EdgeofEcstasy (6 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Lapthorne

BOOK: EdgeofEcstasy
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One moment she shared a blindingly intimate connection with
her lover, the next she had returned to herself and her body screamed from
every nerve as her pleasure slowly calmed to a more natural level. Panting
hard, her hair a mess, sweat dotting her arms and back, Melissa stared
wide-eyed at Daniel and struggled to find words even to begin to express what
had occurred.

He watched her, his eyes similarly wide, obviously as completely
flummoxed as she felt.

“Did you… Was that… What the fuck?” he panted, clearly not
certain where to begin either.

Melissa laughed—a light, delighted sound filled with pure
and genuine joy. When she managed to stop and catch her breath she bent her
head and captured Daniel’s lips beneath hers, kissing him passionately as she
rocked her hips slightly and squeezed her inner walls again in the manner he
had so enjoyed.

He stirred within her and moaned under the hot pressure of
her lips. Melissa felt drunk on the erotic power she wielded, knowing he could
turn the tables on her with just a move. They were so evenly matched it was
mind-blowing. After a moment she reluctantly pulled away, opening her eyes to
stare at her lover in bliss.

“I’ve never felt that before, didn’t even know it could happen.
Did we just share essences and souls?” she asked, her voice soft and husky.
Melissa found that her throat was slightly raw from her cries of delight.
Daniel nodded and licked his lips, his eyes darkening as he enjoyed the flavor
of them mingled together.

“I believe so,” he said smugly. “I knew what we could have
between us would be special.”

“You knew?” she teased. “I thought you were worried about
being distracted by your attraction to me and the bloody conflict of interest?”

Daniel snorted.

“I have come to the conclusion that I can cope with that,”
he replied firmly, as if he never had even conceived of any doubt. “We are
trained to perfect the art of compartmentalization. I think any man who worried
about doing his job while deeply involved with you would be a fool.”

“Mmm,” Melissa murmured in assent as she kissed Daniel once
again. “I agree. I don’t think we should let anything keep us from each other,
especially not something we are both so very good at. We’re both highly
trained, well-bloodied professionals and damn skilled at what we do. I highly
doubt we would be in the middle of a battle and you’d turn around, suddenly
overcome with the urge to feel my nipples in your hands or wanting to lick my
swollen pussy.”

She could feel Daniel’s cock stir back to life within her at
her lurid, blatant description. Feeling naughty, she canted her hips again to
sink his half-hard erection farther within her body.

“I might be tempted,” he disagreed. “But I certainly
wouldn’t let it stop me from finishing what we set out to do.”

“Pleased to hear it,” she replied with a satisfied grin.
Melissa tilted her head as Daniel strung a series of nipping kisses along the
length of her neck. She giggled when he lifted his hands and brought them under
her arms, and laughed outright as he hefted her off his lap.

“What are you doing?” she asked, amused.

When Daniel deposited her on the grass, pressing her gently
to her hands and knees, she got a good idea of what he had in mind as he came
up behind her, his half-hard erection probing between her thighs as he covered
her back with his chest and maneuvered them into the doggy position.

“I’ll give you one guess, love,” he purred temptingly next
to her ear. Heat once again flooded Melissa’s body as delightfully wicked
images bombarded her. With a groan of approval, she spread her legs wider and
lifted her ass, enticing him as she wriggled encouragingly.

Chapter Six


Daniel watched the voluptuous curve of Melissa’s ass sway in
front of him and had to swallow hard. With her full, pouting lips, her long
golden curls, dark-blue eyes and pale, perfectly smooth, creamy skin, she
appeared to be all his wet dreams come to vivid—and very naughty—life.

He had at first been dubious when Aiden had phoned her in as
his first point of call for backup. Melissa—to the uneducated’s first
impression—appeared more like a pinup girl from a filthy magazine than a deadly
Assassin willing to kill untold targets without blinking her long lashes. She
had thankfully proven him utterly wrong.

Bathed in blood splatter, with most of their ammunition
gone, she had stood tall and proud in the Lourensz complex at the end of their
mission, smiling in blissful unconcern as the dead and dying lay scattered
around them. Her first concern had been for Aiden, checking that her friend was
unharmed, which spoke volumes to Daniel. When their kiss had been cut short he
had felt as if he had been cheated out of something special, like waking up
from a dream just as he got the girl and was about to penetrate her.

Daniel ran his hands hungrily over Melissa’s lush ass,
reminding himself that she was not only right there within his grasp, but from
the sensual undulating of her body, she wanted him as much as he wanted her, if
not more. She turned her head to look at him, her hair falling half over one
eye, the lids heavy with lust as she watched him watching her.

Kneeling up, she turned slightly and reached out to caress
his chest, then naughtily used two slender fingers to tweak his nipple. Daniel
felt his cock twitch at the sexy movement and had to restrain himself from
plunging into her immediately. Instead he bent down and nipped hard on the lobe
of her ear.

“None of that,” he murmured darkly, a hint of steel in his
tone. “This time is for you.”

“Last time treated me just fine,” she purred, with evident

Daniel chortled as he strung kisses down from her ear along
the lean line of her throat. He bit down on the tender flesh, licking and
sucking at the spot to leave a mark. Melissa groaned beneath him, grinding her
ass beguilingly back against his cock, hardening it further. Daniel lifted his
mouth slightly and continued, kissing soft flesh until he reached the juncture
where her neck met her shoulder.

Once again he bit down, suckling hard and enjoying the cry
of pleasure ripped from Melissa’s lungs as sensations rocked through her. He
craved her, delighted in her responses, and part of him knew this would be only
the beginning. He wasn’t prepared to let her go anywhere in the foreseeable

Daniel had known for years that he would need someone in the
industry who could fully understand and embrace every aspect of his self. His
previous relationships with more “normal” witches had always ended in screams
and tears, angry recriminations. If it wasn’t the fact that they thought him
unfeeling and cold, it was that he would often pack up and leave at a single
moment’s notice after a phone call, or it was when he confessed even a tiny element
of his regular work. None of it seemed to scream “good choice” to witches who
couldn’t begin to comprehend the complexities of his life and decisions.

For the first time in years he thought that maybe he had found
the perfect woman for him.

“I want to do things to you,” he purred into her ear.

Bracing himself on his knees in the grass, Daniel let
Melissa’s back take some of the weight of his chest as he snaked his hands
under her chest to tug the thin lace of her bra cups down to expose her large
breasts. Cupping them, he enjoyed their solid weight in the palms of his hands.
Full and soft, they felt amazing. A delicious soft-white color with perky
nipples, they were more than a handful and satisfying to stroke.

Usually a dedicated breast man, Daniel was tempted by the
voluptuous curve of Melissa’s ass. She seemed to delight in tormenting him with
her sensual grinding and swaying, but it was her perfect breasts he could not
resist in indulging himself with.

“I want to take my time exploring you,” he whispered darkly,
“lick and taste every inch of you. I want to fuck your mouth, your ass, your
pussy and most particularly these magnificent breasts of yours. You have a body
made for sin, Mel—I’m certain you must know that.”

Wanting his lover writhing deliciously beneath him, Daniel
lowered one of his hands from her breast to her clit. With expert technique, he
thumbed the nubbin, flicking and teasing her, stroking and manipulating until
Melissa cried out in ecstasy.

“I want you laid out before me on my bed,” he continued,
even as his voice became thick and husky with need, “right out in bright
daylight so I can watch you come for me again and again. I want to explore
everything with you, Mel, then let you do anything to me.”

Melissa moaned and reached back to fist his now fully hard
and leaking cock.

“Uh-uh,” he cautioned her as she tried to pull him into her

Melissa whimpered and shook a little at his refusal.

“Fuck, please!” she moaned.

Daniel kissed the edge of her jaw and continued to stimulate
her breast and clit as he ran his cock slickly along the outer edges of her

“Do you know how rare what we share is?” he asked, his prick
hardening even more at the memory of what had occurred between them moments before.
He had been able to share what Melissa had felt, had understood her on some
deep, primitive, instinctual level, and he knew she had been able to sense him
in the same way.

“I thought I couldn’t possibly want you more than I did,” he
admitted. “Turns out I was wrong.”

Melissa moaned again and this time Daniel pressed his cock
part of the way inside her. She sucked in a hasty, choked breath, only to mewl with
regret as he pulled out of her again. In and out, he taunted her for a minute
as he shallowly penetrated her then released their bodies, driving them both
higher as their arousal rose another notch.

Finally Melissa growled at him, shifting back restlessly on
her hands and knees as she tried to capture his cock in her pussy, squeezing
him tightly with her inner walls. This time it was he who moaned, a deep sound that
rumbled in his chest.

“I want to hear you scream my name,” he confessed as he
kissed the back of her shoulder. Again he bit the soft flesh there to leave a
mark. Melissa panted and nodded, indicating her understanding.

With a long, deep thrust, Daniel sheathed his cock fully
inside Melissa’s cunt. They remained fused together for one perfect snapshot of
a moment, then the electric heat between them exploded in a fiery passion that
consumed them both. Daniel moved, a harsh snapping motion of his hips as he
pulled out only to press immediately back into her warm, wet, clenching pussy.
Slowly he could feel their intense connection growing once again.

Instead of the harsh, driving urgency of their previous
fucking, this second bout had an underlying tenderness about it. The edge of
their ecstasy had been satisfied, only to be replaced by a slow, burning need
for each other. They fucked leisurely at first, as the need and passion grew
between them.

Melissa turned her head to watch him, and Daniel captured
her lips with his. They kissed passionately, saying with lips and tongue what
they could not yet risk saying with clear words.

All too soon Daniel could feel his seed rising and a secret
depth somewhere in his soul reached out and opened for Melissa. In some ways it
felt like a ghost of a hand, reaching and searching for its partner. As Melissa
screamed Daniel’s name, her climax hit her and they connected again.

A similar part of Melissa reached for him and the essence of
their souls joined on a level neither had known lived within them. Daniel cried
out as he climaxed, his cock spurting his essence hot and thick, deeply within
Melissa’s cunt. Over and over he emptied himself inside her clenching heat
until he lay flaccid and empty. Spent.

Gently he pulled Melissa back onto him, sitting down and
cradling her in his lap. They remained like that on the soft grass for
countless minutes, breathing heavily as they recovered. Finally Daniel kissed
Melissa and they tasted each other again, enjoying the slow intimacy of lips
pressing against lips, teeth and tongues exploring anew well-covered ground.

“I’ve never ravished someone in a public park before,” he
said with a wicked smile.

“I should hope not,” Melissa replied with a smirk. “I’d hate
to get jealous and have to kill her.”

Daniel snorted but didn’t actually laugh out loud. Either of
them could fall all too easily into that trap. His sense of honor had kept him
straight so far, and he knew from their soul-sharing that Melissa had a similar
albeit different code of honor.

A cool breeze picked up and Melissa shivered. Daniel kissed
her one last time and they silently dressed. As Melissa buttoned up her shirt,
Daniel stole a couple of kisses to each of her perfect breasts before she could
close them off from his sight. Pressing his lips tantalizingly against her soft
flesh, he inhaled her sweet scent and ran his tongue teasingly over her still-tight

“Daniel,” she moaned, half in chastisement and half eager
anticipation. It was with regret that he finally pulled himself away and she
buttoned up the rest of her shirt, hiding their sweet perfection from his gaze.

They dressed in silence, Melissa finally speaking as Daniel fastened
his pants.

“So you think it best to call Ryder?” she asked with a
wrinkled brow. “Will he know about this manuscript, do you think—from Isacar, I
mean? And will he even respond? Will said he was in the middle of a mission of
some sort.”

“Ryder owes me,” Daniel replied confidently. “He won’t ruin
something if he really can’t give us any time, but it sure won’t hurt to ask
him and make the attempt. It’ll be okay.”

Melissa continued to frown but remained silent and shrugged.
Daniel kissed her passion-swollen lips, took her hand in his, and they walked
toward where they had previously passed a public phone. Pulling change from his
pocket, Daniel winked at Melissa for luck as he put the coins in the slot and
punched in Ryder’s phone number.

“Guess we’re going to see how tied up old Ryder is,” he said
cheerfully as the phone rang.

* * * * *

Melissa watched as Daniel pushed coins into the pay phone,
punched in a number from memory and waited as it rang on the other end. Her
body tingled everywhere and tiny, rarely used muscles ached deliciously. She
could feel the stings where Daniel had kissed and sucked her, erotically marked
her body, and her skin and face heated as she recalled how magical it had felt.

A whirlpool of emotion and desire roiled inside her and for
a selfish moment she wanted to hang up the receiver in Daniel’s hand, draw his
face down toward hers and ignore the rest of the world. The image of Falconn’s
broken body lying destroyed on his living room floor rose in her mind, reminding
her what she was doing and why.

Melissa assumed that Falconn had known Daniel—most of them
knew each other to some degree. Her best friend had frequently expressed his
firm opinion that she should get out more, risk her heart for a change instead of
just her body. Falconn, she honestly believed, would be the very
wizard on Earth who would tell her to put work, a mission or a crusade before
what could turn into real, genuine love.

It wouldn’t do, though, for her to become truly distracted.
Melissa decided in that silent moment that she would follow this passion. It
was long past the time for her to walk that delicate balance on the edge
between ecstasy and despair. If she didn’t risk her heart she couldn’t gain the
intimacy of a relationship she truly desired.

But she was a modern, independent, intelligent woman. She
could juggle bringing the murderer of her best friend to justice and
simultaneously exploring the finer nuances of a burgeoning relationship with
Daniel. She could indulge and investigate the depths of what lay between them
and still keep focused on their current mission.

Daniel, blissfully unaware of the direction of her thoughts,
gave her a smile. His mind was obviously back on the work before them, as his
eyes were once again focused, cool and steady. He spoke and after only a second
Melissa realized it was to an answering machine.

“Ryder, it’s Daniel,” he said. “I’m calling about something
a friend and I need to talk to you about. It’s work related and pretty
important—pick up.”

Melissa shifted from foot to foot, eager to get the ball
rolling to distract her from fantasizing about what she wanted to do next with
Daniel. He seemed unusually fond of her breasts. Maybe that leather bustier she
often wore when infiltrating a group of tame bondage, goth and alternative
clubs in the seedier section of midtown Chicago could use a bit of a workout?

Even without a bra underneath, it pushed her breasts up so
high together that she couldn’t move anywhere without every male eye glued to
her. A time or two she had heard unique propositions of such varying levels of
twisted imagination that they had surprised even
—and usually she
considered herself a connoisseur. Melissa had—until then at least—firmly
believed she had heard every conceivable pickup line.

Hmm…now she thought about it, one of those propositions
might even be anatomically possible. It might be worth the momentary
embarrassment to see the stunned look of disbelief on Daniel’s face. Under the
right circumstances she might even be willing to try it out. Maybe she should
search out that matching leather miniskirt, and a pair of garters. With a
riding crop it would be—

Daniel’s tone cut into her wicked fantasies. “Ryder! Dude,
me.” He had not raised his voice but the sharpness clearly
screamed “don’t fuck with me” even if his actual words had not been so blunt.

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