Divine Deception: The Will Traveller Chronicals (3 page)

Read Divine Deception: The Will Traveller Chronicals Online

Authors: Robert James

Tags: #metaphysical fiction, #reality shifting, #metaphysical adventure

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“I’m not at all
offended Governor” I assured him. Then I turned back to her and
asked pointedly “If I did dematerialized then rematerialized here,
why would I need a T.T.V. to get back there?”

The woman looked
back up defiantly, trying to hide annoyance.

“Then how would
any theory work if…”.She began

“Miss Proust”
Governor Ryan cut the lady off sharply “Really!”. Then Governor
Ryan turned to face me.

“I do apologize
your Excellency” He almost grovelled “We are, as you yourself have
said, only human”.

“As I have also
said Governor Ryan, it does not offend me” I responded, adding “In
fact, I am amused by the lady’s hypothesis” I played my obvious
role to the hilt. We were now in what was clearly suburbia, small
to medium sized houses, with occasional blocks of apartments, we
had still passed no traffic and now there were no pedestrians
either, it seemed very dimly lit and totally still.

“Will you be
taking me all the way Governor?” I asked the rather pompous

“We would be
greatly honoured to do so, should you wish Excellency” He replied
“However, our instructions were to take you to North Gardens, where
your T.T.V. and the House Guard will meet us” He added, looking at
me hopefully.

“That sounds fine
to me, proceed to North Garden” I said, enjoying the put down on
this pompous old social climber. I looked at the woman “Perhaps
Miss Proust can further elucidate on her theory somewhere private,
while we wait Governor” I suggested.

“Of course, your
Excellency” Governor Ryan’s little fantasy was crushed “As you wish
so shall it be your Excellency” He replied dutifully. I was
watching the woman as I said that, and though her head and eyes
were kept down, she couldn’t keep a tiny, pussycat curl of a smile
from flitting across her mouth. A few minutes later we left the now
darkened strip we’d been on and turned into a very softly and
effectively lit landscaped property.

The house was more
a mansion, complete with a circular driveway through a circular
pillared porch. The doors were opened by white suited young men and
the entrance way was that of an exclusive hide-a-way hotel. As we
were escorted in, Miss Proust gravitated to my side, but never once
looked up at me. We left the Governor and his two colleagues
standing outside the elevator doors, as we were taken just one
floor up. The door swished open to reveal an expansive and superbly
furnished apartment. Miss Proust stepped out and led the way. The
elevator doors closed, leaving us alone.

“With your
Excellency’s permission” Miss Proust withdrew to the apartment’s
luxurious bathroom. I walked over and sat on a white leather lounge
in front of a small but elegant table.

The glass topped,
marble based coffee table contained a tumbler and two glasses. I
poured some and lifted the glass to smell it. A light white wine,
just right. I sipped for a while as I weighed up the evolving
realities. Then Miss Proust suddenly appeared in the bathroom
doorway, and her excellent body was completely naked!

“I await your
pleasure Excellency” She purred, then turned and entered the
bedroom. I got up and walked over to the beautifully appointed
sleeping quarters, stopping in the doorway. Miss Proust half sat,
half lay in the middle of the bed, her strikingly attractive face
was full of mixed emotions as she finally looked directly at me. My
eyes roamed her creamy, curvaceous body, finally reaching back up
to her face, now surrounded by dark wavy hair which had been held
up in a business-like bun before.

The lady was
obviously determined to please, yet her unpractised awkwardness
indicated this was not the norm for this girl.

“I know it’s wrong
to ask your Excellency” She looked up smiling seductively “But does
what his Excellency sees please him?” She asked. I chose to reply
without saying a word. My bright red kaftan and equally bright red
woollen under-suit ended up draped across a white stool, in front
of an elegant white dressing table, beside my knee high boots. Miss
Proust, who had absolutely insisted that it was ‘not proper’ for
her to tell me her personal name, nor call me by mine, in spite of
our very recent intimate circumstances, lay on her side facing

With both of us
lying there stark naked, unembarrassed and relaxed, I thought a
little more research might well be useful. So I decided to try some
shock tactics.

“If I ordered you
to kill yourself, would you obey?” I asked the beautiful Miss
Proust, who paled a little, understandably taken aback by my
dramatic question.

“Would you leave
me the option to refuse, your Excellency?” She asked, a little

“Not if I wanted
you to die, no” I replied bluntly.

“Then there would
be no option Excellency” She said matter-of-factly, adding “Is that
your wish?” Miss Proust asked, hiding her fear “To watch me kill
myself?” Clearly she would have.

“No, no my dear,
just testing” Relief flooded her beautiful face.

“By what right do
we, you know, my family and I, reign supreme Miss Proust?” I asked.
The woman smiled, as though she had just realized something

“By Divine Right
Excellency” Miss Proust answered “It is ordained as is the movement
of the stars and the passing of night to day” She replied, like a
school girl reciting the right answer.

“And what of those
who fail to bear true witness to this divine ordination?” I asked,
only now realising that Miss Proust thought all of this was some
kind of test.

“To the food
chambers with all of them your Excellency” She replied

“To eat?” I asked
expressionlessly, Miss Proust burst into a pretty laugh, then
apologized and answered very respectfully.

“No, your
Excellency, to work in the food production chambers” She said
rather primly. Well, if she thought this was all some kind of game,
I could see good sense in playing along with that idea.

“If you were to be
with my child what then?” I asked the extremely beautiful naked
woman, trying to keep my focus on learning facts.

“That cannot be
your Excellency” She replied spontaneously “It would be
impossible”. There was no explanation, or even an indication that
she objected in any way to this apparent fact. Dictated, no doubt,
by my extremely dictatorial ‘Supreme Family’. Yet Miss Proust, nor
the other two I’d met, were nothing like mindless drones at all. By
the time we had showered and dressed, the Supreme Family’s
transportation had arrived.

The city T.T.V.
was gone along with the Governor, his two colleagues and the State
Security Guard Detail. In their place was a fantastic, spaceship
looking vessel. Black and very lethal looking, this vehicle was
clearly more than a means of transportation. Even without the
covered guns, the dozen or so Supreme Guards, with their green and
gold uniforms, and very heavy armaments, made it very clear that
this was, in fact, a craft designed for warfare.

“Would you like to
join me Miss Proust?” I asked, at the top of the mansion’s three
steps, then lead her down to the craft’s open, gull-wing door.
Though she covered it well, the woman’s elation at the prospect was
readily apparent.

“Excellency” The
senior guard welcomed, after we had reached the T.T.V., walked up
the steps and crossed its boarding platform. Then we settled into
the body hugging, perfectly comfortable recliner seats, while the
door swished down to seal us in. Unlike the city’s T.T.V., this
vehicle did more than just float gently along. It had quite a bit
of acceleration and a top speed around the 100 k.p.h. mark or
perhaps even more. We left suburbia within minutes and passed
through miles of hot houses and low lying factories.

“Food production
chambers right?” I asked my companion..

“Yes Excellency,
of course” Miss Proust answered, obviously curious, but unable to

“Was there
something you wanted to know?” I asked the very attractive woman,
then sat back and waited for her reply.

“Your Excellency”
Miss Proust began haltingly “Please don’t be offended, or think I
mean to criticise your Superior self, it’s just that, Er...” She
was lost.

“Miss Proust I
asked you to ask me, now please do so” I told her with pretend

“Well, your
Excellency” She blurted “It’s just that you seem so, so human, you
even seem, well, so considerate and interested in all kinds of
things that are so common place” She exclaimed.

“And you find that
strange?” I asked her, genuinely curious.

“It is not what we
have been told of how the Supreme Family thinks and acts” She
answered, then she took a deep breath.

“The Wisdom of
Divine origin requires absolute divestment of all human
considerations. No pity, no sorrow, no mercy only that which is
right above all else. And that which the Patriarchs say is right,
is right” She recanted. It was clear that Miss Proust had not a
shred of doubt. Our sleek craft started to float upwards, it rose
to about a hundred metres and then smoothly flew into a large hole
which had suddenly opened up in the face of the 200 metre high
cliff face we had been driving beside. We entered a cavernous
garage cum hanger type building. The fact that our escort didn’t
travel with us in our vehicle, yet were already there to help us
out of the streamlined vehicle when we arrived, had me going for a
while. Then I saw the row upon row of wheelless motorbikes, all
bearing the Supreme House guard crest and logo.

How they worked
was a complete mystery to me. The green and gold clad guards formed
a short passage way for us. Suddenly, as if out of nowhere, a black
clad and caped man suddenly filled the other end of the human
passageway. Instinctively, I wanted to get us back in that T.T.V
and out of there. That, however, was now impossible, as with a rush
of soundless wind, it had gone. We stood facing the dauntingly tall
figure and his two, much smaller offsiders for a moment, before he
raised his right hand, which contained a short stick. Once over his
head the top of the stick burst into an extremely bright light. We
were momentarily blinded by the stick’s brightness; I raised my
hand to shade my eyes.

“Bring your arm
down so that I might see your face impostor” A deep voice ordered.
I held my nerve and didn’t move.

“Who has the
audacity to give me orders?” I heard my own voice say, as I felt
propelled forward towards the black specter.

“Mother of all”
The deep voice whispered incredulous “It is you Lord Robert, but...
Oh, please forgive my lack of faith in the great powers of the
Supreme Lord Robert” The tall man begged. Now he was all smiles,
and so were the guards, whom, although I hadn’t noticed it, had
been tense and ready for some kind of action “It is not for me to
question how it is possible” The formidable looking, black garbed
man told me reverently “It is only for me to rejoice that you have,
at last, returned” The tall man added sincerely, before Miss Proust
and I were led, escorted by three guards on each side, to a huge
elevator door. And I do mean large!

All eleven of us
were able to comfortably fit into it, and, after a heart stopping,
very rapid ascent, the elevator stopped gently, its door parting to
reveal an astonishing sight. The balcony we stepped out onto, which
was located half way up one side of an ancient volcano or meteor
strike, revealed a sparkling white palace city. Built all around
this natural basin, high in the mountains. The Supreme House was,
to say the least, breathtaking. I had seen ancient palace cities
before, both in ruins and re-built with computer generated images,
but none had anything remotely like the splendour that lay in the
bright moonlight before us. On the lower, more gently sloping part
of the natural basin, there were symmetrically laid out houses and
beautifully manicured gardens.

There were a dozen
almost temple-like buildings, at equal distances from each other
and many times the size of the biggest homes I’d seen in
Centropolis. Along with a circular prayer tower, each of the mini
palaces had a large stone patio out in front. From where we stood,
it was easy to see that each one was at the end of a broad tree
lined roadway, twelve of which radiated out from the main central
palace itself. That palace or temple was easily the most
spectacular building I’d ever seen. Supreme House was like
something from fairytale fantasy. Spires and minarets adorned it’s
football-field-sized roof. Every one of its many many windows were
softly lit and had a tiny balcony, each of them was a work of art
in themselves. My now completely servile, but obviously happy,
welcome home committee led Miss Proust and I to a waiting

We’d observed a
couple of similar golf buggy type vehicles, zipping around on the
roads that ringed the basin below, this one seemed to be a little
larger. As we got in, the tall man, his two silent aides and the
guard troop, all took a respectful step back.

“I look forward to
seeing you again tomorrow Lord Robert” He said warmly, as he almost
saluted. Our golf buggy, driven by a small, helmeted individual,
who never turned to look at us, zipped away, down the circular main
drive and, after traversing half the basin, turned away from the
central building and up toward to one of the encircling smaller
palaces, if, in fact, that’s what they were.

Here too, a
welcoming committee awaited the awe-struck Miss Proust and I. This
time, there were no guards, just very happy, typical household
staff, all of whom had a large red rose on front and back of their
white shirts. There were eight in all. At first, they looked very
nervous and almost as if they were afraid, when we stopped and the
two of us got out of the buggy. Then, there was a faint hum and
suddenly the entire tennis court sized patio was lit by a dozen
small but very bright lights up in the trees all around. As soon as
the household staff actually saw me, they burst into delighted
applause. Their faces were almost as bright as the lights as they
approached us. An old and stooped gentleman, dressed in a white
suite and red bow tie, stepped forward and peered at me, finding it
hard to believe his eyes.

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