Doctor's Delight (17 page)

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Authors: Angela Verdenius

Tags: #Romance, #Love, #doctor, #Contemporary, #sexual, #heat, #sensual, #virgin, #nurse, #plussized heroine, #handsome hero

BOOK: Doctor's Delight
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Cherry nearly
shattered on the spot. Desire coursed through her like quicksilver,
hot and hard and cutting with splintering pleasure. She arched into
him, thrusting her hips unashamedly against his burgeoning staff.
“Please. Please, Rick.”

“Like that, do
you?” He kissed her hard, almost ruthless, his finger sliding down
to unerringly enter her again, twisting his finger from side to
side as he did so, heightening her pleasure. Pushing her onwards.
“Tell me, love. Do you like that?”

“Yes. Yes!” A
surge of heat almost took her somewhere as his other hand was also
between her thighs, one dexterous finger of it playing with her
clitoris while his other finger slid in and out of her, slow and
deliberate and pressing against the side of her sheath.

Every sensation
tumbling through her made her throw her head back and gasp for air
as colours flashed before her eyes.

“Oh, no,
sweetheart.” His murmur was hot and husky. “Not just yet.”

Removing his
hands, he took her hips in a firm grasp. In one momentum, he turned
both himself and Cherry around and using his body to crowd her back
towards the bed, he looked down at her.

She knew he
couldn’t see her clearly, but the same was true for her, and she
felt his disappointment. As her knees nudged the bed, she saw the
glitter of determination in his eyes.

“Tonight you
win,” he whispered almost savagely. “But next time it’s on my
terms, Cherry.”

Before she
could even think past her passion-drugged haze, he tipped her back
onto the bed. Looming over her, his hands rested just above her
knees, moving up smoothly to grip her hips. The dimness shadowed
his features, but she felt the very prurience in the air. He bent
low, and his mouth was on her belly, lips hot, teeth sharp as he
nipped the tender flesh, laving it roughly with his tongue, sending
sensations rioting through her.

He moved higher
leisurely, every movement slow and deliberate and edged with
hunger. Hunger for her, for her body, for her pleasure. For his

When she tried
to sit up, he laid a hand flat on her belly and pushed her back
down. Without missing a beat he pressed open kisses to her skin,
moving up her body.

Heart pounding,
fire in her veins, she arched back, reaching above her to grasp the
coverlet and hang on as every kiss he pressed to her skin seemed to
jerk on the erotic strand of lust that spiralled off into secret
places that ached with need.

She felt the
heat of him coming over her, the roughness of his calves as they
rubbed against her smooth skin. Lowering her eyelids, she watched
breathlessly as he crawled up her body with sensuous, hungry
movements. An illusion of a craven beast – or was it an illusion?
His eyes glittered in the dimness, and even in the shadows she
recognized the rapacity of his gaze and movements.

Hungry for




Determined to
have her.

Her fantasy
come to life.

Then fantasy
fled to be replaced with the real thing. Firm male lips closed
around one nipple, a rough tongue curling around the sensitive bud,
and he sucked her into his hot mouth.

wringing the coverlet, she pulled the thick fabric as she closed
her eyes and moaned with every strong suck of that talented

suddenly hit her nipple, a rough swipe of the tongue over it making
her shudder, and then that hot mouth engulfed her other nipple,
sucking it in deep, tongue curling around it, a growl of hunger in
his throat as he feasted.

She almost
splintered then and there, but again he denied her, lifting his
head to smile hedonistically down at her. “Oh, no, baby. We’re
going together. Get ready for a rough ride.”

One strong arm
went under her thigh and slid down to lodge behind her knee,
lifting it up and outwards, his other arm doing the same, making
her gasp as he moved over her, his movements making her hips roll
up, leaving her open to his marauding body.

“Rick,” she
began hazily, a touch apprehensively. “I don’t think – oh God!”

One thrust and
he was in her, his sac hard against her bottom, the root of his
manhood against her opening, his shaft deep inside, so deep she
thought she’d feel him there forever. He touched her inside and
out, surrounding her outwardly with his strength and scent,
inwardly with his shaft and the seed even now leaking from the

His teeth were
a flash of white sin in the dimness, his humour dark with passion
and edged with cupiscence. “All mine,” he rasped, and then he
started moving.

To say he took
her would be wrong. To say he took her ravenously was correct. He
pumped into her hard, his arms locked under her knees as easily as
if she was a slender reed. His strength awed her, but so did his
voracity for her. It was there in the glitter of his eyes, in the
carnal words he whispered to her, in every hard thrust of his body
in and against her.

He pushed her
libido higher, torched her desire, made her passion burn out of
control. She couldn’t twine her arms around his neck and hold him
close, he had total control of her body, but she grabbed his
forearms, her short nails digging into the muscles bunching beneath
the hair-roughened skin.

Power in his
arms, in his words, in every hard pump of his hips, and in the
shaft that surged so hotly inside her. Power in the way he took
her, keeping her helpless for his pleasure while searing her own
until she wanted to scream with shattered nerves and overwhelmed

It hit her from
every side. The power of him, the desire, the heat of pure sex that
seemed so much more, the way he made her feel so beautiful, so
wanton, so desirable. The way he hungered – lusted – after her.

His hips pumped
harder, every slide of his thick shaft in her clasping sheath yet
another match for the already burning fire inside her. It scorched
out, filling her, surging upward with delicious, prickling heat,
taking her over, burning her up, and she flared out, a fiery flame
in a universe of heat and carnal hunger.

She burned out
of control, exploding with Rick’s name on her lips.

Dimly she felt
the hot tide of seed bursting deep inside her, coating her inner
walls, and a hard body that jerked against her, into her, sending
her out into a fiery void she thought would surely burn her up in
delicious prurience.





Shifting the
furniture he’d had in storage would have been a lot worse if Tim
hadn’t come around to help him, and brought a friend as well.

Mike was
introduced as a cop, and with his bear of a build and quiet yet
almost threatening demeanour, Rick could believe that not many
smart-arses gave him lip. Mike was a cop with danger written all
over him. In fact “Don’t mess with me” was practically stamped on
his forehead.

“Does he always
scowl like that?” Rick watched Mike pick up an armchair without
breaking a sweat and move it indoors.

Tim grinned.
“He’s got a new neighbour.”

“Must be a hell
of a neighbour.”

“You have no

“Must be a
mighty stupid neighbour to annoy him like that.”

“You have no
idea.” Tim winked. “Female.”

“Ahhhh.” Rick
nodded sympathetically. Now that he could understand. Cherry was
tying him up in knots.

“Speaking of
females.” Tim leaned against the veranda post and folded his arms
across his chest. “How is the pursuit of the fair maiden

“It’s getting
there.” Rick grinned cockily. “Failure isn’t an option.”

“Want to bet?”
Mike rumbled as he came out of the door, the t-shirt he wore
stretched over his massive muscles.

Now, Rick
thought, if he were a female, he’d be intimidated by another
female’s better-than-average physique. Instead, being a bloke, he
was cool about it, though he did a quick check of his own biceps
and took satisfaction in the impressive swells of them.

Okay, maybe
there was a little un-coolness in his check, but hey, he was

“Manage to get
her on a date yet?” Tim queried.

Mike picked up
his carton of iced coffee and took several deep swallows. Rick was
pretty sure that’s all it would take to drain it. The carton looked
like a dinky box in that massive paw.

“Had pizza last
night, as a matter of fact,” he answered, then grinned. Widely.
Very widely.

You dog!” Tim
punched him in the shoulder. “You got her to go to bed with

“Seduced her,”
he admitted unashamedly. “Didn’t really give her a chance to think
too much.” Feeling Mike’s hard gaze on him, he hurriedly added,
“Not like that, Mike. I don’t push girls.”

“You just
seduce them into doing what you want?”

“Trust me, with
Cherry you don’t want to give her too much time to think.”

Dark brows
lowering even more, Mike didn’t look too convinced.

“Cherry is
driving Rick nuts,” Tim explained cheerfully. “She’s a plus-sized
chick with a heap of weight hang-ups. Rick lusts after her and is
trying to prove his love. He’s not having an easy time of it.”

“Ah.” It was
Mike’s turn to nod, and he looked out over the front yard. “The
ladies are hard to understand at the best of times.”

The ladies?
Rick looked at Tim.

Tim’s grin
remained cheerful. “Mike is having trouble with his lady neighbor,
and she—”

“Are we just
going to stand here and gossip, or are we going to work?” Mike

“Men don’t
gossip,” Tim returned. “Men impart information. Which,” he
transferred his attention to Rick, “You’re not doing very

“Because you
put it in a nutshell.” Taking a swallow of his own iced coffee,
Rick studied one of the rose bushes. It needed tending badly. Maybe
he could con Cherry into coming over and working her magic on
it…and on him. Especially on him. “I have to get past this
insecurity of hers.”

“Not easy when
the more voluptuous women have been slanged in the media and
everywhere they turn,” Tim pointed out.

Mike grunted

“I’m just going
to have to try harder,” Rick said.

“Good luck with
that,” Mike growled. “Seriously.”

Tim laughed
outright and Rick’s curiosity was piqued, but Mike gave Tim a
warning glare and Tim shut up.

“Okay.” Rick
straightened up. “Let’s get the last of this furniture inside.”

They worked
well into the afternoon, stopping only for pizza and beer, and by
the time everything was to his satisfaction inside the house, Rick
was sorely in need of a shower. Bidding Tim and Mike goodbye, he
watched them depart, Tim in his classic car and Mike on a roaring
monstrosity of a motorcycle. He likely broke the sound barrier on
it. But Rick liked Mike. The man was quiet and worked hard, and he
seemed an all right sort. He even had a sharp sense of humour,
almost lazy and dark, except when it came to ‘the ladies’, or to be
more precise, one particular lady. Then he clamped up and frowned
ferociously. One day Rick just had to find out what was going on
with Mike and his lady neighbour, but right then he had his own
lady problems.

A very sweet,
juicy, lady problem. Cherry. She hadn’t stayed the night, but
instead she’d slipped out after just an hour of cuddling, something
to which he was rather partial. She’d only given in about turning
on the light once she was safely dressed, and the fact that her
blouse was on inside out had only made her cheeks pinken. Her
cheeks hadn’t gone red until he suggested he take it off her and
put it back on properly. She’d been out the door fast, and he’d
barely managed to grab a towel to wrap around his naked loins and
make it to the door to see her getting in her car on the other side
of the car park. The woman could move when she chose. Oh yeah,
could she move…

His cock perked
up as he remembered the mind-blowing sex.

hell. He’s thought his eyeballs were going to pop; the incredible
pressure had nearly given him a myocardial infarction. He grinned.
Heart-attack by awesome sex, what a write-up for the books that
would be. Not that he’d be the first to pop a valve through sex.
Heh heh
. Sobering, he threw the empty cartons of iced coffee
in the bin and checked the clock. She’d be doing her six pm
medication rounds now, and checking that everyone was eating

He had a shower
then checked the clock again. Six thirty pm. She was probably
thinking about having her own tea.

Rick cooked
himself a meal and ate it while reading the newspaper. He checked
the clock. Seven thirty pm. She might be having a late tea.

He watched TV
for awhile then checked the clock again. Eight thirty pm. She’d
undoubtedly be writing notes, or giving last minute medications, or
helping people to the toilet, changing their beds, settling them,
or the hundred other little things doctors had only a vague idea
that nurses did in their daily work. He only knew more because his
mother had drilled it into him from the moment he’d decided to
become a doctor, and because he’d seen her come home pretty wild
sometimes about something a doctor had done or said. She’d come
home full of praise, too, now and again, but it was the other side
he often saw as well. He’d promised himself and her that he
wouldn’t become one of those doctors. In fact, he respected

It was just
Cherry he lusted after. Nurse Cherry was raising his temperature to
explosive levels.
Naughty nurse. Heh heh.

He watched the
clock, judging when she’d arrive home, and then he rang. No answer.
He rang fifteen minutes later, but still no answer. He waited half
an hour and no answer. He thought about going over and making sure
she was all right. Hell, anyone could have hit her on the head when
she got out of her car late at night. By herself.

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