Edge of Passion (33 page)

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Authors: Tina Folsom

BOOK: Edge of Passion
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Yet, instead of helping his fellow demons, Zoltan didn’t move, nor did he release her arm. His fingers still dug painfully into her flesh, almost like the claws of a beast, his strength undeniable.

“Let’s go,” he grunted and yanked her toward the vortex.

It appeared he was prepared to let his followers die without lifting a finger as long as he got away with what he wanted: her.

“You have to take me with you!” Finlay whined behind them. “You promised me!”

Zoltan spun his head back to the traitor. “I promised you nothing! Do you really think we want a leader who’s willing to betray his own race? Those are not qualities we value.”

Finlay took a few hesitant steps toward them. “But you have to help me. I did this for your kind. So you could be stronger. You owe me.” His eyes darted nervously toward the Cloak Warrior who seemed to gain the upper hand now. “You have to help me. They’ll kill me if they get to me.”

“Help you?” Zoltan asked, tilting his head.

Leila watched as his expression changed, a faint smile playing around his lips, making him look more human. But the coldness in his eyes betrayed his friendly smile.

“I’ll help you. I’ll make sure they won’t kill you ...”

A relieved expression spread on Finlay’s face as he took another step closer. But a moment later, Zoltan pulled his dagger and flicked his wrist, aiming the blade at the traitor. It hit him between the eyes.

“... by killing you first,” he finished his sentence.

Leila felt his grip on her arm easing in the same instance as the shock of the cold blooded murder charged through her body. It gave her the courage she needed. If she didn’t act now, he would pull her into the vortex.

As Zoltan watched Finlay’s dead body tumble to the ground, Leila shoved her hand into her jacket pocket and pulled out her can of mace. She pointed it at her captor and pressed the button, releasing the stinging vapor. He let out a roar, but his hand on her arm loosened and she pulled free. While his hands went to his face to cover his eyes, painful screams issuing from his throat, she reached for the pendant and ripped it from his neck.

His hands reached for her, one of them hitting against her shoulder. But she held onto the pendant, even as Zoltan blindly swung his fists in her direction.

“Aiden!” she yelled and whirled her head toward the fighting Cloak Warriors.

She caught Aiden’s gaze as he fought a demon in the middle of the cavern.

“The pendant!” she yelled and tossed it in his direction, watching how he drove his dagger into the demon, then tossed him to the side, lunging for the pendant.

In the same instant, Zoltan, seeming to have regained some of his lost vision,  snatched her wrist. She witnessed how his eyes went to Aiden who at that moment caught the pendant in his hands, then tucked it safely into his pants pocket.

Realization spread on the demon’s face. “The drug. It was in there?” He lashed her with an angry glare.

“You’ll never get it!” she bit back, relief that the blueprint was out of Zoltan’s hands flooding her.

“I still have you!” he hissed.

“No you don’t!” Aiden’s furious voice responded.

Leila’s heart beat into her throat as she witnessed Aiden jump toward Zoltan, sword in hand. Zoltan instantly released her and tossed her from him with such ferocity that she lost her balance, fell and slid to the edge of the vortex, coming to a halt only inches from the churning fog and air.

She scrambled to get away from its pulling force, her hands searching for anything to grab onto as her feet were pulled into the darkness. She saw Aiden stare at her situation in horror, but at that moment Zoltan engaged him with a weapon he’d pulled from behind his back.

They exchanged blows, the sound of the clashing blades bouncing off the walls. Zoltan was taller than Aiden, more bulky. He appeared stronger and more massive, yet Aiden fought with fire and determination. Suddenly, Aiden’s form flickered briefly and he disappeared only to reappear to Zoltan’s left a split-second later. However, the demon seemed to have anticipated his move and had already turned to fend off the next blow.

Leila took her eyes off the fight, struggling to find a hold on the slippery limestone. Her hand found a ridge and gripped it. Steadily, she pulled, nudging her body an inch farther out of the gaping hole. It gave her enough leverage to move her other hand toward the same ridge. She found purchase with her second hand. But the pull of the vortex increased, making her unable  to move. All she could do was keep her position, her legs in the vortex up to her knees, her body stretched out flat on her stomach.

When a shout of pain echoed through the cave, she snapped up her head and saw how Aiden’s hand reared toward his shoulder, covering a large gash.

“Got ‘em!” she heard Hamish shout an instant later, making her whirl her head in his direction.

Hamish had just defeated his opponent and was free to engage another one.

“Hamish! Help Aiden!” she yelled and caught his attention.

His head snapped in her direction, and he rushed toward Aiden and Zoltan. The demon noticed him approaching instantly, his eyes quickly assessing the fight in the cave. Only three other demons were still alive, and they would be dead soon too, considering how well the Cloak Warriors fought.

Clearly realizing the hopelessness of the situation, Zoltan dealt another blow at Aiden, then disengaged and lunged for the portal. In midflight, he reached for her ankle, trying to pull her with him.

Oh God, no, he’d get her after all!

Panic seared through her, and she closed her eyes, her damp hands cramping over the ridge, her fingers loosening.

Come with me. I’ll give you everything you desire,
she heard his voice in her mind.
Your parents. I’ll give you back your parents. Isn’t that what you desire most?

A sob escaped her.


Aiden’s scream was followed by several hands gripping her arms, pulling her. She felt as if she were being stretched on a rack, her body being torn in two opposite directions. Then suddenly, she was catapulted forward, the pull from the vortex ceasing from one moment to the next, the grip on her ankle gone.

Breathing hard, she opened her eyes.

Aiden drew her into his arms. Hamish next to him let out a sigh of relief.

“Oh, baby, I thought I’d lost you.”

She didn’t get a chance to answer, because Aiden’s lips were on hers an instant later. His kiss was brief, but searing. When he released her lips, he turned his head back to the fighting. She followed his gaze and saw how Hamish jumped back into the melee, relieving Manus’s opponent of his head.

Then the two charged toward Enya and Logan, making short work of the two demons they were fighting. With the last demon dead, quiet settled over the cave.

“You came for me,” she whispered to Aiden.

He gazed into her eyes. “I would have gone to the underworld to get you back.” He pressed her against him.

As she looked over his shoulder, she suddenly saw two men she didn’t know enter the cave. She stiffened.

“What did we miss?” the elder of the two asked.

Aiden released her and turned. “A pretty good fight.”

“Ah, that sucks,” the younger one commented.

The older man smiled, and Leila instantly saw the similarity between him and Aiden.

“Well, knowing your mother, I’m sure she’s glad I missed it. Even though—” He looked at the dead bodies of the demons. “—I wouldn’t have minded a bit of demon killing myself.”

Aiden nodded. “Don’t worry, father, there are more where they came from. We haven’t seen the last of them.”

Leila shivered. “Zoltan will come back, won’t he?”

He brushed a strand of hair from her cheek. “And I’ll always be with you to protect you.”




No human had ever set foot into the council chambers, yet at this emergency meeting of the Council of Nine, where only seven members sat at their designated seats, Leila was present, standing by Aiden’s side as he held her hand in his.

“What are they going to do?” she whispered to him.

He turned his head, giving her a reassuring smile, drinking in her scent at the same time. They hadn’t been apart for more than a few minutes since the confrontation with the demons in the cave, and he wanted nothing more than to be alone with her and shut the rest of the world out.

“Everything will be all right.”

He heard the gavel drop and straightened, bringing his attention back to the council. To his other side, Hamish stood relaxed. They exchanged a quick look.

“The Council of Nine is convened,” his father said and stood. “Today’s business brings great sadness to all of us. Our brother Finlay succumbed to the demons’ pull and paid the ultimate price. It was foolish of him to turn away from us and give into temptations that destroyed him.”

He looked into the round before continuing, “We all have to fight temptations, but our collective strength will help us not to succumb. May
be with all of us.”

“Aye,” Cinead answered.

Primus nodded. “Cinead asked earlier to make a request. Please speak.”

The Scotsman rose, casting a long look at the council members, then training his eyes on Hamish. “I am pleased to learn that Hamish has returned and was indeed instrumental in ferreting out the traitor. I believe such initiative should be rewarded. Finlay’s seat on the council is vacant. I propose to offer it to Hamish. We need men like him.”

Aiden felt his friend stir next to him, but before Hamish could say anything, another council member spoke up.

“I second the nomination,” Wade said.

“A vote then,” Primus requested.

“Uh, Primus.” Hamish took a step forward, approaching the u-shaped table.


“I’m honored by the nomination and your trust in me, however, with all due respect, I cannot accept a position on the council.”

Gasps went through the assembled. To be offered a seat on the council, particularly for one as young as Hamish, was the greatest honor that could be bestowed upon a Cloak Warrior. To turn it down was nearly blasphemous.

Hamish raised a hand. “May I make my reasoning clear?”

Primus nodded. “Very well.”

“The demons are out there, getting stronger by the day. From what Aiden could gather about Zoltan, he’s a rising star in the demon world. He’ll be their next leader, and I think he’s smarter than all of them. It’s a new guard. He will try to fight us with not only brawn, but brain. And while I understand the need for the council to make decisions and rule our race, I know my place is as a warrior out there in the field. It’s where I can have the most impact. I’d much rather be out there, fighting side by side with my brothers than sit on the council. No offense.”

Aiden felt Hamish’s words fill him with joy. He had suspected that the council would offer his friend a seat. His father had hinted at it when Aiden had spoken to him shortly before the meeting. He was glad that Hamish wasn’t inclined to accept the offer. He knew that his friend would serve their race better by staying where he was: at the compound, fighting demons and protecting humans.

“Is your mind made up?” Cinead asked.

Hamish nodded.

“I am sorry to hear that, Hamish, however, at your age I wanted exactly the same. I can’t blame you for your choice.”

“Thank you.” He bowed and moved back to stand next to Aiden.

“The council accepts your decision,” Primus said, then motioned to the two council guards standing near the door. “Bring in the prisoner.”

When Deirdre was led in a moment later, murmurs went through the council chambers. Aiden instinctively squeezed Leila’s hand tighter. This Cloak Warrior had tried to kill her. Not only once, but several times. If it were up to him, he’d hand out the harshest punishment.

Aiden watched her as she passed by them to stand in front of the council. Her head turned slightly, gracing him with a quick glance. There was nothing in her eyes that indicated that she regretted her actions.

“You’ve been brought before us to take responsibility for your deeds. You’re accused of acting against the council’s express wishes. What do you have to say in your defense?” Primus addressed her.

Deirdre lifted her chin, every inch of her still the council member that wielded power. “I did what was right for our community.”

“We voted otherwise,” Primus disagreed.

“Because you couldn’t see what was right in front of you.” She turned to point her finger at Leila. “She was endangering us and the entire human race. She had to be stopped. You were wrong to protect her. The demons are still after her, are they not? What makes you think they won’t get her after all? I still say we eliminate her.”

Aiden felt anger surge, his chest moving as he expelled an angry breath. Next to him, Leila put a hand on his arm, calming him. When he looked at her, she shook her head silently, indicating he should not interfere in the interrogation.

“You had no right to make this decision on your own. You had your vote, just as the rest of us did. We can’t simply take matters into our own hands when we don’t like how the council decides.”

Deirdre’s look softened. “Primus, I did this so we wouldn’t lose our own once more. I did it to keep us all safe, just as I would have given anything to keep Julia safe. Can’t you see that? I don’t hate this human, but the danger she represents should she ever fall into the hands of the demons, is too great. How many of our children will die because of it?”

Primus locked eyes with her for a moment, and Aiden saw the war that raged within his father. It was true, Deirdre had loved Julia like the daughter she never had, and had been devastated by her death. But did that give her the right to unilaterally condemn another human to death? Odd, Aiden had once thought so too, but he understood now that he couldn’t blame one human for the deeds of another.

Primus gave a slow nod. “We’ll see to it that it doesn’t happen. However, sadly, that is not one of your concerns anymore. You have broken our laws. Therefore, my suggestion to the council is to incarcerate you in a lead cell for the period of one year and one day, upon which you’ll be released into the human world never to return to us. Council, how do you vote?”

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