Read Dogfight: How Apple and Google Went to War and Started a Revolution Online
Authors: Fred Vogelstein
But the mobile revolution
: Nadja Brandt, “Silicon Beach Draws Startups,”
Bloomberg Businessweek
, 10/16/2012; Leslie Gersing, “Tech Start-Ups Choosing New York City Over Silicon Valley,” CNBC, 2/22/2012.
Netflix just spent two years
: Julianne Pepitone, “Netflix’s $100 Million Bet on Must See TV,”
, 2/1/2013.
Most think it is only a matter of time
: Walter Isaacson,
Steve Jobs
(New York: Simon & Schuster, 2011), 554.
“It used to be the only things”
: Ari Emanuel interviewed by Conor Dignam at Abu Dhabi Media Summit, 10/10/2012, available at
Lady Gaga’s next album
: Lisa O’Carroll, “Troy Carter Interview: Lady Gaga’s Manager on the Future of Social Media,”
, 11/4/2012.
Emanuel says that from his and his clients’ perspectives
: Emanuel interviewed by Dignam.
The blurring of technology and media
: John Paczkowski, “Sony’s Michael Lynton on How the Net and Social Media Are Changing the Movie Business,”
, 2/12/2013; Peter Kafka, “Hollywood Goes Digital—but Not Too Digital: Sony Boss Michael Lynton’s Candid Dive into Media Interview,” Michael Lynton interviewed by Peter Kafka (video),
, 2/26/2013, available at
All this has been enabled or accelerated
: The TV and smartphone numbers are based on an estimate. Based on the most recent data from Display Search for worldwide TV sales, I assumed that the average life of a TV is twenty years and that 200 million are sold a year. I assumed that the average life of a smartphone is two years. Gartner says 2 billion have been sold in the past two years.
All this is straining
: Richard Sandomir, “ESPN Extends Deal with N.F.L. for $15 Billion,”
New York Times
, 9/8/2011; Matthew Futterman, Sam Schechner, and Suzanne Vranica, “NFL: The League That Runs TV,”
Wall Street Journal
, 12/15/2011.
Netflix didn’t originate
House of Cards: Brian Stelter, “A Drama’s Streaming Premier,”
New York Times
, 1/18/2013; “YouTube Now Serving Videos to 1 Billion People,” Associated Press, 3/21/2013
YouTube boss Salar Kamangar
: Peter Kafka, “YouTube Boss Salar Kamangar Takes On TV: The Full Dive into Media Interview,” Salar Kamangar interviewed by Peter Kafka (video),
, 2/27/2013, available at
It’s going to be an enormous battle
: David Carr, “Spreading Disruption, Shaking Up Cable TV,”
New York Times
, 3/17/2013; Jeff John Roberts, “The Genie Is Out of the Bottle: Aereo’s Court Victory and What It Means for the TV Business,”
, 4/1/2013; Peter Kafka, “Wall Street to the TV Guys: Please Bail on Broadcast for Cable!,”
, 4/8/2013.
HBO is keenly aware
: “HBO’s Eric Kessler at D: Dive into Media,” Eric Kessler interviewed by Kara Swisher (video),
, 2/28/2013, available at
; Alistair Barr and Liana Baker, “HBO CEO Mulls Teaming with Broadband Partners for HBOGO,” Reuters, 3/21/2013; Peter Kafka, “HBO Explains Why It Isn’t Going a la Carte Anytime Soon,”
, 3/22/2013.
In mid-May 2013
: Larry Page’s Google I/O 2013 keynote address, 5/15/2013, available at
; Q&A with Page at Google I/O 2013, 5/15/2013, available at
Android’s share of the mobile phone and tablet markets
: “Android Captures Record 80 Percent Share of Global Smartphone Shipments in Q2 2013,” Strategy Analytics press release, 8/1/2013; “Small Tablets Drive Big Share Gains for Android,” Canalys press release, 8/1/2013.
Apple was also taking heat
: Charles Duhigg and Keith Bradsher, “How the US Lost Out on iPhone Work,”
New York Times
, 1/21/2012; Duhigg and Bradsher, “In China, Human Costs Are Built into an iPad,”
New York Times
, 1/25/2012; Mark Gurman, “Tim Cook Responds to Claims of Factory Worker Mistreatment: ‘We Care About Every Worker in Our Supply Chain,’”
, 1/26/2012; “Here’s Apple CEO Tim Cook’s Apology Letter in China” (
Wall Street Journal
, 4/1/2013.
But perhaps the most notable example
: Jessica Lessin, “An Apple Exit over Maps,”
Wall Street Journal
, 10/29/2012; Liz Gannes, “Google Maps for iPhone Had 10 Million Downloads in 48 Hours,”
, 12/17/2012.
Apple’s Tim Cook knows all the challenges
: Ina Fried, “Apple’s Tim Cook: The Full D11 Interview,” Tim Cook interviewed by Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher (video),
, 5/29/2013, available at
Jobs was a master
: Peter Kafka, “Apple CEO Steve Jobs at D8: The Full, Uncut Interview,” Steve Jobs interviewed by Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher (video),
, 6/7/2010, available at
Writing is usually a solitary act. Writing a book—at least one like this—is not a solitary act at all. There have been dozens of people involved in this three-year journey. And so I am pleased to have this space to thank them.
This book never would have happened without a slew of current and former editors, designers, and staff at
magazine. I wrote the stories that formed the foundation of this project there. I want to thank the magazine’s former editor in chief Chris Anderson; its former executive editors Bob Cohn and Thomas Goetz; its current editor in chief, Scott Dadich; its current executive editor, Jason Tanz; its current managing editor, Jake Young; and its features editor, Mark Robinson. Before Jason was executive editor he was my editor, meaning he shepherded all my stories into the magazine.
I want to thank the San Francisco Writer’s Grotto for giving me office space and for nourishing my spirit during the day. The Grotto, founded nineteen years ago by Po Bronson, Ethan Watters, Todd Oppenheimer, and others, is a miraculous collection of about five dozen fiction and nonfiction writers. They have come together to share a space and to create a community. Had I not landed there, I would have tried to write the book out of my house or from an office alone somewhere. I would not have succeeded.
Thank you also to Erin Biba, who researched and wrote a third of the chapter on patents. I met her when she was a correspondent at
. She has gone on to become a columnist at
Popular Science
. For the first twenty-five years of my career I fact-checked my own stories exclusively. But during my time at
I discovered that its fact-checking department, run by Joanna Pearlstein, hires some of the smartest and most reliable young writers and reporters in journalism. Thank you to one of those researchers, Bryan Lufkin, who took on the job of helping me fact-check the manuscript and for having the wisdom to bring in his colleagues Katie M. Palmer, Elise Craig, and Jason Kehe when he needed help.
I wouldn’t have gotten this project off the ground were it not for the advice about the book-writing process and generous agent recommendations of my friends Joe Nocera and Steven Levy. My friend Jim Impoco read the manuscript and gave me comments. I worked for Jim fifteen years ago. He is one of the best editors walking. Yukari Kane, who is working on her own book about Apple out of the Grotto, provided daily therapy and jelly beans. Our books are different enough so that we were able to support each other without letting competition get in the way.
Thanks also go to my father, John, who provided endless encouragement. I might not have become a journalist were it not for his harping on the importance of the written word at dinner. Also thank you to his wife, Barbara, and my brother, Andrew, and his wife, Monica, for listening to my gripes for three years. I wish my mom were still alive to thank, but many of us in that position feel that way. Thank you to my friend Eric Snoey for all those a.m. coffees, and for making sure I didn’t forget about myself.
It’s hard to imagine a better agent than Liz Darhansoff, who agreed to take me on when the proposal for this book was barely formed. She was tough with me when she needed to be, she was my therapist when she needed to be, and she had my back at all times.
It’s also hard to imagine a better publisher/editor than Sarah Crichton, who has her own imprint at Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Before I started this project I had heard dozens of publisher/editor horror stories. They are much like the stories one hears about contractors—about promises made and not fulfilled. That hasn’t been my experience at all. Everything Sarah said she would do she did—and more. I feel privileged to have met and worked with her. My thanks also to her assistant, Dan Piepenbring; to production editor Mareike Grover; and to the rest of the editing and marketing staff at FSG. We closed this book quickly, and a lot of people I haven’t yet met had to work overtime to get this book ready in time.
Lastly, I want to thank my wife of twenty-three years, Evelyn Nussenbaum. I, like I’m sure many writers, took on this project thinking that somehow I would be the one who got to the end without leaning too hard on his partner. I was wrong. I leaned on Evelyn really hard. She not only handled it. She was a source of endless encouragement. She managed without me on two family vacations and on most Sundays for a year. She managed without me our son’s bouts with epilepsy and family issues of her own outside our home. And she gracefully managed the mood-swing rollercoaster that every first-time author—and maybe every author, period—goes through. She was an amazing journalist herself for twenty years, so she understands the writing and reporting process. But that only marginally helps anyone deal with the exhaustion of running a family by yourself. She is an inspiration to me.
The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
ABC television network
adrenaline, patent on
airplane pilots
All Things D conference
Alsop, Stewart, Jr.
; Kindle; 1-Click buying method of
AMC cable network
Amelio, Gil
America Online (AOL)
Andreessen, Marc
Android phones; advantages over iPhone; Apple’s lawsuits against makers of; Apple’s lawsuit against Samsung over; app store for; Brin’s suggestion for; demo video of; design update for; development of; Dream prototype of; Droid; flexibility of; given to Google employees; Google applications on; Google’s acquisition of; and Google’s making of consumer electronics from scratch; Internet and; iPhone unveiling and; iTunes and; Java and; Jobs and; Jobs’s attacks against; Jobs’s demand of removal of features from; Jobs’s meeting with Google executives on; keyboard on; launch of; Motorola and; Nexus; number of models of; number of people on team for; Page and Schmidt’s differing visions on; Page’s suggestion for; profitability of; rise in popularity of; rumors about development of; secrecy surrounding development of; separateness and tension between Google and; software for; Sooner prototype of; switching from iPhone to; and syncing to computer; and syncing to servers; T-Mobile and; T-Mobile G1; touchscreen on; unlocking feature on; unveiling of; Verizon and; ways to download content on; wireless carriers and; YouTube on
Angry Birds
Apple; in ad sales business; Advanced Technology Group at; advertising of; Android phone makers sued by; antitrust case against; AT&T’s contract with; boards of directors and advisers intertwined with Google; Cingular’s deal with; closed-platform approach of; Facebook and; Fadell’s joining of; Google’s battle with; Google’s partnership with; growth of; iAd; iBooks; iChat; iMac; Internet radio service of; iOS platform of; iPad,
iPad; iPhone,
iPhone; iPod,
iPod; iTunes,
iTunes; Jobs-less era at; Jobs’s return to; Macintosh; Maps; Microsoft as enemy of; Microsoft sued by; Motorola and; Newton handheld computer; Open Handset Alliance and; platform of; politics at; profits of; Quattro Wireless acquired by; Samsung sued by; Schmidt on board of directors of; SEC and; size of computing platform compared with Microsoft; slide-to-unlock feature of; speculation about tablet development at; stock price of; sweatshop labor criticisms of; T-Mobile and; TV; as wireless carrier
Apple OS X; iPhone and
apps; for Android devices; iTunes store; makers of
Arrested Development
AT&T; Apple’s contract with; connection problems of; customer dissatisfaction with; GO Corp. and; iPhone and; Microsoft and; Open Handset Alliance and
Atkinson, Bill
Atom Films
Auletta, Ken
Ballmer, Steve; and Google’s hiring of engineers away from Microsoft
baseball players
Beard, Ethan
Bell, Alexander Graham