Read Do Not Disturb Online

Authors: Stephanie Julian

Tags: #Romance

Do Not Disturb (6 page)

BOOK: Do Not Disturb
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She smiled at him. “Oh, I think you have much more control than that.”

“I’m not talking about coming too fast. I’m talking about throwing you over the arm of the couch and fucking you fast and hard.”

The images he put in her head made her eyes glaze over and her lips part to draw in air. She caught a quick glimpse of Dane’s eyes narrowing before he stood, lifting her as easily as if she weighed nothing.

She barely had time to register the fact that she was moving before she found herself draped over the rolled arm of the couch, ass in the air.

The cushioned arm cradled her pelvis and a second later, he had his cock wedged in the crack of her ass.

“Give it to me.”

She knew what he wanted, but instead of handing over the condom, she shook her head, biting her lip against a smile.

“Then I guess I’ll have to punish you for that.”

Yes, please.

She managed not to say the words aloud, but she was pretty sure he could read her excitement in the slight wiggle of her ass against his pelvis.

She was expecting the smack on her ass. She knew she’d like it. She just didn’t know she’d like it so much.

Shuddering as his palm made contact, she felt that sting echo through her entire body, a wave of heat so intense, she nearly cried out.

The sharp crack of his flesh connecting with hers had her biting her tongue against making a sound. All part of the play. And she liked to play.

It’d been hard to find a match for her particular form of kink. Most guys she’d met hadn’t picked up on her cues. And if they had, they’d been particularly unskilled.

One had actually been too terrified of hurting her to continue. She’d ended that night alone with her vibrator after he’d thrown on his clothing and hightailed it out the door.

She couldn’t imagine Dane leaving her high and dry. Because the next slap made her thighs slick with her desire.

This time she did make a sound, sort of a muffled squeak. And when she did, she felt Dane’s hand smooth over her hot flesh.

“Now give me the condom, sweetheart. And I’ll make it so much better.”

As he spoke, he rubbed his cock between her cheeks and gripped her hips with both hands to hold her still.

Lifting her hand behind her, she held out the slippery disc to him.

Bending closer, he pressed a kiss to her back as he took the condom. Which forced her pelvis harder into the couch arm and made her clit throb in response.

She moaned, unable to help herself.

“I fucking love hearing you make that sound.” His voice had lowered to a growl.

“Keep making me feel like this and I’ll give you what you want.”

“Anything I want?”

She paused, feeling his hand slip around her thigh and his fingertips brush her clit, making her buck back against him.

When she caught her breath, she said, “I guess that depends on how good you are.”

His laughter was a barely audible huff that she felt brush across her shoulder blades.

“Guess I better be pretty damn good, then.”

He stepped away from her and cooler air rushed against her now-exposed thighs and ass. The temperature change provided another sensation that made her shiver. Then she felt him put one hand on her back, tilting her forward the tiniest bit more. Her toes barely touched the floor now and she felt off balance and out of breath.

And so horny, she wanted to scream.

When he finally slid his cock between her thighs, she felt an almost immediate relief that quickly turned back into a burning desire that made her even more slick and achy. His shaft slipped along her sex lips, branding the delicate tissue with heat.

She wanted to rub against him but her position didn’t allow for much movement. She had to plant her hands on the cushion to keep from tipping too far forward and ending up with her face buried.

But if he didn’t hurry—

The tip of his cock pressed against her opening, building pressure but not fully penetrating.

A slight wriggle of her hips and he pressed a little farther.

That earned her a quick, sharp slap on her ass, which made it even more difficult to breathe.

“I’m going to go as slow as I possibly can,” Dane said, “because otherwise, I’ll come as soon as I’m inside your tight pussy.”

Words had always worked for her, and now was no different. The sound of his voice triggered a contraction lower in her body that made her desperate for him to fuck her.

“Dane. I want you. Do me. Now.”

One hand smoothed up her back, the other gently pulling one thigh to the side as he made small thrusts, coating his cock in her wetness.

“So eager. Jesus, you’re absolutely beautiful.”

“Glad to hear it. Now, please.”

She heard the smile in his words. “Impatient and demanding. Definitely a woman after my own heart.”

He angled his cock and sank a little deeper, spreading her clenching channel so slowly, she wanted to scream. Every millimeter he pressed forward threw fuel on the fiery ache building low in her body.

She wanted him to hurry but wanted this feeling to last forever because she knew the eventual explosion would be that much better.

Still, the impatient part of her wanted him to thrust hard and sink deep. And then keep going at her until she couldn’t feel her bones anymore.

It’d been so long since she’d indulged in sex and now she wanted to gorge. But on her terms.

And Dane seemed like just the man to give her what she wanted.

“Fuck me, Dane. Now.”

The hand he had on her hip tightened almost to the point of pain and, damn, she really liked that. She liked it even better when he pulled back and gave her exactly what she wanted.

She must have cried out when he slammed his pelvis against her ass, because he froze with his cock lodged deep inside her.

“Talia. Are you—”

“Yes! I’m fine. Just move.”

She was stretched so tight around him, she’d probably be walking funny tomorrow. But, oh, god, it would so be worth it.

“Then hold on, baby. I’m taking you at your word.”

She felt his fingers wind through her hair, tugging her head back as he began to move. She resisted, and the slight burn on her scalp made her shudder with pleasure.

“Jesus, Tally.”

Those were the last words she heard him speak, because he began to fuck her exactly how she wanted.

So hard and fast, she had to brace herself and lock her elbows so she didn’t fall forward.

Every time he thrust inside, his cock hitting every nerve ending in her sheath, it sent ripples of pleasure through her body.

She wanted to move with him but the position didn’t allow for it. Frustration bled into the building pleasure, creating a frantic need. She needed him to go faster, harder, deeper. Most men treated her like a porcelain doll, afraid she’d break.

This man seemed to know exactly what to do to both give her what she wanted and make her want even more.

And she wanted so much more.

Letting her head hang just a little lower, she absorbed the sting, a delicious counterpoint to the soothing massage of his hand on her ass and the friction of his cock against her vaginal walls.

With her eyes closed, she concentrated on the myriad sensations ripping through her. Pleasure and pain and frustration continued to build. Her body tensed for an orgasm . . .

And he stopped.

She wanted to screech in denial but the only sound that emerged was a breathy huff. Because he felt so damn good even when he wasn’t moving.


His cock twitched but he continued to hold steady.

“Move, damn you.”

He released her hip and ran his hand up her spine in a rough caress. When he reached her shoulders, he curled his fingers around one and thrust just the tiniest bit deeper.

Moaning, she tried to move and found she couldn’t. He had her pinned in a way that she had no leeway.

Oh, god. Perfect.

Bending forward, he put his lips next to her ear, the damp warmth of his body pressed against her back.

“Now, I’m going to give you what you want.”

Dane fucked her like a man who had only enough control left not to hurt her.

And the next few minutes were the most erotic of her life.

Chapter Four

Dane hoped to hell he’d read Talia right.

He’d never treated another woman he’d just met with the same level of force he’d used on her.

And even though what they’d done was a far cry from true domination, he didn’t know her well enough to be certain he hadn’t crossed any lines.

Of course, Talia hadn’t made any complaints during sex or now, as he picked her up off the arm of the couch and carried her to bed. She lay curled against his chest, arms around his shoulders, head tucked under his chin. Warm and boneless and still breathing heavily, the soft huff of her breath across his skin making his body believe he could go again in just a few minutes.

She felt content. And hopefully as sated as he was.

It’d been a damn long time since he’d fucked a woman on his own who’d aroused him as much as Talia had. He liked it. A lot.

He couldn’t wait to get her in a bed and start all over, this time slower. With more thoroughness. Lay her out and kiss his way down her body from her head to her toes. And every place in between.

His cock began to thicken and his gait picked up.

“You seem to be in a hurry to get somewhere.” Talia’s smoky tone held a faint trace of a question.

“I’m going to get you in a bed. Then I plan to start all over.”

He made sure his tone held no hint of a question. She’d taken well to his authority before, so he’d continue and see where it led them. He was nothing if not flexible, especially when he wanted something.

And he wanted Talia at least once more tonight.

“Confident, aren’t you?”

They’d reached the dark bedroom but he didn’t turn on a light. A slight glow from the open bathroom door gave enough light for him to see the bed. He headed straight for it, using one hand to pull down the covers before laying her out on the pristine white sheets and straightening to stare down at her.

“I know what I want.”

With a slight smile on her beautiful lips, Talia stretched, arms above her head, hips twisting one way, her torso the other. Long, lean muscles lengthened and flexed as he watched, his mouth actually watering at the sight.

He let himself look, even after she stopped, arms above her head, as she stared up at him.

“Are you going to make good on your promise now? Or are you going to stand there and just look at me?”

“Who says I can’t do both?”

She raised a pale brow at him. “Does that mean I can’t touch you?”

Lifting herself onto one elbow, she lifted her other hand toward him.

His breath caught in his throat as he waited for her touch. Her hand started low, as if she were going to reach for his cock, then lifted, pressing one fingertip in the middle of his chest.

“You’re so warm. You give off heat like a furnace.”

“Too hot for you?”

He smiled at her to let her know he was teasing. He knew he wasn’t tough to look at. He kept in shape and took care of himself. Genetics had blessed him with decent looks and he’d never had a problem seducing any woman he put his mind to.

Her mouth curved in an answering smile. “I like to burn.”

And that probably answered his unspoken question. Still, he’d rather hear her say it straight out than leave anything unsaid.

“Did I cross any lines earlier?”

She didn’t say anything but she drew her finger down his chest to circle one nipple. “Why would you think that? Did I give you any indication I didn’t like what we did?”

“No. But I don’t like to leave things unsaid. Causes less problems farther down the line.”

Her gaze had dropped to watch her finger as it drew a line across his chest to his other nipple. He didn’t think she was avoiding his gaze, but he really didn’t know this woman well enough to know better.

That said, just the touch of her finger on his skin made his cock begin to pulse. He’d have a full erection again in only minutes.

“I realize we haven’t known each other that long but, trust me, if I didn’t like something, I would’ve told you.”

She punctuated her statement by pinching his nipple between her thumb and forefinger.

The tiny but sharp pain shot a bolt of lightning straight to his balls. But as much as he wanted to spread her legs and pump into her, he held himself still and let her continue to caress him.

“So you like it a little rough?”

Her gaze flicked up to his as her finger began to trail down his chest.

“Sometimes. Sometimes I don’t. Depends on my mood.” Her finger stopped just above his belly button. “Depends on the man.”

Irrational jealousy bit at him as she mentioned another man. Stupid, yes. But still . . .

“What about you, Dane? Do you like to be the dominant?”

“Would you like me to show you how dominant I can get?”

His voice had dropped, an unconscious response to their conversation. And when her gaze narrowed and her lips parted, he knew she’d been turned on by it.

Good. Because every single thing about her turned him on.

Without answering, she let her finger continue its downward slide. His cock had stiffened to the point that it was almost fully erect, but she deliberately skirted her finger to the left and scraped her nail across his hip bone.

“I think first I’d like to make you beg.”

He felt her words like a jab in the gut. He managed to contain almost all outward reaction, but he was fairly certain she saw his cock throb. Couldn’t control that. Of course, now her gaze was fastened on his shaft.

“You can certainly try.”

“Ah, a challenge.” Her smile widened. “I love a good challenge.”

He didn’t think it would be that much of a challenge. He was close to groaning out her name already. But he’d let her play and make her work for it, because that’s what she wanted. And he prided himself on being a fairly perceptive guy.

Her finger slid even farther, barely brushing the short, dark hair surrounding his genitals.

“So do I,” he said. “So when you’re done making me beg, I’m going to make you scream.”

Her gaze snapped back to his. “I’m not a screamer.”

Her hand slipped between his thighs, turning to cup his balls. He hissed in a breath, not because she’d hurt him but because it felt so damn good.

He bit back a grunt as she rolled his balls in her palm, gently, slowly. As if she knew he was still sensitive from coming shortly before.

“You will be.”

“So sure of yourself.” Her voice lowered to a bare murmur, her hand finally wrapping around his cock. He wanted her to stroke him but he didn’t ask for it, just let her go at her own pace. “I like that in a guy.”

He wanted to growl at her not to remind him that there’d been other men in her life. Then stopped short when he realized how crazy that would sound. “I’ve never had any complaints before.”

“I’m sure you haven’t.”

Did he hear a note of pique in her tone?

Her hand tightened on the base of his cock and his eyes closed for a brief second at the pleasure.

“Stroke me harder,” he demanded.

“I think I’ve got something better in mind.”

Releasing him, she rose to her knees, hand still on his cock. Then she leaned forward and took him between her lips.

His hands went to her head, sliding through her hair as she took him into the wet warmth of her mouth.

So damn good. So hot. So wet.

He grunted, containing the urge to hold her head steady and pump into her. This was her turn, and he’d let her go for as long as he could. Give her whatever she wanted.

Right now, she seemed to want to tease him to death.

Her tongue lapped at the head of his cock, licking at the slit then flattening so he could slide farther inside. Her cheeks hollowed as she sucked on him, making his eyes snap shut at the sensation burning from his shaft to his balls and deep into his gut.

She worked his cock with a dedication that felt like a loving caress. But she wasn’t greedy, didn’t make him feel like he was just an interchangeable organ.

Her hands clenched at his ass then she pet him, her hands stroking from his thighs to his back. Alternately kneading him and scratching her nails against his skin.

Her rhythm steadied after her first few, quick bobs, as if she wanted to draw out his orgasm from deep in his body. As if she enjoyed his taste, enjoyed the control over him.

He forced himself to stand there and take whatever she wanted to give him. Which was quite a lot.

She sucked him for minutes, his balls tightening every time she took him all the way to the back of her throat.

When her fingers wrapped tight around the base of his cock, he had to wonder if she read him better than he read himself. Had he made some sign that he was close to coming?

Hell, he didn’t want to come so fast again.

Which meant he needed to stop her.

As she worked her way back to the tip again, he tugged on her hair, getting her attention.

Again he noticed that she resisted. So he tugged a little harder and saw her eyes squeeze tighter before she opened them and stared up into his eyes as she let his cock slip from her mouth.

“I don’t want to come in your mouth. I want to be fucking your tight pussy when I come again.”

He saw her lips part to suck in air though he barely heard her make a sound. The brush of her breath over his cock made it bob.

“But first I’m going to put my mouth on your pussy and lick you until you come.”

She swallowed hard, eyes widening. Then she sank her teeth into her bottom lip for a second.

“You look completely civilized on the outside but you’re not at all, are you?” she asked.

“You’re one to talk. So cool and elegant and in charge. Lie back, sweetheart, and let me make you scream.”

She paused for a beat and he saw a decision flash through her gaze. “Make me.”


His heart started to race in anticipation, blood pounding through his veins as he grabbed on to the remaining thread of his control. Then he reached for her.

Hands around her waist, he lifted her then laid her on her back sideways across the bed.

“Hands over your head. Reach for the edge of the mattress and don’t let go until I tell you to.”

His voice held a tone he hadn’t heard in months. Mainly because he’d been Jared and Annabelle’s third and Annabelle wasn’t his to command.

Talia . . .

Right now, she was completely his.

And she did exactly what he said. Her fair skin blushed a fiery pink as she lifted her arms and wrapped her hands around the edge of the mattress, never taking her eyes off his.

The position stretched her upper body, drawing her breasts higher and tighter. Her small nipples looked peaked and tight, standing straight out from her body, tempting him to bite them.

Kneeling on the bed next to her, he settled his hands on either side of her body, making sure their skin didn’t touch. Not yet.

This time, they were going to take it as slow as he could. The first time had been fast and hard. This time was going to be different, though he wasn’t going to go easy on her.

But she
scream his name before he was done with her.

Leaning down, he licked at one rosy nipple topping a handful of a breast. Tally couldn’t be more than a B-cup, but on her . . . she was perfectly proportioned.

And so damn sweet. Her puckered nipple felt like rough silk against his tongue as he licked at her, taking his time to make her wet.

He licked around the areolae then came back to nip at the rigid tip. Tormenting her with alternating bites and kisses, he soon had her arching her back to try and get him to suck at her.

Instead, he continued with his plan, alternating between her breasts until he literally couldn’t help himself.

With a groan, he cupped one breast, plumping it so he could suck her into his mouth. The sound she made as his lips closed around the silky tip sent a shot of electricity straight to his cock. Already hard and aching, he wanted to tell her to wrap her fingers around his shaft and pump him.

He didn’t. Instead, he used his teeth and lips to make her moan. Biting at her flesh made him want to growl, to mark her as his. Licking at the red marks he’d left behind made him feel like a caveman. And proud of it.

When he finally pulled back, her breasts looked rosy, like her ass after he’d spanked it.

He had a brief moment to wonder if she’d ever had hot wax dripped on her nipples. He wouldn’t be surprised if she had, but he had one of those strange urges that made him want to be the first man to introduce her to that pleasure.

God, he hoped he got the chance.

“Why’d you stop?” She sounded out of breath, her lips parted as she tried to draw in air, her eyes barely open.

“Because I could spend hours on your breasts, but there are other parts of your body I want to explore, too.”

Using the hand he’d had cupped around her breast, he curled it around her ribs now then dragged it down her side to her right hip. She moved under his hand like a wave and didn’t protest when he slipped that hand between her thighs and nudged them apart.

She spread them willingly though not quickly and, by the time she’d bared herself completely, he wanted to fall on her and feast.

Forcing back the raging hunger, he rose to his knees then put his feet on the floor at the side of the bed. Then he immediately went to his knees between her thighs, shoved his hands under her ass and pulled her to the edge of the mattress.

Her sex was plump and glistened with moisture, and her scent made every breath he drew in a tease.

Looking up, he saw her staring back at him, her eyes glazed with lust.


He watched her as he repositioned her thighs over his biceps, his hands now on her hips holding her steady.

Finally, he leaned in and took his first taste.

Jesus, she tasted like heaven.

At the first touch of his mouth on her pussy, she squirmed, trying to get closer or trying to get away. He couldn’t tell. Didn’t matter. She wasn’t going anywhere.

Not until he’d made her scream. And she would.

Using his teeth, his tongue, and his lips in concert, he pleasured her and indulged himself. He sucked on her folds, teased her clit with his tongue. Her delicate flesh melted against his tongue, and he couldn’t get enough of her.

BOOK: Do Not Disturb
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