Discovery at Nerwolix (25 page)

Read Discovery at Nerwolix Online

Authors: C.G. Coppola

Tags: #spirituality, #sex, #action adventure, #romance scifi, #war action adventure

BOOK: Discovery at Nerwolix
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Sampson turns to Jothkore. “What do you
think? Is it time you return?”

“Thias was not devastated to see me go. I
believe he knew I was rejoining you. He may not be as welcoming as

“You won’t be there as a friend to the
Fychu, but as an aide to him,” Clarence says. “Thias must know of
the Vermixes’ plan to invade. They may wish to get involved if they
fear the Gift will be stolen.”

“Thias, like Hozfin, does not believe it can
be done. Even if I was to convince him—and I am not certain that I
could—he still may wish to stay impartial. He will see it as a
fight between Dofinikes and Zingfinolds and, if anything, will be
angry it is spilling onto his land.”

“He’s holding it against me,” Sampson sighs.
He begins pacing. “If I wasn’t involved, he may take it

“He would not take it seriously even if you
had not wronged him,” Blovid says. “Thias, like Hozfin, is prisoner
to his pride. It is of their nature, stemming from their being the
first. They think themselves invincible.”

“First?” Able bites into his melon.

Sampson nods. “She created Nerwolix first,
then Dellapalania and Mybyncia.”

“So why did She give Dellapalania the
Sight?” I ask. “Why didn’t that go to Nerwolix?”

“She created and presented Her Gifts to the
World that needed it. To Nerwolix—so proud from being created
first—She needed to secure their humility. So She offered the Gift
of Understanding, so they would know the balance of the Three
Worlds and would find the Way, leading to Her. To Dellapalania—so
watchful and curious of its sisters—She gave Sight. Obsessively
focused on others, they are perpetually blind to themselves and
their actions, so She offered the Gift of Sight, so they may seek
their own reflections and find their way back to Her. To Mybyncia,”
Sampson inhales, “so strong-willed and traditional—She gave
Ability. Needing for nothing, She offered the Gift of Ability
because there is always need for constant transformation, something
inherent in all living things.”

“So…” I look at Jothkore, “even if you go to
Thias and warn him of what’s coming… he wouldn’t believe you? At

“He may, but like I said, he wouldn’t put
much stock into it. He does not believe the Gift can be found, much
less stolen.”

“Still,” Sampson reasons, “it wouldn’t hurt
to be with him, constantly feeding him this information much like
Walker has been doing with Hozfin. We’re entirely giving
Reuzkimpart the upper hand here, and he knows it. Reuzkimpart is
feeding off Hozfin and Thias’s pride, knowing they’re doing very
little to prepare, if they even know at all.”

“And he’s right,” Reid nods. “Even with us
here, Hozfin and Thias aren’t concerned. They’re almost taking it…

“Even after today?” I look at Sampson. “With
the Vermix?”

“That…” he exchanges glances with Blovid,
“is why we’re here.” Sampson folds his arms. “Hozfin is
contemplating a counterattack—a strike on Dellapalania.”

“What?” we all gasp.

“Another one?” Jace asks.

“But how?” Pratt whispers.

“Is he serious?” Tucker narrows his eyes,
glancing from Reid to Sampson. “He doesn’t have the forces… the

“Oh he is serious,” Sampson nods, “but at
this moment, he’s still undecided. We tried explaining that
Dellapalania is currently in a state of civil war and that has only
piqued his interest. It may give him the very advantage he

“But…” I wonder aloud, “but…do they do that?
Do the Zingfinolds travel to the other Worlds? And to fight?”

“No,” Blovid shakes his head. “Not
typically. Thias and Hozfin would much rather remain here, on

“But Hozfin is outraged,” Sampson goes on.
“What you saw in his home—it was nothing. He held back because
there were females present. Had you not been there, I assume he
would have flayed them alive.”

“I think I’m going to be sick,” Pratt

“So he’s really considering an attack on
Dellapalania?” Able asks.

“Can you imagine if Queen Ravan wanted to
attack too?” Jace glances around. “The Arizals wouldn’t have much

“So when is he contemplating this?” I ask.
“After Reuzkimpart invades? Before? When?”

“We do not know…” Blovid looks at Sampson,
“he does not know. He is holding a meeting with his council later
tonight… the Fychu and I will be there, on his request. We will
have more information to share with you after.”

“Jeez…” Able exhales. “This just keeps
getting better and better.”

“And we still have no clue when
Reuzkimpart’s going to show up,” I mutter. “It could be any day

“Any day is right.” Sampson nods. “We need
to be on alert every hour, every minute, every second going
forward. Truthfully, I’m surprised he hasn’t brought the fight here
yet. He’s had ample time since they pulled out of Mybyncia. He
loses nothing by waiting and every day that passes, I’m more
shocked it hasn’t happened. So always be on the watch,” he scans
us. “Always be alert.”

“Are we even safe here?” Mae asks. “In the

“As safe as can be. Reuzkimpart is going to
spread his forces around the southern territory while sending in
troops to the Hylas Mountains.” Sampson glances at Blovid and
Clarence. “My guess anyway.”

“We will remind him of this tonight,” Blovid

Sampson turns to Jothkore. “I would like you
to go to Thias first thing tomorrow. See if you can make any
headway. Let him know of the Vermix’s anticipated arrival and
stress how they were found in the Hylas, not around the

Jothkore nods.

“Very good,” the Fychu turns back to us.
“Everyone good?”

Werzo raises his hand. “Weren’t we supposed
to get some roasted Horrop?”

,” Tucker snaps.

“No, he’s right,” Clarence moves for the
curtain, “and it’s coming right now,” he disappears outside.

Jace elbows Werzo who shrugs. “What? I’m

“No, I’m glad you asked.”

“Anyone have any other questions?” Sampson
glances around. “We’re all clear that from this moment going
forward, the Vermix could attack at any time. You all need to be
constantly on guard.”

We nod just as Werzo’s stomach lets out a
gurgle. He slips his hand up to cover it. “Sorry.”

Clarence arrives, passing around a large red
bowl filled with hot, roasted Horrop meat. Everyone takes a handful
the first round and on its second pass, most of the Rogues reach in
for another helping. Already filled up, I stick with my original
portion, licking the sweet juices from my fingers.

“Alright,” Blovid says after we’ve eaten. “I
think it is time for the Fychu and myself to head to Hozfin’s for
the meeting.”

“Remember,” Sampson warns as we all get up.
“Be on alert. Every day they’ve not arrived means they’re one day
closer to it.”

We all nod, offering a goodnight as we head
for the red curtain. Walker is making his way to my side but Able
reaches it first. “Sorry Walker—got to be quick around here,” he
tugs my arm closer to him, pulling me outside. “Walk you back?”


Able yanks me toward the bridge, quickly
glancing over his shoulder at everyone still leaving. Cheeks red,
he turns around and hooks elbows with mine. We make it halfway over
the wooden overpass when he opens his mouth and then closes it
again. He tries once more and giving up, he exhales. He turns to
me. “So how’re things going with Boss?”


“Awesome,” he nods, his focus drifting.

“Why?” my heart suddenly takes off, a deep
knot settling in the pit of my belly. “What’ve you heard?”

“Nothing,” his attention falls to the
ground. “Same.”



“What’s going on?

“Just uh…” he scratches his head with his
free hand. “Just wanted to say hey. Never get to talk to you, you

“You’re acting really weird,” I laugh,
bumping my hip against his. “Now come on, out with it. What’d you
want to talk about?”

“Nothing, nothing…” he runs his free hand
through his hair. “Just, you know… how’d girl talk go?”

“Girl talk?”

“Yeah,” he blushes, leading us over the end
of the bridge. “Didn’t you say you did that earlier? I forget
you’re constantly around the Rogues all the time… must be difficult
to be—”

“Are you really asking me about girl talk?”
I laugh.


We reach my trunk, the Eckle I’ve known as
home for the last few days. I lean against the wooden wall and
cross my arms, waiting for him to finish.

“I forget how, you know…how hard it—”

“Able,” I narrow my eyes. “What’s going on?
Why are you so interested?”

“Interested?” he backs up. “I’m not
interested. Just making conversation.”

“Of course.”

“Just… if you wanted to share anything…”

A small grin tugs at my mouth. What is Able
trying to find out? “I’m really curious as to why you want to

“Yeah,” Reid is here, hands on his hips and
a huge grin across his face. “Me too.”

My heart skips. “What are you doing

He flexes his brows. “It’s later.”

“What?” Able glances between us. “What’s
happening later?”

A hot tide sweeps my body. I bite my lip,
trying to distract myself from the spear of heat spiking my chest.
I can’t look at Reid this second and after a moment, Able seems to
get the point.

“Okay, well…” he backs up, already spinning
for the bridge. “I guess we’ll pick this up tomorrow. We’ll talk
tomorrow—right bestie?”

I nod and a smile crosses his face. His
focus shifts to Reid. “Night, Boss.”

“Commander,” Reid watches as Able disappears
down the bridge. He turns to me with a smile. “Hi.”


“I wasn’t interrupting, was I?”

“Not at all.”

“Good,” he rests one hand on the wall next
to my head. “I don’t want to be rude,” he leans closer, his focus
dropping to my mouth. His smile widens and his eyes flicker back to
mine. “You snuck off so quickly, I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to
see you tonight.”

I bite my lip—harder this time. “Well you’re

“I’d meant to walk back with you, but
Sampson wanted a last minute word.”

“Everything okay?”

Reid nods. “Just invasion stuff.”

“Anything I should know?”

He shrugs. “Beach location info. That’s all.
We’ll go over it tomorrow. But right now…” he leans in and presses
a gentle kiss to the side of my neck. I close my eyes, completely
immersed in it as everything grows dizzy. Reid slides his hand to
my hip. “This is more important,” he whispers.

I grip his shoulders. “We need to be
focused,” my mouth falls open. “Alert.”

“Believe me…” he runs his lips down my
throat. “I am.”


“Say that again.”


“My name…” he pulls back, his dark eyes
shifting between mine. “It’s my favorite sound. Just when you say

I inhale, my body frozen in warmth.

“Say it,” he requests.


He closes his eyes, absorbing the sound,
breathing it in. Resting his forehead against mine, he inhales.
“So…” he looks at my lips, “you going to invite me in? Or do I have
to wait out here all night?”

“And what would you be waiting for?”

He smiles. “You.”

My body lights up. The same hunger from
earlier flares in his eyes and I already know I’m gone. I want this
with him more than anything. More than I can explain to him.
Reaching for his hand, I thread our fingers together and spin for
the curtain.

My chest is pumping, excitement bubbling
deep in my stomach. Being alone with Reid always does funny things
to me. But he’s never had this look before, like his control is
slipping. Like it’s taking every ounce of strength to keep calm. I
saw it only once, earlier, when he forced himself to leave me to
girl time. The look sets me on fire, burning me from the inside
out. I’m finding it hard to breathe, finding it hard to concentrate
on anything other than where we’re touching. Every nerve is alive,
every hair and cell attuned to his presence behind me.

I turn around.

Reid is in front of the closed curtain. His
chest rises and then falls again, his eyes burning into mine. A
lump rolls down his throat. We look at each other for moment. Only
a moment.

Because that’s all it takes.

He cups his free hand around my neck and
pulls me up to his mouth. Our lips are pressed together in seconds
and he’s kissing me with urgency, like he’s never done it before,
like he’s been dying to all his life.

“Beautiful,” he groans, cupping my cheeks.
Tugging on my lower lip, he makes another deep growl from the back
of his throat and his hands drop to my side. He yanks up my
baseball tee, whipping it over my head. It’s on the floor and his
hands are back to my face, cradling me.

But I need to feel more of him.

My fingers drop to his hips, fumbling for
the end of his shirt. He groans as I slide my hands beneath the
material, feeling along the hard muscles of his stomach. It’s so
warm, so perfect. I could touch Reid all day. He breaks away and
pulls back, whipping off his shirt. He tosses it to the floor with
mine and kisses me again.

Our torsos make the same intimate contact
and his hands move from my face down my neck and over my back. He
feels the length of me first before his fingers find the bra clasp.
He pinches it and I tug on his lip, needing him to strip the
useless material. It’s only barricading us and I need to feel more
of him. Without leaving my mouth, he peels the straps from my
shoulders and lets it fall to the ground.

We’re pressed against each other and I think
my knees are going to break beneath me. Skin against skin. And it’s
hot. I need more of this. More of him. There’s not an inch between
us, but somehow his hands find their way to my stomach. They slide
up and he finds my breasts, squeezing. It sets alarms off, fire
sparking through them and into his chest. He does it again and I
moan into his mouth, tasting his tongue, massaging it. He keeps his
hands on me and I can’t take it. Throwing my arms around his neck,
I bring him in closer, hold him harder and he doesn’t fight it. He
wraps his hands around my back and crushes me to him.

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