Dianthe's Awakening (14 page)

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Authors: J.B. Miller

Tags: #Group Sex, #Orgies, #Shifters, #Gods, #Paranormal Romance, #Love Story, #Romance, #Werewolves, #Fantasy Romance, #Menege, #Erotic Romance, #BDSM, #MM, #Fae

BOOK: Dianthe's Awakening
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This was a time where I had to play the diplomat as protocol meant a great deal to them. Fiachra would not take kindly to me appearing in his court.

So, I sent a request on the wind and now wait for a reply.

A missive came to the receiver not to a place and the light court held no pleasure for me this day.

So, I did something that I had not done in centuries and I stepped out of the grey paths into the wild wood.

I knew the moment that I did that Cernunnos would know of my presence. Now the question was would he see me or hunt me.

It was a great risk but I was willing to take it on with the idea that he would do nothing to harm Dianthe.

Patience is a game we learn early on, so I sat beneath the branches of a Sycamore and watched idly as its leaves danced and twirled merrily on the branches above me.

I had just leaned my head back and propped up a knee to get comfortable when a snort came from behind me.

"Hello, Dorchadas. Where is your master," I asked the horse lazily.

The stallion nickered angrily and scraped at the ground in warning.

"He does not approve of your impudence, Oberon's' Puck. Or should I say, Dianthe's Puck?"

Cernunnos sat down beside me in his human form and put his arms behind his neck watching the leaves with me.

"Both are truth," I told him companionably.

"Do I even need to ask why you have ignored my denial of a meeting and came uninvited anyway?"

"You may if you wish," I said blandly, "but you know the answer so the point is mute."

I sat up, grabbed a blade of grass, and began to tear it into strips.

"I understand that you do not want me to see her right now, and I also agree that you can protect her better than we can in the mortal world at the moment. However, I must have answers that I can take back to the others. Our wolf mate is not doing well. In fact he is crumbling at an alarming rate without Dianthe."

Cernunnos sighed deeply at this but sat up to look at me.

"All is well with her, we have finally mated, and she is settling. She misses you all greatly but is content. Brónach has become fast friends with her and she has indeed claimed a hound. She named it Caomhnóir."

He paused to scowl at me, "However, terrifying her into not eating or drinking was not wise. She nearly died when she tried to run after fasting for three days. Lucky for us all I was able to save her and she indebted herself to me."

"She is well now?" I asked quietly.

"Yes," Cernunnos nodded. "She is doing very well now. Her training progresses to the point that she will be ready to come back to you by the end of this cycle."

I looked at him at that and he shook his head.

"No, I haven't told her yet. I am a coward in that way. The time will come soon enough when she will need to be told...but for now, I want her to be happy."

He stood and held out a hand to me, and I took it as he pulled me to my feet.

“Come to the Autumn Solstice of the Sluagh, she will be ready to go home with you then.”

"And you," I asked?

"I will be close to my death cycle then, hopeful with any luck she will be gone before it comes but…" He shrugged. "If not, then I trust you and the other two to keep her sane until she realizes that I shall return. She is so young."

I agreed, "Yes, she is. But she is strong and only will grow stronger. I do not believe we give her enough credit."

"You may be right, Puck of Dianthe." He cupped my face and leaned close so our noses were shy of touching.

"Tell me, do you welcome me to your bond? Will the others?"

I met his gaze levelly and never hesitated with my reply.

"I do, I cannot though say that Kale will with any grace. The fact you will not be always be there will help. Daniel is a godling in his own right, enabling him to share her easier. It will ease them more once they understand this is the circle complete. The four of us with her as our center."

"Of gods and men, Puck, even those of us who have been around forever do not know all the answers."

Cernunnos leaned in and kissed me gently before drawing back.

"Go home, Puck. Tell our other mates that she will be home when the time is right, and that I will find out who her accuser is and the Hunt will ride. There will be mounts waiting for you all."

"Good Hunting, Cernunnos."

"It will be, Puck. It will be," he told me and faded into the wood.

I turned myself and folded home. It was time to let Kale and Daniel know that in less than a week of the mortal clock our Dianthe would be home for better or worse.



~Note from Robin Goodfellow~


Are you yelling at us yet? I know this is a short part of our journey but the poor human that I work with can only take so much.

The trials that Dianthe are facing are larger than first expected and I have decided this part of the tale shall be cut in two.

Just so I am not leaving you hanging by a thread… I went back to Bean and told Kale and Daniel what was happening. Let us just say that Kale's language deteriorated greatly during that conversation.

Our brother by law, Sean, showed up during our conversation and he was also less than pleased. I can only hope that Cernunnos has one more mount available for the Hunt.

That mortal boy has more testicular fortitude than I had accredited him with.

Anyway, I will not bore you with any more details, but understand that within the week of mortal time, Dianthe will be back in Bean. Now the question is how much time is that in Faery?

Until then, gentle reader, I will leave you. I have two anxious mates to soothe and nibble.




Books by J.B. Miller


A Dia Mclearey Novel


Dianthe Rising


Fae Dominance - Novella


Dianthe's Awakening


Dianthe's Darkness – Coming Soon


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Excerpt from Dianthe Rising

A Dia Mclearey Novel Book One

By JB Miller


“Who’s there? Look, I don’t want any trouble. I’m meeting my mates at the other end of the street.”

Low laughter met my words and a familiar voice floated out to me. “Ah, petal, and here I presumed it was me you were looking for.”

With a tilt of my head, I looked into the shadows. It was the voice of the creepy guy in the club. “Marcus?” I called back.

“Oh goodie,” he replied. “You remembered my name. I’m anticipating hearing you scream it before I’m done with you.”

I began to get worried so I began to back away. “Look, “I said. “I don’t want any trouble, Marcus. It has been a long night and I’m heading home. I’m sorry we didn’t hit it off, but you’re not my type. No offense, okay?”

“Oh none taken, petal, in fact I’m going to show you how much it takes to offend me.”

A shudder raced down my back. My spine stiffened and I prepared to make a run for it as soon I could get enough space between us. “I don’t understand. What do you mean?” I questioned.

“Oh, darling, that delicious scent and the teasing laughter—it’s intoxicating. I watched you with that ignorant human ape. Why were you wasting your time with that piece of meat instead of me? Are you not into the fanged?”

“The what?” I gasped. “Look, Marcus, I guess you have me confused with someone else. I’m not into role-play and I’m so not Goth.”

“Oh, petal, petal, petal,” he wagged his finger back and forth. “So like the flower you are. I am going to pluck you until you lay broken at my feet. When you are laid in front of me, I’m going to drink up that beautiful nectar until you’re a wilted shell.”

“What the hell does that even mean?” I wondered aloud. I didn't think of the need to hold back on upsetting the crazy stalker man.

“It means I’m going to drink you down till your nothing but a dry husk.”

His eyes seemed to flash red in the light of the street lamp. Fear was beginning to take over and I was near panic when a noise broke into the quiet night. A group of young men stumbled into the tunnel singing drunkenly. Marcus turned his head to glance at the people coming our way and I took the chance it gave me and ran. His voice rang in my ears.

“Run, Dia, run. I’m coming for you.”

With all the speed in me, I dashed onto the next street. I looked for somewhere to hide so I could call for help. His laughter echoed all around me. I ran into the nearest alley and hid behind a large skip.

Oh God, how in the hell is this happening
. One hand reached down for my bag. I realized that I had lost it along with my only chance of calling in the Calvary.

Think, Dia, think. What would Sean do in a situation where he couldn't call in for backup

My eyes closed. I leaned my head back against the wall. I was trying to come up with a way out of this mess when I heard his voice.

“Dia, where are you? Come out, petal, I promise it will not be too bad. I can sense your divine scent... Mmmmmmm...delicious. I cannot wait to have a sip. I know you are near. Come out, come out, where ever you are.”

While taking shallow breaths, I tried not to make a sound as the freak hunted me.
What the hell did I do to get into this kind of mess?
I swear to God if I make it home, I am never letting Annie talk me into going out again.

I looked frantically around me for a way out of this serial killers wet dream. There was a pub about a hundred yards away. Oh, thank God. There were people milling around outside and the bouncer looked extra beefy. All I had to do was make a break for it and run like there is a killer on my tail.
Oh wait there is. Therefore, this shouldn’t be a problem.

Okay, Dia, you can do this
. A deep breath later and one last glance around the corner to make sure psycho boy was not on the other side, I took off. I made a mad dash and ran for all I was worth toward the safety of the pub.


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