Dorthena (11 page)

Read Dorthena Online

Authors: Sharon Barrett

Tags: #fiction, #erotica, #paranormal, #violence, #bad language

BOOK: Dorthena
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Half an hour
later there was knocking at the door Ryker dressed walked down the
stair case walked to the door looked out and saw Storm standing
there. Ryker opened the door Storm walked in with Wind behind him
just in case she needed protection. Storm smiled, “this is my
beautiful mate Wind. Wind this is Ryker!”

Ryker smiled
said, “hello.” and then mentioned, “Thena would be down in a
minute.” As he turned to close the door Thena came down the steps.
Ryker smiled, Thena this is Wind she is Storms mate, and Wind this
is my mate Thena.”

The females
went off to fix dinner for the males while the females did that
Storm talked to Ryker, “once the problem is taken care of would you
and Thena consider staying on. The cabin could be yours and
Thena’s.” Storm told Ryker. “I am always looking for good men to
join my pack. I only have twenty six members so far and want a pack
of around fifty approximately not including pups, before I would
shut down the pack for new members. I am very careful to whom I
chose to join and since you are newly mated you and Thena would be
welcome to start your family as part of my pack.”

Ryker looked
at Storm, “Do you realize what I do for a living and what Thena
does for a living?”

Storm looked
Ryker straight in the eye, “Yes I know what you do for a living. I
also know from Zand that you do not just do a job for the money,
the reason has been a good one, and you usually work for the

While Storm
was working on Ryker about staying Wind was doing the same thing
with Thena. Wind told her, “we have a wonderful doctor Paige and
she is up on everything new. Zand’s mate Alexis is my best friend
and I would love for you to join me and Alexis for a special lunch
we do each week. Then there is Rose who is Williams mate and she is
wonderful young woman she travels with Alexis and me some

Thena said I
have known Zand for years, I honestly didn’t think he would settle
down. Alexis must be very special to have won his heart. I have
spoken to Alexis on two occasions, but have never met her in
person. Our conversation was strictly business with Zand.”

Ryker promised
Storm he would talk to Thena and Thena had agreed to talk to Ryker
about staying on, but would not force either one into staying if
one was against it. The decision would have to be agreed upon by
both of them not just one.

Thena walked
out to the living room smiling, “Dinner is served gentlemen.”
Dinner consisted of baked stuffed pork chops, baked potatoes, cream
corn, fresh garden salad, hot coffee and a bottle of wine, dessert
was cherry supreme pie. During dinner Storm talked about the land,
“I want to purchase some land that has come up for sale consisting
of seven sections. The asking price is reasonable at two million

Thena smiled,
“two million dollars for how much land Storm?”

Storm smiled,
“seven sections of land or four thousand four hundred and eighty
acres of land.” It will make bordering on my brother Rains land run
from fifteen miles right now to approximately twenty two miles.

Thena looked
at Storm, “I’ll be right back,” Thena walked over picked up her
purse took out a check book wrote out a check to Storm Walker in
the amount of five million dollars and signed it. Thena walked over
to Storm, “Merry Christmas and if you need more I have more.”

Storm looked
at the check on the table next to his plate, he picked it up then
said, “I can’t accept this you have not agreed to be apart of my
pack. Until you do I can’t acknowledge this check. Ryker talk to
Thena she can’t just write out a check for five million dollars
with out your agreeing to it. You’re mated now and without you
agreeing to both I just can’t accept this check!”

Ryker looked
at Thena in his mind he was saying, “Are we going to become part of
Storms pack honey?” The check is fine with me! Hell you should have
made it ten!”

Thena laughed,
“If you want to become part of the pack its fine with me. I think
we need a bigger place this cabin is a little to small. We can
build our own if Storm doesn’t mind then lets stay and you can
always make a check out for five million to Storm too you know

Ryker turned
to Storm, “cash the check its good, once our problem is taken care
of we will become members of your pack. If either one of us dies
consider it yours any ways.”

Thena if we
move up here we are going to have to combine our accounts into one,
what’s your balance?”

Thena looked
at Ryker, in her mind she said, “My bank account balance with the
five million gone is around sixty million, how much is your balance

Ryker smiled,
“well you got me beat honey, and I only have fifty eight million in
the bank.”

Ryker turned
to Storm, “if you need money you know where to come! If you can get
more land let us know and we will just buy it for the pack. We do
have a condition before we will stay. Thena and I will need a
larger house then this one.”

Storm smiled,
“well that takes care of the land that is coming up for sale. I
will take the check to the bank tomorrow get it into the account
and then write out a check to the government for the land. You want
a larger house then yes by all means build a larger house.”

Dinner then
progressed into small talk and Storm and Wind left around ten since
the pups had to be put to bed and Storm didn’t want anyone in his
private rooms except the pups and his mate.

Thena and
Ryker smiled at one another, she ran up the stairs to the bedroom
and Ryker was running right behind her shutting down the lights.
Once they reached the bedroom Thena began a slow strip tease for
Ryker’s benefit. He smiled as he sat on the bed totally nude
watching his mate drop each piece of material down to her panties
and bra then she turned on some music and began to dance for Ryker
when she had finished she looked at Ryker licked her lips wiggled
her way to him, and before she had a chance to get onto the bed
Ryker pulled her down. When he had her lying across the bed, he
smiled then kissed her, Honey you’re going to enjoy what I am going
to do to you. He slowly took two fingers and placed them up in side
of her and began working his finger tips over her G spot faster and
faster he worked with his other hand he worked his finger tips back
and forth over her clitoris and when she screamed out his name, and
her orgasm covered his hands he smiled, now honey relax, he went
got a wet cloth came out wiped her down, then started again but
before she came this time he stopped drove his shaft deep in side
of her from behind her then rubbed her clitoris in five minutes she
was screaming Ryker’s name, and she couldn’t stop her body from
jumping or trembling Ryker released his seed in side of Thena and
he stayed with her until the orgasm stopped completely.

“Where in the
name of the Universe did you learn that? That is about the best
experience I have ever had in my life. It completely blew my mind.
I couldn’t come against now to save my life.”

“Honey I knew
how to do it for a long time I just never used it on you, because
we were not mated. Some how it felt right to do it now we are
connected by our minds and I could read your mind honey the entire
time and I felt it as well. It is amazing to make you come like
that. I love you and I want you to experience the most you can with
me. That is what being mated is full out total committed sexual
freedom desire fulfilled in one another. I bet I can make you come
again and drive you crazy.”

Thena crawled
into Ryker’s arms go a head make me come again like that. So Ryker
worked her G-spot used his tongue on her clitoris and she screamed
and her body wiggled, and trembled and was shaking, when it was
over Thena fall a sleep. She was exhausted and completely sexually
satisfied to the very core of her inner being.

The week was
spent making love, running the woods, having fun. They were so
connected by the end of the week that each knew what the other was
feeling and thinking in seconds. Both kept there minds open to one
another. They laughed and talked, Ryker had called Storm required
groceries and William and Zand brought out what was on the list of
items needed. Thena never looked more beautiful, her heat had come
to an end. She was all smiles she had on a pair of cut off pants
cut off above the knees, she had a t-shirt on. She was planting
flowers around the cabin from seeds that were in the cabin. She
laughed over the silliest of things, she cried over stupid things,
and desired Ryker when it hit her. Two weeks had passed since her
heat ended and she was almost relieved in some ways and in others
wished it had not stopped.

When Zand and
William came up to the cabin with the truck started unloading and
Ryker came out of the cabin and helped take in groceries. Thena
planted flowers when she finished she came in washed her hands and
started putting groceries away. She smiled when she saw all the
groceries, she turned to Zand, “how much do I owe you guys for the

Zand laughed,
“Compliments of Storm and Wind and a thank you; the deed to the
land was handed over this morning to Storm.”

William said,
“Let me help you put groceries away!”

Thena smiled,
“that would be nice I think Ryker wants to speak to Zand any way.”
As they put groceries away Zand and Ryker walked off by

Zand looked at
Ryker, “ok what is it you want to see me about Ryker.”

Ryker frowned,
“I want you to take care of and protect Thena while I am gone. And
before you say anything I want you to know I am going after
Melrodger’s and putting an end to this once and for all. Thena is
carrying my pup right now I don’t think she knows, but I have
noticed changes in her scent as her hormones are changing.”

Zand frowned
then growled, “if Thena is carrying your pup then you need to stay
here with her and take care of her, and protect her more so now
then ever before.”

Ryker looked
at Zand, “I have to go now; more then ever before, I cannot have
Thena killed while she carries my cub I have to stop it now. Ben
Wright is out there waiting for her to make the wrong move.”

Zand looked at
Ryker, “When are you leaving?”

morning and Thena doesn’t know and won’t know until I am gone. I
want you and Alexis to come by and pick her up tell her you want
her to go shopping some place a few hours from here. Suggest she
needs clothes or needs to get out and away and relax for a

Zand said ok,
I’ll do it, but if she asks I won’t lie to her, we have been
friends for to long to have it destroyed in lies.”

Once the
groceries were put away Ryker and Thena went for a run in the
woods. He laughed at her stunts, made her take it easy. When they
went to bed that night he whispered in her ear that her scent was
changing and he thought she was pregnant. She needed to buy some
clothes and some items she wanted and to have some plans done up
for their new home. She smiled and they talked and made love slowly
gentle love making, Thena was a sleep quickly. Ryker held her in
his arms all night.




Morning came
and Alexis and Zand drove in. Thena was doing breakfast dishes.
Ryker, and her were talking about how beautiful the weather was.
“Oh look Ryker, Zand and Alexis are here. I wonder what they want,”
she said with a great big smile.

Thena and
Ryker went to the door, when Alexis came up onto the porch she
smiled, “Thena I thought maybe you would like to go shopping with
me, and I need to get some items for the pups and it would give you
a day out.”

Thena smiled,
“Ryker lets go it would be fun to go eat out and have some

Ryker smiled,
“I can’t go honey I have an appointment with Storm in about two
hours and you should go it will do you some good.”

Ryker smiled
at Thena, “you would truly not mind my going Ryker?

“No not at all
go and have fun.”

Thena turned
to Alexis and smiled, “I’ll be ready shortly.” Thena rushed up
stairs put on a wrap around skirt, a blouse and a pair of sandals.
Added a little lip stick and smiled. Walked down the stair case
with a smile, and then frowned when she saw Zand and Ryker
whispering harshly to one another. Ryker turned around and looked
at Thena, “you look beautiful, have fun honey. I love you.” Thena
kissed Ryker long and deep, didn’t know why she had to do it, but
she did.

When Thena was
in the back seat of the truck she turned and looked around she did
not see Ryker and she opened her mind to him, he was in the kitchen
having coffee. Alexis began talking about the pups what she needed
and then ask Thena what she needed, and they chatted freely.

When Ryker
could not feel Thena in his mind, he turned rushed up stairs packed
a suit case and walked out to the SUV tossed in his suit case, and
started it up and drove out of the yard.

Eight hours
later Ryker was putting his suit case into the plane, William was
going to drive the SUV back to the alpha house and Jake was going
to follow him. Ryker would fly the plane back to the alpha house
because there was a small air port in the local town of Rock River.
He would call the alpha house and one of the men would pick him up
when he got back.

He handed the
keys to William and smiled, “see you later William.”

Thena called
Ned ask if he would ship her personal things to her, he said he
would do no later then the weekend. Thena and purchased about ten
out fits and three pairs of shoes, she purchased gifts for Ryker, a
nice black western shirt, some western pants. She purchased him a
new watch that cost a small fortune at four hundred dollars. She
purchased lunch and snacks for everyone. She had a great time.
Alexis was a sweet heart of a woman. On her way home she tried to
reach Ryker in her mind, but he wasn’t home. She began to worry. A
half and hour from home she knew he had left her. She wasn’t sure
how she knew she just did.

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