Elizabeth Raines (11 page)

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Authors: Their Princess

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Elizabeth Raines
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As soon as the song ended, an impromptu cheer from the crowds outside the cathedral grew so loud it was easily heard inside the sanctuary. Syla tried to hold back a smile, fearing her people might believe she wasn’t taking her new role seriously. But then something wonderful happened. The crowd inside the cathedral rose to their feet, lending their voices and cheers to those of the crowd. Her smile wouldn’t be denied.

Her gaze shifted to her new husbands where they stood in the first pew. Both were dressed in black robes trimmed with white fur. They’d been married by the archbishop in a private ceremony that morning, attended only by Syla’s close friends and the prime minister as witnesses.

While she might now be queen, she would emulate her parents and keep her private life as sheltered as possible. She would go to every function, visit every hospital, attend every ceremony, but she would never compromise her love for Luka and Jake. They would raise whatever children they were blessed with as Syla had been raised—in a sheltered home full of love, discipline, and laughter.

Both men were grinning, and each bowed his head to her. She returned the gesture.

When the archbishop raised his hand to bid silence, the people slowly obeyed, and the din died as they again took their seats. He gave a nod of approval. Then he turned and bowed to Syla.

Rising carefully, fearing embarrassing herself by letting the ancient crown fall from her head or tripping over her red velvet robes, she walked to the front of the altar. “I ask that Jacob Odin and Lukasi Arma rise and stand before their queen.”

Her husbands exchanged a surprised look but obeyed, moving to the aisle and then taking the last steps toward the altar. They both stopped at the bottom of the five marble steps and stared up at her with quizzical eyes.

“Archbishop, may I please have my father’s sword?” she asked over her shoulder.

The archbishop bowed to her. Since they’d conspired for this little surprise right before the wedding, he was prepared and had his attendant already holding her father’s magnificent jeweled sword. The attendant handed it to the archbishop, who in turn gave it to Syla.

She’d practiced the ceremony on a couple of curious and willing altar boys to be sure she could handle the sharp sword and not accidentally lop off one of her new husbands’ ears. Confident that she wouldn’t disgrace herself, she held the sword in her right hand, pointing the tip at Jake and then Luka. “Come to me and kneel before your queen.”

Her heart swelled with love and pride as the two handsome men walked confidently up the stairs to the altar. She wanted the crowd to pay witness to what she was about to do. When they reached her, they knelt and looked at her, both smiling now that they must have figured out her intentions.

“I create you, Jacob Odin, as Knight of the Realm of Trilan for your services to your queen.” She laid the flat of the sword against his right and then left shoulder. “Rise, Sir Jacob.”

Jake stood and then bowed his head. “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

From behind him the archbishop put a large medallion on a baby-blue ribbon around Jake’s neck.

Syla winked at Luka. “I create you, Lukasi Arma, as Knight of the Realm of Trilan for your services to your queen.” The ceremony was repeated. “Rise, Sir Lukasi.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

She turned to address her people. “I present to you my new Knights of the Realm and the new prince consorts of Trilan.”

A collective gasp was followed by applause that slowly grew to deafening cheers.


* * * *


“Wait.” Luka grabbed Syla’s wrist when she reached to open the bedroom door. While he wanted nothing more than to make love to her, he figured a few Earth traditions should be observed, and he was anxious to carry his new bride over the threshold.

The smile she gave him was so sexy he sucked in a breath. “Why, Sir Luka…are you giving an order to your queen?”

He swept her into his arms. “Why, yes, Your Majesty. I am.”

Jake followed behind Luka as he carried Syla into their bedroom.

The suite was opulent, but all Luka could think of was Syla. He’d been so damned proud of her today. She was truly a queen, as she was meant to be.

And to think he had almost lost her…

Letting her and Jake leave back in Montana had been the hardest—and dumbest—thing he’d ever done. And that included losing Kimini. While he would always love and miss his first wife, Luka had finally realized the full impact of what he’d felt for Syla and Jake when he thought he might never see either of them again.

They were the loves of his life.

He’d made frantic calls to Betinsa, but she hadn’t been able to return for him as quickly as he would have liked. He’d worried about Syla and Jake until the moment he’d finally found them in the cathedral for Thama’s interrupted coronation. His Syla had faced down her enemy and come out triumphant, and he couldn’t be prouder or happier.

The farm in Montana was given over to a retiring undercover agent and his wife, and Luka would never look back. Before the wedding, both he and Jake had become naturalized Trilani citizens, and when Luka took the oath to honor his new homeland, he meant every word. His future was with Jake and Syla, and he would do his best to help Syla in her burden of being queen. He and Jake would nurture and support her in any way they could.

He carried Syla to the bed as Jake pulled back the covers. Then they went about the pleasant task of undressing their new wife.

“Can I not help?” she asked.

“No, Your Majesty,” Jake replied. “We are, after all, your humble servants.”

They quickly had her stripped and shed their own clothes.

Jake tugged her into his arms and kissed her. The love between them radiated like an aura. If Luka’s cock hadn’t already swelled near to bursting, watching the loving exchange between his mates would have sent the blood rushing straight to his groin.

He pressed his front to her back, slipping his dick in the inviting space between her thighs. Her heat cradled him as he kissed the nape of her neck, nibbling the skin and soothing each bite with a loving lick. “I need to be inside you, honey.”

She whimpered and squeezed her thighs a little tighter.

Drawing back, Jake cradled her cheeks in his hands. “What about children, sweetheart?”

Since Luka wanted to know the same thing, he waited anxiously for her answer.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“Well…I assume you want to have kids.”

“Of course!”


Luka kissed her neck again and plucked the last pins from her hair so it spilled from the updo and fell around her shoulders. He combed his fingers gently through the soft, long tresses. “We didn’t know if you wanted to be careful for a while.”

She shook her head. “I have many duties as queen, but I imagine the most important is to produce an heir. I’d love to have your child.”

Luka caught Jake’s gaze over the top of her blond head. He looked like someone had punched him in the gut. “So you want Luka to be the father,” Jake said.

Syla leaned back, laying her head against Luka’s shoulder. “Of course, I want Luka to be the father.”

Damn it all if Luka didn’t feel every ounce of Jake’s pain when what he should have been doing was rejoicing.

She moved forward, rising on tiptoes to brush a kiss over Jake’s mouth. “
I want you to be the father.”

Tired of her enigmatic replies, Luka scooped her up in his arms. “We can’t both father your child.”

“Make love we all can whenever we want with no worry,” she replied. “Whatever children blessed with we are will always think of both of you as their fathers.”

Jake came to them and wrapped his arms around both of them. “I love you both.”

Luka might have taken vows with the two people he loved, but it dawned on him he’d never truly spoken the words. Following Jake’s lead, he said, “I love you, Jake.” Then he stared into Syla’s beautiful two-toned eyes and said in her language, “
Amano jala
, Syla.”

Her smile was as brilliant as a supernova. “I love both of you with all my heart. Your queen commands that to bed you take her.”

Luka laid her on the silk sheets and came down on top of her, savoring the softness of her beneath him. He kissed her long and deep, letting his tongue lazily mate with hers. He pressed kisses along the column of her throat, working his way down to the valley between her breasts. She smelled like wildflowers, and he ached to bury himself deep inside her tight heat. But first, he would make her scream again. He’d missed the ringing in his ears whenever he’d made her come, and no matter how much he wanted to fuck her, he would make this night last as long as he could.

Syla tangled her fingers in his hair while he pulled one pert pink nipple between his lips and applied suction. She arched up against him, spreading her thighs so he could settle between them.

Luka brushed his lips over her flat stomach, circling her navel with his tongue. Then, with no warning, he spread her thighs farther apart and ran his tongue up her sweet cunt.

A cry fell from her lips, quickly squelched when Jake snuggled up beside her and kissed her. His hand caressed her breast, tweaking the nipple between his fingers while Luka separated her folds to find the jewel he sought.

He ran his tongue around and around her clit, loving how she drew her knees up and then squeezed his head between them. When he sucked the swollen nub into his mouth, she pushed her hips up and squealed against Jake’s mouth.

Luka slid first one finger and then a second deep inside her, searching for the sweet spot he knew would drive her wild. He stroked her inside while he continued his tender assault on her clitoris. His reward was feeling the first tremors of her release as her muscles clenched around his fingers.


Syla came back to her senses slowly. The orgasm had made the world disappear for a few very sweet moments, and she craved that feeling again—this time with Luka inside her. When she was finally able to speak, she said, “An idea I have.”

Jake started to rise, but she put her hand against his chest and forced him back against the mattress. “Do not move.”

He smiled up at her. “Yes, Your Majesty. I am your humble servant.”

“Then move over,
.” She nudged his hip to try to get him more in the center of the bed.

He shifted to where she wanted him. “Now what?”

“Now…” Straddling his legs, she knelt facing him. “I do this.” Her fingers wrapped around his hard cock. “Then…I do this.” She bent forward and licked the fluid seeping from the crown.

His salty taste filled her mouth, making her pussy spasm in a delightful aftershock.

Luka seemed to have caught on to her intentions when he moved behind her. His fingers tickled down her spine, sending shivers racing over her skin. “I want you, Syla.”

She stopped sucking Jake’s cock long enough to say, “I want you too,
mi hanar

My husband

He grabbed her hips, and as she took Jake all the way inside her mouth, Luka pressed his dick against her, rubbing between her folds before he thrust deep inside her.

She almost came again from the feel of him deep inside her. Knowing that one husband was joined with her while she lovingly attended to the other gave Syla a sense of completeness she craved and knew she could never be without again.

Rocking into her, Luka held tight to her hips, slamming into her again and again while she sucked hard on Jake’s cock, trying to bring him to climax so that he joined her when her release hit again.

The heat from Luka sliding in and out of her and his growls as he reached his peak were becoming more than she could take. The tension inside her built to a crescendo, and just when she feared she might come before she could bring Jake his own pleasure, his fingers clenched in the sheets. He closed his eyes and pushed his hips up. The heat of his seed filled her mouth just as Luka called her name, filling her womb with his heated essence.

Syla let her own orgasm claim her then, swallowing Jake’s tangy fluid. Spots flashed before her eyes, and her heartbeat thundered in her ears. She was vaguely aware of Luka breaking their intimate connection and pulling her down between him and Jake.

Both men turned to face her as she lay on her back, each taking her hand in one of theirs and throwing a heavy thigh over her legs. She could only seem to find the energy to sigh in contentment.

“I suppose we should enjoy this now,” Jake said. “I imagine that starting tomorrow your calendar is going to keep us all busy for a while.”

Luka snorted a laugh. “For a while? How about for the rest of our lives?”

She turned to stare at him. “Are you sorry you married me?”

He kissed her forehead. “I love you, Syla. Of course I’m not sorry. Being the center of attention is just going to take some getting used to. But I’ll do everything I can to keep you happy and safe.”

She shifted to look at Jake. “And you?”

“I love you, sweetheart. I’ll always be at your side, no matter what.”

The long and emotional day finally took its toll, lulling the men to sleep. Their breathing slowed to a steady rhythm until soft snores spilled from both of them.

Syla was ready to rest as well, but for that moment, she wanted to simply enjoy her blessings. Two very handsome, very loyal men were now her husbands. Thanks to them, she had cleared her name and earned her crown. She loved them both with every piece of her soul, and she knew they would both honor her and their children for the rest of their lives.

The queen of Trilan fell asleep with a satisfied smile on her lips.









Elizabeth Raines makes her home in Indiana. A fan of all genres of fiction, she enjoys blending her love of science fiction with romance in the books she writes exclusively for Siren Publishing. Her favorite movies are 
Pride and Prejudice
Love, Actually
, and she spends far too much time watching shows like 
The Tudors
Mad Men
. Elizabeth has been happily married for almost thirty years and tries to express that kind of enduring love in all her stories, hoping to help all her heroes and heroines have their own happily ever afters. You can reach Elizabeth at

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