Driftwood (16 page)

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Authors: Mandy Magro

BOOK: Driftwood
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beautiful,' he whispered. Grinning, he yanked off his shirt, boots and socks then stripped off his jeans, leaving him clad only in his boxers. His board shorts were in the LandCruiser, but damn them. He liked the way her eyes never left him as he undressed. She waved him in, smiling her wayward smile, making him feel so free, so significant, and so happy, as though life outside of them was no longer important. She brought out the youth in him, made him feel his twenty-five years instead of the fifty he'd been feeling lately. And it felt wonderful, like he could finally breathe freely.

Embracing the freedom, if only for these few glorious moments, he bolted for the water, crashing in and laughing as he resurfaced. Taylor splashed a handful of water at him, tempting him into a water fight. He accepted the battle with a massive splash in her direction, her delighted squeals driving him on. They grappled for one another's arms, trying to ward off the water, laughing hysterically. Finally grabbing hold of each other they wrestled under water, emerging for air when needed, their limbs entwining seductively, the sexual tension intensifying with each lingering touch.

Defeated physically by their spirited romp, Taylor slumped into Jay, and his body tingled in the places her sumptuous bare skin touched his. He let his hands rest on her belly, not caring about the rights and wrongs of doing so, instead completely living in the moment. The calmness of the dam surrounded them as they drifted towards the waterfall that filled the dam from Stoney Creek. Taylor's body perfectly nestled into his, as though she belonged there. He tried to ignore the electrified air and overlook the fact he had feelings emerging for this beautiful woman, but he was a fool to deny it any longer. Taylor's spell had been cast from the moment he'd laid eyes on her, and right now, having her here in his arms, he was enraptured. And all his worries had, as if by magic, disappeared. The only thing that mattered to him at this very second was Taylor, here, with him.

Their hands started to investigate each other's body, as they gave way to an intense undercurrent of desire. The rumble of the waterfall closed in on them and they tensed pleasurably as they passed beneath it with eyes closed, savouring the water as it fell upon their skin. The sunlight faded away as they arrived on the other side and came to rest upon a rock hidden just beneath the surface. The tumbling water had cocooned them within the waterfall, their hearts connecting in a euphoric rush of warmth and raw emotions.

Taylor rolled over to face him, her hands sliding around his strong shoulders before running them up his neck and into his hair, pulling it gently as she placed her legs around his waist. Leaning in, she kissed his neck, trailing her mouth downwards until she could feel his strong pulse on her lips. A soft groan escaped him as his yearning for Taylor intensified. He delighted in her body being so dangerously close to his own.

Jay wrapped his arms around Taylor and pulled her to him, her beautiful breasts pressing against his chest and her racing heartbeat at one with his own. Time stood still while they gazed into each other's eyes as if delving into each other's souls. Their lips were so sensuously close, and finally, feeling the depth of her passion, Jay felt himself being dragged back to reality —
reality of hardship and heartache. He wanted to kiss this beautiful woman so badly but he couldn't. He refused to play with her exquisite heart. She deserved only the best, a man who could give her everything, mind, body and soul, which was
more than he trusted himself to give her right now.

Taylor ran her fingers over his lips, halting him, and then rested her hand upon his heart. Her voice was strained as she spoke. ‘I understand, Jay. You're not ready. And I'm not going to make you do anything you'll regret. I just want you to know that I like you, a lot. I have since the second I laid eyes on you.'

Jay turned away, his jaw clenching.

Taylor gently cupped his cheeks, pulling his intense gaze back towards her. ‘This isn't going to change anything. Okay? You mean too much to me for this to ruin the friendship we already have.'

Silently, he nodded and then hugged her to him, his breathing jagged. ‘Thank you, Taylor, that means the world to me. I'm sorry I can't give you what you want. God knows I wish I could.' He pulled back, running his hands roughly through his hair. ‘And besides, aren't you with Cooper?'

‘Oh my God, not you too,' Taylor replied, smiling delicately. ‘No, I'm not with Cooper. Never have been.'

‘Oh, right. I just thought, um, shit, well, when I seen you two together after you sang at the twenty-first the other night that . . .' Jay rubbed his face, huffing. ‘Uh, nothing, my mistake.'

‘Hey, no worries, Jay, I've been asked by a few of the locals so you're not the only one to assume it.' Taylor squeezed his arm, suddenly exhausted. ‘Let's go and eat that lunch you packed. I'm starving!'

‘Great idea, me too, but before we do —' Jay kissed her quickly on the cheek, his touch leaving warmth on her skin, ‘— I've been meaning to tell you. Your voice is beautiful, Taylor. Magical. And that song you sang, the words were so powerful, kind of made me wish you were singing about me. Crazy, huh?'

‘Thanks, I appreciate that fact you stayed and listened to it all,' said Taylor, smiling. She swam towards the waterfall, calling over her shoulder to Jay just before she dived beneath it, ‘You know what, Jay? Maybe I
singing about you.'


2012 — Far North Queensland

‘I can't believe this is your last shift,' Jasmine said while stacking glasses from the dishwasher into a tray. ‘We're all gonna miss your company, Tays,
your beautiful singing.'

‘Aww, thanks, mate. That means a lot.'

Jasmine pulled at the top of her maternity jeans, exhaling pleasurably as her hefty baby bump was allowed a small reprieve. Taylor giggled at the way Jasmine's bellybutton was protruding and Jasmine, noticing Taylor's observation, screwed her face up in mock horror. ‘I know, I look like a friggin' balloon, hey?' She prodded her bellybutton. ‘And this is the bit where you tie the balloon up. I keep telling Wes if he pokes me in the ribs, I might just explode.'

Taylor erupted with laughter and the two women chuckled and snorted until happy tears ran down their cheeks.

Jasmine sniffed, trying to pull herself back together. ‘Honestly, though, Tays, you should have become a famous musical artist. You've got an amazing gift. Why not do something with it instead of hanging around Driftwood?'

Taylor shook her head softly, touched by Jasmine's faith in her singing. After years of enduring her family's criticism it was a wonderful change to be praised. ‘Oh Jaz, I love singing, I really do. But my dream is to work with horses. And I can do that here, at Waratah Station. My music is just a wonderful pastime for me, you know, a way to make people feel good. I couldn't stand the pressure that's put on artists to perform. It would ruin the magic of it for me.'

Jasmine stretched her arms out. ‘Come here, you. You're so special I just have to hug you.'

The two women embraced awkwardly, due to Jasmine's belly. A special bond had blossomed between them after working together for the past six weeks.

‘I'm going to miss you, too, Jaz. Big time!' Taylor said as she pulled back. Holding Jasmine at arm's length, she dropped her voice to a whisper. ‘I'm not too sure Zoe's going to miss me, though. She's barely spoken to me since I bumped into her with that tray, even though I've apologised countless times. I thought she and I were going to be great mates when we first met but now I've gotten to know her better I'm beginning to think I was wrong. Thank God she's gone away for a few days so I can stop walking on eggshells.'

Jasmine glanced about, but the pub was empty other than the two old regulars down the end of the bar who were so settled in they looked like part of the furniture. She turned her attention back to Taylor. ‘I've been dying to get to work tonight to tell you. When I popped in to pick up my pay this morning I overheard Zoe talking to Faith, well, arguing with her I should say — you know how she is — being her typical prima donna self.' Jasmine rolled her eyes, took another fleeting glance around the bar and then continued. ‘Anyway, she was demanding that Faith stop being friends with you because you're taking the job out at Waratah Station
— get this . . .' Jasmine squeezed Taylor's shoulders excitedly. ‘Because Zoe reckons you're stealing her man and that Faith should be doing something about it.' Jasmine covered her mouth, eyes wide. ‘Only one guess who this mystery man might be.'

Taylor's eyebrows shot up as she gulped down her shock. ‘Cooper? Really? But I'm not —'

Jasmine cut her off. ‘No, silly, not Cooper — Jay Donnellson!'

‘Holy shit! Jay?' Taylor wiggled her eyebrows, nerves filling her. ‘Aha, now it all makes perfect sense.' She pulled her eyes from Jasmine's questioning gaze, not wanting to give anything away about her feelings for Jay. ‘Not that Zoe's got anything to worry about. I'm not having a relationship with him — far from it. He's going to be my boss, for Christ's sake.'

Jasmine smiled sassily. ‘Well, honey, I wouldn't blame you if you went for him.' She shook her fingers as though she'd just touched something hot, whistling at the same time. ‘He's a bloody hunk. If I weren't ten years too old, shacked up and almost eight months pregnant, I'd go for him in a flash.'

‘You're a spinner, Jaz, that's one of the reasons I love ya so much,' Taylor said, laughing. ‘But I'm not too sure it's wise of me to try anything with him. Apparently he's trouble, “heartbreaker” was the exact word used to describe him.'

Jasmine feigned deep thought, hands rubbing her chin. ‘Hmm, really, and who might it be that told you that? Zoe, by any chance?'

Taylor slapped the side of her head. ‘Bloody hell, I'm an idiot! I should have seen it all along. No wonder Zoe's been nasty if she thinks I'm interested in Jay. She's spinning yarns to me to make sure I keep well away from him.'

Jasmine stroked the air in front of her rhythmically. ‘If I had a violin I'd play it to her. Zoe needs to learn that she doesn't get everything her own way. It's bloody horrible that she's lied to you like that. Jay's a great bloke; I can vouch for it. I've known him most of my life. Wes and him have been good mates for years.'

‘Really? So, what's your take on Jay, if you don't mind me asking?' Taylor said, a little too hastily. She couldn't help herself. She needed to know. The millions of unanswered questions she'd been torturing herself with since the day at the dam begged for responses.

Jasmine leant back against the bar, giving Taylor an appraising look. Taylor kicked herself for being so transparent, but in a way she was glad she had someone to talk to, finally. ‘Jay's a bit of a troubled soul. He means well, but he always seems to find himself in deep shit and most of the time it's circumstances way out of his control. I really bloody feel for him. He was badly hurt when Becky took off with that city bloke, and then losing his dad — well, you of all people can understand the load he carries there.' Jasmine kicked off her shoes, sighing as she stretched her swollen feet. ‘Jay might be a hard nut to crack, but let me tell you, whichever woman can come along and heal that broken heart of his will be loved like they've never been loved before. I used to be friends with Becky, until she did what she did to him, and let me tell you, from the stories she told me when they were together, she was crazy to leave him. You wouldn't guess it, but Jay's such a romantic at heart.' Jasmine giggled, zipping her lips with her fingers. ‘Not that I told you that — he likes to uphold the bad boy image, I reckon. And with the fights he's been getting himself into lately he's doing a bloody good job of it.'

Taylor's heart fluttered and hope fizzed like an entire packet of lit sparklers in her belly. ‘I thought he came across as a bloke who was happy on his own, you know, not really interested in having a woman in his life, almost like he might be a bit of a player.'

Jasmine snorted as she swiped the air, waving Taylor's accusation off. ‘Jay Donnellson? A player? No way. He's just afraid to fall in love again. That's all. And he has a hell of a lot on his shoulders. I admire his strength. Not many men could cope with what he has in an entire lifetime, let alone in a couple of years.'

Taylor picked at imaginary dirt underneath her fingernails. Her initial instincts had been right all along. She just had to give Jay time. And maybe he'd let the wall he'd built around himself come crumbling down. Otherwise, she might just have to bloody well climb over it. ‘I'll be honest. I really like him, Jaz. And it scares me. I've never fallen so quickly for a bloke before. It's weird. I just feel like we're meant to be together, kinda like we're connected somehow.' She sniffed, wiping a lone tear from her cheek. ‘Am I being stupid?'

‘No way! Follow your heart, Tays. Or you're cheating yourself out of love.' Jasmine gently squeezed Taylor's arm, awareness flashing in her eyes. ‘I've known all along you have feelings for him. The way you look at him every time he comes in here . . .' Jasmine touched her heart as she batted her eyelids. ‘Ahh, it's so beautiful. What I'd give to feel like that again. That feeling you get when you're falling in love is priceless.' She sighed serenely, and then smiled. ‘But don't worry, your secret's safe with me. And you know what? I reckon Jay has feelings for you too. He's just too blinded by everything he's dealing with at the moment to see it. Give him time. He'll come round. You'll see.' Jasmine grabbed Taylor's hand and squeezed it. ‘Don't give up on him, Tays. He really needs to see someone fighting for him instead of giving up when the going gets tough, you know what I mean?'

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