Divine Deception: The Will Traveller Chronicals (2 page)

Read Divine Deception: The Will Traveller Chronicals Online

Authors: Robert James

Tags: #metaphysical fiction, #reality shifting, #metaphysical adventure

BOOK: Divine Deception: The Will Traveller Chronicals
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“As I have just
explained to young Babs here” I explained to the cafe owner “I seem
to have a little problem” Immediately, Miko’s head snapped up.

“Then you are in
the right place Excellency” He assured me heartily “Whatever it is,
whoever it is” He allowed a sly, knowing grin “You have but to say
the word Excellency and so it shall be” He bowed his head back
down, clearly awaiting my command.

The playgirl was
not in a party mood now, she seemed intrigued. “Miko, you’d better
let Sir explain” She told him, eyes on me. The cafe owner looked at
me curiously.

“Do you have
somewhere a little more private Miko” I asked the large, very
humble man.

“Of course your
Excellency” He stood straight and pulled my chair back dutifully as
I rose.

“Would you mind
coming too Babs?” I asked the girl, going to help her with her
chair. But Miko slipped deftly around me and did the honours, then
he led us to a plush but dimly lit staircase. The thick carpets,
velveteen wallpaper and the room itself, made it absolutely clear
that I was in a high class whorehouse. Miko held the door open and
the girl followed me in.

Miko closed it
quietly and came over to stand beside the girl. Her attire was far
more suited to this room than where I’d met her.

“Miko, you seem to
know who I am” I began carefully.

“Of course your
Excellency” He assured me confidently.

“And you don’t?” I
asked the provocatively dressed girl.

“Well, I sorta do
now Sir” She answered nervously “I just hope I never said nothing
that I shouldn’t have” She added.

“What is it that
your Excellency would seek from his humble servants?” Miko asked
me. My first thought was to repeat what I’d said to the girl, but
there was a small warning voice saying go cautious. I sat in one of
the satin covered chairs, over by a big bay window, and asked both
of them to come closer, which they did.

There was a chair
like mine and two dining style chairs that flanked a small glass
topped table.

“I’d be more
comfortable if you’d both sit down really” I said gently. They both
chose the dining chairs and sat very properly, with their hands on
the table.

“Now, I truly
don’t know why it is so important” I said honestly “But I must ask
you both for an oath of silence, to be broken only after my death”
My voice was assertive, my words were truthful, but I didn’t know

“You may know we
are bound until your death Excellency” Miko spoke for both of

“You will find
what I must tell you of great concern” I warned.

“However, alarm
will serve no purpose. There is reason in all things” My voice rang
with an authority I certainly didn’t feel.

“So all that blank
stuff Sir?” Babs asked hesitantly.

“All that blank
stuff is the truth young lady” I turned to face Miko “Something
seems to have erased my memory Miko” I told him in a confidential

“Your memory of
what, Excellency?” Miko asked. He seemed to think I was leading up
to something, playing a game of some sort.

“My memory of
everything” I replied “I don’t know who I am, where I am or
anything” I told him bluntly “Except that she’s Babs, a working
girl, you’re Miko, proprietor of a red light district café and I’m
Robert, a man in his forties, wearing a bright red outfit, sitting
in your house of pleasure talking to you” I explained. It was as
though I’d slapped him across the face twice! First when I spoke my
name, then when he realized that really was all I knew!

“Your name, of
course, is known to all the New World Excellency” He finally
answered, adding “But what has occurred that you should lose your
memory? It can be no accident” Miko said ominously. Then, Miko
looked me in the eyes; his were bright blue, despite his swarthy
Mid Eastern features.

“Is it possible
there could be foul play in the Supreme House Excellency?” The cafe
owner asked wide eyed, it seemed an unthinkable possibility to

“I have no idea
right now Miko” I answered honestly “Perhaps, if you tell me what
you know, that will remind me” I suggested.

“I know nothing of
the Supreme House your Excellency” Miko answered, surprised.

“I mean what you
do know” I pressed him “From Babs here I know this is Centropolis,
capital of the New World and we are in the pleasure zone” I added
smiling “Which, even in my blank state, is obvious” I smiled, as I
looked around, attempting to lighten things up.

“You did not take
anything Sir? I mean, like I said some real strong…” The spunky
good-time girl probed.

“Babs!” Miko cut
her off, annoyed at her lack of respect, but not seeming to be
afraid of me.

“No its o.k.
really” I told him “I don’t think so Babs” I answered.

“Physically, I
don’t feel odd in any way, just mentally blank” I told them, then
stood up and looked down at Miko “You said you knew my name” I
reminded him “So tell me what you know of who I am” I was using my
obvious authority, but in the nicest way.

“You are the Third
Patriarch of the Supreme Family, Excellency” He answered

“The Supreme
Family of the New World?” I led with a question.

“Of course your
Excellency!” Again his response was formal and almost

“Is the New World
the entire world or just a part of it?” I asked Miko. That stumped

“There is only the
New World, your Excellency. Sir” Babs courageously helped him

“And of course the
uninhabited wilds, but, like, no one lives there, your Excellency
Sir” The pretty, good-time girl added.

“Is this what
you’d expect me to be wearing?” I asked Miko.

“Your robes look
to my eyes as those of the Supreme Family” Miko answered, then he
apologised “I thought you were drunk and delusionary, when Babs
first brought you in”.

“And you say none
of us has visited the pleasure zone before?” I queried Miko.

“Not to my
awareness Excellency” He answered “Though we do hear persistent
rumours that some of our lovelier ladies are privileged to be
invited, for short visits, with some of the younger members of the
Family” He replied, increasing my awareness.

“So how far away
is my home Miko?” I asked him smiling.

“Almost a day’s
brisk walk Excellency” He laughed politely “But of course, only an
hour, at most, in your T.T.V” He added, as though I would
understand the term, but I didn’t.

“What are they?” I
asked him.

“Trans Terrain
Vehicles, Excellency” He answered “The Supreme Family’s
transportation. One of them must have brought you to Centropolis”
Miko assured me “There is no other way I know of for you to get
here Excellency” He added confidently.

“Could I not have
walked Miko?” I asked innocently. He was astonished at the

“That you actually
walk and talk with us right now is an honour bestowed on very few
of our world Excellency” Miko grew serious

“I am fearful that
some wrong doing is afoot, that you should find yourself
unprotected in our midst” He was genuinely concerned.

“Why would I need
protection Miko?” I asked “Is the Supreme Family unpopular?”.

“Oh no Sir! That’s
not so at all” Babs piped up “We all love the Supreme Family, but
there are always people who are jealous of your superiority, your
Excellency Sir” She was quickly adapting to the very unusual
circumstances in which we found ourselves.

“Does the Supreme
Family govern the New World?” I asked.

“Oh no, your
Excellency” Miko corrected me quickly “Every State has its own
local administration, Excellency” Miko explained

“The Supreme
Family’s Patriarchs merely council and advise the State
administrations on how to best work in harmony with each other” He
continued “You still remember nothing Excellency?”

“No, nothing” I
answered “Do you know how to contact the Supreme House?” I

“I could not even
attempt to do that Excellency” Miko replied grinning “But
Centropolis Administration could. If you told them to” He

“And can you put
me in touch with someone in Centropolis Administration?” I

“That’s easy
Excellency, just one phone call and it is done” He responded,
beginning to enjoy his role in this highly improbable episode.

“Would you please
make that call” I asked him and sat back down in the boudoir’s
chair. Miko went over to the huge double bed and picked up a space
age looking hand piece. He spoke into it, first to someone he knew,
and then to someone important, both conversations were short! He
had just had time to walk back over to us, after the second
conversation ended, when the phone buzzed urgently. Miko went back
and picked it up. He said nothing, just listened. After a minute or
so, he hung up without a word.

“They’ll have the
Centroplis’ T.T.V. here in a few minutes your Excellency” He called

“Thank you, now
can you come over here quickly? I’ve got some more questions for
you Miko” I urged him. He came and sat down.

“How many T.T.V. s
does the State have?” I asked him quickly

“Just one in each
city your Excellency” He replied.

“How many do we in
the Supreme Family have?” I asked him.

“Some say four,
some say six” He answered uncertainly.

“How do we keep
order Miko?” That drew a blank; he shot Babs a questioning

“There’s never no
disorder around here your Excellency Sir” Babs proudly

“You both said I
needed protection remember?” I reminded them..

Miko smiled, as
understanding dawned

“The Supreme House
guards, your Excellency” He answered.

“They also get the
job of taking care of the weirdos and misfits. But there’s few
enough of them these days” The cafe owner added. He too was proud
of their society.

“One last kick
start question O.K?” They both nodded, briefly equals in the
presence of someone superior “Where does the Supreme Family’s
wealth come from?” I asked them. This time, both looked to the
other for help.

“The Supreme
Family, your Excellency Sir” Babs began “Well, they don’t have
wealth like us” The girl seemed lost for words. “You and those of
your family own the New World and everything and everyone in it”
Miko completed the girl’s explanation. This time, I was the one who
was speechless. The car had arrived.

Babs thought it
best she stay behind when Miko escorted me back down the stairs to
the now patron-less but crowded café. The bulk of those squashed
into Miko’s wore badges saying State Security Officer, the eight
out-of-uniform officials were obviously important. At least, it was
clear they thought so. A stout, suited, semi bald gentleman, the
group’s leader, stepped forward, completely ignoring Miko, but
smiling ingratiatingly up at me. “I’m Governor Ryan your
Excellency” He oozed “Please allow me the honour of welcoming you
to our great city” He declared with abject servility. I gave him
back a tight, cold smile.

“Proprietor Miko
and his staff have already done that extremely well Governor” I
replied pointedly.

The security troop
struggled to keep straight faces, while a couple of the Governor’s
group allowed themselves a chuckle.

“I’ll see that he
is rightly acclaimed for his efforts, your Excellency” The Governor
had become even more deferential. I held Miko’s eyes for a long
moment, before allowing myself to be very respectfully led to the
T.T.V. outside. Looking like one of those super stretched
limousines, except without wheels, the T.T.V was some kind of
hovercraft, though lit up and running, it made no sound whatsoever.
There was an enormous crowd outside, all fell into a hush as soon
as I exited Miko’s café. The clear area to the vehicle was almost
twice as wide as the ultra long T.T.V. and lined by a half dozen
security guards on both sides. The Governor, two other men and an
elegantly beautiful woman waited for me.

The four of them
joined me when I got into the really luxuriously appointed vehicle.
The rest, along with Miko, waved goodbye, as we moved smoothly and
soundlessly away from Miko’s café and out of the crowded plaza. We
travelled smoothly down a wide road, lined with multi-storeyed
buildings on both sides. It was free from any other vehicles at
all, there were just occasional groups of pedestrians and they
didn’t seem to be in a hurry. My fellow passengers watched me
silently. Perhaps they were not to speak unless spoken to.

“No doubt you’re
wondering how I got into your little den of inequity without a
T.T.V.” I suggested to them.

“It is not for
your loyal subjects to question such things your Excellency” Came
Governor Ryan humble reply.

“Oh come now
Governor” I became all magnanimous “Perhaps it is not for you to
ask, but surely, as you are only human, you would have to wonder?”
I asked, smiling at them all.

“Your Excellency
is right of course” The Governor acknowledged “It may yet be some
time before we humans can be rid of our irreverent curiosity” He
added apologetically. His apology for even being curious about such
an inexplicable and, apparently rare occurrence, told me volumes
about the situation here. I didn’t think I was going to like this
‘Supreme Family’ of mine.

“How do you think
I managed it?” I asked all four of them, the woman was the only one
to meet my eyes.

“Well” She replied
hesitantly “We thought you may have used your superior energy to
dematerialise and rematerialise where you chose” She added, then
dropped her eyes.

“So you did have
some discussions on the subject?” I said to her smiling, then
looking at the Governor, who, along with his two colleagues, gave
the woman a killing look.

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