Elle's Seduction (8 page)

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Authors: Abby-Rae Rose

BOOK: Elle's Seduction
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Chapter Nine



Maxwell cursed himself as he met Darren at the end of the aisle and pointed to a conference room. The man was going too fast. Sure, they were on a tight schedule, but Maxwell wanted more time.

He opened the first empty conference room door he came to and ushered Darren in. The minute the door clicked, he laid into him. “Damn it, man. You don’t have to seduce her right there in the middle of the office.”

Darren walked around the conference room, touching a frame here and a chair there before sitting down and propping his legs on the table. “Settle down, old man. You’re the one who wanted her seduced. I’m just doing what you asked.”

“Well, stop it.”

A blond brow raised, and that damn British accent came out strong as Darren asked, “Having trouble with another man sniffing up your woman?”

Maxwell shook his head and slammed a chair back, plopping down in it. “No. Well...not much.”

Darren eyed him, as he pulled his legs off the table and sat up. “But Elle’s different?”

“You saw her. She’s perfect. Those corkscrew curls, red lips, and oh my god, that ass...and her dimples...” Maxwell rubbed his hands over his face, fighting the hard on that was already springing to life as he remembered the look of her in that tight new suit, plump breasts behind the vest, and the sweet heart-shaped ass tightly encased in pin striped wool. The blush on her cheeks as he’d slid his fingers through her wetness as she panted for him, just him. Just the memory had him sweating.

Darren’s smirk was gone, replaced by that haunted look only Maxwell knew the cause of. No matter how far you ran, you could never escape your past. They both knew that truth too well. “Maxwell, this was your idea. All you have to do is say the word and I’m gone. You don’t have to go through with this.”

Maxwell swallowed. He had to know if this could be real—if Elle could move past her innocence and embrace a side of her he desperately wanted to see. “No. The plan stays as is. Someone has to introduce her to the lifestyle. I have to know how far she’ll go. I can’t live not knowing. If she can’t accept submission, then I’ll know for certain that this can’t go any further.”

“But Maxwell, she’s so innocent.”

Maxwell pulled at his hair. “Don’t you think I know that?”

Darren’s smile was gone, his face a somber mask. “What if she falls in love with me?”

Maxwell blanched at the one question he’d avoided since first seeing Elle and Darren together. “Christ!”

Darren rapped his knuckles on the table for a second, an expression of complete seriousness on his face. “You know how some of them are—they think sex and love go hand in hand.”

Shaking his head, Maxwell pushed the thought away. No matter how much it hurt, this was the final straw. “Darren, I have less than a month. I’ll either have to cut her loose or test. I just can’t let it go.”

Darren’s eyebrows creased. As a partner in the company and The Den, he knew what kind of pressure they both were under to make things work. “So we either break her in or break her heart?”

Put that way, Maxwell nearly lost his appetite for their plan. Seduction was always tricky. Slow and easy was the way they both liked to play it. But time had run out, they were playing dirty, and in the end they may all pay the price.

“Darren,” Maxwell looked at his best friend. This was the man he trusted more than anyone else—even himself. “There’s no other way. It’s now or never. And...well, I just can’t let her go.”

Darren nodded. “Then let’s do it.”




Darren nodded to the man and strode through the doors of The Den. The warm air and heavy beat of techno music throbbed all around him. He watched Elle as she took in the place, but the strobe lights made it difficult to see clearly.

She’d stunned him with the outfit she’d chosen; a simple black lace corset with a stage worthy pleated skirt. Dramatic and stunning with the pale skin of her neck exposed and her curls tight in a bun, the kitten had claws and he couldn’t wait to see Maxwell’s reaction.

For the first time in awhile, he felt a small thrill. This was his place. He and Maxwell had built it from the ground up during college. Both of them, with Zackary, had cut their teeth on the different ways of seduction here even as they built the financial backing to make Z Toyz a reality.

Now, they were moving into new territory, X Toyz (toys for adults). The new business would be in LA—far from their humble beginnings here. He would be sad to see this go. This was his baby—the center of his world. He lived and breathed this place. For Maxwell though, it was just an investment in his time and energy for a friend with a side benefit.

But both of them were ready to move on.

It had been mutually agreeable and Darren was excited to move out to LA and start new—Maybe new. Maybe even a new concept. He hadn’t decided yet. He knew whatever he decided that Maxwell would help him because contrary to common knowledge, Maxwell was the brain of the business and Darren was the money guru. A lifetime of wealth and privilege had at least taught him that. Their partnership was a good match. He’d never, in the decade or so since they’d started the Den, had a reason to doubt Maxwell.

Regardless, this latest scheme had Darren jumpy. The way Maxwell looked at Elle told him all he needed. The man had it bad and having Darren help seduce the poor woman wasn’t going to help at all.

Flashing lights jarred him back to reality. Thick smoke from the fog machines swirled around him, nearly swallowing Elle, who looked slightly flushed. Things that were normally second nature failed him as he watched her. He couldn’t do it, couldn’t completely ruin his friend’s chance at real happiness. Somehow, someway, he had to make this right. He just didn’t know how without ruining everything.

He could at least make her comfortable, she was sweating. Of course that might be from watching the couple closest to them. The woman had lost her top. Yeah, Monica was in fine form tonight. From the wide-eyed stare Elle was giving Monica’s lover tonight, it might be a good thing too. He’d have to invite Monica up to the Salon.

Gentlemanly manners finally forced him to speak, “Can I get you something to drink?”

Elle nodded and murmured something about a MahiMahi as Renaldo popped a nipple into his mouth, his dark fingers massaging the other breast.

Some of Darren’s anxiety eased as he stepped away toward the bar. This could work. Definitely, could work. “Yo, Kevin, a MahiMahi and Whiskey Bourbon.”

A voice spoke up next to his ear. “It’s not going to work.”

Darren cursed as Luke’s hard body slid into the seat next to him at the bar. A black tux and silver half-mask hid his gorgeous body, but Darren knew him instantly – Those. Those heavy-lidded, brown eyes stared out at him, instantly making him pop to attention in places he shouldn’t.

“Can’t a guy get some peace and quiet,” Darren mumbled and Luke waved at Kevin and ordered a Heineken.

“Oh, you can get some, just not the way you’re playing it tonight.” Luke grabbed the bottle Kevin put in front of him and tilted it up to his uncovered lips.

Darren snagged the drinks and began looking for Elle. When several seconds went by, Elle didn’t show. He turned to Luke, taking a big swig of his bourbon. “What do you mean?”

Luke sipped his Heineken and stood up toe to toe with him, invading his space. “You don’t want her.”

“It’s not about what I want,” Darren said his voice gruff as he fought to control the dull ache forming in his groin. His mind couldn’t go there. He had a job to do.

“Oh, I think it is.” Luke snagged the half drained cup of bourbon and ran his tongue around the rim, sipping directly from the spot Darren had drank from. Heat flashed through him as Luke held his gaze and sucked an ice cube into his mouth.

Brown eyes drifted shut as his mouth worked the ice cube. Behind the mask, Darren imagined Luke’s angelic face, mouth full as it would be with his cock, throat and tongue working him. His body swayed at the thought—he suddenly saw the allure of the mask. All facial features hidden accept those velvet-brown eyes and luscious, full lips.

With a hard crunch, Luke smashed the ice cube with his teeth and opened his eyes, startling Darren back to reality. “You just have to make the decision. And let me tell ya, you aren’t doing him any favors by fucking that little filly.”

“I promised I’d seduce her and nothing you or anyone else says is going to change my mind, especially some goody-two shoes with an angel complex. You might be a pretty boy and good with that mouth and ass, but don’t overstep your authority here.”

Luke sobered at that, stepping back from him. “Seduction isn’t all about your dick, so stop being such an ass and pay attention. You might learn something.”

With that, Luke slammed the nearly empty glass on the bar and walked away; his Heineken barely touched.




Elle couldn’t breathe. From the moment Darren had picked her up, she’d been on edge. The man who’d flirted outrageously with her all day was quiet, distracted. She hadn’t minded the quiet though and had enjoyed the time to pull herself together.

After the conference room with Maxwell earlier she’d fought the contradicting desires within her. She enjoyed Darren’s company. He kept it light, but there was no mistaking the subtle hum of attraction there. Maxwell though, he was dark and intense. His gaze alone made her nervous. There was a promise there that she desperately wanted to take him up on.

Attraction didn’t describe the all consuming connection she experienced when he was around. Even now, hours after he’d left her alone in the conference room panting from her release, her body still ached for fulfillment

The heavy thumping of the music’s beat wasn’t helping as it thrummed against her clit. When Darren had showed her in, she’d been shocked. Every nook and cranny was filled with men and woman doing things that shouldn’t be done in public. Clothes, it appeared, were optional.

The beat was quieter in the corridor and Elle sighed in relief as she turned a corner. There, in the shifting shadows, she heard them. Moans caught at her, pulling her away from her quest. Unsure how to deal with the writhing figures that had crowded the dance floor, the bathroom sounded like a good place to collect herself. What had Darren been thinking bringing her here? Despite the fact that she knew she should be appalled, she was strangely excited by the mad mix of loud music and nakedness.

Safe in the darkness, she was a different person, free to watch without anyone knowing who she was. Lights flickered and moved around the hall from the strobes on the floor. She crept closer, using the wall to hide herself in the half light. Two men stood front to back, half naked. The darker one was stripping the smaller man in the flickering light, lips following each new exposed inch of skin. A woman knelt before them, partially in shadow, unbuckling the smaller man’s pants.

The smaller man, hair glinting in the light, watched the woman as his pants slid to the floor. Elle caught her breath at the abandon of these three lovers. She couldn’t take her eyes off of the one in the middle.

Completely naked to the other two, he gave himself completely over to the moment. His cock bared to the cooler air, hardened and twitched. Pre-cum glistened on the tip, the liquid catching a spark of light, and reflecting it.

The woman licked it away, following the taste with a fast, surprisingly erotic descent down his cock. His hips thrust into her as the darker man unbuckled his own pants and began sliding the Dockers down his powerful thighs, baring himself to the smaller man’s backside. Lost in the movements in front of her, Elle almost missed the soft sound of footfalls behind her, slowing.

She knew she needed to move, to look away, but when the middle man groaned and threw his head back, she couldn’t stop. She watched the woman take him again and again, the need building within herself. The soft footfalls behind her stopped. She couldn’t breathe. She needed to move.

Elle tried to soften her breathing, but even as the man stepped up behind her, the darker of the group bent the small man over. In a hard thrust, he entered and began pounding into the man. She was having trouble concentrating while watching this display.

The musky smell of man surrounded her as the man behind her leaned down, his warm breath caressing her neck. A deep low voice chuckled in her ear, sending divine shivers down her spine. “What do we have here?”

Elle swallowed, unable to speak. She knew that voice. Dark...seductive. She’d dreamed of it, but in the moment she couldn’t place it.

A hand moved her curls away from her neck, before a finger skimmed her exposed neckline. “Hmm, an innocent spying on the big kids.”

Something of the man’s voice must have drifted to the group in front of him. The darkest of the three glanced their way, his gaze locking with hers, pulling her in into the tableau.

Elle’s heart hammered as she watched the tempo of the thrust spiral, faster and faster, the feel of the man behind her forbidden and dark. They weren’t trying to be quiet anymore and their groans and mewling cries were echoing in the enclosed space. It only seemed to make them crazier. And the dark man’s eyes lost their focus, glazing over as the middle man began to take charge, making all semblance of control disappear.

The man behind her stepped closer, his fingers running down both arms to circle her waist. “Do you like what you see?”

Elle couldn’t answer. She was so caught up in the act before her that she could only feel an ache building deep inside.

“Hmmm...I wonder. Perhaps there is more to you than a country bumpkin. Perhaps you want to do something naughty, something carnal.”

Elle shook her head. This man had it all wrong.

“Shift your corset a bit for me, pretty thing.”

Elle swallowed. His voice hypnotized her, lulled her. But no, she couldn’t.

He chuckled that deep, soft laugh again. “Oh, don’t you see? Resistance is futile. It’s all just lust and need. Nothing more. It’s just a few inches, that corset isn’t giving up anything unless you want it to. You can stop me at any moment.”

She swayed as she thought of what he asked. Her fingers trembled as she moved them to do his bidding. Just a few inches, just enough to give him a glimpse of what lay hidden behind the metal boning.

Before them, the middle man groaned. His head thrown back, pressing forward, forcing him deeper down the woman’s throat. She worked him hard and fast, sucking him. The darker man watched until she was done, pressed the middle man further down, thrusting harder and faster into him.

The tempo took Elle along, making her pant through parted lips. She unwittingly leaned against the man behind her, her legs like jelly, unstable and barely able to hold her weight. At the supplication, the man shifted his grip and pulled her tight against him. The bold, firm weight of his fabric covered cock settled between her butt cheeks—cheeks—another reminder of what she could have.

His breath was against her ear again. The soft caress of his tongue sent her bowing against him, unable to deal with the pressure building inside of her. His next command nearly made her cry in need. “Let me see your breasts. Cup them for me.”

Elle didn’t know what happened or why she obeyed. Before she could consciously decide, her hands were sliding her breasts away from the corset. Cupping her breasts and raking fingers around the pebbled nubs of her nipples. Pleasure shot straight through her as he nibbled his way down her neck and moved his hands to bunch her skirt, pressing her against him even as his fingers sought skin under the fabric folds.

The darker man was wild now with his thrusts. The woman was gone, but the middle man was braced against the wall, both hands holding him against the onslaught. Pure rapture was all Elle could see from her vantage point. The middle shouted out and thrust back hard against the dark man as he bellowed his own release. The expulsion of the darker man’s ejaculation sent the smaller man over the edge again; his face a mask of deep pleasure and euphoria even though he was obviously rung dry.

Breathing hard, she groaned at how wet she was. The need was overtaking her. Even now she wanted to strip and masturbate there right in front of the man behind her, anything to get the relief she knew she needed. He wouldn’t leave her like this, would he?

Finally, the man’s fingers touched skin. His hand drifts from her thigh up inch by inch toward her pubis, even as she flicked and twirled her nipples for him. He wasted no time with her slip of underwear; his fingers sliding right under the seam. Her breath hitched as slowly, inch by inch, those fingers moved toward her clitoris. Tortuous seconds later he searched between her curls to find her damp and weeping.

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