Earth Goddess' Nectar: The Complete Novella: (Paranormal Fantasy Erotica) (5 page)

BOOK: Earth Goddess' Nectar: The Complete Novella: (Paranormal Fantasy Erotica)
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Seven: Sexually Desirous Mother Creature

Emma Lake woke to the sound of children.

Pulling herself up into a sitting position, she saw her clothes had been changed. She wore a sheer white slip that plunged provocatively down her front, the tops of her breasts spilling out the thin lace. Intricate floral patterns adorned the hem and side slits, and the delicate fabric whispered against her skin as she swung her feet off the bed. She was in a large white room with padded walls, and the enveloping softness gave credence to her suspicion that she had lost her mind. That was before she saw the curved marble bathtub nestled against the far wall.

Emma rose slowly and approached the tub on unsteady legs. She ran her hand across its cool rim, oddly reassured by its solidity. Flowing black script decorated the interior of the tub in ornate circular patterns, but she did not understand the strange glyphs. She noted that there were no faucets before a snatch of breathless laughter interrupted her inspection. She could hear the flutter of tiny footsteps from beyond her cushioned cell, and somewhere in the distance a nursery rhyme was being sung in high-pitched unison.
Children are at play.

She sat on the edge of the tub and gently rubbed the bruises on her ankles where the grass had bit into her flesh, her mind still disbelieving as her fingertips caressed the jagged scars.
Did that really happen, or was it a crazed dream? Has loneliness and overwork festered in you to the point of insanity?
But the wounds seemed real enough, and the revelation of how Mother’s Milk was harvested certainly explained the clandestine nature of the Laguna complex. Maybe
it would be better if you have simply lost your mind.
There was a far more terrifying alternative to consider if she wasn’t experiencing a complete psychotic breakdown. If this was real, Emma would have to abandon her well-honed sense of journalistic objectivity and accept that she was involved in something that went beyond the accepted parameters of her reality. Something wet, unholy, and twisted beyond imagining…

But what exactly have you stumbled upon out here? Who was the radiant woman with shimmering skin, her veil lowered to reveal her silver eyes?
That was the last thing Emma could remember before she passed out. But it was not the only thing. She witnessed the obscenity of the milk parlor and the woman delivering a child in a pool of milk. She saw the women with bulging tits getting their breast milk pumped while they ate the sticky afterbirth. She saw the child lifted into the air and carried away by those dreadful tentacles.

Is that the fate that awaits you Emma? Will they transform you into one of their cows and latch tubes to your swollen nipples? Will Andrew drag you screaming into that bubbling pool and spread your lips for the steel tentacles? Will he plant a baby inside you with his stiff cock and leave you in the dripping embrace of those wanton women?
An unanticipated shudder of excitement rippled through her cunt despite her fear, but she had to deny the part of her that would gladly succumb to the sweet temptation of milk and flesh.
You have to escape this place, to warn the world of the origins of Mother’s Milk and the darkness hidden behind the Thorne glamour...

Emma chewed her hair and looked around the spare white room.
A tiny window was visible at the juncture of wall and ceiling above the bed.
There is your way out.
She climbed on the pale headboard, balancing gingerly on her tiptoes and craning her neck upwards to catch a glimpse of the world outside. She saw a flash of small feet running across cobbled stone, and she was about to call out when the door behind her opened. She spun around, lost her footing and collapsed on the rumpled sheets. She quickly gathered the sheets around her barely concealed body and retreated against the headboard, her emerald eyes wide with fear and her fingernails digging into her palms as she stared at the empty threshold.

A blue light shimmered as a statuesque figure glided into the room.
The glorious woman stood at the foot of the bed, her alluring physique poured into a tight black dress. A blue light pulsed from a necklace adorning her milky neck, the glow bathing her in a radiant haze. Her lips were full and sensual, and her impossibly high cheekbones gave a regal cast to her bone-white, unblemished skin
. She looks like a goddess.
A smile flickered over those lips, and Emma could not stop gazing at her sparkling silver eyes. The woman’s face was so utterly bewitching that it took Emma a moment to realize she was not her only visitor.

Her snow-white hair coiled around the infant suckling her exposed nipple, her slender arm cradling the nursing child against her massive, firm breast. Two bright-eyed male toddlers were giggling in the midnight folds of her dress as they chased each other around the woman’s long legs.
You are right Ms. Lake, but you have nothing to fear
said a voice in Emma’s head.
We goddesses need not be cruel.
Emma knew it was the woman’s voice snaking inside her head, and the realization that her mind was being read left her feeling even more naked and vulnerable than she already did.

“Ms. Lake, so glad you have finally risen. Andrew and I were starting to worry.” She gently pulled the child from her nipple, the dark whorl shining with spit and leaking a thin tendril of milk down the front of her bodice. A nipple piercing shaped like a human mouth glimmered in the indigo light.

“Oliver, Marcus. Be good boys and take your sister, Sarah, back to the nursery. I need to talk to Emma alone.”

One boy took the child gently into his arms and dutifully left the room. The other clung to the woman’s dress, his eyes darting quizzically between the woman and Emma.

“Mommy, is she going to come play with us?”

“Maybe later, Marcus. Now get, or there will be no story time and you’ll never find out if Huck and Jim get reunited.” That seemed to do the trick, and Marcus sullenly marched from the room and closed the door. The woman stood with her fists balanced on the curves of her hips, her one bare tit still jutting from her dress. She raised a finger to the hard nipple and lazily stroked it. Heat flushed Emma’s cunt as she watched the woman massage her areola, followed by a surge of shame for her easily awakened lust.
She is amazing. How can she be both the quintessential mother and such a highly desirous sexual creature?

“The two need not be mutually exclusive,” purred the woman as she edged closer to Emma.

Emma blushed, “Oh shit, I forgot. Should I think of brick walls or something?”

The woman threw back her head and laughed, and even
was an eroticized gesture as the arch of her neck trembled beneath the white tumble of her hair.

“You can try, but I’m afraid it would be futile. I see the things within. I know what you yearn for, the hungers you have nursed in your hidden heart. Let me give you what you have craved so long, Ms. Lake.” She pointed a white finger at Emma’s chest, and Emma was powerless to resist when the woman casually swept aside the sheets covering her shaking body.

“Ooh, what a
body you have, Ms. Lake. Your tits are simply breathtaking.” The blue light licked at Emma’s bounteous cleavage and blonde hair, its glow iridescent in her green eyes. Emma could not keep her gaze from the steady stream of milk dribbling down the woman’s dress, and she subconsciously licked her lips as the nipple drew closer to her mouth. The woman was sitting on the bed beside her now, her white hair tickling Emma’s skin and brushing against her breasts.

“Hmm, I can taste your wetness in the air,” said the beauty as she pressed a finger against Emma’s hard clit.

It took every ounce of her resistance to pull away from the divine woman’s expert hands.

“Who are you? How do you know Andrew?” asked Emma, the words falling breathlessly from her lips.

“My name is Eshabaar, and I am the queen of these mountains. I am the mother of the world, the living womb of all creation.” Eshabaar bent her head to lick Emma’s neck, waking her nerve endings with the hot trail of her tongue. Emma’s eyelids fluttered as Eshabaar nibbled at her earlobe and squeezed her tongue into the sensitive folds of her inner ear.

“You are safe here. This is the orphanage Andrew built for my beautiful children. Do not be frightened by what you saw earlier, child. The surrogates are perfectly content in their liquid heaven, and there is nothing wrong with the temple the Thornes have built in my honor.”

Emma could feel Eshabaar’s soft lips stroking her skin as she murmured the words in a deep, seductive tenor that seemed to creep beneath her aching flesh.
She has the voice of an ancient being not used to speaking in the tongues of man.
The woman kissed her softly on the lips, the contact electrifying Emma’s entire body and banishing any remaining vestiges of resistance.

“You saw the precious children. You have tasted Mother’s Milk. Now tell me, what could be wrong about sending my living flesh into the world to find loving homes they would never have otherwise? The mountain is a dark, dreary place, with terrible memories soaked into the very rock. Is it wrong for me to seek a better life for my children? And in the process, I give the world my second sweetest gift.”

Eshabaar took her naked breast between her fingers and slowly traced her stiff nipple across Emma’s curved lips. The milk tingled as it dripped into Emma’s panting mouth, and she felt her hands sliding over Eshabaar’s shoulders and pulling down the thin straps of her dress.
Oh, this is even sweeter than Mother’s Milk. It tastes like the entire universe is exploding inside you.
As the rich essence crept its way down her throat she could feel it working through her body in warm waves, and her own nipples began to bulge relentlessly against the front of her slip.
More, you need more!
Emma got on all fours and knelt in front of the earth mother, who was now reclining against the headboard pushing her spectacular breasts together with the palms of her hands. She placed her greedy mouth over Eshasbaar’s nipple and squeezed the swollen breast with both her hands.

The milk spurted into her mouth in thick sprays, and for an instant Emma thought she might choke on the engulfing fluid. But she managed to latch her lips over the spouting nipple and swallowed stream after stream of the glorious deluge. The piercing rattled against her teeth as she sucked, her entire mouth crammed with Eshabaar’s overflowing breast. She used to hands to direct the spray, and whenever her mouth was full she lifted her head to soak her own hanging tits. She was spoilt for choice as she switched between the twin orbs, her tongue lashing at the hard nipples and milk slicking her grasping fingertips. When she pulled her head back her face and hair were drenched in Eshabaar’s sacred lactations, and she was giggling like a child on the ultimate sugar rush.

Let this never end. If only Eshabaar could feed you for eternity. There would be no more pain, no more doubts. Only the soft, yielding smoothness of her tits and the rapturous flow of her milk…
Eshabaar pushed her wet mouth away and climbed on top of her, torrents of milk splashing on Emma’s face as she ripped open the front of her slip
. Look at these marvels, child. I don’t think I have ever seen such a perfect set of tits
proclaimed Eshabaar in Emma’s milk-soaked brain. Then the earth mother was suckling her, and bubbles of milk and spit foamed on Emma’s lips as she fed the hungry goddess. Eshabaar’s milk had quickened her own production, and it thrilled Emma to watch the milk queen’s lips sliding up and down her erect nipple. Eshabaar’s magnetic gaze met her own as the earth mother tore off her skirt and pushed her cunt against Emma’s. Emma groaned as her hot juices mingled with Eshabaar’s, their cunts mashing furiously together in a sopping mess of sweat and milk.

can always be like this Emma. You, ahh, never, mmmm, have to leave.
Eshabaar’s voice began to quaver as the tempo of her thrusting pelvis increased. A vision of Andrew in a field of swaying grass flashed through Emma’s mind, and the thought clearly appealed to the earth mother. Eshabaar raised her gorgeous face from Emma’s tit and sat bolt upright, milk gushing everywhere as she continued to fuck her latest devotee.
You can have him child, yes, you can have him. Give him children if you wish.
Eshabaar stared down at her as she bit her lip, a thin stream of dark blue blood spattering against her chin and rising tits.
But first let me, ah, finish you. We are almost there, child, almost…

As their mutual orgasms ripped through their bodies, the bed levitated off the ground. The blue light intensified as their cunts writhed against each other in the final throes, and Emma couldn’t tell where she ended and the earth mother began. Eshabaar squirted when she came, a jet of bubbling milk that splashed against the ceiling and rained back down in a thick white shower. She closed her eyes, lost in the wet flesh of the silver-eyed goddess.

When Emma’s eyes finally opened Eshabaar stood naked by the door, her silver eyes peering back over a wet shoulder. The bed had returned to the floor, and her body was sprawled across its sopping sheets. She looked up at Eshabaar, her eyes imploring the earth mother to stay.

“I must go, child. It is time to put the children to bed. Andrew will join you soon. He will see to your wounds and clean you up. I will see you later.”

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