Drive by Wolf

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Authors: Jordyn Tracey

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Interracial, #Romantic Erotica

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Drive By Wolf

by Jordyn Tracey

Aidan Books

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Drive By Wolf

by Jordyn Tracey


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

About the Author

* * * *


Drive By Wolf

by Jordyn Tracey

Drive By Wolf

Copyright © May 2008, Jordyn Tracey

Cover art by Aidan Books © May 2008

This is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in this novel are fictitious or used fictitiously. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form.

Aidan Books



Drive By Wolf

by Jordyn Tracey

Chapter One

This shit doesn't happen in the city. Not in my neighborhood.

What fool's dumb enough to take their trash out after dark round there unless they're packing something big and powerful? Not me. Like I told Derrick, my teenage son, if it's not in the alley before the moon rises, well the trash men won't get it until the next go round. That's the rule. But you already know the rules are made to be broken. And always at the most inopportune time, when you're about to get your life rearranged for you.

That particular night when
happened, I was home alone. Derrick was spending the weekend with his Dad. You know the type, the kind that comes around only when it's convenient and when he has a little change in his pocket he can use to buy my son's love. People say you can't buy a kid's affections. Yeah well, they haven't been a fourteen year old boy with friends who have the latest PSP, handheld, cell and whatever else they can get their hands on these day. Don't get me wrong. Derrick knew his father's game, could smell his bull long before he rang the bell once every six months or so. But he wasn't stupid enough not to smile and kindly thank his father when he was showing off either. So he went along for the ride. I was pretty confident that loser wouldn't taint my boy's sharp mind in just two days. That left me with the trash he forgot to put out, and the smell of rotting food I could smell on the way down the steps 5

Drive By Wolf

by Jordyn Tracey

as I went about cleaning the house. There was nothing worse than scrubbing and cleaning everything only to have it ruined by the stench of day old fish.

When I couldn't stomach it anymore, I broke down and bagged the stuff up, changed the trash bag and stood at the back door peaking out. I was hoping one of my neighbors happened to go out too. For a minute, I thought about calling Ree next door to see if she would watch me as I went. What was the use of that when I knew Friday night meant my girl was humping it with her latest man, either in her bed or his. That girl was freaky. I admit I was jealous, but damn she had some hot muscle in and out of her house for months, a different one every week. Shouldn't be any surprise though. Boyfriend fifty-five, or whatever, paid for some body work and now Ree was so hot, I almost wanted her—if I went that way. Which I didn't.

The back alley was quiet. I had to hand it to the folks in this block, they kept it clean. That didn't stop the druggies sliding through or the drive bys, but it was a least some small comfort. Normally, Mr. Jenkins across the way had a flood light that came on when there was movement, and most of the time it just stayed on—maybe it picked up the neighborhood strays—but tonight it was out. I almost didn't go out there.

Finally, I slipped off the chain, turned the key in the dead bolt and followed with the lock in the doorknob. When that was done and I had opened the door, I had to use another key to unlock the screen door. Can't be too careful. 6

Drive By Wolf

by Jordyn Tracey

As I inched open the screen, I couldn't remember if the security system had beeped because I opened the door. Not that it was active. I couldn't afford the bill. The system had come with the house.

With my throat dry and no spit to wet it, I stumbled down my steep wrought iron steps to the ground and ran to the end of the yard. All the while I was trying to pick up if anybody was ready to jump me or shoot me. I couldn't hear a thing over the jingle of my earrings I had forgotten to remove after I got home from work, and my fearful breathing wasn't helping either.

"Shit, shit, shit," I whispered, finding my trashcan turned over and the top missing. The night was too dark and I was too scared to fumble around for it, so I just tossed the bag in, yanked open the gate and threw the trashcan down the steps to the alley. Of course it fell over and the contents sprung out. Mr. Jenkins would lecture me on that, so I better get it. I searched the area. Voices of guys laughing came to me from somewhere further down. A bottle broke, and someone cursed another person out for it. I still couldn't see them. With my attention on righting the garbage and trying to be sure the guys I heard weren't headed my way, I didn't even hear the thing sneaking up behind.

Like I said, in this neighborhood, you're scared of getting shot, not bitten. Yeah, you read that right.
. The thing grabbed me before I knew what was happening. An arm wrapped around my waist, jerking me off my feet, a good foot higher in the air. Enough to get my neck right where it needed it.


Drive By Wolf

by Jordyn Tracey

A hairy hand with sharp claws covered my mouth and wrenched my head to the left. The arm at my waist forced me back against a body so unyielding and so massive, I started losing consciousness from fear alone. But my brain didn't have that much mercy. I stayed alert long enough to hear the predatory snarl and to feel the jagged teeth tear at my flesh. My scream was muffled. This thing was actually eating my neck, and as blood thick and warm ran down onto my favorite powder blue teddy, I couldn't help feeling relief that it wasn't my baby out here being mulled by a monster. That was my last thought before I blacked out.

* * * *

I woke up in a corn field. Not really. Mr. Jenkins had the nerve to be growing corn in his little yard, no bigger than a minute. I don't know, but maybe I got confused at some point and wandered over there looking for shelter. A person could hide in there if he wanted to. But that wasn't the craziest part, slipping across the alley to the neighbor's property instead of heading into my house to call 911. No, the part that had my ass freaking out, was that I was laying on top of a man. A

With the early morning light beaming down on us, I got a good look. First he was white. There wasn't even a lightskinned person on my block. Then he had this wild silky black hair that must reach to his shoulders, but as it lay all about his head, I wasn't too sure. His lashes were so dark and long they looked fake. And his lips were a little thicker than any 8

Drive By Wolf

by Jordyn Tracey

white guy's lips I had seen. Made me wonder what it would be like to kiss him.

Thinking that embarrassed and shocked me, so I continued my examination of this man I was stretched out on. His body was developed like one of those buff guys on steroids or something, but somehow I thought it was natural. And when I sat up, thinking I better get out of here, I got another shocker. His dick was rock hard, and it poked against my panties like it had found a home.

I jumped up so fast, I fell over flat on my face. My head was spinning, and then I remembered that creature from the night before, how it had torn into my neck. I put a hand up and found a small wound and dried blood.

"Are you okay?" The man had awakened and was sitting up just as calm as you please watching me make a fool of myself, while he was the one butt naked. I scrambled away on my hands and knees. Dirt stained my teddy and went up my fingernails. I was destroying Mr. Jenkins' corn, and if I didn't get out of there quick, he was liable to bring out a bat and beat me to death. Crazy white guy could die alone.

Not daring to look back, I stood and made for the gate. As soon as I got it unlatched, a hand came down on my shoulder. I screamed. For the second time, a hand covered my mouth and I was lifted off my feet. Without so much as a by your fucking leave, the stranger carried me across the alley, up the steps and into my back door. When he dropped me to turn and lock the door, I dug out my sharpest knife and turned on him. "Who the hell are you 9

Drive By Wolf

by Jordyn Tracey

and are you the fuck that made that ... that thing attack me last night?"

"I'm sorry," he said gently.

I wanted to cuss him out. I didn't need his sorry. But my head was spinning faster. My knife wavered. The only thing registering right then was that now that he was awake I could see he had smoky gray eyes and his piece was still solid. Visions of me humping it invaded my mind. I screeched and backed away like he caused it. "Stop that!" He smiled. "You're ill. It will get better, but you need to rest. Let me help you."

He took a step closer, but I backed away, holding the knife up like a shield. "F-Forget you." My head dipped, the knife dropped, but before I could crash face first on the floor, he caught me.

The scent of a dog hit my nostrils as he lifted me and wrapped my legs around his waist. I remember thinking that was uncalled for as it shoved his erection right up between my legs to press again at my panties. I was going to tell him off as soon as I had just a little nap.

[Back to Table of Contents]


Drive By Wolf

by Jordyn Tracey

Chapter Two

The next time I became alert, I was laying in my bed. I squinted toward my bedroom door and realized it was shut yet I could hear Mr. Jenkins carrying on about some vandal tearing up his precious corn. My bedroom was in the front of my house. I should not have been able to hear him, let alone make out every word.

When the sleep finally rolled off me, I slowly became aware of something licking my wound.
What the fuck?
I thought that damn stranger left my back door open and some stray dog has come in my house. But then the stray threw his leg over mine. A bare, muscled—
—tanned leg. I sprung up from the bed only to throw myself on the floor. I was just as naked as he had been. Now I was really pissed. That pervert had taken off my clothes? "Who do you think you are?" I screamed, face down with my hands covering my boobs like he could see them anyway. And really while I had been knocked out, he obviously got his eye full. He jumped off the bed and landed above me, one foot on either side of my hips. "I'm sorry, miss. Your clothes were soiled, covered in dirt. I didn't think you would want them staining your bed sheets.

"Well..." I couldn't think of a good come back to beat him down. "Well what are you still doing here? You did your good Samaritan act. Get the hell out of my house."

"I can't at the moment."


Drive By Wolf

by Jordyn Tracey

"What?" I turned over ready to cuss his ass out, only to come face-to-face with his dick hanging right in my face. A thousand thoughts raced through my mind.
Girl, you are still
naked. You're showing it all. He's naked. Punch him in the
balls to hurry him on the way. Give his dick a nice long lick.
I gasped at that last thought and froze in place. I couldn't move a muscle if I broke out into a sweat willing it. After swallowing something like fifteen times to calm myself, I found my voice. "Do you have to wave that shit in my face?

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