Discovery at Nerwolix (30 page)

Read Discovery at Nerwolix Online

Authors: C.G. Coppola

Tags: #spirituality, #sex, #action adventure, #romance scifi, #war action adventure

BOOK: Discovery at Nerwolix
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up in the trees now… no more are

I heard something…

you are imagining it…

The Vermix pass behind the lime green bells,
my heart pounding fiercely in my chest. Booker watches the
Dofinikes move, still keeping his finger over his lips. I nod,
trying to listen as they pass.

Supreme will want them all dead…
especially the humans…

one was caught…he will be given to the
Supreme as a gift once he arrives…

Shit. Who was it?

The Vermix leave and I look at Booker. He
still doesn’t know. How do I tell him without speaking? But we have
to get off this branch eventually. I’ll tell him then. When we’re
away from the Vermix, I can tell him what I’ve heard. Another small
group of Dofinikes pass, this time on the opposite side of the
tree. Closing my eyes, I concentrate and listen.

will he be sending in the next wave?
This forest is cleared out…

not entirely. We are still chasing a
few. The others went back for the city but the Supreme does not
want us going in just yet…

what is he waiting for?

he wants to draw the Zingfinolds down
here… wants to separate them as much as possible. He will then
strike Zinnollo when it is exposed and weak. And by then, there
will not be any resistance in searching the Hylas.

once the Zingfinolds arrive, he will
send in another wave?

yes…but until then… it is only

Okay, so we have some time. Not a lot. Not
enough, but right now, there shouldn’t be any more
Vermix advancing into the forest. They’ll all remain on the beach
until the Zingfinolds arrive… which should be any minute. Now’s our

I look at Booker and motion to the ground.
He shakes his head quickly, pointing to the branch, indicating we
stay put. I shake my head and point again. It’s time to go. Now.
Before the rest of the Vermix start in. He starts to point to the
branch but I look around, trying to find the best way down. It’s a
long drop. And if I don’t land it right, I could sprain something
or make too much noise, drawing the Vermix’s attention. But we have
to go now.

Tucking the blade in my pocket, I move to
the end of the branch and Booker watches, worry marring his face.
Sitting on the edge, I grip the branch and lower myself down, my
feet dangling over the ground. I let go and by some miracle, land
perfect and silent. Booker follows, tucking his Brulily away as he
swings off the branch and lands next to me with a thud.

I heard something. I am not imagining

I duck low, indicating Booker to do the same
and suddenly, we’re on all fours, crawling our way past another
group of Vermix. I’m not sure where we’re going or how we’ll be
able to get through the Dofinikes but sitting in the branch wasn’t
going to do us any good. We need to either get back to the city or
join up with the Zingfinolds, who should be appearing some time

Seriously, where are they?

I stop and Booker stops too. The Vermix are
moving on the other side of the Yulus’ shield. Pressing my back
against a trunk, I wait, my heart pounding against my chest. I grip
my little blade.

you three stay here. I will check it

I turn to Booker but he already has his
Brulily to his lips, aimed and ready. As I turn back, my breath
hitches. The Vermix has walked straight through the lime green
shield and is looking down at us in shocked bewilderment. His mouth
opens but he says nothing. Does nothing. It’s not until I realize
the tiny dart in his neck that I understand.

He starts to fall forward but Booker jumps
up, catching him before he hits the ground. Silently, he places the
Vermix down and retrieves the Traxpire on his hip. Then, almost as
an afterthought, he hands me the Vermix’s other weapon—the whip.
This thing has terrified me since it chewed a long canal down my
forearm a month and a half ago. The wound healed, but there’s still
a nasty scar in its place, reminding me of the burning I felt when
my skin was ripped open by a flying knife. Gripping the handle, I’m
not sure what to do with it, so I tuck it in my pocket alongside
the Brulily, watching as Booker examines the Vermix for anything
else useful.

he said he would check it out. Be

“Booker,” I whisper and his eyes fly to
mine. I indicate three more Vermix are just behind the shield of
leaves and he looks back, as if trying to see them. I can tell he
wants to use the Traxpire, but it won’t do us any good. Not yet. We
need to take them down or leave. Even with our new array of
weapons, it may not help us against a small herd of Dofinikes.

fine, yes. I will go check…Verso, are
you back here?

“One more,” I mouth, indicating another
Vermix is about to come through the shield. With a quick swap he
hands me the Brulily and snags the small blade. Bringing the small
wooden device to my mouth, I wait until the green snout appears.
Once it does, I aim for the green patch between his eyes and blow.
The dart hits him where I want it to and like the other, he falls
forward. Booker catches him but this time, brings the blade
straight into his chest. The Vermix twitches, his eyes rolling up
and the Rogue places him down on the ground, next to the other.

Crawling over, I retrieve this Vermix’s
Traxpire and bring it to my side. Okay, at least we’re a little
better off with weapons. And now, there are only two on the other
side, not four. If they keep coming back one by one, maybe we

The last two Vermix rush forward, Traxpires
drawn. They eye their two dead companions on the ground first,
confusion stunning them motionless. Booker takes the opportunity to
stab one in the neck while I shoot another dart, hitting the other
in his neck. Both start to fall forward like the first two but
Booker is only able to stop one. The one I hit falls to the ground
with an audible thud and for a second, I’m terrified more are on
their way.

After retrieving the two new Traxpires,
Booker hooks them to himself while carrying the one in his right
hand and the blade in his other. I have both Brulilies in one
pocket, the whip in my other and I’m carrying a Traxpire in both
hands. I’m not sure where to go right now, but it needs to be away
from here because that thud was loud and soon, more Vermix will
come looking for its source.

“Where?” Booker mouths to me.

I gesture up ahead, to the trunk of an
enormous tree shielded by several low hanging Yulus. It has enough
branches to use for a quick escape if we need to fly up in an
instant, but mostly, I’m selecting it for its hefty camouflage.

We jet over as silently as possible and
helping each other, we climb up to the first branch. I take a
moment, closing my eyes to listen for any nearby Vermix. But it’s
quiet right now.

“We’re good,” I whisper, turning to him.
“Booker, I can understand them. They said they captured one of the


I shrug and after a moment, realize
something that could help us greatly. Placing a finger up to
request a moment, I close my eyes and focus on Sampson. I can do
this. I did it before and I can do it now.

Sampson—can you hear me?

A moment passes.

Sampson’s worried voice fills
my head.
Thank goodness you’re alright. Where are you?

With Booker. We’re still by the beach. Are
the Zingfinolds coming?

Yes, they should be there any minute. Are
you safe?

For now. Did everyone else make it back?

Everyone except you, Booker and Jace.

I inhale. It’s Jace. They’ve got Jace.

Listen, Sampson, I can understand the
Vermix. I don’t know how, but I can hear what they’re saying… or
thinking. Something.

Yes… I thought you might be able to. You’re
picking up on their thoughts, their communications to one another.
It’s because you’ve been exposed what you are, and now that you
know your true nature, your channels for receiving messages are
much stronger.

Can they hear me?

Doubtful. Most only tune in when they are
searching for a certain frequency, and since they’re ignorant to
you and your abilities, it is unlikely they will pick up on any of
your channels. But as a precaution, I would be careful with your
thoughts around them.


What did you overhear?

They said they’re going to unleash a second
wave once the Zingfinolds get here. They’re not advancing anymore
because they want to draw them out of the city so they can strike
it when it’s exposed and weak.

I’ll notify Hozfin. Have you heard them say
anything else?

They’re going to send some to the Hylas
I look to Booker, drowning in his confusion as he
watches my internal conversation with Sampson. I know he’s going to
want us to try to get back to the city but Booker doesn’t know
about Jace yet.
Listen, they’ve got Jace. I heard them say they
captured one of the humans.

A long pause.

Oh, dear. This isn’t good. Fallon, wait a

Another long moment goes by and I think
Sampson’s ended the conversation. I turn to Booker who looks like
he wants to ask a million questions but I sum it up for him before
he can speak.

“I’m talking with Sampson,” I whisper. “I’m
telling him everything I’ve overheard.”

“He wants us to stay put?”

“Probably wants us to head back to the

“Then we should go.”

“Booker…” I take a breath, “the Vermix have
Jace. I overheard them.”

“Shit,” he hangs his head.

, Sampson’s voice rings in.
Reid is requesting you stay hidden with Booker for now. I agree.
The Zingfinolds should be there any moment and once they arrive,
take the opportunity to head back here.

He’s planning on ambushing the city.

Hozfin didn’t send as many men as
Reuzkimpart thinks he did. It will be safer for you both here.

What about Jace?

A long moment.

We’ll get him.


Fallon, please just wait for the
Zingfinolds. Once they arrive, take the opportunity to flee.


“What did he say?” Booker whispers.

With a quick, quiet breath, I explain the
conversation, reemphasizing that Jace is here somewhere,

“But Boss wants us back at the city?”

“When the Zingfinolds arrive, but Booker,” I
inhale, “we
leave Jace. They are going to

“I know,” he huffs with a quick glance
around. “Think we can spot him from up high in the trees?”

I crane my neck. “It’s worth a try.”

“Well come on, Boss Lady,” he jams the
narrow end of one Traxpire in his pocket and hands me the two
others. He wraps his hand around my waist as I clutch the weapons
close. “Let’s take a look.”

We jet up through the thick shield of Yulus
and I’m afraid the sound will cause attention. But once we reach a
high branch and step off, it’s quiet. Like this part of the forest
has been deserted or something; it’s completely swept clean. I wait
another minute and when there’s still no movement, I turn to Booker
behind me. “Think it’s safe?”

He shrugs.

Slowly inching forward, I gently peel back
the lime green leaves and gasp.

The entire beach is covered, littered with
Traxpire-carrying Vermix that you can’t even see the sand. Walker
was right. There must be
of them. And that’s after
the first wave have already gone in. But are they still searching
the forest? Or have they retreated back to the shore with the
others? It’s hard to tell. Studying the ground, I search for any
movement, any meandering Vermix still sweeping the area but all
seems quiet. They must have returned to the beach, awaiting the
Zingfinolds arrival.

Are they ever coming?

We’re on the left flank of the beach, over
where Booker and Werzo started. I squint, trying to make out any
bright blonde hair among the dark green and brown bodies. But it
all looks the same. Just piled Vermix, like the army Sampson
predicted Reuzkimpart would bring. And this is all to obtain the
Floating Ruby?

“There he is,” Booker points.

I follow his finger to the yellow dot on the
edge of the beach, just down by the water. He’s completely
surrounded, but not in the direct middle of the army. In fact, he’s
very much off to one side, pushed to the very edge of the shore,
nearly where trees meet the water.

“Booker, we have to help him.”

The Rogue chews on his bottom lip, looking
around before tossing a glance over his shoulder back toward the

“We have Traxpires and I can understand
them… we can figure something out. I don’t know why the Zingfinolds
aren’t here yet, but the longer we wait… his chances…”

“I know,” Booker nods, still chewing on his
bottom lip. He lets out a deep sigh. “Alright, let’s get a closer

Wrapping his arm around me, he grabs another
leaf and swings us forward. Once we settle on that branch, we go
again, swinging closer and closer to the far left side where Jace’s
yellow hair penetrates the middle of all those dark green bodies.
When we’re two or three trees away from the edge of the forest,
Booker and I stop and scan the ground again.

“Think it’s manageable?” I whisper.


“Getting him out of there.”

“How do you expect to pull that off?”

“I don’t. I expect

“You’re crazy, Boss Lady,” he shakes his
head, running his hands up his face. “What’s your plan?”

“I’ll create chaos to the right. A
diversion. You,” I pull out the Brulilies and hand them to Booker,
“can sweep in and take care of any that haven’t left him. If you
need it, you have your own Traxpire and one for Jace.”

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