beings are immune from his control once he has touched them. His blood will seep into the blood of his victim, creating total domination. There are only a few who can resist him—the highest Infernus royalty and the most divine.”

“I know all of this,” Alea groaned. Malachi looked at her sideways. “Sorry, Chi, I’m just frustrated.” She sighed and fluttered her hand. “Keep reading.”

demon has been used to kill those who will reach immortal status. His blood can seek the predestined immortal. The immortal are the most threatening. Those who cannot be killed cannot be defeated.

“What does that even mean?” Alea asked, rolling her eyes in frustration.

“I’m not sure yet, but there has to be another reason he’s here. It doesn’t make sense.” Malachi hesitated. “He wouldn’t risk exposure just to seduce Sam.”

“Are you thinking it was opportunity? He saw Sam and wanted her. Sam was just a ‘good time,’ a conquest?” Alea felt there was something more. The
demon was up to something.

“Could’ve been, but that doesn’t explain Sam’s memory loss. It seems like too much of a coincidence that she would lose her memory the same night the
demon lured her from Canton.” Malachi skimmed the passage again. “But there’s nothing written in here about the
demon being able to alter or take away memories.” Malachi flipped the page and continued to read aloud.

All that is good must protect the chosen few; it is their duty. Without divine beings, evil will control all. What secretly enters underground will be unleashed unto human society.”

Malachi ran his hand through his black spikes. “Alea, I think there’s something much bigger happening here.”

“But he hasn’t been back. Maybe he’s gone. It was a one-time thing.”

“He’s not gone.” Evrik entered the kitchen, scuffing his boots across the tile floor as he walked.

“What do you mean?” Malachi looked up from the book.

“His name is Cale Ember, or at least that’s the name he gave Sam.” Evrik flipped a chair backward and straddled it. Dark bags had formed below his eyes. The lack of sleep and worry were obviously taking a toll on him.

“Did Sam remember what happened in Baltimore?” Alea handed Evrik a bottle of water. “Drink this; you don’t look well.”

“Sam’s seen him twice since that evening. She just told me.” Evrik shook his head, pounding the table with his fist. “How could I have been so stupid? Why would I believe him? Of
he wouldn’t leave. He was here for a reason.” Evrik crushed the plastic bottle in his palm and water poured out over the table, seeping into the jagged crack his fist had created in the wood. “I just wish I knew what he was up to.”

Malachi read the passage to Evrik.

“Do you have any idea what it means?” Evrik asked.

“Alea and I are trying to decipher it now.”

“Let’s start from the beginning and break it down bit by bit,” Alea suggested. She looked at Malachi. “Read the first section again.”

Malachi flipped the page back.

demon is a powerful seducer. No beings are immune from his control once he has touched them. His blood will seep into the blood of his victim, creating total domination. There are only a few who can resist him—the highest Infernus royalty and the most divine.”

“We already know what he can do. His blood is the chemical. He has to touch in order to control. The chemical needs to seep into his victim’s bloodstream through her skin.” Alea rubbed her forehead as she thought. “That last sentence, can you read it again?”

There are only a few who can resist him—the highest Infernus royalty and the most divine.”

“We know who the Infernus royalty are,” Evrik said. “The
Angeli Casi

“And their predecessor, Lucifer himself,” Malachi said.

Alea nodded her head in agreement. “What about the divine? Who would be the most divine beings?”

“Don’t forget the angels,” Draylan commented from the great room.

“Dray, what are you doing in there? Come help us figure this out,” Alea snapped.

Draylan appeared in the kitchen, taking a seat next to Evrik. “I’m helping. I just said—angels.” Draylan ran his finger over the four-inch splinter in the table. “Nice crack, Bro.”

“Okay, so far we know the
demon can’t seduce the
Angeli Casi
and the divine angels.” Alea motioned for Malachi to read the next section.

demon has been used to kill those who will reach immortal status. His blood can seek the predestined immortal. The immortal are the most threatening. Those who cannot be killed cannot be defeated.”


demon has been used to kill those who will reach immortal status
,” Alea repeated aloud.

Angeli Casi
are fallen angels, granted royalty by Lucifer,” Malachi added.

“That leaves the angels,” Draylan said smugly. “I told you I was helping.”

“What do we know about angels?” Alea asked Malachi.

“Most angels are born human females. But not just any girl can become an angel. They are chosen before birth. This destiny runs through a family bloodline,” Malachi said. “An angel’s birth usually skips a generation. And almost always, there is only one angel born per generation.”

“Chi, hand me that book.” Alea found the sentence she was looking for. “
His blood can seek the predestined immortal
,” she read to the group.

“Cale could’ve come up from the Infernus to find a predestined angel,” Evrik said. “Alea, read the last passage.”

All that is good must protect the chosen few; it is their duty. Without divine beings, evil will control all. What secretly enters underground will be unleashed unto human society.”
Alea raised her head up from the book. “So what are we saying here? The
demon—Cale, is here to kill an angel.”

“No, he’s here to kill a human who is predestined to become an angel. She’s not an angel yet. Angels are immortal. They can’t be killed,” Evrik corrected. “If he kills her before she becomes an angel, there will be one less divine being. As the passage says,
“Without divine beings, evil will control all. What secretly enters underground will be unleashed unto human society.”

“That’s a good reason for Cale to be here. Demons love control. They’ve tried to control the world for ages,” Alea said.

“Looks like it’s one point for Lucifer’s team.” Draylan laughed.

“And whose team are you on?” Alea glared at him.

“According to the last passage, it’s our duty to protect her.” Evrik eyed Draylan. “It’s your duty, too. You picked the good team, remember.”

Draylan threw his hands up. “How will we be able to find her? It could be anyone.”

“No, it couldn’t be just any girl,” Malachi explained. “Predestined angels don’t start to change until just after their eighteenth birthday. So we’re looking for an eighteen-year-old girl.”

"Who lives near Baltimore. She’s most likely a college freshman,” Alea finished.

“That narrows it down,” Draylan said sarcastically. “Baltimore only has a gazillion colleges. How old is Sam again?”

“She turned nineteen two weeks ago,” Evrik said. “Trust me. That’s the first thing that came to my mind. Luckily it’s not her. She’s past the age.”

“True,” Malachi agreed. “We need to set our focus elsewhere.”

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