Earth Goddess' Nectar: The Complete Novella: (Paranormal Fantasy Erotica) (9 page)

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Chapter Thirteen: Esther Thorne’s True Love

Andrew Thorne’s head throbbed viciously when he regained consciousness, and he discovered his hands were bound behind his back when he tried to move them. He was restrained in a sitting position, his aching back pressed hard against a cold stone pillar. When his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he realized where he was, rows of rotting books looming over his bound body in the cavernous hulk of his father’s old study.

What the fuck? Where the hell is Nathan?

“Unfortunately, your brother won’t be joining us.” The Bloodhound stepped into view in front of Andrew, his cadaverous face illuminated by a flickering lantern he held above his head. In his other hand, he held an antique revolver, its silver cylinder glimmering in the lantern’s eerie yellow glow. Desmond chuckled when he noticed Andrew staring at the gun.

“Your father’s weapon, the one your mother used to blow his unsuspecting brains out.” He walked up to Andrew and pressed the barrel against his trembling temple.

“Your mother gave it to me after the ambulance carted Eliot away and asked me to get rid of it. Said she had no more use for the
silly old relic.
I, on the other hand, have something of a soft spot for relics. You never know when they might come in handy.”

Andrew craned his head away from the black circle of the barrel, his breathing shallow as he struggled to understand. “My father killed himself…”

“Hmmm, a lie your mother told so eloquently she probably believed it herself. But I know everything that happened in this old house.” He knelt down in front of Andrew and stroked his face with a liver-spotted hand.

“These old eyes are always watching, and I was lurking in the shadows when Esther Thorne sent your father to perdition. In fact, it happened on the very spot where you’re sitting now. This bloodhound has an eye for pleasing symmetries.”

What is he talking about?
Everyone knew that Eliot Thorne was a manic depressive who ate a bullet when his sons were still children. “What…why are you…?”

“Why did I hit you over your milk soaked-head and tie you to a fucking pillar? Let’s just say I prefer your brother. At least Nathan knows how to treat a faithful dog.” He pistol whipped Andrew with the weapon, the blow smashing into his mouth with brutish force. Andrew spit out two of his teeth in a dumbstruck daze, blood pouring down his chin as shivers of searing pain raced through his face.

“Anyway, enough chatting for now. Nathan will be in Laguna within the hour, and the mountains will be soaked with the milk harlots’ foul blood. Oh, don’t think I’m unaware of the abominations at the foot of the mountain. I have known since you boys were still suckling at your mother’s teats.” Desmond smiled noxiously as he rose to his feet, lightning cracking outside and painting his grinning skull a brilliant white.

“But the age of Eshabaar is nearing its end, and Nathan Thorne will claim his rightful place as the head of the Thorne dynasty.”

Andrew was still failing to comprehend everything, but he knew that he needed to get back to the compound before his deranged brother.

You must get out of here and save Eshabaar and the Sacred Sisters. You must escape these fetters and rescue Emma from the impending carnage.

“Where is he?” Andrew had to try and reason with Nathan. His brother may be unstable, but
he would not harm his own flesh and blood.

“He will come see you when the purge is complete. I am to keep an eye on you until he arrives.” Desmond looked at his pocket watch and smiled, “I forgot to mention, Nathan has promised me a gift for my faithful service. He will let me take your slut to bed. The servants’ chambers get awfully chilly when you’re alone, but Ms. Lake’s gorgeous tits look like they could warm a dead man’s hand.”

Desmond kicked Andrew hard in the stomach when he began to flail and curse. Andrew clawed desperately at his bound wrists, but his captor had secured them with sadistic precision. “I’ll fucking kill you, Desmond,” he screamed when the Bloodhound left the room, the serpent whistling as he twirled the revolver with his surprisingly dexterous fingers.

“Don't you dare touch her, you worthless son of a bitch!” Blood blurred his vision as his voice grew hoarse, futility washing over him as the fight drained from his limbs.

Andrew marveled at the reversal of his fortunes as rain dripped onto his disheveled black hair.
A few hours ago you were immersed in Mother’s Milk, your cock thrusting inside Emma while she fed from Eshabaar’s holy breasts. Now Nathan threatens to destroy everything as you sit trapped in the ruins of Thorne Manor, and the only person who can hear your forlorn pleas is the treacherous Bloodhound

Andrew had never liked the reticent servant. Tonight was the most he had ever heard him speak, and the words that leaked from his cracked old lips filled Andrew with suffocating dread.

The wind was howling like a thousand shrieking children as Andrew’s fingers began to pick uselessly at his restraints. He knew he had to continue trying, even if escape seemed impossible. Nathan had chosen the perfect night to massacre Eshabaar and the Sacred Sisters. The earth mother would be reinvigorating herself with the mountain’s seed and her defenses would be lowered, and the Sisters were likely still recovering from the afternoon’s frenzied purification and the ensuing fuck fest.

Andrew had been tiring of his brother’s mercurial moods and unprofessionalism, but this was the first time in his life he tasted hate for his black-hearted twin.
Nathan is not the same shy boy you played with and chased through these decaying walls. He offered Emma’s sweet flesh to Desmond’s grimy fingers, and he plans to kill the only deity you’ve ever worshipped. He will die slowly if anything happens to the sacred feminine…

You must try to forgive him, Andrew. The child is governed by weakness and fear. He worships your father, but he has forgotten the truth about Eliot Thorne’s darkest passions…
Andrew flinched when the honeyed voice snaked through his head. For a second he thought it was Eshabaar, but the earth mother was weakened and ensconced in the Laguna Mountain. Her voice could not reach him here. This voice was lighter and more fragile, uninflected by the supernatural gravity of gods.

Who are you?
Andrew whispered telepathically as his fingers stopped scrabbling at the constricting rope. It occurred to him he might be losing his mind and talking to ghosts in the haunted shell of his youth.

Agatha, you sweet boy. I am upstairs in your mother’s room. Thaddeus put me in a vat of Mother’s Milk and moved me here earlier this afternoon after I requested to see Esther Thorne’s bed again. I am the first of my kind, and Thaddeus would never refuse me anything. I like to look upon the bed, even though I know she is beyond me now. We created many memories here, our bodies entwined and our skin humming with the electricity of our love.

Andrew glanced toward the ceiling, imagining the blonde Sister submerged in a mobile tank of milk, white foam bubbling at the corners of her lips.
How can you speak to me? None of the other Sisters are blessed with Eshabaar’s mind-speak.

When you are perpetually in the milk
bath the liquid ecstasy dulls the necessity for all other senses. We lose our ability to communicate beyond the ageless language of hunger and flesh. But I always moved in and out to share your mother’s bed, so I preserved a sliver of my former humanity. I remained open to the inner voice your mother taught to me and passed on to you.

Andrew was confused.
I thought the mind-speak was Eshabaar’s gift.

Agatha laughed gently.
Eshabaar is a goddess and she can dance inside our minds with ridiculous ease, but she did not impart the gift on you. The telepathy was your mother’s blessing and her primary tool of seduction when she chose me to be her secret lover. You may know that I was the first Sister, but you cannot remember I was also once your nanny. That is how I met your mother and fell in love with her. When she discovered Eshabaar and the primal magic of her milk, I offered myself as the first vessel for the earth mother’s children. Esther agreed, but she would not let go of me completely. She still needed me in her bed, suckling at her breasts and whispering with her in the dark. When Eliot discovered us wrapped in each other’s arms, the sight of his wife submitting to the attentions of a woman broke his already fragile mind.

Andrew gulped as lightning blinded his crying eyes.
So it is true, about my father?

There was a moment’s silence before Agatha’s choked voice reappeared in his mind.

Your mother was a wonderful woman, and I loved her more than feeble words can articulate. She did kill your father, but it was not for the affair alone. We shared secrets as we tasted each other’s skin, and she revealed her fears and doubts. At first, it was a mere shadow in her mind, but as time passed and Nathan retreated further into himself, she began to suspect the terrible truth.

A few days after Eliot walked in on us, she saw bruises on Nathan’s back. Her suspicions were later confirmed when she witnessed Eliot going off like a madman on his tiny victim. After that, she walked toward his study with his cold gun in her hand and scorching hate in her shattered heart.

Andrew shivered as he remembered a squelchy monster chasing two boys through a rain-battered house, its fetid breath infecting their young lungs.
Did he, hurt me?

No. You were always the stronger one, the outspoken child. Nathan was more introverted and pliable, so it was he who suffered your father’s all-consuming sickness. Nathan eroded as the abuse continued, and the man you know today is truly not the boy you once loved. That boy died a hundred times within these walls. It is a pity that Eliot could only die the once.

Andrew swallowed down a sob as he thought of two boys dressed in matching black suits at their father’s funeral. He remembered his mother’s stone-faced expression as she held her sons’ tiny shoulders, their father’s destroyed skull mercifully hidden beneath a closed casket. He recalled Nathan’s clammy hand in his own, his fingers clenching as the priest ushered Eliot Thorne into the embrace of his heavenly father and eulogized about the two innocent boys he left behind
. The priest was wrong,
thought Andrew.
There was only one innocent child standing beside that sinking casket. The other’s naivety lay buried in the stony ground alongside his father’s bones.

The storm was growing wilder by the minute, and he could hear the house groaning beneath the torrent like a sleeping beast.
The time grows near Andrew. You must go back and save your mother’s work. Nathan may be beyond your help, but the others need you now.

Andrew laughed ironically as he kicked his feet against the floor in frustration.
There’s not much I can do about it. I’m trussed up like a Thanksgiving turkey.

You are not the only person in Laguna blessed with mind-speak, Andrew. Help is on its way.

Andrew heard raised voices from outside followed by the sharp crack of a gunshot. He tensed his body as he heard footsteps approaching in the gathering dark. He was about to launch into an obscenity-laden tirade when he realized it wasn’t the Bloodhound kneeling behind him with blood covering his pale hands.

“Don’t look so surprised to see me, Andy,” said Thaddeus as he began working at the fiendish knots. When the knot was released, Andrew hugged his rescuer and kissed his shaven head.

“Whoa, easy there Mr. Thorne. I know I just saved your ass, but that doesn’t mean I want to fuck it.”

“The Bloodhound?”

Thaddeus shrugged, “Let’s just say he isn’t going to sniff anything ever again. The ground out there is slippery, and old men are known to fall.”

Andrew glanced up at the ceiling and smiled with broken lips.
Thank you, Agatha, without you, we were doomed.

Do not celebrate just yet. Go! Your brother is already there.

Chapter Fourteen: Kill the Queen!

June Miyamori killed the sentries while Nathan did a line of blisteringly strong cocaine and waited for the all clear.

You are almost there Nathan. Your father’s work is nearly complete, and soon Krang will fill the mountain with his gelatinous tentacles and grind the cows’ corpses with his curved beak.
He did another line as he watched the Japanese he-she walking back toward the car in feline strides, her semi-automatic sub-machine gun cradled in her arms like a child. The electronic gate behind her opened and gave a glimpse of the compound inside. The mountain was barely visible behind a veil of driving rain, and the orphanage’s gaudy lights shimmered like a mirage to the left of the milk parlor.

It is almost beautiful,
thought Nathan as his unlikely lover climbed into the car.
How could such a picaresque façade contain such filth and horror?

June flicked her purple hair from her face and licked flecks of blood from her fingertips.

“We’re in. As soon as we pull up to the entrance, you will need to jump out and swipe your keycard. I will turn the truck around and open the back when you expose the cows. Remember, your target is the earth mother. Head straight for her cave and kill the cunt while she sleeps. I will follow you to acquire Krang’s cock. The wrigglies will take care of the cows. They are restless and hungry, I can feel it in my gut.”

Nathan nodded and leaned in for a final kiss. They had fucked a few times on the way here, and Nathan’s asshole was stinging from June’s relentless cock while her cunt’s sweet juices were drying on his lips and tongue. She recoiled from his touch and pointed at the building.

“We have a job to do, lover boy. Get your head out of my pussy and into the fucking game!”

He resisted the urge to slap her in the teeth and leaned against his window while she drove up to the compound.

Her cunt still makes her weak, despite the gun, the cock, and the swaggering bravado. Show her what a real man can do, Nathan.
She swerved the car in front of the milk parlor and Nathan dived out, the keycard almost slipping from his fingers as he raced to the security door.
Do not fuck this up now. The end of Eshabaar’s reign is close enough to taste…

The door opened slowly as June reversed the truck into place. Nathan could hear the wrigglies’ squishy bodies and sucking pods as the blue light of the milk bath trickled out the door.

Dinner is served,
thought Nathan as June stumbled through the rain and unlocked the padlock to unleash Krang’s man-eating offspring. A rank smell of rotten fish and corrupted flesh assailed Nathan’s nostrils as six squelchy beasts flowed from the confines of the truck in a mass of sticky tentacles and snapping beaks. For some reason the odor made him think of his father, but he didn’t have time to reminisce as the grotesque cephalopods slid into Eshabaar’s lair.

The cave. Head for the whore’s cave and strike her beating heart.

The Sisters were squealing and thrashing in the Mother’s Milk as Nathan entered the building. The dark-skinned Sister was quailing in the arms of her auburn-haired lover, her eyes wide with horror when she saw the creatures approaching.

The bitch journalist was also wading in the pool, her long, blonde hair plastered to the translucent skin of her heaving tits by the blasphemous milk. When she noticed the oncoming horde, she began to scream.

Good, bitch, scream. Now you’ll have a story you can really sink your hooks into.

June was barking orders in Japanese as the wrigglies reached the milk bath. One latched its tentacles onto the Asian Sister’s leg and squeezed, the bitch’s limb liquefying and melting into the milk-like bloody jelly. Two more descended on a pair of lovers in the shallows near the milk bath's edge, the fattened women’s shrieks disappearing in a frothy explosion of blood and guts. Another wriggly zeroed in on Ramona, the redhead his brother liked so much. It was just about to devour her with its viscous appendages when something unexpected happened.

The robotic tentacles that nourished the Sisters and delivered their yelping brats turned on their organic counterparts, the coils of steel shooting through the air and colliding with the squidgy creatures in a titanic clash of soft jelly and intelligent metal. A serpentine tentacle impaled one of the wrigglies on its clawed point, the cephalopod’s wet insides showering the milk bath as the tentacle whipped it around in the air. A few pregnant Sisters cowered behind one of the tentacles and cradled their bloated bellies protectively while the tentacle twisted into a dense steel mesh the wrigglies couldn’t penetrate.

June fired her weapon at the tentacles to no effect, the bullets rattling off their gleaming surfaces and deflecting everywhere else in an explosion of deadly shrapnel.

“Stop shooting, you dumb bitch! You're going to kill us all!” shouted Nathan over the unholy din of flying bullets, moaning Sisters, and sucking wrigglies. The robotic tentacles were slicing through the wrigglies like butter, but a few of Krang’s progeny managed to shatter the tentacles’ exterior with their piercing beaks. These tentacles collapsed into the pool in a shower of sparks, the sinuous coils falling on the Sisters and sinking into the milk bath’s bloodied depths.

“Don't worry about me, milk man! Kill the queen!” June walked through a mess of viscera left by one of the wrigglies and peppered the milk bath with more gunfire.

That’s right, the cave! Run into the rocky cleft and make Father proud.
Nathan ducked his head, ran around the left side of the milk bath, and jumped for the overhanging ledge just below the cave opening. He pulled himself up with gritted teeth as the chaos unfolded below him, his mind focused on Eshabaar’s heart and the jagged blade June gave him to finish the self-styled earth mother.

When he stood up, he saw a figure running naked down the tunnel ahead of him.
Andrew’s bitch journalist!
He extracted the fifteen-inch blade from the inside of his jacket and sprinted down the dark corridor, his feet almost slipping from beneath him as the air grew cold and light disappeared from the world. He ran for what seemed like hours, but Emma Lake was quicker than he’d anticipated and the pursuit was perilous. The tunnel was as wet and dark as a birth canal, but the blonde slut was almost within reach when Nathan noticed a haze of blue light glimmering around a tight corner.

The mountain’s heart. Eshabaar is close…

The tunnel opened into a massive chasm dominated by a sparkling blue pool. A vast network of drooping stalactites hovered above the pool, their extravagant patterns and sharp twists reflected in a mirror image in the milky lake. In the center of the pool was Eshabaar’s throne, a shimmering blue tree covered in a slim membrane beneath which viscous liquid flowed like indigo blood. Blue leaves littered the small patch of dirt around the tree, and small leaks of blue fluid sprouted from holes that dotted the trunk. The canopy was her seat; an intricate arrangement of shifting leaves that curled around her shivering body and held her in a protective grasp.

The bitch ran for the pool and dived in, so Nathan was forced to pursue her. The liquid was thick and difficult to separate with his arms, but he gradually gained some ground on Emma as she neared the base of the trunk. Out the corner of his eye, he could see a large pink tube bobbing on the pool’s surface, the blue fluid leaking extremely slowly from its quivering urethra.

Krang’s severed cock and its immortal seed.
It was pathetically misshapen, with ruptures and offshoots perverting its once-glorious shaft, but the blue juice continued to drip from it and fill the cave with more of the squid lord’s glutinous cum.

It is alive. The squid-lord seesssssss…

Nathan surfaced just behind Emma and grabbed her naked foot. The bitch turned on him and squeezed her tits together, shooting twin streams of milk from her nipples into his eyes. He screamed and slapped her viciously across the face, stumbling blindly as the liquid stung his bright blue eyes.

Resist the whore’s poison,
thought Nathan as the evil milk surged through his cocaine-laced brain.
Be a man and finish the job you started.

Emma was still sprawled on the floor when he started to climb the tree with the blade between his teeth. The blue liquid funneled upwards toward Eshabaar’s cunt, her pale legs splayed by the leaves as she received the squid lord’s seed. Her long white hair fell limp around her prone body, her eyelids fluttering and her absurdly oversized breasts gently rising and falling as the seed entered her cunt.

Even goddesses need to rest sometimes.

He was just about to thrust the blade into her heart when a familiar voice shouted from the lake’s distant shore. He turned his head to see Andrew standing by the entrance to the cave, his body drenched in blood and his face bruised beyond recognition.

What the fuck did the Bloodhound do to him, you told him to merely restrain him!
“Nathan, stop! The squids are dead, your woman is gone. All is lost. Step away from Eshabaar and drop the blade. You don’t have to do this brother.”

Nathan paused as he pressed the blade against Eshabaar’s skin, the light from her blue choker washing him in an iridescent glow.

“Brother? You meant to sell my stake in the company and disinherit me? You meant to leave me behind and live your life with these submerged cows? You call me brother, but I don’t even know who you are anymore. You piss on the memory of Father when you fuck these pot-bellied sows.”

Andrew was floating across the pool now, his voice growing louder as he neared the base of Eshabaar’s throne, “Nathan, listen to me. I know about Father and the disgraceful things he did to you. I wish I had known sooner, maybe, I don’t know, I could have found you help or….”

“What did father do?” Nathan could not control his rage as Andrew slandered his father’s unimpeachable name.

“You were always a fucking momma’s boy, even when you were a tyke. Nothing’s changed; you just suck these cows’ tits instead of hers.
Mother’s Milk.
What a fucking joke!”

Andrew inspected Emma and saw that she was alright. He stood at the bottom of the tree and gazed up at Nathan, his battered face filled with unrestrained emotion as he reached out his shaking hand.

“Give me your hand brother. Let’s go home.”

A flicker of uncertainty flashed across Nathan’s face, sorrow welling in the corners of his eyes as his lips twitched involuntarily.

“Home? What is that Andy?”

Andrew blinked back tears and whispered below his murderous brother. “Let’s go make one.”

Nathan shook his head sadly and looked at Eshabaar’s beautiful face. Her eyes were open and her lips moving quietly.

“Do it Nathan. I have lived for thousands of years. I am tired, and I want to see the other side.”

“Sorry, Andrew,” said Nathan as he twisted the blade into Eshabaar’s heart.

Andrew and Emma screamed as the indigo seed poured from the gaping wound. Nathan jumped backwards off the tree and swam across the pool, his brother inches behind him. Emma held Eshabaar’s body as it slipped from the tree’s embrace, her face obscured by the chaos of surging blue fluid and the leaves falling from the dying tree.

It is done, Father. Your great work is complete.
Nathan couldn’t understand the emptiness he felt gnawing inside him, but he could hear Andrew screaming while he chased him down the tunnel. Nathan emerged from the cave’s mouth and grabbed one of the hanging tentacles, using it as an impromptu pole vault to leap over the carnage of dead squids and shrieking Sisters.

Andrew jumped into the milk bath and swam across, his arms pumping energetically.

Rain beat his face when he ran out into the storm. He had a second to think how wonderful it felt to be clean before June pounced on him from the roof howling like an avenging Valkyrie. She rolled him over in the dirt and sliced open his pants with a katana blade, revealing his soft cock while she planted a foot upon his chest. She kicked Andrew when he tried to intervene, the blow knocking him out cold and sprawling his body on the ground.

“I came for the cock, but it could not be saved. But Krang will want something from the trip.” She sliced off Nathan's dick with a swift swipe of the razor-sharp blade.

Oh god, the pain! Father, Mother, help!

June picked up the prick, squeezing the pulpy mess between her fingers. “I told you I would show you what you really are.” She left in a swish of purple hair and ran for the nearby truck. As his life drained away between his legs, Nathan noted with surprise that the grass around him was sprouting up in miraculous bursts. It rose in thin sheets and formed an intricate mesh around his bleeding body.

But that was Eshabaar’s trick…
Then he saw the bright eyes and white teeth emerging from the tall grass…

The Children of the Moon descended on him with gnashing teeth and lightning fingers, tearing ravenously at his flesh as the grass swirled around them. Nathan’s screams were drowned out by the children’s smacking lips and clacking teeth, blood and innards splashing against their faces and dripping down their arms as they feasted on the earth mother’s killer.

Andrew slept while the Children ate his brother, dreaming of a time before adulthood when the world overflowed with miracles and Nathan laughed while they chased butterflies on Thorne Manor’s rolling fields.

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