Discovery at Nerwolix (35 page)

Read Discovery at Nerwolix Online

Authors: C.G. Coppola

Tags: #spirituality, #sex, #action adventure, #romance scifi, #war action adventure

BOOK: Discovery at Nerwolix
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I race for him.

“Baby?” I whisper, dropping the gun and
gripping his face in my hands as I kneel beside him. I’m fighting
back tears already, praying that it’s not too late, that that sound
wasn’t as bad as it seemed. “Baby?”

He’s not moving. He’s just lying here, in my
arms, and I don’t think I remember how to breathe. My chest swells
with a thousand pound knot and I can’t hear anything. There are
Traxpire explosions and Brulily darts flying overhead but none of
it exists. Nothing matters until I know I’ll see Reid looking at me
again. I suck in a deep breath and wait. Just wait. It seems like
hours until his eyes slowly blink open, confusion setting in.

“Reid?” my heart thumps, my eyes watering.
“Oh God… can you hear me?”

“Yeah,” he blinks with the same confusion as
if trying to piece together how he got on the ground. “Are you
okay?” he pushes himself up on his elbows. “Where are—”

“Female kill both Dofinike,” Warze throws a
hand out and jerks Reid back to his feet. My pulse skyrockets,
terrified he won’t be able t o stand but Warze already has his
hands on Reid’s shoulders, helping him keep balance. He has it
after a moment and the Zingfinold releases him. “Kill with Vermix

“The Traxpire?” Reid turns to me.

“Not at first,” I hold his face in my hands,
searching his dazed eyes. “You sure you’re okay?”

“Yeah,” he nods. “I’m fine. What’d you

“The whip.”

Reid cocks a brow. He looks like he’s going
to say something but changes his mind at the last second. “You know
what happened to Jace and Booker?”

“Other humans high in trees with Tizno.”

“They safe?”

Warze nods. “Want to know your

“Have them meet us down here,” Reid gestures
to the surrounding pile of Vermix corpses. They’re littered a bit
ahead, through the trees and up around the curve of the mountain.
“We can regroup and get a better idea of where they’re looking for
the Floating Ruby,” he turns to me. “And you can have Sampson let
Hozfin know.”

Warze nods and scrambles high into the
trees, disappearing in seconds.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” I ask.

“I’m fine,” he massages his neck and then
frowns, glancing to my side where the handle sticks out of my
pocket. “Did you really use the whip on both Vermix?”

I nod.

“Why not just the Traxpire?”

“It was the first thing in my hand and…” I
darken, my blood starting to boil as the raging feeling resurfaces.
“I wanted to use it on them. To hurt them like I thought they’d
hurt you.”

“Wow,” he rubs his chin, considering.
“That’s uh… that’s kind of hot.”

“Really?” I blush.

Reid smiles with a wink. He looks behind
him, at the slain Vermix bodies and I let out a deep exhale. I’m
still convincing myself Reid is okay. Everything is moving so
quickly, so swiftly that I don’t even have a moment to rewind and
replay what’s happened. We’ve separated from Warze and the two
Rogues but Reid is here. He’s alive and that’s all that matters.
Leaning my head against the slight green slope, I close my eyes.
I’m tired. Utterly exhausted. And we still have a long way to

“Hey,” he whispers, glancing over my
shoulder and then back at me. “Have you heard from Sampson?”

I shake my head. “I’ll let him know what
we’re up to.”

“Make sure the others are okay.”

I close my eyes and focus on the Fychu like
I have been all day. Clearing my mind, I access that internal voice
I’ve grown used to using.

Sampson, we’re at the southern base of the
Hylas Mountains. I’m with Reid in a safe place. We got separated
from Jace and Booker but Warze left to bring them back. How are
things at the city?

A beat and then,
Fallon! It’s good to
hear your voice. We’ve taken control of the city again, but I fear
it’s because the majority of Vermix have left to join the others at
the Hylas. Everyone is safe. Are you sure you’re in a secure place?
The majority of Reuzkimpart’s forces are near you.

We’re fine for right now. The Zingfinolds
have been taking out a lot of the Vermix. There are still a good
amount, but not as many as earlier.

Do not celebrate yet—I fear Reuzkimpart is
bringing in even more Vermix.

“More?” I gasp aloud.

“What?” Reid turns to me with a frown.

Holding up a finger, I concentrate on
Sampson again.
What is Hozfin planning to do?

He’s lost some tribesmen already and that
is more than he’s willing to give… I think he may go full force on

What does that mean?

Hozfin will attack from the ground
the sky.

The sky?

The Ludins. He’ll fly over the mountain and
attack from above. He’s preparing his forces now.

What do we do?

Hold out for a little while longer. I
suspect by the morning that the Vermix will be in full retreat.
Hopefully, we will be able to capture Reuzkimpart before he can
escape. Tell me, is Reid there with you?

Right next to me.

Please inform him that Tucker and Walker
will be part of Hozfin’s aerial attack. I’ll have them focusing on
the southern base of the mountains. They’ll be departing

I’ll let him know. Have you heard from
Jothkore? Does Thias want to intervene?

At this time… no. He’s still staying


Please be careful, Fallon. I’ll be in touch


I look to Reid who’s already waiting for an
explanation. “Sampson says the city’s doing better but that’s
because most of the Vermix have relocated here. And he thinks
Reuzkimpart’s bringing in more forces and right now Thias doesn’t
want to help.”

,” Reid rests his head back,
closing his eyes. His chest rises and sinks again. Rises and sinks.
“We’re about to get overrun… we can’t just sit here,” he looks at
me. “What’s Hozfin’s plan?”

“Attack from above… with the Ludins. He’s
launching an aerial attack and Tucker and Walker will be part of
it. They’ll be flying over here, at the southern part of the

“An aerial attack?” he leans forward.

“But I think Sampson’s staying at Zinnollo
with the others.”

“That’s good. It keeps the girls safe… and
Werzo and Able,” he blinks, looking at me again. “Did he say


“What’s happening soon?” Jace asks, Booker
and Warze right behind him.

“Hey,” Reid clasps both Rogues on the back.
“Good to see you guys. Listen, Hozfin’s planning an aerial

“With Ludin?” Warze frowns.

Reid nods. “Fallon says it’s happening

“How soon?”

“Probably now,” I step closer. “Sampson says
Reuzkimpart may bring in even more forces. But he thinks with the
Ludins, the Vermix will be in full retreat by morning.”

“If Ludin attack,” Warze scratches his furry
chin with a nod, “Dofinike will leave.”

“How do you know?” I ask.

“And if so,” Jace laughs, “why hasn’t Hozfin
done it yet?”

“Ludin difficult to control. Danger to rider
as much enemy and Zingfinolds only have few trained well.”

“Do they breathe fire or something?” Jace

“Breathe fire?” Warze raises a brow with
confusion. “No. No breathe fire.”

“Then why are they so dangerous? You said if
the Ludin attack, the Vermix will leave.”

“Ludin dangerous for talons and beak. Bite
and grab and tail swing around,” Warze leans in. “No wise be near
Ludin when in attack mode—very dangerous.”

“That must be why Hozfin hasn’t wanted to
use them yet,” I turn to Reid. “He probably thought they could
manage without. But how,” I turn back to Warze, “do you get them in
attack mode? Or are they always in it?”

The Zingfinold shakes his head. “No. Ludin
attack when hungry.”

I wait a moment for him to go on until his
meaning fully settles in. “You

“Brings anger and then release on

“I can imagine,” Jace laughs. “But how do
you know they won’t attack the riders?”

“We do no. Riders on back—far from beak and
teeth. Enemy on ground—viable meat.”

“Well shit,” Jace scratches his head. “That
could get ugly.”

“And if they’re hungry,” Reid says, “we
don’t want to be anywhere near them. Alright, we’ll stick down here
during the attack. You said Tucker and Walker would fly over the
south side and I’d like to find the Rogue Leader if possible.
Hopefully Sampson and Hozfin assume correctly—that the Vermix will
be in full retreat by the morning. If not, at least a handful more
will be gone.”

“More than handful,” Warze says. “Single
Ludin fly over, kill fifty in second.”

“Well, that’ll up our odds,” I say.

“Yeah,” Jace laughs, “unless
one of those fifty. And I’d rather not be.”

“That’s why we’re staying here,” Reid says.
“Right here. “Everyone still got their defenses on them? Traxpire,
Brulily,” his eyes wander to me with a small smirk. “Whip?”

I grasp the handle.

“Good. If any Vermix approach,
take care of them—not the Ludin. I don’t want to increase our
numbers and draw attention when they’re flying over.

We nod.

“Come here,” Reid takes my hand, leading me
away from the others. He glances back at the Rogues and Warze for a
moment before focusing on me. “Listen, if any do approach, let me
take care of them, okay?”

“I can handle it.”

“I know you can,” his mouth curves into a
grin, “
me. But for now, leave it to me. Okay?”


“I want you safe.”

“Uh…” I stifle a laugh, “have you looked
around? Do you know where we are?”

“Exactly,” he steps closer. “We’ve been
through too many close calls.”

“Reid, I can handle myself.”

“I know you can. But I’m not willing to take
any unnecessary risks. We have Jace, Booker and Warze with us.
Hopefully Tucker and…” he rolls his eyes, “Walker soon too. I want
you safe and protected and if you don’t have to attack, I don’t
want you to.”

“This is war. People—”

Reid shakes his head, gently clasping my
face in his hands. “No. Not you.
but you.”

I bite my lip.

“If we have help, let them help. I can’t get
distracted thinking about your safety. Okay?” his fear and
sincerity are palpable. “Please.”

“Fine…” I begrudgingly nod. “I’ll let the
others have all the fun.”

“Thank you,” he kisses my forehead.

“I thought you liked what I did with the

“I do…” he blushes, squeezing the back of
his neck, “…more than I should.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Uh…” he laughs, with a huge grin. “It—”

“Here they come!” Jace says. “The Ludins!
They’re here!”


Chapter Twenty-Three: Ludins

Reid whips around.

He threads our fingers together and we race
back to the others, keeping low to the side of the sloping
mountain. The top of the Eckles shake, the rounded lime Yulus
swinging back and forth as a large shadow flies over head, casting
an impressive wingspan against the orange Traxpire explosions.
Another one quickly follows, heavy gusts of wind rolling toward the
mountains. A shrill cry fills the night, breaking the relative
silence. After a second, the cry is echoed and the entire sky is
suddenly filled with the piercing sound.

“Must no make noise,” Warze says. “Draw
Ludin near.”

“Then how’re we going to meet up with Tucker
and Walker?” I whisper.

A quiet moment passes before Reid looks at
the Zingfinold. “We’re going to need bait.”

“But you said not to have any Vermix
nearby,” Jace frowns. “I don’t want them swarming us.”

“Well, they’re going to land around here
anyway and when they do, they’ll want to feed on something…
preferably not us. Warze,” he turns to him. “Do you think we can
snatch a few Vermix real quick? Keep them alive so when Tucker’s
Ludin lands, it can have a little snack? Suppress that hunger?”

Warze nods. “No many, though. If too many
Vermix, more Ludin land here.”

“Got it.”

“Come,” he jets into the darkness.

“Stay here,” Reid turns to us. His eyes find
mine. “We’ll be back shortly.” He must see that I want to say
something—stop him from going—because he offers a reassuring nod.
He then runs off into the black after Warze.

Jace leans against the mountain and slouches
to a seat. “Your boy’s going to just go ‘grab’ a few Vermix for
bait,” he shakes his head with a laugh. “Boss is crazy.”

Booker nods. “He’s

“We’re all brave,” I say. “Every one of us.
Reid is just a little… insane.”

“Well he’s got Warze,” Jace shrugs. “And
that motherfucker’s a killing machine.”

I look between the two Rogues. “How many do
you think they’ll bring back?”

“Maybe two? Three?” Jace turns to Booker who
offers a simple shrug. “Can’t be more than a handful. Warze said
too many and it’ll draw more of them. And frankly,” he exhales,
“I’m not too eager to see the one Tucker and Walker are bringing.
That fight the other day was enough.”

“I wonder how you ride them,” I muse with a
glance up. “Maybe they have saddles or something?”

“I don’t think the Zingfinolds are

A loud cry fills the sky and on instinct, we
duck. Orange blasts shoot high into the darkness, illuminating the
Ludins’ soaring silhouettes. Suddenly, the entire night is lit up
with the bright Traxpire explosions as the giant birds screech

“God I hope they don’t find us,” Jace

“It’s just the three of us,” I peek past the
mountainside and my heart stops. I jerk back. “Shit.”

“What?” Both Rogues ask.

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