Down and Out in Paris and London (31 page)

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Authors: George Orwell

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racket, making sleep impossible. So far as my observation

goes, no one in a lodging-house sleeps more than five hours

a night—a damnable swindle when one has paid seven-

pence or more.

Here legislation could accomplish something. At present

there is all manner of legislation by the L.C.C. about lodg-

ing-houses, but it is not done in the interests of the lodgers.

The L.C.C. only exert themselves to forbid drinking, gam-

bling, fighting, etc. etc. There is no law to say that the beds

in a lodging-house must be comfortable. This would be

quite an easy thing to enforce—much easier, for instance,

than restrictions upon gambling. The lodging-house keep-

ers should be compelled to provide adequate bedclothes

and better mattresses, and above all to divide their dormi-

tories into cubicles. It does not matter how small a cubicle

is, the important thing is that a man should be alone when

he sleeps. These few changes, strictly enforced, would make

an enormous difference. It is not impossible to make a

lodging-house reasonably comfortable at the usual rates of

payment. In the Groydon municipal lodging-house, where

the charge is only ninepence, there are cubicles, good beds,

chairs (a very rare luxury in lodging-houses), and kitchens

above ground instead of in a cellar. There is no reason why

every ninepenny lodging-house should not come up to this


Of course, the owners of lodging-houses would be op-

posed EN BLOC to any improvement, for their present

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business is an immensely profitable one. The average house

takes five or ten pounds a night, with no bad debts (credit

being strictly forbidden), and except for rent the expenses

are small. Any improvement would mean less crowding,

and hence less profit. Still, the excellent municipal lodg-

ing-house at Croydon shows how well one CAN be served

for ninepence. A few well-directed laws could make these

conditions general. If the authorities are going to concern

themselves with lodging-houses at all, they ought to start

by making them more comfortable, not by silly restrictions

that would never be tolerated in a hotel.

Down and Out in Paris and London


After we left the spike at Lower Binfield, Paddy and I

earned half a crown at weeding and sweeping in some-

bodyss garden, stayed the night at Cromley, and walked

back to London. I parted from Paddy a day or two later. B.

lent me a final two pounds, and, as I had only another eight

days to hold out, that was the end of my troubles. My tame

imbecile turned out worse than I had expected, but not bad

enough to make me wish myself back in the spike or the Au-

berge de Jehan Cottard.

Paddy set out for Portsmouth, where he had a. friend

who might conceivably find work for him, and I have never

seen him since. A short time ago I was told that he had been

run over and killed, but perhaps my informant was mixing

him up with someone else. I had news of Bozo only three

days ago. He is in Wandsworth—fourteen days for begging.

I do not suppose prison worries him very much.

My story ends here. It is a fairly trivial story, and I can

only hope that it has been interesting in the same way as

a travel diary is interesting. I can at least say, Here is the

world that awaits you if you are ever penniless. Some days

I want to explore that world more thoroughly. I should like

to know people like Mario and Paddy and Bill the mooch-

er, not from casual encounters, but intimately; I should like

to understand what really goes on in the souls of PLON-

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GEURS and tramps and Embankment sleepers. At present I

do not feel that I have seen more than the fringe of poverty.

Still I can point to one or two things I have definitely

learned by being hard up. I shall never again think that all

tramps are drunken scoundrels, nor expect a beggar to be

grateful when I give him a penny, nor be surprised if men

out of work lack energy, nor subscribe to the Salvation

Army, nor pawn my clothes, nor refuse a handbill, nor en-

joy a meal at a smart restaurant. That is a beginning.


Down and Out in Paris and London

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