Eleven Rings: The Soul of Success (36 page)

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Authors: Phil Jackson,Hugh Delehanty

Tags: #Basketball, #Sports & Recreation, #Sports, #Coaching, #Leadership, #Biography & Autobiography, #Business & Economics

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The page numbers in this index refer to the printed version of this book. To find the corresponding locations in the text of this digital version, please use the “search” function on your e-reader. Note that not all terms may be searchable.

Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem, 54, 90, 108, 214, 292

Adelman, Rick, 305

Afghanistan, 4

Aguirre, Mark, 107

Ainge, Danny, 118, 130

Ain’t No Tomorrow
(Kaye), 242

Albany Patroons, 64–65

Albert, Marv, 30

Albert, Steve, 39, 62

Allen, Ray, 298, 319, 321

American Indian Movement, 80

Anderson, Dave, 128

Anderson, Nick, 146, 147, 164

anger management, 268–70

Anthony, Carmelo, 306

Anthony, Greg, 223

Ariza, Trevor, 293, 297, 306, 312, 325

Armstrong, B.J., 93, 121

during 1994–95 season, 144

in 1991–92 season, 116

in 1992–93 season, 129

in 1994–95 season, 147

in 1997–98 season, 193

in 1995 expansion draft, 150, 151

on Bulls’ 1991–92 winning record, 115

interest in meditation, 99

as part of All-Star 1993–94 team, 139

Pistons and, 106

Arnold, Matthew, 213

Artest, Ron

in 2008–09 season, 305

in 2009–10 season, 312, 317, 318–19, 320, 321

in 2010–11 season, 324, 329, 331, 334

background of, 313–14

desire to be part of Lakers, 300

unpredictability of, 313, 315

Atlanta Hawks, 33

Auerbach, Red, 55–56, 261, 309

“automatics,” 103–4

Bach, Johnny, 79, 129

on 1994 play-offs game, 142

as Bulls’ assistant coach, 66, 87, 112, 143

as Charlotte Hornets’ assistant coach, 143

coaching style of, 64, 65–66

on Collins, 62–63

on Grant, 104

Bad as I Wanna Be
(Rodman), 170

Barea, Jose Juan, 327–28, 329, 331

Barkley, Charles, 104, 129

Barnes, Matt, 323

Barnett, Dick, 26, 29, 34, 35, 58

Barrie, J. M., 322

Barry, Sam, 14, 68

basketball and music, 66–67

basketball players.

Battier, Shane, 305

Baylor, Elgin, 38

Bellamy, Walt, 29, 33–34

bench players, vital role of, 37–38

Bernstein, Andy, 330

Bertka, Bill, 209

Bes, Travis, 226

Bibby, Mike, 258, 259

Billups, Chauncey, 275, 306

Bird, Larry

Johnson’s rivalry with, 5, 64

McHale and, 239

as Pacers’ coach, 193, 194, 226, 228

personality of, 83

Black Elk, 85

Blake, Steve, 323, 328

Blase, Wally, 174–76

Blind Pig, 103–4

Block, John, 26

Blount, Corie, 144, 145

Bonaparte, Napoléon, 102

Boorstein, Sylvia, 270

Boston Celtics, 131

in 1972–73 season, 55–56

in 1973–74 season, 57–58

in 2007–08 season, 5–6, 299–300, 310

in 2008–09 season, 9

in 2009–10 season, 310, 312, 319–21

Lakers’ rivalry with, 310–12

Bowman, Nate, 36

Bradley, Bill, 100

Cazzie’s competition with, 34, 35, 36

at Knick’s training camp, 29

Pine Ridge Indian Reservation basketball clinics and, 80

political career of, 127, 203

retirement from Knicks, 59

role in Knicks, 26, 34, 35, 55, 58

Brand, Elton, 314

Bresnahan, Mike, 304, 321

Brooklyn Queens Express, 314

Brooks, Aaron, 305

Brown, Brené, 292

Brown, Hubie, 59–60

Brown, Kwame, 282, 287, 288, 296, 297

Brown, Larry, 145, 275

Brown, Randy, 160

Brown, Tim, 245, 273

Bruckheimer, Jerry, 176

Bryan, Emmett, 30

Bryant, Joe “Jellybean,” 215

Bryant, Kobe

in 1999–2000 season, 5, 208, 214–19, 223, 224, 226, 227, 228, 229

in 2000–01 season, 232–37, 239–44, 246–48

in 2001–02 season, 250, 254–55, 257–61

in 2003–04 season, 268, 270–71, 272, 273–76, 277

in 2004–05 season, 278, 279–80

in 2005–06 season, 282, 283–84, 286, 287

in 2006–07 season, 288

in 2007–08 season, 292–93, 295, 297–98, 299, 300

in 2008–09 season, 303–4, 305, 306–9

in 2009–10 season, 315–16, 317, 318, 319, 320–21

in 2010–11 season, 323–25, 328, 334

background of, 215–16, 236

competitive drive of, 216, 233–34

criticism of Buss, 289–90

D’Antoni’s criticism of, 288

differences between Jordan and, 283–86

feud between Shaq and, 233, 235, 236, 237, 239–40, 266–67

Fisher’s bond with, 7

as a free agent, 265–67

injuries of, 214, 227, 242, 243, 323–25

Jackson’s relationship with, 171, 243, 268, 277, 279, 291, 316–17

leadership role in Lakers, 214, 218–19, 303, 304

marriage of, 254

parents’ estrangement with, 254

as a selfish player, 8–9, 216–17, 218, 233, 235, 241

sexual assault accusation against, 263–65, 277

stress and, 266

triangle offense system and, 69

Bryant, Vanessa, 254, 264

Bucher, Ric, 237

Bucks, 58

Buddha, 54, 219, 262


concept of self, 211

mindfulness meditation and, 17–18

Noble Eightfold Path and, 219–21

Suzuki on, 168

teachings on compassion, 53–54

view of “enemy’s gift,” 185

See also
Zen Buddhism

Buechler, Jud

in 1995–96 season, 160

in 1996–97 season, 172, 178, 181

in 1997–98 season, 188, 195

Chicago Bulls

Burrell, Scott, 157

Buss, Jeanie, 207–8, 264, 271, 278, 279, 280

Buss, Jerry, 204–5

on 1999–00 championship win, 229

2003–04 season and, 265

contract negotiations with Jackson, 276–77, 280, 322–23

Kobe and, 270–71, 273, 276–77, 289–90, 291

obsession with the Celtics, 299

Shaq and, 266, 276–77

Buss, Jim, 280–81, 291

Butcher, Jim, 1

Butler, Caron, 278

Bynum, Andrew

in 2005–06 season, 280–81

in 2006–07 season, 288

in 2007–08 season, 292–93, 296

in 2008–09 season, 305, 306

in 2009–10 season, 312, 317, 318

in 2010–11 season, 323, 328, 331–32, 334

injuries of, 296, 312, 317

Byrne, David, 66

Caffey, Jason, 160, 193

Campbell, Joseph, 41

Caracter, Derrick, 326

Carlesimo, P. J., 227

Carlisle, Rick, 226

Carter, Vince, 232–33

Cartwright, Bill

in 1990–91 season, 107

in 1992–93 season, 122, 128

in 1993–94 season, 139, 141

on Bulls’ desire to win, 129

Jordan’s concerns about, 74–75, 82

move to Seattle SuperSonics, 143

position on Bulls, 74–75, 76, 79, 84, 121

Cavaliers, 59, 76, 304, 307

Boston Celtics

Chamberlain, Wilt, 38, 39, 235, 283

Chandler, Tyson, 328

Charlotte Hornets, 143, 146, 193

Chelios, Chris, 176

Chicago Bulls

in 1989–90 season, 88–89, 212

in 1990–91 season, 90–91, 96–100, 103–9

in 1991–92 season, 110–11, 114–15, 116, 117, 118–19

in 1992–93 season, 120–23, 125–27, 128–31

in 1993–94 season, 134–35, 136–42, 143–44

in 1994–95 season, 143–47, 150, 164

in 1995–96 season, 5, 149–50, 153, 155, 158–60, 162–67

in 1996–97 season, 169–70, 171–73, 177–82

in 1997–98 season, 188–99

bond between players, 84–85, 89–91, 93–100, 102–3, 114, 158, 159

Collins and, 62–63, 71–72, 75–78

Jackson as assistant coach of, 62, 63, 71–74, 76–77, 80–81, 83–84

Jackson as head coach of, 73, 77–78, 81–83, 92–93

mindfulness meditation and, 17, 99–100, 136–37, 156

Pistons rivalry with, 63–64, 79, 88–89, 90, 106, 212

triangle offense system and, 14–15, 68–69, 81–83, 158

Chicago Sun-Times,

Chicago Tribune
, 107, 111, 193

Chodron, Pema, 54, 200–201

Christianity, 3–4, 12, 15, 16, 44–46, 47, 48, 54, 94–95, 269

Christie, Doug, 258

Cleamons, Jim, 87, 209, 218, 324

Cleveland Cavaliers, 59, 76, 304, 307

CNNMoney.com, 22–23

coaching profession

anger management and, 268–69

control freaks and, 86

as emotional roller coaster ride, 333

players’ consciousness and, 86–87

Collins, Doug, 62–63, 64, 65, 71–72, 75–78

Collins, Jason, 260

Colter, Steve, 75

Coltrane, John, 67

compassion, 18–20, 53–54

“compassionate stick,” 21

Cook, Brian, 281

Cooke, Jack Kent, 311

coping with loss, 332–33

Corelli’s Mandolin,

Corzine, Dave, 63

Covey, Stephen, 20

Cowens, Dave, 54, 55, 57

Crazy Horse, 81, 86

creativity and anger, 269

Crittenton, Javaris, 296, 297

Croshere, Austin, 226

Dahl, Roald, 90

Dallas Mavericks, 209, 327–32

Daly, Chuck, 64, 186

D’Antoni, Mike, 288–89

Davis, Dale, 226

Davis, Hubie, 142

Davis, Miles, 67

DeBusschere, Dave

in 1969–70 season, 38

in 1973–74 season, 57

on achieving team goals, 184

Knicks’ trade for, 34, 296

position on Knicks, 26, 34, 55

retirement of, 58

Denver Nuggets, 166–67, 298, 306–7, 325

depersonalized criticism, 70–71

Detroit Pistons, 26, 34

in 1987–88 season, 74

in 1988–89 season, 77

in 1989–90 season, 88–89, 90

in 1990–91 season, 104, 107

in 2003–04 season, 275–76

Bulls’ rivalry with, 63–64, 79, 88–89, 90, 106, 212

Divac, Vlade, 108, 221, 245, 257–258, 259

Double Team,

Drexler, Clyde, 118, 120

Dudley, Jared, 138

Dumars, Joe, 106

Duncan, Tim, 203, 246, 256, 274

Dunleavy, Mike, 266

Durant, Kevin, 317, 318

Durant, Will, 278

Edwards, James, 160, 169

ego, 5, 12–13, 110

Ehlo, Craig, 76

Eisley, Howard, 196

Electra, Carmen, 176

Elliott, Bob, 59

Erving, Julius, 63, 136, 155–56

ESPN the Magazine,
236, 238

Esquinas, Richard, 128–29

Ewing, Patrick, 75, 115, 140, 141

Farmar, Jordan, 288, 293, 295, 322, 323

Farther Reaches of Human Nature, The
(Maslow), 123

Fetveit, Ron, 49

Finkel, Hank, 26

Fischer-Wright, Halee, 7–8, 81

Fisher, Anne, 22–23

Fisher, Derek, 14

daughter of, 294

in 1999–2000 season, 5, 208, 217

in 2000–01 season, 242–43, 245, 246, 247, 248

in 2001–02 season, 260

in 2003–04 season, 273–74, 275, 294

in 2007–08 season, 292, 293–96, 297, 301

in 2008–09 season, 6, 7, 303, 305, 306, 307

in 2009–10 season, 319, 320, 321

in 2010–11 season, 324, 326, 328, 331, 334

as free agent, 6, 278, 294

Kobe’s bond with, 7, 271

on Lakers, 276

as selfless player, 8, 294

“fist chest,” 228

Fitch, Bill

coaching style of, 12, 27, 123

recruitment of Jackson, 27, 47–48

triangle system and, 25

Fitzsimmons, Cotton, 277

flex system, 68

Foster, Greg, 232

Fox, Rick

in 1999–2000 season, 5, 208–9, 210, 217, 224–25, 228

in 2000–01 season, 232, 233–34, 245, 247, 248

in 2001–02 season, 249, 251, 260

in 2002–03 season, 262

in 2003–04 season, 276

background of, 249

on Bird-McHale feud, 239

on Jackson’s approach to coaching, 213–14

on Kobe, 219, 233–34

retirement of, 278

on Shaq-Kobe feud, 236, 239

on winning NBA championship, 231

Frazier, Walt, 34, 59

in 1969–70 season, 39

in 1974–75 season, 58

full-court defense and, 30

leadership role in Knicks, 26

Monroe and, 55

Funderburke, Lawrence, 259

Gandhi, 248

Garcia, Jerry, 44

Garnett, Kevin, 6, 171, 290, 299, 300

Gasol, Mark, 296

Gasol, Pau, 296

in 2007–08 season, 299, 300

in 2008–09 season, 305, 306–7

in 2009–10 season, 317, 318, 319, 321

in 2010–11 season, 328, 329, 330–31, 334

as “soft,” 301, 321

as team player, 8, 297

George, Devean, 253, 254, 273

George III, 45

Gianelli, John, 57

Gilliam, Armen, 104, 105, 106

Golden State Warriors, 7, 65, 191, 266

Goldsmith, Joel S., 49

Grant, Brian, 225, 278

Grant, Horace

in 1990–91 season, 104, 105–6

in 1991–92 season, 116, 119

in 1992–93 season, 129, 130, 131

in 1993–94 season, 139

in 1994–95 season, 146, 147

in 1995–96 season, 164

in 2000–01 season, 232, 242

development as first-rate defender, 79, 80

Jordan and, 82, 110–11

move from Bulls to Orlando, 143, 144

move from Lakers to Magic, 250

Pippen and, 104

as rookie with Bulls, 63, 76

Gray, Jim, 267

Green, A. C., 208, 221, 228, 232

group experience, building, 4–5

Grover, Tim, 96, 132, 158

Hagen, Steve, 51

Halberstam, David, 118

Haley, Jack, 169, 172

Hamblen, Frank, 209, 279

Hanh, Thich Nhat, 53, 137

Hannum, Alex, 14

Hansen, Bobby, 118, 119

Hanta Yo
(Hill), 80

Hardaway, Anfernee, 146, 147

Hardaway, Penny, 164, 239

Hardaway, Tim, 177, 178

Harper, Ron, 144, 209

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