Dragon's Blood (13 page)

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Authors: Brynn Paulin

Tags: #Book One of the Cruentus Dragons Series

BOOK: Dragon's Blood
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“Know what?”

Janos kissed her, his lips lingering over hers before he answered. His tongue flicked over one of her canines. She moaned, a waft of his blood seeming to fill her senses. How could she possibly smell it?

He kissed her once more then pulled back a few inches and smiled down at her. “You changed yourself.”


“Remember what I told you about when mates unite. They stand before the people and exchange blood. At our ceremony, I would have taken your blood and, in turn, given you mine. Gold lights would have swirled around us sealing the union—ancient Dragon magic.”

“I saw the light…”
Did this mean she was a Dragon, too?

“Our people are very put out that you’ve cheated them out of the ceremony,” he joked. “When I would have carried you off to our home after the exchange, they would have reveled through the night. Now we’ll have to fake a ceremony them for them.”

“I don’t understand. I don’t feel different.”

“You will. At first, the changes are subtle. Have you looked at your back? Your scars are gone. Any sickness is gone and will never touch you again. Any minor wound will heal instantaneously. Major wounds will heal more quickly. You’ll crave blood. Your strength and speed will grow by the year, as will your abilities. All of us have different skills—healing, telepathy, telekenesis, manipulation of elements, battle skills like mine…and many more. They’ll grow in time with your strength. Has sunlight given you headaches?”

“Blinding,” she replied, stunned by what he was telling her. “Are you disappointed that I accidentally changed myself before I got pregnant—I mean, is that going to be a huge problem. Maybe we could adopt orphaned Dragons—”

“Oh, my darling sweet
. I had planned our ceremony for that night.”

She stared at him, blinking as his words settled over her. “I’m…”


“Wow.” She grinned. “I’m happy. Janos, I—”

He pressed his fingers over her lips. “No. I get to say it first. Every time you say it first, something happens to keep me from telling you. I love you, Scarlett. Not just because you’re my mate, but because you fill all the places that have needed you for a millennium. You charm me, you challenge me, and when I look at you…” He shook his head as if searching for words. “When I look at you, I just feel this mix of absolute peace and belonging and tenderness. And of course, I want to be one with your beautiful body as often as possible.”

“You could get to that any time now.”

“I also love your mouthy mouth.”

“I want your mouth on me. Can you arrange that?”

He growled and she lifted up so her lips were to his ear.

“I love you, too,” she whispered.

Janos’ hand changed to Dragon form before her eyes. He drew a claw across his shoulder. “Drink, love,” he urged. Without waiting, he leaned to the side and sank his teeth into her shoulder. Instant ecstasy laced through her. She pressed her mouth to the wound he’d made. Her gums tingled. Suddenly, she felt the movement of her teeth, felt them sinking into her lover’s shoulder. He groaned with pleasure as she drank from him, his sweet elixir slipping down her throat.

Her eyes closed as she let the waves of pleasure slide over her. Their bodies moved in unison. Janos shoved away his pants, then his cock pressed to her pussy. Unwilling to wait another moment to be one with him, she thrust upward. Janos’ mouth broke away on a cry. Scarlett hummed around one last swallow, then she released him. Her head pressed into the pillows as her hips met his over and over. The hairs on his legs abraded her inner thighs. Rough against smooth. Soft against hard. Man and woman. Different but one. Tendrils of exquisite pleasure spun around her womb, tightening, building her tension. Her nipples pulled to hard points and brushed against his chest. Each graze against him pulled at her flooded pussy. She quivered as her emotional connection with him collided with the sensations captivating her body.

Tiny swells of release pulsed into her limbs, promises of what would come. Her fingers dug into Janos. “Harder,” she urged.

“You feel so good squeezing me. Oh love…” He pistoned forward, the force slamming the bed into the wall, and she screeched with pleasure as his groin connected with her clit.

Suddenly, she was flying. She trembled beneath Janos’ powerful body as she soared through a starburst, her orgasm flooding through her in wave after wave, each more powerful than the last. His bellow joined her cry and his release splashed inside her. His arms cradled her, his wings brushing the calves she’d wrapped around him. Smiling, she realized he’d taken her flying again. And she could fly with him forever. As long as they were together, they could weather anything. The strength was in their Dragon’s blood and in their hearts.

“I love you, Janos,” she told him again. Her lips pressed to the pounding pulse in his neck.

“I love you, mate. And whatever happens, that will see us through.”

She knew it was true.

He lowered them to the bed, and his wings disappeared. He turned to his back, pulling her toward him. She climbed on top of him. His cock was still hard and slid inside her again. She didn’t move, content to be joined with him, content to be herself and content with the path the universe had given them. There was much to do, battles still to be waged, a new life for her to learn, but side by side, they would endure, and find happiness and eternal love in one another’s arms.

She smiled down at Janos. “I want to go home. A totally new world awaits, and I want to discover it with you. And we should give our people their party. How long does a couple hide away after the change?”


“Perfect.” She nipped at his shoulder. “And if I have my way, we might need a few more to recover. And you can tell me you love me as often as you like.”


Mmm…yes. Forever and forever and then perhaps an eternity more.

Read on for a preview of the next book in

Brynn Paulin’s
Creuntus Dragons

Blood Bought

Coming October 2009 to Resplendence Publishing

The woman’s anger, unmistakable rage, radiated across the parking garage and hit Jonah full force as his sports car raced up to the third level. Grimacing, he pushed his body past feeling the pain that had plagued him for the six months since she’d left him. She was his mate and his body craved her, not that she gave a care about that. No, she’d run rather than mate with him.

His jaw locked as his own anger joined hers. His only solace was in the knowledge that she’d be feeling equal pain, as was her rightful punishment for running from their union and kidnapping the Elder’s mate in the process. A thin smile momentarily curved his lips. Soon all the pain would end and his mate would bear another punishment for her desertion, one meted out by his hand, one he’d sorely enjoy.

The smile faded as she came into sight. Athena Xanthopoulos, his intended mate. Two of the Dragons from the New York clan held her and everything inside him rebelled at another male touching his woman, but it was necessary or she’d run. Athena was good at running as he discovered since she’d fled the Cruentus compound. The two Dragons, who were in human form, seemed relieved that he’d arrived. Athena on the other hand looked even more pissed off. They had her chained between them as a safeguard. Impotently, she fought, her long black hair flying wildly around her head. Even from this distance, he could see the fury in her dark brown eyes while the muscles of her arms strained against the manacles that held her. Jonah knew she wouldn’t escape her captors.

She glared at his car though he was sure she couldn’t see who was inside, not in this dim part of the parking garage. Oh, she knew… As her struggle increased, her teeth bared in contempt.

“Get out here, you bastard, and call off your dogs,” she screeched.

“Um, honey, we’re Dragons,” the taller of the pair holding her said dryly. “And if you weren’t Jonah’s mate—poor sucker—I think I’d barbeque you.”

“Hey, no toasting my
, Levi,” Jonah cut in as he slid from his silver car. He drew a black leather case from the backseat and approached the trio.

“I’m not suggesting toast.” He glared at Athena. “I’m thinking banshee on a spit.”

Jonah shook his head, biting back his chuckle as he met Athena’s stormy brown eyes. Silently, he surveyed her while she just as silently glared back. He’d searched fruitlessly for her since she’d run away. Often he’d arrived just after she’d left wherever she’d stayed, her scent still in the air and tormenting him. The mating call would then twist his insides, the innate need to be with her bringing him physical pain. Did she not feel the same?

She must. In her short-sleeved T-shirt, he could see the mating mark on her left arm that matched the one on his right. How did she control the call? It should be so strong that even the Dragons holding her wouldn’t be safe from her need. He shoved away that repugnant thought that would cause him to hate his friends who held her. Intent, he headed for directly for Athena, holding her gaze. One thought filled his mind. One thought? No, many. Full thoughts escaped him. His head was filled with random images. Her neck, his teeth, her blood.


She was his and it was time she realized it.

Holding her gaze, he stopped opened the case and stopped before her. Her eyes widened at the leather shackles he removed, and she fought as he deftly replaced the iron that had held her.

“What?” she sniped. “You’re not man enough to handle me without tying me up?”

“Sweetheart, I’m not taking any chances of you jumping from the car.” He lifted her wrists to inspect the gashes from the metal shackles.

She pulled away. “Back off, Fang. I’m not dinner.”

“You’ll be whatever I choose,” he replied, content to spar with her as long as she was with him. At this proximity, the need to couple with her increased, but the pain somewhat receded. It was the first relief he’d felt since the mating mark had appeared on his arm. He shook his head at her continued belligerence when he knew the need was pulsing through her as well. He could see it in the way her nipples pushed against her shirt and hear it in the way her heart was thundering. It certainly wasn’t caused by fear. Jonah was convinced this woman felt none.

His tongue pressed to the bottom of his front teeth and he slightly parted his lips, drawing in a breath. Yes…there it was. Her arousal filled his senses as he tasted the air. The heavy flavor of her desire nearly had him yanking her into his arms and dragging her away. The other Dragons would be able to scent it as well, and she was his! He wanted her as far from other males as possible until he was fully united with her.

Shaking, he pulled himself from the edge of frenzy. This was the mating call driving him. He had more control than this. Gently, he stroked her cheek and his skin tingled at the long-awaited contact.

His skin tingled as he stroked her cheek.

“Get your hand off me or you’ll see what it’s like to be bit,” Athena growled.

“In my dreams,” he murmured. He sighed. “Still a shrew, I see.”

“Jerk,” she said, her voice hardly a whisper as desire darkened her eyes. He’d played around long enough. Before the thought was half-formed in his mind, Jonah’s arms snaked around her, one capturing her waist and the other banding her shoulders.

,” he murmured as his hand threaded through the hair at her temple and tilted her head to the side, revealing the vein that throbbed from her struggles. She tried to fight him, but his unbreakable grasp held her still. He insinuated his knee between her legs as he angled his body to hers. In the position, none of the self defense moves she’d mastered and he’d been warned about would work. He held her more helpless than the chains. She shivered as his tongue flattened and dragged over the vein. “Can you already feel me inside you?” he murmured. “Is your body even more wet knowing the one who will master it has now captured you?”

“No,” she whispered hoarsely, but he knew it was a lie. She quivered against him and her body heated with her lust.

“Mine,” he replied, his lips brushing her skin. His teeth sank into the soft flesh at the base of her neck to punctuate his declaration. Euphoria filled him, as her blood sank across his taste buds, the flavor of his
, the one woman destined just for him. Athena moaned, her body arching into him, as the aphrodisiac from his bite flowed through her body, making her wild with her pent-up need. It would have affected Jonah as well, if he hadn’t prepared against it. He could not afford to be weakened by the lust for his mate.

Shuddering as he pulled his mouth away from the Nirvana of her blood, he took a step back. It took a moment for him to collect himself. Finally, he was able to look at the men who still held Athena who was now writhing and crying out in her mindless need. Jonah looked away quickly, knowing he was an inch from giving in to her. He nodded to the men then led the way to his car, where he popped the trunk. He hated to put his mate there but it was the safest place for her at the moment. She was so far gone with her desire, she would barely notice anyway.

“Jonah, I need you,” Athena whimpered.

Levi pulled him back when he took a step forward to answer her pleas.

“Soon enough,” Levi whispered.

Jonah nodded as the trunk was shut. He’d bitten her and fed his Dragon who’d waited so long for his mate. It sealed the contract. She was his. Bought with blood.

About the Author

When it comes to books and movies, Brynn Paulin has one rule: there must be a happy ending. After that one requirement, anything else goes. And it just might in any of her books.

Brynn lives in Michigan with her husband and two children, who love her despite her occasional threats to smite them. They humor her and let her think she’s a goddess... as long as she provides homemade chocolate chip cookies on a regular basis. Brynn is president of her local chapter of Romance Writers of America and also hosts a weekly writing critique group. She’s conducted workshops at several writers’ conferences around the country as she enjoys mentoring and meeting new people.

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