Dominate Me: A Devoured Club Novel

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Dominate Me


Paige Matthews















Paige Matthews



© 2014, Paige Matthews



ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.





“So you need to spill about Devlin,” Nikki said as she looked up from the pastries she was frosting.

“Um, no
,” I laughed, and turned my attention back to the cake I was filling for Emma.

“Why not? He is super gorgeous
, with his defined muscles, sculpted chest, the way his tee shirts cling to his body…” her voice trailed off, and I threw a towel at her.

“You have no shame
, do you? I am not going to spill about my relationship with Devlin. Besides, I thought you and Kieran were hitting it off pretty well, at least you seemed to be at Christmas?” I picked up the layer of cake I was working on and made my way to the walk-in freezer, placing the cake inside to set for Emma in the morning.

“Kieran and I are just friends.” Her response was automatic, rehearsed. She might be my sister’s best friend, but after knowing her almost my entire life, I could pick up on the subtle cues and changes in her demeanor. Hell, anyone that met Nikki knew she was a
spitfire of a woman; a woman that spoke her mind, and didn’t think twice about it. Nikki looked similar to Katy Perry, her brunette hair flowing a few inches below her shoulders, her blue eyes glistening in contrast.

“And I’
m a virgin,” I snapped back jokingly, returning to the work area in the kitchen.

, we both know that you are not. Seriously, when are you going to tell me about Devlin? I bet he’s awesome in the sack – especially with that kinky side.” She was cleaning up the counter, and putting the frosting bags back into the bucket, arching her eyebrows.

“You know it wasn’t about the kink in the beginning
- I didn’t even know about him working at
or owning a portion of it, until the thing with Emma happened. We’ve only started with kinky stuff in the last month or so.” I shrugged my shoulders, and continued to clean up the stainless steel surfaces.

“Speaking of Emma, where the hell has she been lately?” Nikki asked
, picking up the bucket and walking toward the refrigerator.

“I thought she would have told you? Marcus took her away for the week. I think Vermont
, or somewhere that direction.”

“Nah, she didn’t mention it. How’s it living at the brownstone by yourself?” We walked to the front of the store to lock up
, making sure the new part-time help had done her job. I grabbed the cash drawer from the register and walked back into the office, Nikki following behind.

“It’s alright. I mean
, she’s still there some nights, although not many. I think she feels safer at Marcus’.” I sat down and started counting the money, so that we could make a deposit.

“I can understand that. It hasn’t been that long since the incident. I’m glad Devlin shot the fucker." Nikki was writing up the deposit slip as I handed her the money.

“Me too. I’m glad that Emma is handling the recovery okay. So, any plans for the night?” I said, changing the subject.

“Nah. Movie and take out. Kieran is working. What about you?”

“I told you! You and he are more than friends. But I am pretty much doing the same. Devlin’s working, but I might head to the club anyway. Nothing else to do, and I know Emma is away, so no awkwardness there.” I locked the rest of the money from the register in the safe, and grabbed my purse.

“How do you guys do it?” Nikki asked
, throwing her purse over her shoulder.

“What do you mean?”

“The pair of you are totally into the kink, both at home and at the club together. From what I hear…” her voice trailed off again.

“What do you think goes on?” I stopped
, turning back around to look at her.

“Well, sex and bondage
and whips and chains. The good stuff. Kieran mentions naked women walking around.”

, yes, but not Emma or me. The boys are rather good about that. No public displays, and most nights we just hang out in the lounge area. All the kinky stuff happens in the bedroom, behind closed doors.” I tilted my head to the side and looked at her. “I know you have a million questions…”

“Maybe for another time. Let’s get out of here.” She
headed toward the back door, to where our cars are parked.

s good.” We walked to our cars; hers a Ford Mustang, mine a Hyundai Santa Fe.


∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞


Meet me at my condo at 9 sharp. Be naked and kneeling.

The text sent a shiver down my spine. I replied.
Thought you had to work?

t test me, pumpkin. My condo. 9 sharp.

Testing him would not be in the cards. Although Devlin and I
had only recently begun my exploration into kink, I already knew he wasn’t one to be tested; what with the authoritative manner in which he presented himself. The way he could make a person submit with just one look. I didn’t know much about Devlin’s past with kink, except for him alluding to the fact that he hadn’t been overly active in the past few years. I didn’t ask further questions; I’d learned in the short time of knowing him that you didn’t press him. He would tell you what he wanted you to know, and nothing more than that.

I arrived at the brownstone that I sporadically shared with Emma
, and hurried inside. Quickly ascending the stairs to my room, I grabbed a towel for a quick shower. It was around eight, and I still had to shave, get dressed, and drive the twenty minutes back downtown to Devlin’s condo. I emerged from the shower, clean and shaven. I dressed in a black tank top and skinny jeans - didn’t matter what I wore, I wouldn’t be wearing them too long. I grabbed my purse, which I had thrown onto the bed in my haste to shower, and headed back out.

The drive back wasn’t bad
- normal traffic for a Friday night. I pulled into the garage underneath Devlin’s complex, parking my car in the guest spot that accompanied his, passing Marcus’s bike as I did. Devlin and Marcus had purchased apartments in the same building, and on the same floor. Since the floor only boasted two apartments, I often wondered if it had to do with the kink, or just security and privacy. Both men were keen on both.

I unlocked the door with the key that
had Devlin given me for times like this, and made my way to the spare room. I lit the candles that we had placed on the bureau, then undressed, putting my clothes neatly on the chair in the corner of the room opposite the door. Upon first look, the bedroom was designed with a simplistic look to it. A queen-sized bed with a reinforced canopy filled the back wall, an upholstered chair sat in one corner, an end table in the other. On the same wall as the door was the bureau, and to the left of that was the door to the spare bathroom. The décor was simple, a mix of black, white and maroon. The bureau held all of his toys, restraints and implements. The bed had clips for the restraints hidden under the mattress that easily pulled out when needed. On the wall opposite the bathroom, and to the right of the door, was a giant, removable St. Andrew’s cross. Just in case, he told me once - not that Devlin entertains houseguests.

I proceeded to remove a towel from the bathroom
, along with a blindfold from the top right-hand drawer of the bureau. Placing the towel in the middle of the floor, I knelt down. I was in the position that Devlin had taught me – thighs touching my calves, legs slightly parted, hands resting on top of my legs, back arched, breasts presented, and head bowed.

I slowed my breathing
, taking in deep, long breaths through my nose and exhaling out through my mouth, waiting. The room was dark, lit only by the glow of the candles. My hair was up in a messy bun, and having checked the clock before kneeling, I knew that it was ten minutes to nine. I placed the blindfold over my eyes, shrouding my vision in blackness. I could feel the excitement building as I waited. A couple of months ago, I would have never imagined myself excited about what was to come - those kinds of thoughts had never crossed my mind – and now, I craved them.

A few moments passed
, and I heard the front door unlock, and the heavy steps of Devlin in the foyer. Dropping his keys on the counter in the kitchen, he made his way past me, and toward the master bedroom. The anticipation built as I heard he removed his shoes, acting as if I wasn’t waiting, naked, in the next room. I continued to breathe slowly, deeply. I heard a faucet turn on, and took another breath. The house was quiet except for the water pounding down from the shower. Then the water turned off abruptly, and I could hear movement in his bedroom again; in the closet, if I guessed correctly. This was a routine; part of the preparation of our play. I’d gotten good at determining where he was, just by listening.

The footsteps were getting closer, lighter than they
had been earlier. I heard the door to the room close, and felt a slight breeze of air as Devlin walked passed me to what I assumed was the bed. I heard the rattle of the restraint clamps being pulled from under the mattress.
Bingo! Restraints tonight!

Devlin walked by
me again, and I heard him open the drawers of the bureau, placing objects on the top. Another drawer opened and closed, and I wondered what was happening tonight. We hadn’t done a lot of scenes, just basic bondage restraints and some spanking. The thought of bondage and submission was still new to me, and Devlin had promised to take it slow; and slow it had been. Tonight was the first night I’d seen his full dominant side emerge. I knew what was expected of me, as we had talked a lot about it beforehand; protocols, expectations, limits - both his and mine. I had been expecting a night like this - just not this quickly.

The soft steps of Devlin moving closer filled my ears
, and a shiver ran over my spine again. Although I couldn’t see him, I could feel him standing behind me, inspecting. The buzz of electricity filled the area around us, and I found myself moistening; the slow drip trickling down my inner thighs.

You look exceptional, pumpkin.” His fingertip grazed across the back of my shoulders. My back arched in, raising my body up as I craved more of his touch.

“Thank you, sir.”

“Safe word, pumpkin?”

“Pearl, sir.”

“Very good. Are you ready to begin?” His fingers continued to dance across my shoulders, left to right, right to left.

“Yes, sir.” My body clenched with anticipation as Devlin’s fingers trailed down my spine
, stopping in the small of my back. His other hand encircled my abdomen as I heard him kneel behind me. The hand on my back moved around to the front, and both hands moved up, forming around my breasts, massaging the swollen mounds. I arched back against him, filling as much of the space between us as I could. I needed to feel his skin, needed to feel him.

Devlin’s fingers circled a path around my areolas
, teasing my nipples until they peaked, then rolling them between his thumb and index finger. A low moan escaped my mouth as the feeling of pain dissolved quickly into pleasure.

“Very beautiful, pumpkin. I can’t wait to suck on these. But first, I am going to introduce you to your new friend.” Devlin’s right hand returned
to my back, and he slowly pushed me forward. “That’s right, on all fours for me.”

Once I was set, his hands ran down the sides of my body, over the curve of my hips
, and caressed the roundness of my ass. I felt his fingers trail between my crack, pausing at my virgin asshole. His finger rimmed the outside of the puckered opening, causing me to tighten the muscles.

“Relax, pumpkin. We are going to start training your ass for me. I can’t wait until I can sink my dick into it.”

I gasped. The thought of Devlin’s cock inside my ass was worrisome to me. Devlin was by far the largest man I’d ever had, and to imagine him in an area that I’d never even entertained…

“You okay, pet?”

“Yes, sir.”

“What were you thinking about?” His finger continued to move around my asshole in a circular motion.

“Just about you and my ass, sir.” I took a deep breath in, attempting to calm the sudden fear that was overcoming me.

“No need to worry. I am not taking your ass tonight. We will train it so that you will be able to when the time is right. I am starting you with a small anal plug.”

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