Downunder Heat (9 page)

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Authors: Alysha Ellis

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Downunder Heat
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“I doubt if you do, Kitty.”

For the first time she noticed the signs of weariness.

He sounded gravelly and his words were slow and spaced apart. “We had a bad day.”

Now that she listened properly, she could hear no sounds of revelry in the background. Whatever held Zakk at the club had nothing to do with sixties-inspired beach parties. He’d said he needed to hear her voice—he’d rung because he needed her. “Do you want to tell me about it?” she asked softly.

“I shouldn’t,” he replied. “I have no right to dump my baggage on you, but…”

“If it helps, I’ll listen. Are you sure you don’t want to come over?”

“I want to, but I won’t,” he replied. “I really can’t get out of here for a while. We… It was a bad day all round. It started off just the usual summer stuff, a shark sighting so we had to get everyone out of the water. Then we got the all clear and everyone went back in, and I was about to sign out when we got another call. Ben, the guy who was supposed to relieve me, took a swim before his stint started.”

He fell silent for a moment. Kitty waited, knowing there was more.

“Some jerk was surfing inside the flagged area and his board got away and hit Ben in the face. It knocked him unconscious and he had a seizure in the water. The beach was crowded and we were trying to deal with Ben and the idiots on boards who kept trying to surf in the restricted swimming area… Oh, shit, Kitty, there’s no easy way to put it. We lost a kid.”

“Lost?” she asked although she could tell from the despair in his voice he wasn’t talking about a child who had wandered off up the beach and been found by his distraught parents an hour later.

“He was only three. His mother put the kid down for a nap in the shade of her umbrella and fell asleep herself. The kid woke up and headed down to the water. Most people’s attention was focused on what was going on with Ben’s rescue. Then someone screamed and I raced over…” Zakk’s voice broke. “He was rolling in the foam, just this tiny little kid.” He swallowed. “We did CPR for ages—no one wanted to admit he was gone—but eventually we had to give up.”

“Oh, Zakk, I am so, so sorry.”

“It always feels bad when we lose someone, every single time, but when it’s a kid… It just hurts.” He drew in a deep shuddering breath. “Anyway, there are the police inquiries to be dealt with, and we have to fill in reports for the Surf Life Saving Association, so I’m tied up here.”

“If you want to come here when it’s over, no matter what time, I’ll be here,” she said.

In the background, she heard a voice calling his name.

“I’ve got to go.” He rang off before she had a chance to say anything.

The horror of the incident left her staring blankly at the wall. Still clutching the phone. Her heart ached for the mother of the child, and for Zakk, who had to cope with the aftermath. She tapped out a quick message to her own daughter, suddenly needing to make contact.

Her fear was irrational but she couldn’t relax until she heard the beep of an incoming message.


Hi, Mum. I’m fine. Just about to go to a physics lecture. How’s the weather? Love you too.


She made herself a cup of tea and drank it prowling around the confines of her apartment. The television didn’t capture her attention. Unable to settle to anything, she gave up trying and went to bed.

The sounds of the street lessened and died away. In the quiet she heard footsteps on the stairs as one of her neighbors made their way home.

The footsteps stopped outside her apartment. A familiar voice called softly, “Kitty? Are you awake?”

She scrambled out of bed and raced to open the door. Zakk stood there, his hair tousled, his face drawn and his eyes tired and heavy.

“I probably shouldn’t have come,” he said. “It’s late and I’m…”

He broke off. Kitty pulled him inside and opened her arms. He stepped forward, dropped his head onto her shoulder and clutched her to him. She held him, stroking his back, listening to his shuddering breath, until at last he murmured, “I couldn’t stand to go home alone.” He swayed with fatigue and she used her strength to support him.

“Stay the night,” she said, leading him by the hand to the bedroom. “You need rest and you don’t want to have to drive now.”

He nodded and followed her.

“Do you want a drink or anything to eat?” she asked.

“No,” he replied. “Just you.” He toed off his shoes, shoved his jeans down his hips and fell backwards onto the bed, his arm flung up over his forehead.

“Are you okay?”

“As good as I’m going to get.” He sighed. “It happened and I have to deal with it.”

“It wasn’t your fault,” she whispered.

“No. I know that. It’s just hard, you know?”

When she slipped into bed beside him, he turned on his side and pulled her in close, his arms wrapped around her from behind. “You’re so soft and warm, and you smell so good.”

“Do you want to talk about it?” she asked.

His arms tightened. “I just want to hold you.”

He buried his nose in her hair and she lay there, feeling the tension gradually subside, his grip slacken and his breathing ease into the regularity of sleep.

Her own agitation faded, calmed by Zakk’s need of her and the knowledge that she brought him comfort.

Chapter Five




Kitty leaned against Zakk’s shoulder and stared at the phosphorescence painting white lines in the ocean. Being with him was natural and so, very good. Since the night he had come to her in pain and need, they’d seen each other regularly. Zakk had left a few things at her place, and she had a change of clothes, a toothbrush and some toiletries at his. On weekends, if he was on patrol, she would go down to the beach for a while, swim, soak up some sun and wait for him to finish.

Tonight they were with other members of the surf patrol. No one looked askance at her or commented on her age. They simply accepted her, and that was enough. For the first time in her life, Kitty was content to live completely in the present.

It helped that the present included lots of great sex. Zakk
sex. He approached it with energy and enthusiasm. They had wild, crazy sex, long, languid sex and sex punctuated by laughter. Zakk always made sure she came—once, twice, often more—before he was satisfied. Kitty felt she ought to write an advice column on why older women should seek out a younger, fit lover. Making love with Zakk was better than any rejuvenation program.

Just look at her now—sitting on a beach at midnight, leaning shoulder to shoulder with Zakk, watching the flickering flames from the fire dance in the light sea breeze. A beach party in January! She snuggled closer to Zakk’s side and smiled.

“Come for a walk with me,” Zakk murmured in her ear.

“Sure,” she said, getting to her feet. “I love night walks on the beach with you.”

“I’m not planning on doing much walking,” Zakk said, and winked at her. In the glow of the firelight, his eyes twinkled.

“Oh,” she replied. “That’s…good… Great…” Grabbing his hand, she dragged him away. “Let’s go.”

Zakk laughed. “Right with you.”

As soon as they were well outside the circle of light from the fire, and far enough away so they could no longer hear distinct voices, just the occasional shout of laughter, Kitty headed for the sheltering dunes.

“Oh, no,” Zakk said, digging in his heels. “Not that way. Down to the water.”

“But… But… What if someone…?” Kitty spluttered.

“Sees us?” Zakk replied. “Let them. I want to make love to you.”

He undressed her and himself, dropping their clothes on the hard, dry sand and leading her down to the water’s edge. The cool breeze washed over Kitty’s skin, making her shiver, but Zakk rubbed his hand over her skin, leaving a trail of fire in its wake. “The water is warmer than the air temperature. You won’t be cold.”

“When you’re touching me, I’m never cold,” she whispered. “You are so hot. In both senses of the word.”

Zakk laughed, a soft exhalation of air. “You’re pretty damn hot yourself, woman.”

He lowered his head until his lips covered hers. As she’d known it would, the contact made her blood heat and her legs go weak. Together they sank to their knees, then Zakk rolled her under him on the hard, wet sand. His kiss consumed her. The splash of incoming waves dampened her skin and added another layer of sensation. His cock rode hard and heavy against her stomach and she lifted her hips to get more. “I want you inside me,” she gasped. “Now.”

He pulled back. “Condom.”

“No,” she groaned. Their clothes were somewhere up on the sand behind them and she didn’t want to let him go, didn’t want to lose his heat and this moment. “Don’t go.”

“Don’t have to,” he whispered in her ear, then held his clenched fist where she could see it. “Got everything I need right here.”

She tried to help him roll it on, but he held her away with one hand. “Damn it, you are more hindrance than help. Normally, I love having your hands all over me, but right now I want to be inside you so bad…”

He picked her up and carried her until the water was chest deep. He lifted her high then brought her down on him. Kitty’s legs fell open, the powerful fullness of his entry making her entire body shimmer in delight. Soft wavelets slapped and broke against her side. Zakk arms held her as she rose and fell. His skin glowed with blue phosphorescent fire—a sea god lured to the land, lured to her. Power washed over her in a great wave and she screamed, leaning back on Zakk’s upraised knees, giving everything up in an elemental paroxysm of release.

Zakk rose with her onto his knees, gripping her hips and grinding her against him until he too convulsed. As the next wave, bigger than those before, rushed in, he surged to his feet, taking Kitty with him, and walked out into deeper water. “Come swim with me,” he murmured in her ear.

“It’s dark,” she gasped as the fog of sexual satisfaction faded. “What about sharks?”

“We’ll take the risk,” he muttered, nibbling at her ear.

“I saw
, Zakk,” she said sternly.

“Kitty, we’re not going out very far and we won’t stay long. I promise I’ll keep you safe. Do you trust me?”

His strong legs churned through the waves and his powerful arms supported her easily. If Zakk said she’d be safe, then she knew she would be. “I trust you.”

“Remember you said that.” He laughed, and dropped her into the water.

A spluttering kick brought her to the surface. As soon as she oriented herself, she threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around his knees and toppling him over. He laughed and stroked out into the water. Kitty followed him, the sensation of the water on her naked flesh exciting her, making her aware of every cell in her body.

Zakk’s strong arms took him farther with each stroke, but he turned and came back to her, standing beside her in the water, hugging her close. His warm mouth settled on her cold lips, sharing his body heat. She raised one leg, trying to get his cock where she wanted it, sliding inside her again, but he held her away. “Uh-uh! No condoms out here.” For a moment he looked shamefaced. “Apart from the one that I…um…dropped in the ocean.”

“Just think of it as being environmentally aware,” she giggled. “You’re protecting the ocean. You don’t need it. I told you before, I don’t have any diseases.”

“Neither do I, but you shouldn’t take the risk. You only have my word that I’m clean.”

“That’s all I need,” she replied. “I trust you.” She wrapped her legs around his waist.

“I’d never hurt you,” he said as he slid inside her. “I’m falling in love with you.”

The words
I’m falling in love with you too
, hovered on the tip of her tongue, but she was past the age of making rash decisions and unconsidered declarations.

Zakk leaned down until they touched, nose to nose. “You don’t have to say anything. One step at a time and no pressure ever.”

They stood shoulder deep, the surge and retreat of the surf rocking them. At first the pace was as slow and languid as the wash of the waves, but, as desire grew, Zakk grabbed her and pulled her hard against him until another powerful orgasm struck, both of them coming together.

Barely able to see straight, Kitty slumped her head onto Zakk’s shoulder and let him carry her to shore.

They dressed and walked back to Zakk’s car, arms wrapped around each other, passing the embers of the bonfire where one or two overwhelmed partiers slumbered on the sand.

Zakk parked outside her apartment and they walked upstairs. At the door of her flat, Zakk pulled her into his arms. “I have an early morning patrol, so I won’t come in.”

He covered her mouth with his, gentle and full of promise, then, dropping one final kiss on top of her head, strode off into the night.

Kitty dropped her head against the doorjamb then sighed and got ready for bed. This relationship hadn’t been in her plans, but it felt right.


* * * *


The sharp blare of her phone ringing roused her from sleep. She stretched a hand out and groped around until she found it. “H’llo?”

There was a pause then a female voice asked, “Ms. Benson?”

The fog of sleep began to diffuse. Her brain registered that the woman was British. “Yes, this is Katherine Benson.”

“Ms. Benson. There’s been an accident. I don’t want you to panic—”

“Cassie! Something has happened to Cassie.”

“We’re expecting her to make a full recovery, Ms. Benson, but she was hit by a car on her way home from university. My name is Sister Ellen Blair and I’m calling from the hospital where your daughter was taken.”

Kitty listened in stunned shock as the nurse explained Cassie’s injuries. The collision with the car had left her with some internal injuries and a broken leg. The nurse described her condition as serious but stable.

“I’ll be there as soon as I can get a flight,” Kitty said.

She threw her clothes on and made phone calls to work, to the airlines, to her ex-husband, to her parents.

By nine thirty a.m. she was booked on a British Airways flight direct to London, leaving at five forty-five. In order to get to Sydney in time to make check-in, she had to rush. She grabbed her phone and called Zakk. Only when it went straight to his message bank did she remember he was on beach patrol and wouldn’t have his phone with him.

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