Edible Delectables (19 page)

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Authors: Amy Wiseman

BOOK: Edible Delectables
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“Just remember when Andrew gets here,
going on break.”  Miranda gave her friend a knowing look, then went back to the paper work in front of her.  Laura agreed and took off in a determined search of her midnight kiss.




Standing in the main hospital entrance, Kara looked around.  She noticed a hallway along the back wall, with a sign, and arrow, pointing the way to the ER.  She hoped it wouldn’t take her back to the ER waiting room, right back into her dilemma with the receptionist.  As she walked down the hall, there was another corridor with an arrow pointing toward the hospital lab.  Taking a chance, Kara turned down the corridor and glanced at her phone again; if all else failed, she would just turn back to the waiting room and text Jason to come to her.




“Have you seen Jason?” Laura asked the red-haired nurse, Amber, as she passed her in the hallway.  Amber glanced up at Laura and shook her head no before she ducked behind the curtain into a trauma bay room, leaving Laura to groan in annoyance. She thought back over her plan; it was brilliant.  Neither of them were married – and Laura preferred to ignore the gossip around the hospital that he had a girlfriend - and they were both attractive people.  She knew if she could just get him alone, get him to kiss her, he would see how perfect they were for each other.  She would even sweeten the deal for him if he wanted, knowing plenty of small hiding spots for them to
take care of things
for each other.  Laura’s smile returned at the thought of being on her knees in front of the good doctor, his hands in her hair, begging her for release.




As Kara passed the lab, she saw a set of double doors with a sign reading ‘Emergency Room’. With excitement rising she hit the button on the wall, watching as the doors swung open revealing the trauma bay.  She hesitated for a moment, feeling slightly guilty about being back here unescorted, and knowing there was always the possibility Jason was with a patient.  Biting her lip, she straightened up and walked confidently through the doors, making the decision that she would wait for him, however long it took.




Jason had just finished setting a broken arm when he emerged from behind a curtain.  He pulled his cell phone from his pocket and checked the time.  If he couldn’t see Kara, he would at least call her at midnight.  He could hear the nurses in the reception area doing a subdued countdown, acknowledging the coming New Year, as he scrolled to her phone number and hit the dial button. He jumped, startled, as a pair of arms circled him from behind, turning him around quickly, and pulling him down into a kiss.

“Jason!”  He heard somebody call his name sharply from behind, and the sound of a cell phone ringing nearby.  He pulled back from the embrace, surprised to hear his name being called, and turned around just in time to see Laura as she rounded the corner looking for him.  Kara poked her head around Jason’s chest as Laura pulled up short, the smile on her face disappearing as Kara blushed and hid her face in Jason’s arms.

“Laura, do you need something?” Jason asked politely but with an edge, as he slipped his arm around Kara’s shoulder.

“Oh, um, no,” Laura stammered, “I mean, there’s another chart for you up at admitting,” Laura stumbled over her words and quickly retreated back in the direction she came.

Kara giggled and Jason smirked down at her.  “And just what are you doing here?” he asked, his smile showing her how happy he was about her presence.

Instead of answering his question, she whispered, “Happy New Year,” and gave him a wide smile, which he returned before kissing her again.

“We’re minutes in and so far so good,” he murmured in her ear.  Just then his name was paged over the intercom and Jason pulled away, giving the ceiling an annoyed look, and frowning at the interruption.

“I should go.”  Kara gazed up at Jason, her body language saying she wanted to do anything but leave.

“You just got here,” Jason pouted, pulling her close again, but he knew he had to let Kara go and get back to work.

“You’re busy,” Kara tapped his nose with her finger, and pointed to the ceiling, referring to his last page, “and I just wanted to see you, and start the New Year out right.  Now I should go.  Jaime and Ryan are out in the van waiting for me.”

“I was wondering how you got here,” Jason gave her a teasing look, staring into her eyes, knowing full well she was well past the legal limit.  He leaned down and kissed her again, giving her a tight squeeze before letting go.  “I’ll see you in a couple of hours.”

She stuffed her hand in the pocket of her jeans, pulled out a key, and handed it to him.  Jason’s eyebrows shot up at the object in his palm. 

“In case I fall asleep,” Kara explained, shyly. “It’s a spare, so you can keep it,” she finished, looking up at him through her lashes seductively.

Jason gave her his full dimpled grin, the one she’d told him made her swoon, and Kara blushed.  He didn’t say a word as he put the key in his pocket and pulled her back in for another hug.  “I’ll see you soon,” he whispered in her ear, earning him a shiver as his breath tickled her ear.  He kissed her cheek and released her.




Kara pulled away gently, letting her hand trail down Jason’s arm all the way to his hand, holding on briefly before letting go.  She may have fought the urge to skip out of the hospital, but she couldn’t resist a small wave to the curly headed brunette seething at the admitting desk as she passed by on her way out the doors.




Jaime, Ryan, and Kara were back at Kara’s apartment by twelve-thirty, ready to continue their small party.   

Walking in the door, they found Evalyn and Eric sitting on the couch together smiling like fools before they yelled “Happy New Year!” and blew loudly into noise makers.

Kara stopped short and stared at her friends, then narrowed her eyes, “You had sex!” she cried out, pointing at Eva with an accusing finger.

Evalyn and Eric’s mouths dropped in unison, instantly.  Eric looked baffled then chanced a glance at his wife and started laughing, seeing her shirt on inside out.  “Way to blow our cover, babe!” he said, pulling on her inseam.

“Eva…tell me it wasn’t in my bed,” Kara pleaded, horrified at the thought.

“Okay, it wasn’t in your bed,” Evalyn smirked at her friend.

“OH, COME ON!  Really?  Did you really screw in my bed?”

“I told you no,” Evalyn laughed. “We did it on your bathroom counter.”

“Ew.”  Kara shook her head at her friends, walked to the kitchen, and returned quickly with a container of wet wipes.  She tossed it at Eric and pointed to the bathroom.  He just laughed harder and got up to go sanitize the counter.

“Did you get your midnight kiss?”  Evalyn changed the subject, walking over to grab Kara who was still glaring at her, pulling her into a hug and swaying her back and forth until she laughed.

“Hell, yeah,” Kara continued to laugh at her friend.  “I see you did, too,” she joked as she lightly poked Eva in the ribs with her finger, and wiggled out of her grasp.

Evalyn laughed out loud, nodded, and gave her a high five before she walked into the kitchen to pour everyone another round of drinks.




When Jason arrived at Kara’s apartment a few hours later, all was quiet inside.  He’d used his key for the first time, the entire situation making him feel warm and giddy. He made his way to her bedroom, quickly discarded his clothes, with only the thought of slipping in beside her to gather her up in his arms on his mind. So it was a shock to find Kara, Jaime, and Evalyn in a spoon train under the covers, Kara securely in the middle.

His startled cry alerted Kara, and Eva - Eva came up swinging, but Jaime just rolled over, yanking the covers with her.  Jason stumbled backward, to avoid being hit by Evalyn’s wayward fist, and tripped over his discarded shoes, landing on his ass with a thump and a groan.

“Jason?” Kara called out, and from the floor he watched her crawl over Evalyn to find him still on the ground.

He waved to her, wincing as he shifted to stand.

Kara returned the wave half-heartedly, then took in her position on the bed and asked, “Why am I in bed with Eva and your sister?”

“I don’t know, but do you think we could kick them out?”

Kara snorted.

“Would you guys shut up?” Eva grumbled, as she sat up and rubbed her eyes.

“Evalyn, where is your husband?” Kara asked her friend.

“Um, on the couch?” Evalyn squinted one eye and looked like she was thinking hard.

“You should go check on him,” Jason tried to sound concerned, but really he just wanted to lay down next to his girl and sleep.

“Nice try.” Evalyn glared at him and flopped back down.

Kara sighed, then finished her roll over Evalyn to get off the bed, earning her an “Oomph” and a “Can’t breathe…” from her friend.

“Come on, we’ll sleep on the futon in the office.” Kara grabbed Jason’s hand and helped to pull him from the floor. Once settled, Jason curled up behind Kara, pulling her to his chest to snuggle.

“Mmm, missed you,” Kara mumbled, sleepily.

“I missed you too, go back to sleep,” Jason whispered.  He nuzzled his nose down into her neck and enjoyed the feeling of her warm body pressed against him.  Laying there with her in his arms he thought back over the evening. He almost laughed out loud at the memory of Laura, stumbling upon them in the hallway at midnight.  After Kara had gone, Jason took Melinda’s advice and made it very clear to everyone that his
had come to see him at work.  He couldn’t help but go on and on about how amazing his
was, and how happy he was to be with her, giving a pointed look to Laura as he did so.  He didn’t miss Laura’s eyes rolling at each mention of Kara, but Jason felt the point was made.  If she didn’t take the hint this time, he’d just face palm her next time she approached him, and keep her out of his personal space.




Time flew by and mid-January found Kara waiting in her gynecologist’s office for her yearly appointment - and birth control refill.  As she climbed onto the table and situated herself, the all too recent memory of being in this position when she was sick caused her face to flush.  Thinking of Jason as her doctor, in between her legs, touching her, even in the utmost professional capacity, caused her heart to pound and her breath to pick up. 
How did I survive that encounter?
  Of course, she surmised, it helped she was in pain at the time.  The contrast between how he was with her that night, and how he touched her now, was stark.  She was lost in the thought comparison of Jason her lover vs. Jason the doctor, and the idea of possibly enjoying some role play in the near future, when her actual doctor entered the room.  After exchanging polite hellos, Kara shut her eyes and chastised herself for her perverted thoughts.  The appointment went quickly as expected, and soon Kara was out the door, new birth control pill prescription in hand.  She smiled to herself, thinking about feeling Jason,
of Jason, in just seven days.  She went to the pharmacy immediately after her appointment to get her prescription filled.




Seven days. It had been seven days since Kara’s doctor appointment.  Seven
very long
days.  They’d both been busy, Kara at the bakery and Jason at the hospital, and couple that with Kara’s period, it had been a very torturous week.  Being a doctor, Jason had no problem with having sex while Kara was bleeding, what he had trouble with was getting her to agree to it.  Now, here he was, making dinner for them while waiting for Kara to arrive at his place.  He couldn’t wait to see her, to hold her, and most of all, get her into his bed and ravish her good and proper.  He scoffed at how ridiculous he was being; he’d gone a lot longer than seven days in the past, but that was before he began dating the most incredible woman he’d ever met.  Jason set the table and finished up dinner; he glanced at the clock every few minutes, anxiously waiting to see her.  He was just pulling the pork chops out of the oven when he heard a soft knock on his door. 
Gah! I meant to give her a key

Two days after Kara had given him a key to her apartment on New Year’s Eve, Jason had made a special trip to the hardware store to get a key to his townhouse made for her.  Just the image of having her at his home, waiting for him after work, brought a smile to his face and made his stomach drop in heady anticipation.  He placed the pork chops on the stove top and took off the oven mitts, tossing them onto the counter.  He practically jogged to the door, opened it as quickly as he could, and grinned as he saw Kara standing casually on the other side.  He pulled her to him and hugged her tightly as she entered his home.

“Hey,” Kara giggled a little at his enthusiastic greeting, then hugged him back hard.

As Jason leaned in to kiss her chastely, Kara had other intentions and held him firmly, pulling him back down for a deeper, longer kiss.

He pulled back, smiling, letting his hands linger on her hips. “Perfect timing, dinner’s ready.”

Kara gazed at him with unbridled passion, her eyes hooded, “Good, I’m starving,” her innuendo was clear as she pulled him in for another deep kiss.

“Kara,” Jason started, motioning to the kitchen and the food that awaited them.

“Jason,” Kara replied as she pushed him slightly on the chest, moving him back a step as she kicked the door, which had remained open on her arrival, closed.

“The food will get cold,” Jason hesitated, uncertain.

“You have a microwave.”  She maneuvered him to the couch and pushed him down, straddling his lap and attacking his mouth.

The woman had a good point.  Jason gave in and responded eagerly as Kara began lifting his shirt up.  He quickly discarded it, doing the same with Kara’s as their hands tangled together, trying to get the rest of their clothes off.  Jason had never felt such a dire need in his whole life.

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