Drive by Wolf (2 page)

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Authors: Jordyn Tracey

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Interracial, #Romantic Erotica

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In answer, the stranger reached down and hooked his hands under my arms. My anger and excitement went into over drive when his thumbs brushed the sides of my bare breasts. Just how many months since I had had me some was a mystery.

Chelle, you are not fucking a strange white guy and that's

He deposited me on the bed, and I drew a sheet over myself. While he stood looking around for somewhere to put his huge body, I yanked open my dresser and pulled out the hand mirror from the top drawer. The wound on my neck was almost gone. The dried blood was also gone, licked away by Freaky-Deaky here.

"Because you're the finest man I've ever seen and I feel like maybe you ... possibly saved my life, I'm going to give you a head start before I call the cops." I looked up to see the plea in his sexy eyes. "Just two hours until sun down. Please?"


Drive By Wolf

by Jordyn Tracey

Common sense should have had me scared shitless, but he didn't—I'll kick myself later for thinking this lame crap—but he didn't
like he was going to do me harm. That thought was what scared me, because something told me it was true. I could trust my sense of smell to let me know if a person was a threat. What the hell?

"Just who are you?
are you, a vampire?" He chuckled at that, revealing seriously straight, white teeth. "No, not a vampire. Do they even exist?"


Big and Sexy leaned toward me and whispered in my ear.

"My name is Kyle, but you can call me lover if you like."

"You did not just come on to me," I accused. "And put on some damn clothes already."

Kyle shrugged. "I have none, and your son's are too small. Don't you have a man?"

I wasn't admitting shit to him. "Yes, I do thank you, but his clothes are at his house. He's due to come over soon so you should get going."

The disbelief was plain in his eyes.

"You don't know me?" I snapped, hating that he was right. The last man I had run across in the grocery store, fine as I don't know what, was looking for a sugar mama. My money didn't stretch that far. Even then just to get a little, I had thought about it for all of a minute.

His gray eyes glinted. "No, I don't know you, but if you were mine, I would be here all the time, feasting between your sweet thighs and nibbling at your dark chocolate nipples. How could he possibly keep himself away?" 13

Drive By Wolf

by Jordyn Tracey

At his bold words, I was panting and fanning myself. I wanted to go crank up the air conditioner but was too scared to move. My snatch was so wet, I think I might have left a wet spot on the bed. Thinking it was time to change the subject, I said. "What happened last night? And how can I have only this little nothing of a gash when that thing tore my whole throat open? And why don't you have any clothes on? I mean they mug people around here, but damn they never stole anybody's drawers off them." Kyle threw back his head and almost barked his hearty laugh. Watching him, a low rumble started in my chest, and I felt like I was going to jump him. I actually leaned into it, ready to attack. The feeling was unreal. He wiped the tears streaming from his eyes. "You are a treasure."

I rolled my eyes.

"I did not mean for any of this to happen. I got so hungry, had denied myself too long. To complicate things, the construction work had driven the small animals further away and—"

"What are you talking about!" Before he could answer, we both heard something at the same time. The cats. For some strange reason, cats hung out at my front door, looking for a hand out. I never gave them anything, thinking that would only encourage them more, but denying them didn't discourage the little hairballs. Now, for no reason, I felt hostility rising in me. I think I might have barked! I shot up off the bed, forgetting the sheet and leaped forward to spring downstairs after the cats. Before 14

Drive By Wolf

by Jordyn Tracey

I could take a step, Kyle stopped me. He stood behind me with his arms around my waist. In that second, our bodies were molded together. His long tool wedged between my legs and slid along my moist center.

The unintentional move made us both weak. Our legs buckled until we landed on the floor, him on top of me. Like a dog in heat, I arched my back and pressed into him. The tip of his shaft slid inside my tunnel. I howled.

"Oh no. What's wrong with me?" I cried out. Kyle's breathing was so shallow, it was noisy. He seemed to be fighting tooth and nail not to drive his dick any deeper. I, having zero self-control, kept bucking back to get it in. He jerked backwards and at the same time pushed me forward.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," he chanted.

"Look, damn it. Start explaining and stop saying you're sorry. This shit is starting to freak me out. What's going on? I can hear a whisper like a shout. I can smell ... like ... everything, and all my emotions are whacked out. So you better confess, because I feel like I want to rip out your heart with my teeth! And that ain't natural!" He nodded, reached out to help me to my feet and I let him. I forgot about covering my body and just stood there. Kyle stretched a hand toward my breast, and my jacked up body arched to put it in his hand. He drew back before we made contact.

"Sit down. What I have to say will not be easy for you to hear," he sighed. "Just know I never meant this to happen. I've never hurt anyone to my knowledge, because I was taught right from the start what the rules were and how to 15

Drive By Wolf

by Jordyn Tracey

handle my special needs and abilities. Even then it felt impossible to handle."

I stared at him like he took leave of his senses, or like I had. This was the Twilight Zone, for real. "Just what are you, Kyle? Better still, what has happened to me?"

[Back to Table of Contents]


Drive By Wolf

by Jordyn Tracey

Chapter Three

"I'm a werewolf, and because I bit you, now so are you." His declaration sounded to me like "I'm fucking screwed and because I am so are you."

I hated him. And when I was angry I attacked and when I was turned on, I attacked. Since meeting Kyle, I had two modes—

"You! You did this to me?" I sounded like a drama queen on a bad acting TV show. I lunged for him. My fingernails were suddenly like claws. I tore at his skin before he caught my wrists. He was sitting on the bed and the impact of me landing on him sent him backwards. Another discovery. I wasn't just horny, I was sex-crazed. When I landed on his chest, I started licking his skin. I humped against his stomach, and not finding his dick, I slid lower. For the second time, the tip eased inside me. Oh, he was big, so painfully, wonderfully big.

I threw back my head and howled, wiggling to make it go deeper. But the pleasure killer let go of my wrists and grabbed my hips to haul me off him. I was near tears. Kyle planted me on my back against the bed. I watched his gaze lick my skin just as surely as I had his chest a second ago. His look stopped at my breasts, and I'm telling you he was fighting a war in his own mind not to suck my nipples. I teased him because I was on fire. "You know you want it. Ever had a black woman? I taste like chocolate."

"Chelle, don't." He closed his eyes. 17

Drive By Wolf

by Jordyn Tracey

"How do you know my name?"

He nodded toward a piece of mail on the dresser. "I assumed that is you."

I squirmed beneath his hold. "Come on, just once. What can it hurt? We're adults. Please? I'm on fire. I need you inside me right now. I need to come. Now! Come on!" At the same time I was begging a man to fuck me which I had never done in my entire life, at the back of my mind was the tiny voice of common sense saying,
Girl, you done lost your damn
mind. Stop acting like a 'ho.
Common sense had zero strength right about then.

"Once will never be enough. I need to explain everything to you first. And then you can decide," he told me. I frowned. "Decide what?"

"Decide if you will live here and follow the rules to the letter or go away—far away—to a place I know where you can be free and do whatever with no threat from humans." I gulped. "Humans?"

He stroked my face. I turned away. "You are no longer human, Chelle. The sooner you realize that, the better. If you are to live among humans, you must follow the rules or you risk exposing us all, and there are some who will not let you live if they think you will expose us."

"The hell you say! I'm not leaving my son. You can forget it."

His expression turned harsh. "Then listen and listen good. You are now a werewolf. That means you will be swayed by the moon. Period. No resistance to it. You are like a dog on steroids. Every single one of your desires, your emotions, is 18

Drive By Wolf

by Jordyn Tracey

in hyper drive. If you don't learn to know the signals of lost control, you will hurt yourself and others." He paused and stared into my eyes to drive his point home. "You
hurt others if you don't obey the signals." Derrick's face flashed in my mind. This was serious. I swallowed and nodded for him to continue.

"For the most part there are three nights of the month you have to worry about. The full moon, the waxing moon and the waning moon. The full, of course, is the worst. You will spend that entire night in werewolf form, period. When the moon rises, you better be somewhere to work out the drive, or else. You hunt and you mate."


"Sex. You have sex. Because you're brand new, it's much worse."

I gave him a dirty look. "You are just trying to get in my panties."

He laughed. "Did you forget you tried to force yourself on me more than once?" He eyed my dark curls which I made no move to cover. Damn, I was already a wild animal. He flicked his brows upward in amusement. "Not that I don't want it, believe me. I can smell you, so intoxicating I want to eat for a month without stopping, right between your legs." I snapped at him to attack, but he held me easily. I whimpered like a puppy, aching from head to toe, wanting it even more at his words.

"Focus!" he roared. I settled down. "Like I said, on the full moon you are in werewolf or full wolf form all night. End of story. But during the other two nights, you can switch back 19

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by Jordyn Tracey

and forth at will when the moon is up. You must hunt and you must indulge your sex drive on all three nights."


"Because if you don't you will lose control, and you will attack someone. You must plan ahead, have a lover who understands your needs, and who can handle a female werewolf. That means another werewolf for you because you're new. With time and experience, you can mate with a human and not rip him to pieces."

I was skeptical. "Oh come on, Kyle, stop exaggerating. Rip him to pieces? Shit, you'd think I was—"

"An animal? You are!" He was looking like he wanted to shake some sense into me. I was feeling like I wanted to bite his head off for getting me into this shit. Literally.

"It's your fault!" I screamed at him. I tried to call up some of the increased muscle I felt inside, but even with the added power, I was no match for a man as big as him. And he was probably calling on some of his own. I so needed to kick his ass.


"Don't say it."

He sighed. "To make up in a way for what I have done to you, I am willing to be your lover." I laughed. "How giving of you." Amusement darkened his sexy eyes. "Yes, for my good deed I will perform as your lover for one year, three nights a month."

"One year?"


Drive By Wolf

by Jordyn Tracey

"That's a good estimate of how long it takes a new werewolf to learn some control so that she or he can mate with anyone he or she chooses. The routine will be down. You'll have picked out your hunting grounds and become used to the call of the wolf in you."

"Just how many women have you 'helped' in this way?" I demanded, like he was mine.

He didn't bother to answer that personal question, but judging from his hot as hell body, there had to be plenty, well, if there were plenty of new werewolves. Then again maybe there weren't given the werewolves liked to keep their existence quiet. They didn't need new recruits, I was guessing. But he could do human women. That brought another question to mind.

"About disease..." I began.

"Null." His attention was half on my navel ring, a whim of two years ago on my birthday when I was feeling old and wanted to turn back the hands of time. I liked it. At least it made my not so perfect abs look sexier. Kyle stared at it like it was candy. "We have a strong immune system. Nothing hangs on for more than an instant. We also heal incredibly fast."

I wasn't completely buying everything he said. I mean maybe some wild animal, like a rat or something attacked me, and he happened along and saw a chance to get a warm bed and free meal. Maybe he was a bum who had wandered in the wrong part of town.

That didn't explain why I could smell everything. In fact, my own womanly scent was strongest. If it was in my 21

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by Jordyn Tracey

nostrils, it must be in his if he was what he said. I spread my legs wide and had the satisfaction of seeing him jerk and blow hard out his nose. He made that funny snuffling sound like dogs when you wave meat in front of them, letting them sniff but not letting them taste. They start drooling. Kyle wasn't drooling but his eyes had gone glassy, and he held them on my navel like it was too dangerous to look anywhere else. I had the urge to taunt,
Now what, boy?

"I still don't know that any of this is real. Okay, so I'm horny. That doesn't prove that I'll lose control and hump anything moving. I was just out of whack from being attacked last night. That's all." My reasoning sounded straight to my own ears.

Kyle grinned and glanced toward my window. "The waning moon will be visible very soon. We'll see, huh?" I did a double take. "This is the third and last night?" He laughed. "You'll miss me when I'm gone? Yes, this is it, which is why I was so out of control last night as to have attacked you. It was a full moon and I had not planned properly. It never happened before. A portion of my regular hunting grounds had been under construction." He grumbled.

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