Elizabeth Raines (4 page)

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Authors: Their Princess

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Elizabeth Raines
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Jake’s parting words were what kept Luka from falling into his arms now.

We knew it wouldn’t be forever

Luka tried to take a step back.

Jake pulled harder on Luka’s arm. “Please, Luka. I missed you. Didn’t you miss me? Even a little bit? I was your

“You and I both know that was a lie. We were just on an undercover mission.”

“Oh, please. None of us ever believed that, not after a couple of months together. Even when we became human again, we both still felt married.” He furrowed his brow. “At least
did. Is that what’s wrong? You don’t love me anymore?”

“I don’t want to talk about this!”

“Too fucking bad.” Jake ran his hands down Luka’s upper arms. “I missed you. Every night, I wanted you there. I wanted to hold you like I used to do. I couldn’t sleep for the longest time because I missed having you and Kimini in bed with me.”

Inclining his head toward the bedroom, Luka said, “Looks like you’ve got plenty of company now.”

“Don’t be jealous.”

“Who said I’m jealous?”

Jake’s smile was far too knowing. “Okay. We’ll pretend you’re not jealous.”

“You need to go,” Luka insisted. “I’ll help patch the
back together, and then you and Sheila—”

“It’s Syla—
—and you damn well know it.”

“—need to leave.”

This time, when Jake tugged, he caught Luka off guard and he took a stumbling step forward. Quick as light speed, Jake wrapped his arms around Luka and kissed him.

Vowing he’d make it nothing but a meaningless kiss, Luka tried to remain aloof. That tactic worked for three full seconds.

Then the chemistry kicked in.

It had been so long—
too long
—since he’d known the comfort of a kiss, the thrill of having a warm, powerful body pressed against his. Memories of the ecstasy he’d found in Jake’s arms—the times the two men made love when Kimini was out on stakeout and the sensual times the three of them shared—flooded his mind. Snaking his arms around Jake’s waist, Luka pulled him closer and kissed him back.

The growl rising from Jake’s chest made Luka’s cock swell. As Jake’s tongue swept into Luka’s mouth, he gave Jake a moan and returned each caress until both men were breathing heavily.

“Damn, I missed you,” Jake said. His hand settled on Luka’s ass, and he ground his thick erection against the dick straining its cloth restraint.

“I…I missed you too.”

Jake kissed Luka again, long and deep and full of emotions that were hard to read. Their hands moved over each other’s bodies in a quest to relearn each shape, each contour.

If Syla hadn’t been sleeping in his bed, Luka might have suggested they take the interlude into his room. As it was, he knew this might be a mistake, but he wanted Jake. He

Jake ran his palm over the front of Luka’s pants. “Finest cock in the galaxy.”

A smile tickled Luka’s lips.

“What? Was that a smile? A
smile? Hmm…not sure. I guess I’ll have to try harder.” Jake dropped to his knees and pressed a kiss to Luka’s erection.

Luka sucked in a hissing breath.

“Oh, my guy likes that, does he?” Popping the button and dragging down the zipper, Jake pushed Luka’s pants down around his ankles. His engorged dick sprang out, bobbing toward Jake as drops of pre-cum dripped from the tip.

“No underwear. Damn, that’s sexy.” Jake wrapped his fingers around the shaft. “I’d forgotten how big you are.” He licked the fluid away. “Still taste great too.”

Tangling his fingers in Jake’s hair, Luka mumbled a halfhearted request to stop.

“No, Luka. No stopping now.” Jake ran his tongue around the crown and then took Luka’s cock deeply into his mouth.

Amazed he didn’t come on the spot, Luka savored each lick, each suck—the warm, wet welcome of Jake’s mouth. Jake had always been the best cocksucker, instinctively knowing how to crank up the heat and then back off right before Luka hit the point of no return.

He’d missed this more than he’d realized. The stroke of Jake’s tongue and the velvet suction he applied so expertly had Luka teetering on the edge of release. His balls felt heavy as his dick swelled near to bursting. Nothing could have felt better.

Until Jake reached between Luka’s legs and massaged his scrotum, dragging his fingernails over the sensitive skin, knowing how a little rough handling added to Luka’s pleasure. Just when Luka felt his orgasm closing in on him, Jake released his cock.

Luka groaned.

“Shit, I missed this,” Jake said, still stroking Luka’s balls. “I missed this too.” He nudged Luka’s legs farther apart and licked his sac. He drew first one testicle then the other into his mouth.

“Oh, my God…”

Jake released Luka’s balls and swallowed his cock again, this time holding nothing back. Up and down, his tight lips slid over the shaft, stopping only to suck hard on the crown.

Luka’s nuts suddenly pulled up tight against his body, and the orgasm began, surging from his balls and blasting from him with so much force he was amazed he could still stand. Wave after wave of pleasure poured through him. Watching Jake swallow every drop of semen as though it were precious only added to the ecstasy.

Spent, Luka collapsed back in the chair.


Jake couldn’t stop a satisfied smile. A year later, he was still able to get to Luka.

When he’d thought up the plan to bring Syla here, Jake had counted on the connection they’d shared back on Fraiqua—back all the way to when they’d been IDEA partners in the years before Kimini came into their lives.

They’d been damned good agents, and both held honors and medals from many planets for the work they’d done to stop drug trafficking. They’d visited planets neither had ever heard of until they were sent on missions. And they’d become incredibly close.

The chemistry had been there from day one, but Jake had never had the guts to act on it. Luka always played his cards close to the vest, and Jake had feared destroying their partnership if he revealed that he was bisexual and strongly attracted to his partner.

Then they’d received the assignment on Fraiqua.

Both men had gone through genetic transformation to “become” Fraiquan. Because the planet was all but closed to foreigners, they’d been “married” to Kimini Manol—a Fraiquan IDEA agent. Sure, the marriage was supposed to be a ruse, and for the first month or so, they’d all pretended they were in a relationship. Then Kimini changed the rules.

One night, she had the courage to admit she was falling in love with her “husbands.” She also boldly declared that she saw the attraction between Jake and Luka and thought it was high time they acted on it. The make-believe came to a swift end.

To her, a threesome was a way of life. All Fraiquan families were made up of one wife and two husbands. In their culture, the woman was the alpha—the driving force in making decisions for everyone in the family. Seemed that once Jake had “become” Fraiquan, he’d easily allowed her to take the lead. Luka did the same. Once they acknowledged and acted on their chemistry, the men had turned loose all of the fantasies each had built in their minds.

Their time together had been filled with passion. Even when Kimini was at work, the men would make love. Their sex drives were insatiable, and every experience—whether as a couple or a threesome—had reached Jake’s soul.

Then Kimini died—murdered because another IDEA agent sold her out to a drug lord. In an instant, their lives had changed. Before he and Luka could even take a deep breath and figure out where their lives were going, they were changed back to humans and offered new assignments.

Luka handed in his badge the day after Kimini’s “send-off.” Jake hadn’t been ready to call it quits. His mind had been consumed with staying busy and not giving himself enough time to think about his loss. If he would have followed Luka to isolation, that’s all he would have been able to do—

About Kimini.


About whether life was worth living without her.

So he’d taken the assignment to Trilan, which led him to Syla, who led Jake right back to square one.


Watching Luka’s orgasm brought all the feelings back. The ecstasy on his partner’s face was more intoxicating than any alcohol. He still loved his husband. Whether they were legally married or not, Jake would always think of Luka as his spouse.

“I missed that,” Jake said. “I missed fucking that sweet ass of yours too.” With a smile, he unbuttoned his pants. “I need you, Luka.” He jerked down the zipper and slid his pants and underwear over his hips.

His cock was out, pointing at Luka like a compass needle found north. Fluid dripped from the slit, and Jake stroked himself, rubbing the pre-cum between his fingers and then holding them up. “Want a taste?”

Luka grabbed Jake’s wrist and licked the stringy fluid before sucking one finger into his mouth.

Jake moaned, pictured that mouth on his dick, licking and sucking and—

Luka got to his feet and bent over the table, wiggling the perfect globes of his ass. Judging from the tan, he’d bared them to the sun quite often. “Fuck me, Jake. Please. I need you to fuck me.”

Jake rubbed the head of his cock against the tight hole bared to him. While he wanted to sink balls deep into Luka, he didn’t want to hurt him. “You got any lube around here?”

“Just use spit.”

Jake spit on his fingers and then smeared the moisture around the rosette he was ready to invade. He slid first one finger then another inside Luka, searching for the firm sweet spot he knew would drive Luka crazy.

“Oh, fuck…”

With a smile, Jake rubbed the prostate as he reached around to stroke Luka’s erection, which was quickly surging back to life.

“Fuck me, Jake.

Adding another dollop of spit and smearing it over his cock, Jake pressed the crown of his erection against Luka’s anus. He eased in slowly, taking his time until Luka let out a groan and pushed back hard until Jake was fully embedded.

The rhythm was rough, fast, and exactly what Jake needed. In no time at all, his orgasm built inside him until he dug his fingers into Luka’s hips and slammed into him. Again and again he pushed deep, letting his balls slap against Luka’s.

When he came, Jake shouted Luka’s name, letting the pleasure take hold. For that moment, the past was forgotten as he again thrilled to the feel of his husband’s body squeezing him tight.

Knowing Luka was close to coming again, Jake stroked his erection, pumping faster and faster until Luka cried out and spurted his load on the hardwood floor.

One storm was over—the tempest of their passion spent.

The next storm brewed on the horizon as Jake planned his attack on how to get Luka not only back in his life but to accept Syla. Wondering whether Luka still desired him had been a big hurdle.

Now, he just needed to convince Luka to want Syla as well.

Chapter 4


Syla fought the hands holding her down, still lost in the time when dreams seemed real. A scream rose in her throat, and her heart hammered in her chest. They’d found her—they were going to kill her.

She couldn’t move—couldn’t shake away the hands holding her down, preparing her for death. Another scream gathered, this time rising from her chest until her savior’s name spilled from her lips. “Jake!”

“It’s okay, Syla.”

A warm, deep voice soothed her, as did the calloused hand stroking her cheek. She took deep breaths, willing herself to calm down.

It was just a dream.

When she opened her eyes, she gasped. Jake wasn’t there. The man he’d brought her to was sitting beside her on the bed and staring down at her with a furrowed brow.
voice had rescued her from the nightmare.
touch had eased her worries.

Luka Arma
. Jake had told her Luka was the best person in the galaxy to protect her. This place—this Montana on planet Earth—was protected by many interplanetary agencies. She’d be safe here until the day she could return to her beloved Trilan—something that would never happen until her stepmother was nothing more than ashes in her funeral pyre.

Luka was a stranger to her. Judging from the hardness in his expression, he didn’t like her. Her own irritation rose in response. Jake had told her Luka was kind and loving. She’d yet to see either of those qualities. Jake had also predicted Luka would love her. That was clearly an impossibility.

How dare he judge her when he didn’t even know her? She resisted the urge to hiss at him and bare her claws like an angry cat.

The man had been anything but welcoming.

Was Jake wrong?

He’d assured her that Luka still loved him. He also said that Luka was a man who loved to be a champion of the weak. While she wasn’t technically
, she was a princess—the woman who should be queen one day—who’d had to run away like a frightened animal in the face of danger.

“You’re awake,” Luka said. “Bad dream?”

Syla nodded.

“You’re safe here.” He glanced to the door as Jake walked through, holding a tray.

“Made you breakfast, sweetheart,” Jake said.

She sat up, letting the sheet fall away and baring her naked breasts to the men. When Luka started coughing and scrambled from the bed, she remembered that she was on Earth. Humans had strange customs about their bodies, covering their nudity for all except bathing or mating. From the books she’d read, some even wore clothes during
intimate occasions.

What an odd habit. Who could possibly enjoy swimming in the waters of the ocean with cumbersome clothing clinging to their skin?

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