Edge of Passion (25 page)

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Authors: Tina Folsom

BOOK: Edge of Passion
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Just as Leila couldn’t be aware of it. He’d never even mentioned anything about the Cloak Warriors’ mating habits to her. And why should he? She was his charge, not his girlfriend. Girlfriend? Gods, he sounded like a human.

The night with Leila had clearly shaken him. What had gotten into him to make love to her the Cloak Warrior way, sharing
with her? He’d never done that. It was reserved for their mates only and not meant to be shared with casual flings. Maybe
was getting to him. Damn hormones! They didn’t make it easy for him to think straight.

Aiden reached for the coffee pot and poured himself a mug. He sat down at the kitchen table when Hamish entered, also dressed only in a pair of jeans.

“Morning,” he greeted his friend and motioned to the coffee pot. “Just made coffee.”

“Great. I need it.” Hamish walked to the counter and poured himself a cup before joining him at the kitchen table. “I’ve had a busy night.”

Aiden raised an inquiring eyebrow. “I thought you were just going out for some food.”

His friend shook his head and grinned. “I didn’t really want to hang around here; figured you didn’t need my company.”

“We had things to talk about,” Aiden admitted and looked away.

Hamish didn’t call him on his blatant lie. Instead, he took a sip of his coffee before giving him a serious look. “Anyway, I went back East last night to see if I could find out anything else about who’s after Leila, apart from the demons of course.”

“Where did you go?”

“I snuck into the compound to see what our boys know.”

“You didn’t—”

Hamish held up his hand. “Of course not. They didn’t even know I was there. But just FYI, Manus is major pissed at you, because you haven’t called in. The names he’s calling you, frankly, not even I want to repeat those.”

“He can suck it up.” Pissing off Manus was just a bonus he’d take any day. However, wouldn’t Manus’s annoyance prove something else? “Are you sure he wasn’t just playing being pissed?”

“Oh, I’m sure. He was fuming, and you know how he can’t keep a lid on it when he’s ticked off.”

“For once I’m glad that Manus has such a short fuse. That means that he’s definitely not involved in ratting out our safe house. It had to have been that phone call being traced back to the parlor.”

“Agreed. Just as well, because I think we need some help. There are things we can’t do from here. It would be good if we could bring Manus back in and have him do some investigating for us.”

Aiden contemplated Hamish’s words and nodded. “Let’s do that.”

“Excellent. Because there’s something odd that’s come up.”

“Odd? Since when are the things we deal with not odd?”

His friend shrugged. “I stopped by the police last night, rifled through their files about the murder of the Inter Pharma CEO.”

Aiden looked up from his coffee mug. “What about it?”

“Turns out the majority shareholder of the company disappeared a few nights earlier.”

He listened up. “You think the two events are connected?”

“Too much of a coincidence for my liking.”

“I agree,” Aiden said. “Do they have any leads?”

“Nothing. All I know is that this shareholder, Zoltan, apparently had a meeting with the CEO a few days before Patten’s death. And now he’s nowhere to be found.”

“Zoltan?” Leila’s voice interrupted.

Aiden shifted his gaze and watched as she walked into the kitchen, dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, her pretty pendant around her neck. Her body still glowed golden. When their eyes connected, she quickly looked away and tried to cover her exposed arms by wrapping them around her waist, but there was no hiding what had happened. Her face showed the same glow. It should have worn off by now, but it seemed that sharing his power with her had been more intense than even he had realized. Almost as if he hadn’t been able to control himself.

Next to him, Hamish gasped, his mouth dropping open. “She glows.” His friend pinned him with a questioning look.

Without him saying anything else, Aiden knew what he was thinking. That he had gone too far. That he’d shared something with a charge that was reserved only for the most serious of relationships.

Leila’s embarrassment was evident. Beneath her golden glow, a red blush tried to burst through. It made for a most intoxicating view. Instantly, Aiden felt himself get hard. The knowledge that as long as she was still glowing, he could trigger an orgasm in her with a simple touch, made him almost salivate.

As she walked toward them, he ran his eyes over her, remembering every inch of her delectable body, every curve, every indentation. And every moan and sigh that had crossed her luscious lips last night. Every wanton movement, every sinful touch.

“Did I hear you say that Mr. Zoltan disappeared?” she asked, addressing Hamish.

His friend gave her a curious look. “Do you know him?”

“No, but I know he wanted to see my research.”

Aiden pulled the chair next to him back, surprised at this revelation. “Tell us everything you know about him. It could be important.”

She walked to the counter to pour herself a cup of coffee. “I’ve never met him, but I don’t like him.” She sat down on the chair, making sure not to get too close to him. Clearly, she didn’t want to risk being touched by him and have an orgasm in front of Hamish.

“How come?” Hamish asked.

“He came to see Patten and demanded that I show him my research. He wanted to
look over my shoulder
. I told Patten it wasn’t right. But he went on about this man being a major shareholder and having every right.” She took a quick sip of her coffee. Then she looked back at him. “That’s when I erased that external hard drive with my data on it. I knew Patten could get into the safe and take it out.”

“Good instincts,” Hamish praised.

Aiden looked at her with admiration. With her decisive action, she’d prevented her data from falling into the wrong hands.

“I think he was a demon,” she added.

“Why do you think that?” He felt the urge to touch her shaking hand but refrained from it.

“Patten was waffling on about his lights burning out just when Mr. Zoltan arrived. He was quite embarrassed about it. When we escaped the massage parlor, you told me that fluorescent and neon lights would flicker and then burn out if demons were close by. Well, the overhead lights in Patten’s office were fluorescent.”

Aiden exchanged a quick look with Hamish.

“That confirms it. The demons got to Patten,” Hamish stated.

Aiden raised his hand in objection. “No, they didn’t. They may have been there earlier, but the night we found Patten’s body, the lights were working.” He looked back at Leila. “I’m assuming Patten had the lights in his office repaired before his death?”

“Yes, of course. He would have had facilities management there the next morning to change out the fluorescent tubes.”

Then she suddenly straightened her back as if remembering something. She stared at him. “Remember my lab and office? All fluorescent lights were working the night I found the safe open.”

Aiden nodded, admiring her perceptive mind. “Then the person who killed Patten and tried to steal the data was not a demon. He or she had to be human.”

“Or a Cloak Warrior,” Hamish added.

The thought hadn’t escaped Aiden. How else would the murderer have gotten past security? “Is there any other way into the building at night, other than getting past the security guard? Think, Leila, could a human have gotten in there without the security guard noticing?”

She bit her lips, contemplating his questions. “I don’t know. Max does his rounds, but the door would have been locked.”

“Another employee with access maybe?” Hamish suggested.

Leila shook her head. “No. Our access cards are restricted to daytime access only. After nine p.m., they won’t unlock any doors. Max would have been the only one to grant access.”

Aiden had expected the answer, but didn’t like it. It made a betrayal by a Cloak Warrior much more likely. Yet, he had to face the facts. Hamish had warned him.

“Okay, then we’ve got two things to do: find Zoltan. He’s obviously been given information about Leila and was there to keep an eye on her; he’ll lead us to the traitor on the council,” Aiden announced.

“And the second thing?” Hamish asked.

“Find the person on the council who tried to kill Leila and who initiated the raid on the massage parlor.”

“But how?” Leila interrupted.

“Manus will help us with that. He’s already investigating Jonathan, and by now he knows of the raid on the parlor, so he is probably looking into how that could have happened. We’ll need to let him know to check your parents’ phone records and see if there’s a trace on their line. With Pearce’s IT skills, we should be able to follow the trace back and have it lead us to whoever planted it.”

“Looks like the council will soon have two vacancies,” Hamish predicted.

And Aiden hoped that neither vacancy would be the position of Primus. “I’m afraid you’re right.”

As he rose to grab his phone from the counter to call Manus, the flickering of the light underneath the hanging cabinets caught his eye.


“Demons!” Hamish called out in warning just as the entrance door burst open and three men charged in.


Leila froze in shock while the intruders advanced. Hamish and Aiden instantly reared up from their chairs and attacked, moving faster than she’d ever seen anybody move. Out of nowhere, they’d pulled weapons and now threw themselves onto the three demons.

She stumbled from her chair and backed away, trying to stay out of the melee, fear cutting off her windpipe. All she could do was stare at the fight.

The demons looked entirely human, just as Aiden had told her. There was no outward sign that would have indicated that she was facing an otherworldly being. Except … did their eyes sparkle in an unusually bright green? She stared at one of them, who at present engaged Aiden, when the intruder suddenly glared at her.

He let go of Aiden who continued to fight his second opponent, and rushed toward her.

In panic, she screamed, her hands frantically searching the kitchen counter for any weapon. There was nothing to grab.

“Leila!” Aiden shouted, but a quick glance told her that both he and Hamish needed all their strength to fight off the two demons, exchanging blow after blow.

He couldn’t get past the demon he was battling to help her. She was on her own.

The massive demon who suddenly towered over her wore fatigues and an olive colored T-shirt, green liquid oozing from several gashes on his arms and chest. But the injuries didn’t seem to be severe, because he lashed a nasty grin at her.


His voice made her shiver as it slid through her like a sharp knife.

Then his hand shot out to grab her. She evaded him by sliding sideways along the kitchen counter, surprising herself with her speed and agility. When he went after her and reached for her, she punched him, and felt a force in her body that seemed foreign to her. Was this an aftereffect of Aiden having poured his power into her?

“Come to Zoltan,” the demon hissed.

Oh, God, so it was he! How had he found them here? She backed away, ending up in the corner, the coffee pot at her back, and no escape route open to her.

Zoltan was on her a second later.

Behind him, she heard the grunts of the men and the clashing of daggers, but she couldn’t see them anymore, Zoltan’s massive frame blocking her view.

When he was a few feet away from her and approaching, she swung around and grabbed the coffee pot, hitting his head with it. The pot broke and the hot liquid spilled. It covered most of his face, but also her own hand, and despite the heat, she barely felt it. Neither, apparently, did Zoltan.

However, he looked pissed now.

“Let’s see what else is inside that pretty little head.” He reached for her neck, choking her.

She croaked, her hands flailing, trying to find another weapon, but there was none.

His head came closer, his teeth flashing, his green eyes more luminous now, like a traffic light. For the first time she noticed the handsomeness of his features, so unlike what a demon should look like. A straight nose, a square jaw, an even complexion. Full lips and straight, white teeth completed the picture that seemed to somehow keep her captivated. As if he were reeling her in, pulling her closer to him. Showing her that he wasn’t an ugly beast. All of a sudden, she felt his thoughts invading her mind.

Give it to me, give me what I want,
she heard him urge her.
I’ll give you everything you’ve ever dreamed of. Your parents, they will love you again.

Oh God, he knew her deepest wish! And he was tempting her with it. He was trying to seduce her!

Leila fought against him, trying to expel him from her mind. She couldn’t succumb, no, she couldn’t allow it. Aiden trusted her to be strong. What he’d given her last night proved that. She couldn’t disappoint him.

With the last of her breath, she raised her knee and kicked him in the nuts.

He cursed violently, then behind him shouts rang out.

“Take that to hell!” Aiden cried triumphantly as a body made a loud thump on the floor.

Zoltan’s hand slid from her neck and caught in her necklace. The chain broke, tangling itself up in Zoltan’s fingers as he turned and tossed a glance over his shoulder.

Leila saw Aiden charging toward them, but before he reached them, Zoltan jumped out of the way and vaulted himself through the kitchen window as if he were a Chinese gymnast.

Horrified she touched her naked throat.

“Leila, are you all right?” Aiden pulled her into his arms, but she pushed against him instantly, cutting off the waves of pleasure that started pouring through her at his touch.

Behind him, Hamish appeared, a bloody gash on his chest, but otherwise unharmed.

“My necklace ... Zoltan, he got my necklace,” she stammered. Her data, the last copy of her data was in the possession of the demon now. Devastation coiled her stomach into knots.

“Don’t worry about it. Demons love shiny objects to trade. It can be replaced,” Hamish calmed her.

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