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Authors: Lynn Viehl

BOOK: Dreamveil
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Table of Contents
Praise for the Novels of the Darkyn
Stay the Night
“Truly transfixing!”

Romantic Times
“The best Darkyn novel to date.”

The Romance Reader
Twilight Fall
“The pace is fast and the characters strong . . . whets the appetite for more.”
—Monsters and Critics
“Flawed characters are Viehl’s forte, and when you mix in rapidly paced plotting, the story shines with intense and dangerous emotions . . . one highly satisfying read!”

Romantic Times
“[An] intelligent and breathtaking addition to the incomparable Darkyn series.”
—Fresh Fiction
“Viehl scripts an excellent story in
Twilight Fall.

Paranormal Romance
“An electrifying addition to this top-notch series . . . a definite must-read.”
—Romance Junkies
“A really good series . . . excellent.”

Affaire de Coeur
“[F]ull of exciting twists and turns. . . . Viehl tells a self-contained, page-turning story of medieval vampires.”

Publishers Weekly
“Dual cases of unexpressed love have kept two potential mates dancing around each other. Add in guilt and remorse and this is a recipe for emotional disaster. Thankfully, Viehl knows just how to liven things up: by adding danger, treachery and betrayal to the mix. Things never run smoothly in the Darkyn world!”

Romantic Times
“Lynn Viehl sure knows how to tell a hell of a story.”
—Romance Reviews Today
“[O]ne of my favorites, if not
favorite, Darkyn book to date.”
—Romance Reader at Heart
“[A]nother highly satisfying chapter in the Darkyn saga.”
—Vampire Genre
Night Lost
“Viehl continues to weave an intricate web of intrigue in this contribution to the amazing series. . . . I became completely engrossed in this compelling story. Lynn Viehl had me hooked from the first page . . . exceptional. . . . I definitely recommend this marvelous book.”
—Romance Junkies
“Fast-paced and fully packed. [Viehl] does an excellent job of world building and provides characters who continue to be explored book by book. You won’t regret spending time in this darkly dangerous and romantic world!”

Romantic Times
“Fans of the series will agree that Lynn Viehl is at the top of her game.”
—Alternative Worlds
Dark Need
“An exciting book and a must- read . . . thrilling. . . . What makes the Darkyn novels so compelling is the dichotomy of good and evil.
Dark Need
has a gritty realism and some frightening and creepy characters that will keep you awake late at night. Balancing the darkness is the searing heat and eroticism that is generated between Samantha and Lucan.”
—Vampire Genre
Private Demon
“Lynn Viehl’s vampire saga began spectacularly in
If Angels Burn
, and this second novel in the Darkyn series justifies the great beginning. Indeed, it is as splendid if not more than the first one.”
—Curled Up with a Good Book
“Strong . . . a tense, multifaceted thriller. . . . Fans of Lori Handeland’s ‘Moon’ novels will want to read Lynn Viehl’s delightful tale.”

Midwest Book Review
If Angels Burn
“Erotic, darker than sin, and better than good chocolate.”
—Holly Lisle
“This exciting vampire romance is action-packed. . . . The story line contains terrific characters that make the Darkyn seem like a real species. . . . Lynn Viehl writes a fascinating paranormal tale that readers will appreciate with each bite and look forward to sequels.”
—The Best Reviews
Kyndred Series
Darkyn Series
If Angels Burn
Private Demon
Dark Need
Night Lost
Twilight Fall
Master of Shadows
Stay the Night
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First Printing, June 2010
Copyright © Sheila Kelly, 2010
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